Statistics project

Alanya Davignon
Chelsea Ballena
Chapter 11: Statistics Partner Project
1) Explain how bias, use of language, ethics, cost, time and timing, privacy, cultural
sensitivity on may influence the collection of data.
Bias: Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person or group compared with
another, usually in a way considered to be unfair
Use of language: How signs and meanings are combined, used, and interpreted.
Signs can be composed of sounds, gestures or symbols, depending on whether the
language is spoken, signed or written, and they can be combined into complex
signs such as words and phrases.
Ethics: Moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior.
Cost: (Of an object or an action) require the payment of a specified sum of money
before it can be acquired or done
Time and timing: A simulation method of computing the expected timing of a
digital circuit without requiring a simulation of the full circuit.
Privacy: Are responses kept confidential? Do people have the right to refuse to
Cultural sensitivity: Survey that is not racist towards other cultures.
These may all influence the collection of data because they will not have every citizen
participate in the vote. Some may have a strong influence towards a particular side and
the survey may be asked on a specific group of people.
2) Explain the difference between a population and a sample. Give examples.
Population: all the elements from a set of data
Sample: one or more observations from the population
Example of population and sample: If you want to know the average height of
people in Canada, this is the population - the population of Canada. Since you
can't get all the data from everyone, you take a sample. You get height of some
people in Canada and do your conclusion based on that.
3) Explain the different types of sampling methods and the benefits of each other.
Convenience sample: Choosing people from the population who are easy to
Example of convenience sample: One way researchers could quickly find out
what features most teenagers use on from their cellphones would be to go to a
local mall and survey the teens they find
Random sample: Selecting a sample from a population, each member of the
population has a equal chance of getting chosen.
Example of random sample: A group of ten people chosen out of a hat from 100
Stratified sample: Dividing the population into groups and choosing the same
number of members from each group.
Example of stratified sample: People who like pizza and putting them into smaller
groups based on their favourite pizza topping.
Systematic sample: Choosing a random sample from among a larger population.
Example of systematic sample: If the whole population was 1000, the next group
would be 100 data points and within that would involve observing every 10th data
Voluntary response sample: Created by inviting the whole population to
Example of voluntary response sample: A news show asks viewers to participate
in an on-line poll.
4) Explain the difference between theoretical and experimental probability/
Theoretical probability is the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total
number of outcomes, while experimental probability is the ratio of the numbers of
times the event occurs to the total number of trials.
Example of theoretical probability: When you flip a quarter there is a possibility
of 0.5 that you will get heads.
Example of experimental probability: If a student tosses a dice 6 times and fails to
toss a 4, the experimental probability will be 0/6 or 0.
5) Find 3 examples (different from the examples already discussed in class) of misleading
statistics used in the media and explain why they are misleading.
This graph is lacking information, such as labels to provide a clear understanding
of which product actually works better.
While the original graph seems to be trying to convince us that April sales have
very obviously fallen, these two graphs tell us the opposite. Appropriately, the
title third graph has been changed completely to give the opposite minute
In this graph it shows that the democrats 37% is lower the the republicans 37%. Even
with the exact same percentage the image shows differently which makes it