Chapter 11 Location Chapter 11 Location TRUE/FALSE 1. If the customer must be physically present at the process, location is an important issue. Answer: True Reference: Introduction Difficulty: Easy Keywords: location, physical, presence, customer 2. Secondary location factors are derived from competitive priorities. Answer: False Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: secondary, location, factor 3. One dominant factor in locating manufacturing facilities is a favorable labor climate. Answer: True Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: labor, climate, factor 4. When outbound transportation costs are a dominant factor, manufacturing facilities should be located close to suppliers and resources. Answer: False Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, cost, outbound 5. Traffic flows are one dominant factor in manufacturing location. Answer: False Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: traffic, flow, location 301 Chapter 11 Location 6. Service location decisions are driven primarily by the operating costs at the locations under consideration. Answer: False Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: service, location, cost, revenue 7. Critical mass is a situation whereby several competing firms clustered in one location attract more customers than the total number who would shop at the same stores in scattered locations. Answer: True Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Easy Keywords: critical, mass, customers 8. A geographic information system contains demographic information. Answer: True Reference: Geographic Information Systems and Location Decisions Difficulty: Easy Keywords: GIS, geographic, information, system, demographic 9. Repeated onsite expansion ultimately leads to diseconomies of scale. Answer: True Reference: Choosing Between an Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: onsite, expansion 10. More than 80 percent of all relocations are within 20 miles of the first location, so usually the existing workforce is displaced. Answer: True Reference: Choosing Between an Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: relocation, workforce, displace 11. The center of gravity method considers a greater number of factors than the break-even analysis. Answer: False Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Easy Keywords: center, gravity, break-even 12. A decision maker using break-even analysis must assume that suppliers do not provide discounts for large orders. Answer: True Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break-even 302 Chapter 11 Location 13. Break-even analysis can help a manager compare location alternatives on the basis of quantitative factors that can be expressed in terms of total cost. Answer: True Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break, even 14. When a firm with a network of existing facilities plans a new facility, the new facility is assumed to operate independently of the existing ones. Answer: False Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: facility, network 15. The transportation method provides optimal solutions for minimization of shipping costs in multiple facility location problems. Answer: True Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, shipping 16. A dummy plant is one that cannot meet customer demands regardless of the number of locations. Answer: False Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: dummy, plant 17. Simulation is a procedure used to determine the “best” solution that generally uses simplified and less realistic views of a problem. Answer: False Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: simulation, assumption MULTIPLE CHOICE 18. The group of location factors found to be most important for new manufacturing plants, on the average, is: a. proximity to markets. b. quality of life. c. proximity to suppliers and resources. d. favorable labor climate. Answer: d Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: location, factors, climate 303 Chapter 11 Location 19. A favorable labor climate might include: a. a poor work ethic. b. no union presence. c. high average wages. d. an uneducated work force. Answer: b Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: labor, climate 20. Quality of life issues include: a. proximity to markets. b. prevailing wage rates. c. local and state taxes. d. recreational facilities. Answer: d Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: labor, climate 21. Which of the following location factors was NOT found to dominate location decisions for new U.S. manufacturing plants? a. Proximity to the parent company’s facilities b. Quality of life c. Proximity to competitors’ facilities d. Favorable labor climate Answer: c Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: location, factor 22. Which of the following statements about locating new U.S. manufacturing plants is best? a. A favorable labor climate is the most important factor for capital-intensive plants. b. Labor climate is a function of wage rates, training requirements, attitudes toward work, worker productivity, and union strength. c. Locating near markets is less important when the finished goods are bulky or heavy and outbound transportation rates are high. d. The shift of new industrial jobs to nonurban regions experienced in the United States is not taking place in Japan and Europe. Answer: b Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: labor, climate 304 Chapter 11 Location 23. Which of the following statements about locating new U.S. manufacturing plants is best? a. General Motors Corporation located its new plant to manufacture the Saturn car in Detroit, primarily because of proximity to current suppliers and many of its other facilities. b. Industries dependent on inputs of bulky, perishable, or heavy raw materials emphasize proximity to markets. c. Quality of life means good schools, recreational facilities, cultural events, and an attractive lifestyle. d. Locating large, high-volume facilities offshore that are focused on a particular product and market is the best way to deal with the uncertainties of nontariff barriers such as political risks, regional trading blocks, and exchange rates. Answer: c Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: quality, life 24. Which of the following statements about locating facilities in the service sector is best? a. The factors that apply to manufacturing firms often also apply to service facilities, but the impact of the location on sales and