eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure – eHMSEG

eHealth Digital Services
Infrastructure –
eHMSEG -Semantic taskforce
Organisation Workgroup
Participants to Happy New Year TConf
Marcello Melgara (Org - IT)
Marta Terron Cuadrado (SANTE)
Stefan Sabutsch (AT)
Jürgen Wehnert (DE)
Pascale Sauvage (FR)
Antoine Chaudieres (FR)
Sara Terraz (FR)
Carla Pereira (PT)
Lilia Marques (PT)
Hans Andersson (Coord – SE)
Lisa Hagberg (SE)
Beatrice Streit (DE)
Niklas Eklöf (SE)
Niklas Kramer (DE)
Christof Gessner (Arc - DE)
Oskar Thunman (Sem - SE)
Licinio Kustra Mano (SANTE)
• Welcome!
• Round table among participants.
• Approval of 11/01 tconf minutes:
• Status of the Requirements document
• Feedback from ASIP not yet fully dealt with (Sorry!)
• Other feedback?
• Plans for document completion
• Action plans
• Next TConf
• Close of meeting
Walk through the Semantic Requirement document
When can we provide outputs for this documents:
Early draft on 31st of January. Should have the full content in draft version.
In February the document will be consolidated to be presented to eHMSEG
March meeting
 Other contributions?
Change Proposals
Circulated for comments
Feedback from Giorgio Cangioli
CP008: ok
CP009: OK
CP010: Warning: specs are related to eHDSI Pivot document, not to the Friendly, that has no formal
CP012: OK (MLA should be updated with the new document name
In general:
We MUST remember that any CP on semantic specs imply a revision of the xpath of the TM /
TSAM and the Portal B
Plans / Contributions for completions
Work has been assigned to Sematic WG
eHDSI Solution provider should also provide structured comments to the current dates.
When can we provide outputs for this documents:
Early draft on 31st of January. Should have the full content in draft version.
In order to have a feedback look with JAseHN, when should we send it?
28 Feb (20 Feb would be PERFECT). Consolidated content to liaise with eHDSI Stakeholders (e.g. JAseHN).
We should be able to provide OUTPUTS during MARCH-2017.
 The due date is to be defined by the team 
Next eHMSEG is 6th March.
Next meeting could be Wednesday (weekly) 10:00 to 11:00 –
Action items
25/01/2017 9:00 – 10:00 OR 27/01 10:00 – 11:00 (24-26/1 there is the BootCamp)
Feedback from eHMSEG on the Semantic Day
-  no feedback from eHMSEG.
Feedback on the eHDSI Semantic Boot-Camp
- Proposal to have a eHMSEG Semantic f2f 2nd half of February and the Semantic Bootcamp in
--- Possibility of doing it together (back to back) with the International Patient Summary event.
- Creation of TEST data for TEST events?
-- Who is responsible for this info?
Thank you!