How to get a USA Card

How to get a USA Card
Step 1: USA Site
Go to url:
◦ Click on the membership tab and then purchase membership option
Step 2: New Membership
Click on the “Click here” to create an account if you don’t already have one.
Step 3: Select Membership Level
Click Purchase Membership
Click on Athlete
Step 4: Fill out form
Fill out the form with relevant information
◦ Select Folkstyle, Freestyle, and Greco even if you may not end up participating in these forms of
◦ Click Create Account
Step 5: Add profile info
Select membership level: Basic for Fall Wrestling only, Full for Fall and Spring
Add Club: Cave Club Wrestling by clicking on Get and entering info
Add Weight: General Weight will do
Click: Print Card and Save Athlete
Continue to checkout
Step 1: Track Wrestling Sign Ups
Go to url:
Click on Browse and tournaments option
Step 2: Search Events
Click on: Search Events
Only enter the State: Utah
Click Search
Step 3: Select Event
Click on the name of the event you want to attend
Step 4: Enter Event
Click Enter Event
Click Pre-Register Now Link, you can click
On the Event Flyer for more info
Step 5: Register for Event
Click on Register Now
Enter your email address
Enter password
Click the “I have read Policy”
Then click Continue
Step 6: Fill out form
Fill out form, make sure team is “Cave Club Wrestling”
Step 7: Sign up for Division
Generally I would put Move up an age or weight division for most wrestlers even if they haven’t
wrestled before.
Enter grade and if they have never wrestled before then select the grade and beginner option
Put the weight they will be able to make when weighing in on Thursday evening, complete any
other fields necessary and click Add this Wrestler
Step 8: Checkout and pay
Click continue or add another wrestler if needed
Enter your billing info and credit card info and click Submit Registration
You are now registered for the Event.