customer satisfaction is an important addition. b. Management should avoid locating facilities where competitors are already well established, as illustrated by new car showrooms. c. Creating a critical mass is a strategy that avoids locating near competing firms. d. “Site specific” factors are the main reason for locating warehousing and distribution operations near the customer. Answer: a Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: locating, service, facility 25. Which of these is NOT identified as a component of a geographical information system? a. Hardware b. Data c. Software d. Network Answer: d Reference: Geographical Information Systems and Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: GIS, geographical, information, system 26. Which of these is NOT a common functionality of a GIS? a. Data storage b. Communication c. Map display d. Modeling Answer: b Reference: Geographical Information Systems and Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: GIS, geographical, information, system 305 Chapter 11 Location 27. Which of the following usually is an advantage of on-site expansion, compared to building a new facility? a. Reduced construction time and costs b. Focused facility c. Simplified production control d. Reduced transportation cost Answer: a Reference: Choosing Between and Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: expansion, new, facility 28. Most firms that choose to relocate operations have: a. more than 500 employees. b. more than 100 employees but fewer than 500 employees. c. more than 10 employees but fewer than 100 employees. d. fewer than 10 employees. Answer: d Reference: Choosing Between and Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: expansion, new, facility 29. Which one of the following is usually an advantage of building a new facility, compared to on-site expansion? a. Reducing construction time and costs b. Keeping management together c. Reducing transportation costs d. Not splitting up operations Answer: c Reference: Choosing Between and Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: new, facility, expansion 30. Which of the following statements about company relocations is best? a. Less than 80 percent of all relocations are made within 20 miles of companies’ original locations. b. More than 80 percent of all relocations are made within 20 miles of companies’ original locations. c. More than 20 percent of all relocations are made within 8 miles of companies’ original locations. d. Less than 20 percent of all relocations are made within 80 miles of companies’ original locations. Answer: b Reference: Choosing Between and Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: new, facility, expansion 306 Chapter 11 Location 31. Widgets, Inc. wishes to locate two new manufacturing facilities. Based on the following subjective criteria, where should the new facilities be located? (Excellent = 5, Very good = 4, Good = 3, Fair = 2, Poor = 1) a. B and D b. A and D c. C and D d. D and E Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: location, factors 32. McKenna Restaurant wishes to open a new store. Based on the following subjective criteria, where 10 is excellent and 0 is poor, where should the new store be located? a. A b. B c. C d. D Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: location, factors, weighted 307 Chapter 11 Location 33. The point has been reached where a biotechnology research and development company must expand by building a new facility. The search has been narrowed to four locations, all of which are acceptable to management. The assessment of these sites is being made on the basis of the six subjective location factors that follow. Management has agreed to use a five-point scale (Excellent = 5, Very good = 4, Good = 3, Fair = 2, Poor = 1) to quantify and compare their subjective opinions about the relative goodness of the sites. The weight reflects the importance of each factor in the decision. Calculate the weighted score for each alternative. Which location would you recommend? a. A b. B c. C d. D Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: location, factors, weighted 308 Chapter 11 Location 34. A company desires to locate a new facility. Based on preliminary analysis, the choice has been reduced to four locations: A, B, C, and D. These four locations were rated on a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best) on each of four criteria. Each criterion was also weighted to indicate its importance (i.e., the higher the weight, the more important). The list of ratings and weights follows. Based on weighted scores, where should the company locate its new facilities? a. A b. B c. C d. D Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: weighted, score, location 35. Sweet Candy, Inc. wishes to open two new stores. Based on the following subjective criteria, where should the new stores be located? The higher the score, the better. Factor Markets Transportation Labor Climate Taxes Quality of life Weight 35 25 20 15 5 Factor Score Evaluation by Location A B C D E 4 3 5 4 5 3 5 3 3 2 5 5 2 3 5 2 4 4 5 2 3 4 5 4 5 a. A and B b. B and C c. B and D d. B and E Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: weighted, score, location 309 Chapter 11 Location 36. The Hunan Restaurant wishes to locate a new facility. Based on the following subjective criteria, where should the new facility be located? (Very good = 5, Good = 4, Fair = 3, Poor = 2, and Very poor = 1) a. A b. B c. C d. D Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: weighted, score, location 37. A quantitative method used to evaluate single locations based primarily on proximity is: a. break-even analysis. b. the transportation method. c. a preference matrix. d. the load-distance method. Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load-distance, load, distance 38. A quantitative method used to evaluate multiple locations based on total cost of production or service operations is called: a. break-even analysis. b. the transportation method. c. a preference matrix. d. the load-distance method. Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break-even, break, even 310 Chapter 11 Location 39. Four departments are located in adjacent bays in the same loading dock. The distance between adjacent bays is 30 feet, the distance between bays separated by another (Alpha and Charlie, Bravo and Delta) is 60 feet, and the distance between Alpha and Delta is 90 feet. Use the information in the table to calculate the load distance for location Alpha. To To To To From Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Alpha 0 15 20 30 Bravo 5 0 12 8 Charlie 10 7 0 4 Delta 15 24 6 0 a. 2100 b. 6450 c. 4350 d. 2250 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load-distance, load, distance 40. Four departments are located in adjacent bays in the same loading dock. The distance between adjacent bays is 30 feet, the distance between bays separated by another (Alpha and Charlie, Bravo and Delta) is 60 feet, and the distance between Alpha and Delta is 90 feet. Use the information in the table to calculate the load distance for location Bravo. To To To To From Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Alpha 0 15 20 30 Bravo 5 0 12 8 Charlie 10 7 0 4 Delta 15 24 6 0 a. 3090 b. 3300 c. 2100 d. 1200 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load-distance, load, distance 311 Chapter 11 Location 41. Four departments are located in adjacent bays in the same loading dock. The distance between adjacent bays is 30 feet, the distance between bays separated by another (Alpha and Charlie, Bravo and Delta) is 60 feet, and the distance between Alpha and Delta is 90 feet. Use the information in the table to calculate the total load distance for this layout. To To To To From Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Alpha 0 15 20 30 Bravo 5 0 12 8 Charlie 10 7 0 4 Delta 15 24 6 0 a. 3930 b. 18480 c. 9240 d. 12660 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load-distance, load, distance Table 11.1 A single facility is needed to meet the demands of four markets. The locations and demands of these four markets are shown below. 42. Use the information from Table 11.1. What are the x and y coordinates for the center of gravity? a. x > 6, y > 7 b. x > 6, y < 7 c. x < 6, y > 7 d. x < 6, y < 7 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 312 Chapter 11 Location Table 11.2 Durham Toy, Inc. has five distribution centers at the location coordinates given as follows. The monthly demand at each center is also given. 43. Use the information in Table 11.2. What are the x and y coordinates for the center of gravity? a. x > 14, y > 15 b. x < 14, y > 15 c. x <14, y < 15 d. x > 14, y < 15 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 44. Use the information in Table 11.2. If the plant is located at the center of gravity, what is the load– distance score, assuming rectilinear distance? a. Less than or equal to 1500 b. More than 1500 but less than or equal to 1600 c. More than 1600 but less than or equal to 1700 d. More than 1700 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 313 Chapter 11 Location 45. Consider the location of four distribution centers, A, B, C, and D, with the following location coordinates and shipping requirements per week. Management is considering locating a new plant at the site of one of the four distribution centers. What is the load–distance score if the plant is located at distribution center A? (Use rectilinear distance.) a. Less than or equal to 4500 b. Greater than 4500 but less than or equal to 5000 c. Greater than 5000 but less than or equal to 5500 d. Greater than 5500 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 46. Pinkerton Company has four distribution centers located at the location coordinates given. The monthly demand at each center is also given. Assume that management is considering locating its new plant at distribution center A. What is the load–distance score, assuming rectilinear distance? a. Less than 33,000 b. Greater than 33,000 but less than 33,500 c. Greater than 33,500 but less than 34,000 d. Greater than 34,000 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 314 Chapter 11 Location 47. A single facility is needed to meet the demand of four regions depicted as follows: If the plant is located at A, what is the total load–distance score, assuming Euclidean distance? a. Less than or equal to 1000 b. More than 1000 but less than or equal to 1100 c. More than 1100 but less than or equal to 1200 d. More than 1200 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity Table 11.3 A firm has the following demand forecasts for the five markets that it serves: 48. Use the information in Table 11.3. What is the center of gravity? a. x < 7, y < 8 b. x > 7, y < 8 c. x < 7, y > 8 d. x > 7, y > 8 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 315 Chapter 11 Location 49. Use the information in Table 11.3. If the firm decides to locate the warehouse at point D, what is the total load–distance score? (Use rectilinear distance.) a. Less than 400 b. Between 401 and 450 c. Between 451 and 500 d. More than 500 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load, distance, rectilinear Table 11.4 A company has determined the “demand points” and their relative locations as follows: 50. Use the information in Table 11.4. If a company desires to locate a manufacturing facility at the center of gravity, what would be the x and y coordinates of the facility? a. x < 14, y < 14 b. x < 14, y > 14 c. x < 15, y < 14 d. x < 15, y > 15 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 316 Chapter 11 Location 51. Use the information in Table 11.4. If a facility were to be located at (15,15), what would be the load– distance score? (Assume rectilinear distance.) a. Less than or equal to 5500 b. More than 5500 but less than or equal to 6000 c. More than 6000 but less than or equal to 6500 d. More than 6500 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load, distance, rectilinear Table 11.5 Union Fork, Inc. has five distribution centers located at the location coordinates given as follows. The demand at each center is also given. 