An example completed campaign proposal

Example Campaigns Proposal Form Completed
Title: The Campaign Proposal
Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts. National Demo 2010!
Higher Education is facing a generational threat by funding cuts. The £1.5 billion cuts that the University
sector faces from the government will result in the loss of hundreds of jobs and the closure of many
academic courses which will have a massive impact on the student experience.
The recent publication of the Browne Report has highlighted further the importance of a strong campaign
to defend the higher education sector. With cuts of over 80% to teaching, our courses and the quality of
our degree are really on the front line. The University of Reading will be hit by these savage cuts and is
more than like to see its tuition fees rise to £7000, if not more.
Aims & Objectives
Our aim is to oppose the government cuts to Education.
By sending hundreds to Reading University Students to the National Demo to join the NUS & UCU and
thousands of other students from around the country, Reading University Student Body would be helping
send a strong message to the government and also a firm message to our own Vice Chancellor.
We want to prevent funding cuts to our Universities and oppose the increase of tuition fees.
Campaigning Statement
We believe that it is wrong to expect student to have to pay more for less, and we oppose the
marketization of the University Sector. Education is a public good just like health and social care. Price
should not be a factor in accessing it. Education changes the lives of individuals, families and
communities – and still remains the driver of social mobility. Cutting education and skills budgets has a
detrimental effect on the society and the economy. Jobs, student places, funding for teaching and access
itself are at risk from the Coalition Government and together we must fight back to protect our
For these reason, we believe that RUSU should fully support and participate in the NUS and UCU
demonstration and on Wednesday 10t6h November 2010 in central London. We believe that RUSU should
work to ensure that as many students as possible are aware of the cuts and marketisation agenda and are
mobilised to campaign against them.
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Logo: Sent as attachment
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