CCSCA 2011 Player Survey Results

CCSCA 2011 Player Survey Results
123 Respondents to the player survey between 1st June 2011 and 21st June 2011
What grade did you play
4. If the association considers a pre-season
T20 competition would this be something
that you and your club would support. *
1. As a player do you enjoy this form of the
game? *
5. With the T20's that we played, how did
you find the new rules
Didn’t know the rules were
Just want to play cricket
Difficult to understand
Easy to implement
6. Would you support any of those rule
changes to the normal 45 over competition *
2. Does this format have a place in our
competition? *
Don't Know
3. If yes to the above, How many T20
games would you like to play as part of the
18 round season?
1 game only
2 - 4 games
Not sure
7. If we were to have a one off game for all
grades where in the draw should it occur? *
1st game after xmas break
End of the season
Last game before the xmas
NO one off games in the
Start of the season
8. Comments / suggestions
Poorly thought through. No one took it seriously - and you combine that with just after the xmas
break and you get regular players thinking 'why come back from a holiday? it's just a T20' - half
the team was a ring in. Why on earth was this worth competition points? If you're going to do it,
do it to start off the season, and make it a 3 round competition (per grade) for a prize - not for
points in the regular season.
If you insist on having T20 matches, incorporate them into a separate competition from the 45
over format. Allow clubs the opportunity to nominate teams for a T20 comp that has no impact
upon the regular season.
Need to provide all teams with rules regarding the T20 comp at the start of the season.
I liked the T20 format however I think that it should be a similar format to the 2010/2011
season. Most of the players enjoyed it but it should not interfere or overpower the 45 over
Perhaps a knockout comp in each grade rather than games in the regular comp.
I think - 2 to 4 games at the start of the season for 1/2 points is a better way of getting the
season off to a start rather than in the middle of the comp.
T20 was devised to please a television audience so I cannot see what value it has at this level
of competition. Most people would just like to have a game of cricket on the weekend so the 45
over format fits that perefectly. My feeling after the one game we played of T20 was that we
had only played half a game of cricket. Not worth the travel time.
Definately implement the leg side wide rule in a few of the grades! It will stop negative bowling
and force people to improve. A pre-season T20 comp would also be great across all the
I am a fan of the T20 format, but i do not believe that it should be counted as a round game,
either at start or end of season I think would be the best option
Consider instead a two-innings, 20 over game. What we play at the moment is virtually T20 but
a double innings would be a real novelty and fit the time slot pretty well.
It was ridiculous that the one off game counted towards points towards the ladder. It's a
completely different format of cricket, much like if the AFL had a one off game of Gaelic during
the season foir premiership points. T/20 is fun for a hit and giggle but not if it's for competition
points. The only way I could possibly support it is with the following options... a) If it's a 3 week
mini comp played during finals for the teams that didn't qualify for finals. b) It's a one off game
NOT immediately before or after Xmas as most people see T/20 as the joke that it is and would
more likely extend their holiday and miss it. c) If it was done as a mini comp that two games
are played on the Saturday so we aren't losing half a game of cricket for the same cost to field
a team. d) That it not eat into the 18 rounds set aside for proper cricket. As another note, the
games should be better matched up. Eg. 1 vs 2, 3 vs 4, 5 vs 6. Match up the team like that so
the games are more fair instead of at the start of the season where potentially a rubbish team
has to play the top side. I can't imagine anything less fun than being a struggling side and
getting belted by idiots for half a day.
I strongly believe that any one off game for all grades should not be given full points. I also
support a T20 competition that has 2 games per afternoon. Happy to see tighter than usual
time restrictions between wickets enforced to assist.
if you are going to continue t20, make it a seperate comp (ie pre/post season comp, round
robin or knockout over two weekends, 2 games per day). I didnt agree with points from t20
counting towards the regular season ladder).
Prefer end of season but if more than one match suggest they occur just before and just after
Christmas/New Year break which is when it is most difficult to get players but people will be
happier to fill in if it is going to be a short day
The standard of cricket in the city and suburban competition is insufficient to support the t20
The T20 concept is something that you simply cannot get away and have to incorporate in
some format. I'd be all for having a 3 or 4 round comp at the start of the year and a shortening
of the regular season. However, we are primarily a 45-over comp and I'd hate to see the
CCSCA get to far away from that.