52. Use the information in Table 11.5. What are the x and y coordinates for the center of gravity? a. x > 7.5, y > 6 b. x > 7.5, y < 6 c. x < 7.5, y > 6 d. x < 7.5, y < 6 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 53. Use the information in Table 11.5. If a plant is located at a center of gravity, what is the load–distance score, assuming rectilinear distance? a. Less than or equal to 500 b. More than 500 but less than or equal to 550 c. More than 550 but less than or equal to 600 d. More than 600 Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load, distance, rectilinear 317 Chapter 11 Location 54. Use the information in Table 11.5. Assume that two plants, rather than one, are to be located. Plant 1 serves distribution centers A, B, and C. Plant 2 serves distribution centers D and E. What is the center of gravity for plant 1? a. x > 4, y > 7 b. x > 4, y < 7 c. x < 4, y > 7 d. x < 4, y < 7 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 55. Use the information in Table 11.5. What is the total load–distance score for the two plants if Plant 1 is located at the center of gravity serving distribution centers A, B, and C, and Plant 2 is located at the center of gravity serving D and E? (Assume rectilinear distance.) a. Less than or equal to 300 b. More than 300 but less than or equal to 350 c. More than 350 but less than or equal to 400 d. More than 400 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Hard Keywords: load, distance, rectilinear 56. Use the information in Table 11.5. What is the total load–distance score for the two plants if Plant 1 is located at the center of gravity serving A, B, and C, and Plant 2 is at the center of gravity serving D and E? (Assume Euclidean distance.) a. Less than or equal to 240 b. More than 240 but less than or equal to 260 c. More than 260 but less than or equal to 280 d. More than 280 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Hard Keywords: load, distance, Euclidean 318 Chapter 11 Location 57. Malhotra Company has four distribution centers located at the location coordinates given as follows. The monthly demand at each center is also given. Management wants to build a new plant that would be located at the center of gravity of the four distribution centers. Which of the following options best represents the coordinates of the new plant location? a. X coordinate is greater than 150 but less than 170; y coordinate is greater than 210 but less than 230. b. X coordinate is greater than 150 but less than 170; y coordinate is greater than 230 but less than 250. c. X coordinate is greater than 170 but less than 190; y coordinate is greater than 210 but less than 230. d. X coordinate is greater than 170 but less than 190; y coordinate is greater than 230 but less than 250. Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 319 Chapter 11 Location 58. Kiddie Clothes wishes to locate its warehouse so that it would serve its four different stores, described as follows. Based on the center of gravity, what are the x and y coordinates of the proposed warehouse location? a. X is less than or equal to 3; y is less than or equal to 2. b. X is less than or equal to 3; y is less than or equal to 2.5. c. X is greater than or equal to 2.5; y is greater than or equal to 3. d. X is less than or equal to 2.5; y is greater than or equal to 2.9. Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 59. Bill Burns, district manager of the Pizza Palace, wishes to locate a new store in the metropolitan areas. Using the following information, what are the x and y coordinates for the center of gravity? Don’t round up or down your answer before making your choice. Market Grandview Heights Upper Arlington Bexley Worthington Medfield Demand (pizzas/day) 250 100 150 350 500 x coordinate y coordinate 2 4 7 4 4 2 5 3 9 3 a. X is less than or equal to 4; y is less or equal to than 4.5. b. X is greater than or equal to 5; y is greater than or equal to 3.5. c. X is less than or equal to 3.5; y is less than or equal to 4.5. d. X is less than or equal to 4; y is greater than or equal to 4.5. Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 320 Chapter 11 Location 60. A national drugstore chain prefers to operate one outlet in a town that has four major market segments. The number of potential customers in each segment, along with the location coordinates, are given below. Which would be the best location using the center of gravity method? a. x > 10, y < 5 b. x < 10, y > 5 c. x < 9, y < 6 d. x < 11, y > 8 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 61. A grower and shipper of fresh gourmet herbs has determined the following demand forecast for the five metropolitan markets that the firm serves. Based on your calculations of the center of gravity, where should the new herb farm be located? a. x < 5, y > 5 b. x < 7, y > 6 c. x < 6, y >6 d. x > 6, y > 8 Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 321 Chapter 11 Location Table 11.6 Nuts-and-Bolts, Inc. wishes to find the best location for a plant that will satisfy customer demand in the following five areas. x y Location coordinate coordinate Volume A 3 1 35 B 5 0 90 C 8 7 15 D 2 3 20 E 5 4 55 62. Use the information in Table 11.6. What are the x and y coordinates for the center of gravity? a. x > 9, y > 14 b. x > 4.6, y < 2 c. x < 4, y > 2 d. x < 9, y < 6 Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 63. Use the information in Table 11.6. If the plant is located at the coordinates (5, 5), what is the total load–distance score, assuming rectilinear distance? a. Less than 400 b. 400–550 c. 551–700 d. More than 700 Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load, distance, rectilinear 64. Use the information in Table 11.6. If the plant is located at the coordinates (5, 5), what is the total load–distance score, assuming Euclidean distance? a. Less than 400 b. 400–550 c. 551–700 d. More than 700 Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: Euclidean, center, gravity 322 Chapter 11 Location 65. An operations manager has narrowed down the search for a new plant to three locations. Fixed and variable costs follow. Location A B C Fixed Cost $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 Variable Cost $10 $7 $5 Plot the total cost curves in the chart provided and identify the range over which each location would be best. Then use break-even analysis to calculate exactly the break-even quantity that defines each range. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Location C is the best one if volumes are quite low. b. Location A becomes the most expensive place to produce at volumes in excess of 2000. c. The break-even quantity between A and B is less than or equal to 500 units. d. The break-even quantity between C and B is more than 3000 units. Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break, even, break-even 323 Chapter 11 Location 66. An operations manager has narrowed down the search for a new plant to three locations. Fixed and variable costs follow. Location A B C Fixed Cost $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 Variable Cost $10 $7 $5 Plot the total cost curves in the chart provided and identify the range over which each location would be best. Then use break-even analysis to calculate exactly the break-even quantity that defines each range. Which of the following statements is correct? a. By inspection, it is apparent that at least two different sites will be the best places to produce at dramatically different output volumes. b. Location A becomes the most expensive place to produce at volumes in excess of 1500. c. The break-even quantity between A and B is less than or equal to 500 units. d. The break-even quantity between C and B is more than 3000 units. Answer: a Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break, even, break-even 324 Chapter 11 Location 67. An operations manager has narrowed down the search for a new plant to three locations. Fixed and variable costs follow: Location A B C Fixed Cost $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 Variable Cost $10 $7 $5 Plot the total cost curves in the chart provided and identify the range over which each location would be best. Then use break-even analysis to calculate exactly the break-even quantity that defines each range. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Location C is the best one if volumes are quite low. b. Location A becomes the most expensive place to produce at volumes less than 2000. c. The break-even quantity between A and B is less than or equal to 1700 units. d. The break-even quantity between C and B is more than 3000 units. Answer: c Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break, even, break-even 68. Which of the following statements about linear break-even analysis is incorrect? a. No start-up costs exist. b. No economies of scale can be achieved. c. Variable costs vary as output changes. d. Fixed costs vary as output changes. Answer: d Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break, even, breakeven 325 Chapter 11 Location 69. Excel Products is planning a new warehouse to serve the Southeast. Locations A, B, and C are under consideration. Fixed and variable costs follow. Plot the total cost curves in the chart provided and identify the range over which each location would be best. Then use break-even analysis as necessary to calculate exactly the break-even quantity that defines each range. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Location A is the best one if volumes are quite high. b. Location B is best over all volume levels. c. The total cost of location A, if the volume is 250,000 units, is over $7,000,000. d. The break-even quantity between A and B is more than 75,000 units but fewer than 200,000 units. Answer: b Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break, even, break-even 326 Chapter 11 Location Table 11.7 Sagebrush Company has four warehouses (A, B, C, and D) that require monthly shipments of 250, 200, 300, and 200 units per month, respectively. Its three plants (1, 2, and 3) have monthly capacities of 300, 400, and 250, respectively. Shipping costs (in $) follow. A blank transportation method tableau is provided below. 70. Use the information in Table 11.7. What can be said about a plan that ships 200 units from 1 to A, 100 units from 1 to B, 100 units from 2 to B, 300 units from 2 to C, and 250 units from 3 to D? a. It is not feasible in terms of plant capacities. b. It is not feasible in terms of satisfying warehouse demands. c. It is feasible, but not the least-cost allocation pattern. d. It is the optimal solution. Answer: b Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 327 Chapter 11 Location 71. Use the information in Table 11.7. Which of these statements regarding the problem is correct? a. Another plant must be added to the tableau because there are more warehouses than plants. b. A dummy plant must be added due to production volumes. c. A dummy warehouse must be added due to demands. d. The simplex method can be used to solve this problem. Answer: d Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: simplex, transportation, method 72. Use the information in Table 11.7. What is the cost of a plan that ships 150 units from 1 to C, 150 units from 1 to D, 250 units from 2 to A, 150 units from 2 to C, 200 units from 3 to B, and 50 units from 3 to D? a. Less than $15,000 b. More than $15,000 but less than $16,000 c. More than $16,000 but less than $17,000 d. More than $17,000 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method Table 11.8 The Neale Company has four distribution centers (A, B, C, and D) that require monthly shipments of 30,000, 24,000, 36,000, and 24,000 gallons of diesel fuel per month, respectively. Three wholesalers (1, 2, and 3) are willing to supply up to 36,000, 48,000 and 30,000 gallons, respectively. Total costs (in $) for both shipping and price follow. A blank transportation method tableau is provided below. 328 Chapter 11 Location 73. Use the information in Table 11.8. Which of the following statements about this scenario is incorrect? a. A dummy warehouse is required to complete the analysis. b. It costs $2 per gallon to ship between Wholesaler 3 and Distribution Center D. c. It costs $2 per gallon to ship one gallon from Wholesaler 3 to Distribution Center D. d. It costs $2 per gallon to ship 20,000 gallons from Wholesaler 3 to Distribution Center D. Answer: a Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: dummy, transportation, method 74. Use the information in Table 11.8. What can be said about a plan that ships 18,000 gallons from 1 to C; 18,000 gallons from 1 to D; 30,000 gallons from 2 to A; 18,000 gallons from 2 to C; 24,000 gallons from 3 to B; and 30,000 from 3 to D? a. It is not feasible in terms of wholesaler availabilities. b. It is not feasible in terms of satisfying distribution center demands. c. It is feasible, and the total monthly cost is less than $223,000. d. It is feasible, and the total monthly cost is greater than $227,000. Answer: a Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 75. Use the information in Table 11.8. What can be said about a plan that ships 30,000 gallons from 1 to A; 6,000 gallons from 1 to C; 24,000 gallons from 2 to B; 24,000 gallons from 2 to D; and 30,000 gallons from 3 to C? a. It is not feasible in terms of wholesaler availabilities. b. It is not feasible in terms of satisfying distribution center demands. c. It is feasible, and the total monthly cost is less than or equal to $260,000. d. It is feasible, and the total monthly cost is greater than $260,000. Answer: c Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 329 Chapter 11 Location 76. A company makes products at four different plants and ships them to four different distribution centers. The cost of shipping a single unit between each combination of plant and distribution center is shown in the table. The