CQC and Ofsted inspections webinar handout

CQC and Ofsted inspections webinar handout
This handout contains further information and various templates related to the Contact a
Family webinar ‘CQC and Ofsted inspections’. Please click on the links under ‘Contents’ to
be taken to each different section.
1. Sources of further information
2. Template briefing for parent carer reps about the inspections used in meetings and
on website
3. Template email text notifying parent carer forum network of the inspection
4. Template email to forum members about the webinar
5. Template email to parent carer forum network when the inspection result is published
6. Link to Hertfordshire CQC/Ofsted survey to use as a template
Sources of further information
Area inspection reports
Framework for inspections and guidance
IPSEA briefing for parents
Template briefing for parent carer reps about the inspections used in
meetings and on website
This document is to give parents and carers a guide to what the inspection is about and what
will happen during and after the inspection.
This is a new type of inspection that covers the local area and not just the local
authority, so it will include Health services in the area. Inspections are jointly carried
out by Ofsted (the same organisation that inspects schools and colleges) and CQC
(Care Quality Commission). The notice period is 5 working days.
Inspections teams will consist of HMI, a CQC Inspector and up to two other local
authority inspectors (from other local authorities). Before they arrive they will have
looked at national data and inspections by CQC & Ofsted on the local area. Local
areas will be expected to know how effective they are and be able to demonstrate it.
All 152 areas in England will be inspected over 5 academic years (started May 2016).
The plan is to inspect 30 areas a year but NOT in the school holidays. Local areas
will be judged by the SEND Reforms and so if the local area is implementing the
reforms well all will be fine. The SEND reforms were brought in with the Children and
Families Act September 2014
Inspection results – this will be a written report and not a grade like it is for schools.
Depending on the inspection report local areas may need to produce an action plan on how
they are going to improve. There may also be some follow-up inspection activity from either
Ofsted or CQC.
What will they look at?
The inspection will look at ALL children and young people 0-25 years who have
special educational needs and/or disabilities, NOT just those with the most complex
needs, statements or EHCs (Education, Health and Care plans). It will also include
CYP (children and young people) who are out of county, home-educated with SEND
and not in education
Inspectors will visit a small sample of education settings (for example schools,
colleges and so on) that they choose, but they are NOT inspecting the school or
college. They will want to meet parents and CYP from the setting.
Inspectors will visit Health and Social Care services focusing on their contribution
and ability to work collaboratively to meet children and young people’s needs. They
will not be inspecting these services.
There will be a strong emphasis on gathering the views of young people and parents
and carers. This is an entirely new aspect of the inspection and will involve meeting
parents during visits to settings and meeting with established parent and carer
groups. There will also be webinar for parents and carers during the inspection week.
They will also meet with elected members, key officers for Health, Education and
Social Care, leaders of Early Years settings, schools, colleges and specialist
What does GOOD look like?
Local areas must work in partnership with children and young people, and their
parents and carers, to understand their needs so that outcomes can improve.
Early years providers, schools and colleges must also work in partnership with the
local authority and social care and health services to identify and meet these needs
Education, health and social care services must work closely together to jointly
commission (plan and buy) the support and services their children and young people
require, including where these are not located in the same area.
Focusing on the needs of children and young people who have an education, health
and care plan cannot be at the expense of providing for those others who require
support but who do not need a plan.
Early intervention and timely support can prevent some children and young people
from needing an education, health and care plan at a later stage.
Each local authority must set out the support it expects to be available in its local
offer and ensure that this information is accessible.
Ofsted/CQC inspection framework published The framework and guidance for
inspectors can be found at the following links:
Template email text notifying parent carer forum network of the
Ofsted/CQC Local Area Inspection of [insert local area name and dates of inspection]
Dear parent forum member,
Next week a team of inspectors from Ofsted and CQC (Care Quality Commission) will be in
[insert local area name] looking at how effective the local authority and local health services
are for children and young people with SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities).
They will be looking at this for ALL children and young people 0-25 with SEND NOT just
those with an EHC plan or a statement.
The inspection will look at how effective (local area name) is in the following three ways:
1. Identifying the needs of children and young people with SEND
2. Meeting the needs of these children and young people with SEND.
3. Improving their outcomes and chances of taking part fully in society.
This new type of inspection comes out of the SEND reforms and all local areas will be
inspected over 5 years. In the inspections there is a big emphasis on finding out the views of
parents and carers. The inspectors will hold meetings with parents and parent groups and
also visit a small number of education and health settings. The forum will also be sending
parent representatives to meetings that also include professionals. This inspection is
different to the ones that Ofsted carry out at individual education settings and if inspectors
visit your child’s education setting in the next week then we would encourage you to go
So that as many parents as possible are able to contribute views, Ofsted and CQC
inspectors are holding an online webinar that we would strongly encourage you to take part
in if possible. The webinar takes place at [time] on [date], led by inspector [name], and will
ask parents and carers about their views and experiences on how effectively the local area
is implementing the SEND reforms. YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR THIS
WEBINAR - the link is [insert link]
PLEASE take this once in 5 years opportunity to tell inspectors what you think
The forum will contact all our members after the inspection results are known. You can find
out further information about the inspections via our website [insert link]
Template email to forum members about the webinar
If since September 2014 you have had experience of the new SEND reforms in relation to
services provided to your child, or you've converted your child's Statement to an EHCP, or
your child is on the school's SEN Support list:
Please join a webinar with Ofsted, [insert date and time], which you can access through
the internet, via this link :
[insert link]
The Ofsted team can't see us, but we'll see the questions they ask (on your computer, smart
phone or tablet), and hear these being asked. We don't need to speak. We just click our
answer, and we can type in our comments or questions. It's that easy! All information
gathered will be anonymised.
If you have a computer, smart phone or tablet with internet access, just open the link above,
and register now. It will take just a minute. And put this in your diary so you don't
Then you can join the call on [insert date] from wherever you are, as long as you have
internet access! No need to leave your house! Just click on the link you are sent once
you've registered.
Do try to join promptly as it's likely to last around a half hour or so only.
Do pass this onto other parents/carers who may be interested.
We hope you are able to make the time to contribute to this important review and if you have
any questions in the meantime, do let us know.
Template email to parent carer forum network when the inspection
result is published
Ofsted/CQC Local Area Inspection result.
[Local area] underwent an inspection looking at how the SEND (Special Educational Needs
and Disabilities) reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014 are being implemented
across Education, Health and Social Care. Hopefully many of you took part in the webinar
run by inspectors.
The results, in the form of a short letter style report (no grading) are now available to see at:
Click on the one for [local area] to view it. The other areas inspected so far are also available
to view.
We have, this week, had some preliminary discussions with key officers on how we may
work together to improve things for families in the future. We will keep you updated on this.
Link to Hertfordshire CQC/Ofsted survey to use as a template
If you are interested is setting up an online survey of your own then you are welcome to
use/adapt the Hertfordshire forum survey. The survey results with the main questions on can
be downloaded via this link:
N.B. Hertfordshire also included contextual questions on age of child, type of need and type
of education setting, which aren’t included in the download.