All for a pre season 20/20 comp. 2/3 games a day over a few weekends, playing each team
once. Top 2 play off in a final, with 2 grades playing at the same ground, making for a good day
of cricket. Have the same club playing at the same ground if they have multiple teams in grand
finals, making it a good club day as well.
If 20/20 was to happen it should be a separate game and not count towards the regular season
I can understand that T20 is a huge part of cricket now, however the fact that we played for full
points in a one off game was ridiculous. It had a huge impact on the final standings of our
comp as it was 1 v 2. Really crazy decision as we enter our teams to play in a 45 over format,
not 20. Have a separate comp on a sunday if the association is ademant on playing T20
I enjoy playing the 45 over format as it gives everyone more of a go and allows teams to
rebuild etc rather then just a crash and bash format. I would be happy to play 20twenty stuff but
not at the expense of 45 over games. I think the family day concept is an excellent one and its
important to get the kids and wifes/partners involved, this can be a great way to raise funds for
teams or people who have lost loved ones to cancer/suicide etc and as a organisation what a
great thing to get involved in. I liked the idea of a all star game and an opportunity to play
alongside guys you havent played with before.
I think we need to implement the leg side wide rule for the 45 over format too!
The whole concept is rubbish
Would prefer that if you want to do T20 that you create a seperate comp. We are generally
players who like to play when we can and enjoy the whole day not a part day.
I would support an entire grade that played only T20 games, rather than a single round in all
grades. This would potentially save on ground hire costs. The existing rules and by-laws could
remain unamended for the traditional one day games, whilst T20 could have its own set of
rules for play to save confusion. With a T20 grade, they could also play two games in one
afternoon on adjacent grounds as an alternate option.
To ensure the best team for konica is always on the ground, the association should consider
having byes for first grade on that weekend. Also the t20 is a completely different comp for first
grade and should be treated as such for trophies and preso night.
Should not count toward season stats. Should be a separate cup or something. It is a different
game built for sloggers and that's it.
Should hold it over a weekend Sat & Sun. (1st weekend after christmas). Knock out style or
small group of round robins on Sat then finals on Sunday.
A mid week T20 comp might work, start at say 4 and i think you could get a game in easy. With
the amount of public servants playing i think you could get enough clubs to enter a team
I enjoy the format and think it has a place in our association, but not as part of the regular
season 45 over games. It needs it's own competition, or a stand alone one off game that
doesnt affect standings in the regular season.
The feedback that I get is that people like to have a T20 as a once off. If you do have more T20
games there should be 2 in the same day.
Would like to play more 20/20 however like first grade would like to play two games in a day as
otherwise we lose the social side of cricket in an afternoon as it goes to fast. This could be
enhanced by playing three teams at the same venue. Would need to start early. 1 would play 2
and then 1 would play three with last game being 2 v 3. You could stay for all three games or
just attend your two however it would add to the atmosphere. You could also spread the
matches across the grades. For example play Div six on a particular round and another grade
on another round. You could organise for all teams to play at the same grounds area. Eg at
Kambah there are two fields. Could make the 20/20 an all day event. You would only turn up to
your games or to the whole day. It would be an opportunity for teams to bring along a BBQ etc.
It would also be a great cricket social occassion.
You cannot combine T20 with a normal season and combine the stats. How can a 45 over
match even compare to 20 overs???????? This was a big mistake CCSCA has taken. No
where in the world combines T20 stats with a normal season! Wake up!!!
I think a specific T20 grade might be worth investigating. It could entice players to the CCSCA
who may have family commitments and cannot dedicate most of their Saturday to playing
We used to play 100 over games - now we play 90 over games in the same amount time (just
with extra stuffing around) - and the T20 match I played was boring and slow (especially with
the opposition running drinks out to their batsmen every 2 overs - the side batting second had
no time pressure on them at all). At the end of the day, I felt like I had not played cricket. I
expect if there are T20 games in the draw next year, I might look to opt for a weekend off (I
accept that at my age that might not be a bad thing.)
Could we make the Sunday Comp T20. A lot of Chaps have young Family's and the 45 over
comp is a lot of time to be taken away form the family. With the T20 The whole family could
enjoy as it is over in just under 3 hours.
Its better to play 45 overs before the Christmas break as it gets too hot in Jan - March. T20
should come in after Christmas.
I think it's good to have perhaps a pre season game or 2, but it shouldn't be held in the regular
season. The 45 over format is great, there's no need to tamper with it. If I wanted to play a
short version of the game i'd play Indoor cricket.
