Chugach Educational Corporation (CEC) Board Meeting Minutes

Chugach Educational Corporation (CEC)
Board Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2017
Laura Schue—President
Michael Allwright—VP
Angela Palmer—Secretary
Tim Hroza—Treasurer
Kelsey Saari—MAL
Jocelyn Pemberton—PC Coordinator, voting board member rep.
Clare Fulp Principal,
Not Present: Kristen Lindsey—PCC
Meeting Called to Order 12:36
MOTION to approve AGENDA by Angela Palmer. Second by Kelsey Saari. Motion
was approved unanimously.
February CEC Minutes Approved. Jocelyn Pemberton moved to approve. Second
by Angela Palmer. Unanimous approval. Motion passed.
Financial Report. Budget to Actuals provided from March 31, 2017.
Tax Preparations. Tim finished 2015/2016 school year taxes (Taxes are paid
based on our fiscal year: July to June). Laura will sign. CEC is a 501C3 nonprofit.
Line Items of note.
Big Simple: some teachers have overspent. Clare will address this with
Beth paid $2,438 deposit for Outdoor School for 2017/18. School anticipates
the need to charge $50/family and do fundraisers for remainder. Scholarships
will be available from the principal.
Art Night raised $7,700 for Mauni Primary School in Malawi.
Amy has one more book fair. She anticipates ~ $1000 in revenue from this
Matching Funds from corporations. Continued discussion about who allocates
these funds. A panel discussion will be formed with past Board Members at the
next Assembly meeting.
Funds not spent in this fiscal year will be rolled over as in previous years.
Spirit Wear Flash Sale earned $1,300 and cleared inventory from storage. Clare
is putting together a new order for shirts and hoodies with alternative fabric for
individual orders. It will not be a fundraiser.
Excess in Battle of the Books is allocated because Battle organizers will
purchase next year’s books before end of school year.
New line item approved by Assembly in January for budget surplus went for
carts, walkie-talkies, projector bulbs, upper reading program, directory, initial
kick off of reading coach ($500 of 3500 total)
Sue Heinz, Reading Coach, $3,000 remainder will be allocated from Teacher
Philosophy Partnering. Originally designated for work by Leigh, Leigh was paid
with other funds Clare had available from the district. $300 of the Teacher
Philosophy Partnering went to Leigh’s work with Bill.
Curriculum Coaching (formerly Tutoring Line Item) has finished for this year
and zeroed out the $12,000 budget.
Professional Development was targeted towards Bridges math instructor, Janis.
Due to Janis’s illness she has not been able to travel to Anchorage as much as
expected. Clare is interested in finding a lower cost solution in the future from
someone in Anchorage. Bobby Je Erb is a math expert and former head of math
curriculum for the district and may be a possibility.
This year Explorations will pay for the Juggler in Residence this Friday
including Family Juggle Night. Explorations has also included East High Science
 No Budget requests
 Draft Budget thoughts for FY 2017/18
o Add Lego League back to budget $500
o Add Science Share $500 (ribbons ~$400 every two years, $100 office
supplies annually, Food during guest speakers, possible one time
purchase of tables $500).
o Combine Principal’s Discretionary Fund and Scholarship Fund for
total of $2000
o Explorations line item. Began discussion about Explorations. School is
not legally bound to provide Explorations. Explorations help
enrichment and integrated theme studies. This year they have paid for
East High Science Day and Juggler in Residence. Possible name change
to: Enrichment. How do they differ from classroom expenses?
o Add line item for Food to support Assembly meetings and school events.
o Teacher Philosophy Partnering. Jean will be available next year to
support new Kindergarten teacher. New hire will have the expectation
of mentorship. Clare asks for more definition and measurable results to
understand best practices and use of funds.
o Ice Rink. Skating season is over. This is an expensive item in our budget.
Is it being utilized? Is it safe? Is there a way to negotiate by combining
with other schools nearby to lower the price?
NEW BOARD MEMBERS. The board is looking for new board members for next
year. Our By-Laws dictate that 3 community members must form a nominating
committee for new board members. Laura, Michael, and Kelsey will form this
committee. Assembly members nominated would be presented at the April
Community Assembly meeting and voted on at the following May meeting. Parents
interested in being on the nomination committee or in joining next year’s Board
should talk with any current board member. Positions available include Vice
President (aka President Elect), Secretary, Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, and
Member at Large.
PC UPDATE by Jocelyn. If we use the My School Anywhere (MSA) application for
organizing volunteers and adding the shopping cart feature for the school, the MSA
fee may increase. Still looking for PC Coordinators for 2017/18. Need someone to
step up by April 3rd Assembly Meeting. Christine Flanum has offered to purchase
beginning of the year school supplies in bulk for families to saving money and
time and increase efficacy of list. Teachers would need to update their supply list
After 30 years of service to Chugach Optional School, beloved school nurse
Madelyn Schlansker is retiring.
Playground Update. After months of discussions, drafts and a vote of
approval by the Chugach Assembly, the ASD did not approve the proposal for the
labyrinth playground design. Laura will contact the district to find out more
information and whether there is an appeal process.
RESOLUTION for Bank Signage. Kelsey Saari made a motion to approve Michael
Allwright as a bank signer for any financial business of the board, effective
immediately. Michael Allwright is President Elect of the board. Angela Palmer
seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
APRIL MEETING TOPICS- Draft Budget, Slate of Officers for 2017/18 Board,
Philosophical Discussion with Panel of past Board members, Announcement about
FINANCIAL POLICY REVIEW. Michael Allwright will chair a working group
for next year to update the bylaws.
Thank you notes signed for Science Share guest speakers.
Next Meeting April 17th 12:30 pm.
Motion to adjourn by Angela Palmer. Seconded by Michael Allwright. Unanimously
approved. MEETING ADJOURNED 2:15