capacity of each plant and demand for each distribution center is also displayed for your calculating pleasure. What is the total cost for the optimal solution? Z Y X W Supply A $6 $9 $12 $14 500 B $9 $1 $5 $8 450 C $6 $8 $4 $5 375 D $9 $14 $15 $8 400 Demand 750 225 325 425 a. $9,575 b. 10,455 c. $9,850 d. $10,780 Answer: a Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 77. A company makes products at four different plants and ships them to four different distribution centers. The cost of shipping a single unit between each combination of plant and distribution center is shown in the table. The capacity of each plant and demand for each distribution center is also displayed for your calculating pleasure. Z Y X W Supply A $6 $9 $12 $14 500 B $9 $1 $5 $8 450 C $6 $8 $4 $5 375 D $9 $14 $15 $8 400 Demand 750 225 325 425 The logistics division decides to ship product as shown in the table. Z Y X W Supply A 500 500 B 225 225 450 C 250 100 25 375 D 400 400 Demand 750 225 325 425 Which of the following moves results in an equivalent total cost once the table is rebalanced? a. Shipping 100 units from C to Y b. Shipping 25 units from B to W c. Shipping 100 units from D to X d. Shipping 250 units from D to Z Answer: d Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 330 Chapter 11 Location 78. Having failed to lose money producing Springtime For Hitler in Germany, Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom embark on logistics management service for wealthy widows. They design the worst distribution system possible for a company that makes products at four different plants and ships them to four different distribution centers. The cost of shipping a single unit between each combination of plant and distribution center is shown in the table. The capacity of each plant and demand for each distribution center is also displayed for your calculating pleasure. What is the total cost for the worst solution? Zero Gene Ken Mel Supply Nate $6 $9 $12 $14 500 Matt $9 $1 $5 $8 450 Will $6 $8 $4 $5 375 Uma $9 $14 $15 $8 400 Demand 750 225 325 425 a. $21,375 b. 18,485 c. $19,150 d. $15,820 Answer: c Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 79. Which of the following statements about dummy locations is correct? a. Only a source can be represented as a dummy. b. Only a destination can be represented as a dummy. c. Dummy locations are assigned a dollar cost per unit shipped. d. Dummy locations are assigned a very high (infinite) cost per unit shipped, so no actual product is assigned to that grid point. Answer: c Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: dummy, cost 80. Which of the following is NOT a step in setting up a transportation tableau? a. Create a row for each plant being considered. b. Remove the lowest and highest cost intersections from consideration. c. Create a column for each warehouse being considered. d. Add a column and a row for plant capacities and total demands. Answer: b Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method, tableau 331 Chapter 11 Location 81. Which of the following invalidates any analysis using the transportation method? a. Unequal supply and demand amounts b. More sources than destinations c. More destinations than sources d. Lack of a linear increase in shipping costs Answer: d Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method 82. The Nelson Company has four distribution centers (A, B, C, and D) that require shipments of 20, 30, 40, and 10 units per week, respectively. Its three plants (1, 2, and 3) have monthly capacities of 40, 30, and 30, respectively. Shipping costs (in $) follow. What can be said about a plan that ships 40 units from 1 to C, 30 units from 2 to B, 20 units from 3 to A, and 10 units from 3 to D? a. It is not feasible in terms of plant capacities. b. It is not feasible in terms of satisfying distribution center demands. c. It is feasible, and the weekly shipping cost is less than $1,600. d. It is feasible, and the weekly shipping cost is greater than $2,000. Answer: c Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Hard Keywords: transportation, method 332 Chapter 11 Location 83. A rule of thumb, or guideline, is also known as a(n): a. heuristic. b. simulation. c. optimization. d. model. Answer: a Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: heuristic, guideline, thumb 84. A procedure used to determine the best solution is also known as a(n): a. heuristic. b. simulation. c. optimization. d. model. Answer: c Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: optimization, procedure, best 85. A modeling technique that reproduces the behavior of a system is known as a(n): a. heuristic. b. simulation. c. optimization. d. model. Answer: b Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: simulation, modeling, system, behavior 86. Which one of the following statements about heuristics is best? a. Because heuristics are efficient, they do not need the computer. b. In general, heuristics handle less-realistic views of the problem than optimization methods. c. Heuristics do not necessarily find the best solution. d. The transportation method was one of the first heuristics developed for solving location problems. Answer: c Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: heuristic, solution 333 Chapter 11 Location FILL IN THE BLANK 87. ____________ is the process of determining a geographic site for a firm’s operations. Answer: Facility location Reference: Introduction Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: geographic, site, location 88. ____________ is a function of wage rates, training requirements, attitudes toward work, worker productivity, and union strength. Answer: Labor climate Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: labor, climate 89. ____________ is a strategy by which several competing firms cluster in one location to attract more customers than the total who would shop at the same stores at scattered locations. Answer: Critical mass Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: critical, mass 90. A(n) ____________ is a system of computer hardware, software, and data that the firm’s personnel can use to manipulate, analyze and present information relevant to a location decision. Answer: geographical information system (GIS) Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Easy Keywords: geographical, information, system, GIS 91. ____________ has the advantage of keeping people together, reducing construction time and costs, and avoiding splitting up operations. Answer: Onsite