Student Education Occupation Plan

How will you know when you have found the perfect
 Domain: Life/Career Development
 Standard E: Students will explore the world of work
Objective 1: Locate and evaluate life/career information
Objective 2: Learn to make life/career plans
Objective 3: Learn to set goals to achieve life/career plans
 Domain: Life/Career Development
 Standard F: Students will learn to make life/career
Objective 1: Use strategies to achieve future life/career goals
Evaluation will occur after each year.
Needs Improvement
Not Completed
Completed and Discussed
Oral Presentation
Not Completed
Completed with appropriate
visual/handouts and
Discussed in SEOP
Written Presentation
Not Completed
Completed with proper
format, citations, references
and Discussed in SEOP
Not Conducted
Conducted, written
summary report submitted
and Discussed in SEOP
Not Conducted
Conducted and presented
with references in proper
format and Discussed in
 7th Grade: Log-in to and
complete the Learning Styles Assessment.
 Type your name in the name field and answer the
questions with your first best guess. When you
finish, print the results page and turn it in to me.
We will discuss it with your parents at your SEOP
conference. Sign up for your conference on the signup sheet before you leave the counseling center.
 Using Pioneer Online Library, research using
information from CultureGrams for a career in
which you are interested and submit a one-page
report summarizing your research.
 Conduct an interview with someone you know
who has a job in which you are interested.
 8th Grade: Log-in to and
complete the Values Assessment and Interest
 Type your name in the name field and answer the questions
with your first best guess. When you finish, print the results
page and turn it in to me. We will discuss it with your
parents at your SEOP conference. Sign up for your
conference on the sign-up sheet before you leave the
counseling center.
 Participate in Reality Town, present an oral report
on that experience, and be prepared to discuss
what you learned.
 Conduct an interview with someone you know
who has a job in which you are interested.
 9th Grade: Log-in to and complete
the Keirsey Temperament Sorter.
 Type your name in the name field and answer the questions
with your first best guess. When you finish, print the results
page and turn it in to me. We will discuss it with your
parents at your SEOP conference. Sign up for your
conference on the sign-up sheet before you leave the
counseling center.
 Using Pioneer Online Library, research using
information from SIRS for a career you learned
about in the Temperament Sorter. Write a onepage essay describing what you learned.
 Conduct an interview with someone you know
who has a job in which you are interested.
 10th Grade: Log-in to and complete
the Ability Profiler.
 Type your name in the name field and answer the questions
with your first best guess. When you finish, print the results
page and turn it in to me. We will discuss it with your
parents at your SEOP conference. Sign up for your
conference on the sign-up sheet before you leave the
counseling center.
 Do an oral presentation during your SEOP about
the career you explored in Ability Profiler.
 Conduct an interview with someone you know
who has a job in which you are interested.
 11th Grade: Log-in to and
complete the Interest Assessment.
 Type your name in the name field and answer the questions
with your first best guess. When you finish, print the results
page and turn it in to me. We will discuss it with your
parents at your SEOP conference. Sign up for your
conference on the sign-up sheet before you leave the
counseling center.
 Using Pioneer Online Library, research EBSCO for
a career you learned about in the Interest
Assessment. Write a one-page essay describing
what you learned.
 Conduct an interview with someone you know
who has a job in which you are interested.
 12th Grade: Log-in to and and complete the Scholarship
 Type your name in the name field and answer the questions
with your first best guess. When you finish, print the results
page and turn it in to me. We will discuss it with your parents at
your SEOP conference. Sign up for your conference on the signup sheet before you leave the counseling center.
 Report during the SEOP about your Scholarship
Search results.
 Conduct an interview with someone you know
who has a job in which you are interested.