expansion Reference: Choosing Between an Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: onsite, expansion 92. A preference matrix is used to incorporate ____________ like community attitudes and quality of life into a location analysis. Answer: qualitative factors Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Easy Keywords: qualitative, preference, matrix 334 Chapter 11 Location 93. The objective of the load–distance method is to minimize the ____________ into and out of the facility. Answer: total weighted loads Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: load, distance 94. A(n) ____________ is a standard matrix that is used to solve location problems using the transportation method. Answer: tableau Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: tableau, transportation, location 95. ____________ is a modeling technique that reproduces the behavior of a system. Answer: Simulation Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: simulation, modeling 96. A(n) ____________ is a solution guideline, or rule of thumb, that finds feasible—but not necessarily the best—solution to a problem. Answer: heuristic Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: heuristic, guide, thumb SHORT ANSWERS 97. List four of the six dominant factors in locating manufacturing facilities, as discussed in the book. Answer: Choices include favorable labor climate; proximity to markets; quality of life; proximity to supplies and resources; proximity to parent company facilities; and utility, tax, and real estate costs. Reference: Factors Affecting Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: location, factors 98. You have the world’s most powerful geographic information system at your disposal as you make your location decision. Using a manufacturer or service business of your choosing, explain what databases you would mine and how you would arrive at a decision. Answer: Answers will vary. Reference: Geographical Information Systems and Location Decisions Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: GIS, geographical, information, systems 335 Chapter 11 Location 99. What are the trade-offs among on-site expansion, new location, and relocation? Answer: The advantages of building a new location or moving are that the firm does not have to rely on production from a single plant, can hire new labor, can modernize with new technology, and can possibly reduce transportation costs. On-site expansion has the advantage of keeping management together, reducing construction time and costs, and avoiding the split-up of operations. Reference: Choosing Between an Onsite Expansion, New Location, or Relocation Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: expansion, new, location, relocation 100. Pick any three methods of making a single facility location decision; rank them according to the scope of factors considered, and explain your reasoning. Answer: The methods discussed in the text for making a single facility location decision (listed in order of increasing scope) are the center of gravity method, the load distance method, breakeven analysis, and a weighted score using a preference matrix. Both the center of gravity and the load distance methods consider only transportation costs (or load) by factoring the number of trips (or volume of material transported) and the distance between the potential site. The breakeven method considers both fixed and variable costs for a site, transportation being one component of the variable cost. Break-even analysis also considers the cost of site acquisition, utilities, labor, raw materials, and other factors that might vary among sites under consideration. The weighted score method using a preference matrix considers all factors that break-even analysis includes, plus any qualitative factors that the decision maker deems important. Factors such as climate, growth potential, labor skill, attractiveness, and others can be included in the analysis by assigning a weight to each factor and a score to each site for each factor. Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break-even, load, distance, center, gravity, preference, matrix 101. Which of the location decision tools is the most objective and can be used by the greatest number of decision makers to arrive at the same site decision? Which of the location decision tools would result in the least consistent choice when used by different decision makers? Explain your reasoning. Answer: Answers will vary. Reference: Locating a Single Facility/Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break-even, load, distance, center, gravity, transportation, simulation, GIS, heuristic 102. What are the differences between heuristics, simulation, and optimization? Answer: Heuristics are solution guidelines, or rules of thumb, that find feasible (but not necessarily the best) solutions to problems. Optimization is a procedure that is used to determine the best solution, generally using simplified and less realistic views of a problem. Simulation is a modeling technique that reproduces the behavior of a system; it works by trial and error. Depending on the skill of the modeler, it may handle more realistic views of a problem than a closed-form optimization technique. Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation 336 Chapter 11 Location 103. What is the purpose of the transportation method and what assumptions does it require? Answer: The transportation method is a quantitative approach that can help solve multiple facility location problems. Specifically, it optimizes (minimizes) the cost of shipping products from two or more plants or sources of supply to two or more warehouses or destinations. The transportation method requires that the sum of capacities equal the sum of demands. Costs are also assumed to increase linearly with the size of the shipment; that is, the cost is the same per unit regardless of the size of the total shipment. Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method PROBLEMS 104. A manufacturer’s research and development center must expand by building a new facility. The search has been narrowed to five locations, all of which are acceptable to management. The assessment of these sites is being made on the basis of the five subjective location factors that follow. Management has agreed to use a five-point scale (Excellent = 5, and Poor = 1) to quantify and compare their subjective opinions about the relative goodness of the sites. The weight reflects the importance of each factor in the decision. Locations Factor Weight A B C D E Labor climate 0.30 4 2 1 4 2 Proximity to markets 0.30 5 3 3 4 4 Quality of life 0.15 1 3 2 1 5 Proximity to suppliers 0.15 2 5 3 4 3 Taxes 0.10 4 4 4 1 3 Calculate the weighted score for each alternative. Which location would you recommend? Answer: Factor Labor climate Proximity to markets Quality of life Proximity to suppliers Taxes Weighted score Weight 0.30 0.30 0.15 0.15 0.10 Location A is best with a score of 3.55. Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: weighted, score, factor 337 A 4 5 1 2 4 3.55 B 2 3 3 5 4 3.10 Locations C 1 3 2 3 4 2.35 D 4 4 1 4 1 3.25 E 2 4 5 3 3 3.30 Chapter 11 Location 105. A company desires to locate a new facility. Based on preliminary analysis, the choice has been reduced to four locations: A, B, C, and D. These four locations were rated on a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best) on each of four criteria. Each criterion was also weighted to indicate its importance (i.e., the higher the weight, the more important). The list of ratings and weights follows. Factor Weight 0.40 0.35 0.15 0.10 Wages Labor climate Local regulation Weather A 7 6 3 2 Location B C 5 3 5 9 4 3 8 6 Based on weighted scores, where should the company locate its new facilities? Answer: Location Factor Weight A B C Wages 0.40 7 5 3 Labor climate 0.35 6 5 9 Local regulation 0.15 3 4 3 Weather 0.10 2 8 6 Weighted score 5.55 5.15 5.40 Location A would be the best using this method. Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: weighted, score, factor 338 D 5 5 2 9 D 5 5 2 9 4.95 Chapter 11 Location 106. A veterinarian with a GIS plans to locate her clinic roughly in the middle of a large southwestern farming area. The locations of the major ranches in the area and the number of head of cattle each has are shown in the table. Ranch Head Latitude Longitude Lazy W 250 35.657 97.480 Cranky J 375 35.664 97.454 Wandering S 140 35.975 97.330 Rocking G 560 35.623 97.505 Sleeping B 420 35.640 97.400 Short H 330 35.680 97.350 Total Load 2075 What is the center of gravity? Answer: Ranch Head Latitude Head x Lat Longitude Head x Long Lazy W 250 35.657 8914.25 97.480 24370 Cranky J 375 35.664 13374 97.454 36545.25 Wandering S 140 35.975 5036.5 97.330 13626.2 Rocking G 560 35.623 19948.88 97.505 54602.8 Sleeping B 420 35.640 14968.8 97.400 40908 Short H 330 35.680 11774.4 97.350 32125.5 Total 2075 74016.83 202177.8 Latitude = 74016.83/2075 = 35.671 Longitude = 202177.8/2075 = 97.435 Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Easy Keywords: center, gravity 107. A company has determined the “demand points” and their relative locations as follows: Demand Points X Coordinate Y Coordinate Load A 10 11 150 B 21 18 150 C 15 12 200 D 21 15 250 Total Load 750 If a company desires to locate a manufacturing facility at the center of gravity, what would be the x and y coordinates of the facility? Answer: x* = [10(150)+21(150)+15(200)+21(250)]/750 = 17.20, y* = [11(150)+18(150)+12(200)+21(250)]/750 = 14.00 Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 339 Chapter 11 Location 108. A company has determined the “demand points” and their relative locations as follows: Demand Points X Coordinate Y Coordinate Load A 12 15 1000 B 22 9 450 C 16 14 750 D 14 15 550 Total Load 2750 If a company desires to locate a manufacturing facility at the center of gravity, what would be the x and y coordinates of the facility? Answer: x* = [12(1000)+22(450)+16(750)+14(550)]/2750 = 15.13, y* = [15(1000) +9(450)+14(750)+15(550)]/2750 = 13.75 Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: center, gravity 109. The operations manager has narrowed down the search for a new plant to three locations. Fixed and variable costs follow. Location A B C Fixed Costs Per Year 70,000 120,000 250,000 Variable Costs Per Unit 25 22 17 Plot the total cost curves in the chart provided and identify the range over which each location would be best. Then use break-even analysis to calculate exactly the break-even quantity that defines each range. a. What is the break-even quantity between A and B? b. What is the break-even quantity between B and C? 340 Chapter 11 Location Answer: 900000 Total Cost 800000 700000 A 600000 B 500000 C 400000 30000 28500 27000 25500 24000 22500 21000 19500 18000 16500 15000 13500 12000 10500 300000 Output Volume A& B : B &C : 70, 000 25 x 120, 000 22 x 120, 000 22 x 250, 000 17 x 3 x 50, 000 5 x 130, 000 x 16, 666.6 x 26, 000 Reference: Locating a Single Facility Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: break-even, break, even 110. Consider the transportation tableau shown below. What is the minimum cost of transporting the production from Ada, Bugtussle, and Choctaw to Durant, Edmond, and Foss if costs per unit are shown at the intersections of each location? Durant Edmond Foss Capacity 5 7 3 200 Ada 3 4 4 300 Bugtussle 8 6 8 200 Choctaw 250 300 150 Requirements 341 Chapter 11 Location Answer: The optimal tableau is: Ada Bugtussle Choctaw Requirements Durant 50 200 Edmond 100 200 300 250 Foss 150 Capacity 200 300 200 150 Total Cost Unit Shipping Cost #Units Shipped Total Cost 50 $5 200 $3 100 $4 200 $6 150 $3 $2,900 Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method, tableau 111. A national firm has beef jerky processing facilities in Locations 1, 2, 3, and 4. They ship to central distributors (represented as A, B, C, and D) handling four regions of the country. The per-unit shipping costs between each possible combination of locations are shown in the following table. A B C D $5 $10 $5 $4 1 $3 $4 $4 $3 2 $8 $6 $8 $2 3 $2 $3 $5 $9 4 The processing facility locations are capable of monthly production (in tons) as follows: Location 1: 600 Location 2: 350 Location 3: 475 Location 4: 850 The central distributors have firm commitments for the following quantities: Distributor A: 650 Distributor B: 725 Distributor C: 400 Distributor D: 500 What is the lowest-cost shipping arrangement that can be made between the plant locations and distributors and what is the annual shipping cost? 342 Chapter 11 Location Answer: The optimal tableau is: Distributor Facility A 1 175 2 B C D Totals 400 25 600 350 350 3 475 4 475 375 Totals 650 725 475 850 400 500 2,275 Total Cost Unit Shipping Cost #Units Shipped Total Cost 175 $5 475 $2 350 $4 375 $3 400 $5 25 $4 475 $2 $7, 400 Reference: Locating a Facility Within a Network of Facilities Difficulty: Moderate Keywords: transportation, method, tableau 343
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