I liked the T20 idea, just wish there was more. How about play every one once in regular 45
overs and play everyone once in T20 and separate finals?
If the Assoc runs a T20 it should incorporate a full "Home and Away" round, ie each team plays
all others in that grade.
Use white balls! Red isn't friendly to my poor colour blind eyes!
As captain of my side, it was impossible for me to give everyone a go in the T20 game. This is
a format that favours a few players only. Several of my players (at least 3) did not bat or bowl.
CCSCA is a 45 over comp. If you want to run T20, perhaps you should run a separate comp.
There was little to no value in the one T20 game other than novelty factor.
I really liked the T20 introduction into the season and it was a shame we only had one game of
it :( if possible can we please see about having some more T20 games in the regular season or
if possible have a seperate T20 competition for all grades like we had for first grade?
The main issues with having one T20 game last season was the fact that normal competition
points were awarded. T20 has a fair amount of luck associated with it and a win in this format
can change the course of a season. If it is to be played as a one off, it should be at the start of
the season with no competition points awarded.
Why wasn't the T20 even mentioned at the Ass Pres night? Why weren't their medals given out
to the T20 premiers?
Bringing the wide rule into the 45-over format would dramatically increase the playing time of
the lower grades. Would be open to some fielding restrictions. Would be against pre-season
competition due to winter sport commitments.
Lower grades 4's and below can often be short enough anyway.
Pre season or nothing!!! Must be completely separate from 45 over competition!!!!!
Make it a Saturday/Sunday stand alone comp for each grade over one weekend in the season
- similar to what grade Cricket has done with T20. 2-3 round robin games on the Sat and a
Semi and Final on the Sunday.
As someone who has played C+S cricket in Newcastle for 4 years and juniors for 8 years I feel
the ACT Comp games are too long. Newcastle comp plays with 35 overs a side, max 9per
bowler. This allows the games to be played between 1:30 and 6pm with good consistency in
timing. I feel that 45 overs a side simply too long for a social game and more applicable to
Grade (or first grade in Canberra's case). Otherwise would be more than happy to play in a full
season of 20/20 games - I like the format and the timing of the game.
two formats that might work better for first grade if a separate 20/20 is considered: Play it first 2
weekends after the christmas break. option A - rather than playing everyone once, sides
should be split up into 2 pools -top of each pool plays of in GF. There can be back to back
games on a saturday as per last season, but this way the 20/20 format will only go for 2-3
saturdays. or option B Elimination style format where all games are elimination games and
teams are seeded based on where they finished the season before. Can have back to back
games on a saturday as per last season. 20/20 format will thus be shorter and won't eat into
the season proper. I think the preference though would be for 2-4 20/20 games being
incorporated in as part of the regular season and not run as a separate comp.
The idea is nice. But the one off game in a draw doesn't really work. Especially when the round
is for regular 45 over points
We had just 26 respondents from 1st Grade:
Did the separate competition within the regular season work?
Did the two games on the same day work
Workable, however preferred
not to do it
For those players that participated in the Konica T20 and ACTCA T20 competitions, did
playing in our T20 competition assist you in your preparation for the representative games?
12. Other Comments
I think the two games per day was a great idea and it worked quite well. However the games
need to be held close to each other so teams do not need to travel long distances between the
two games. Maybe starting earlier (11:30?) would help.
Much needed preparation for the Konica cup is needed and theses games did aid though by
the time we were playing in the konica cup we were playing 45 over cricket.
I have played in konica since day 1 and I like the idea of us playing Konica in a 20 over format
as it makes us more competitive however we do not need to play additional 20twenty games in
our comp to make us more competitive in Konica. We will go out like we normally do abd be
very aggressive regardless if its 20 overs or 50, in the past we have struggled to bat 50 overs
but 20 is a different story.
I think there is room for a T20 series, however it should be a stand alone event completely
independant from the 45 over format.
T20 was BS in CCSCA!
Would be good to recognise the competition with batting/bowling awards too like the 45 over a
side game. Think the weather this last season made it difficult to determine how successful the
t20 was. The set up for the GF with the game prior was a good day out, especially @ harman.
Not sure if it would be as good if not played there.
Why wasn't the T20 even mentioned at the Ass Pres night? Why weren't their medals given out
to the T20 premiers?
NSL won the T20 comp in first grade and got no medals and not even a mention at the
Association presentation night. What's the point? Most importantly, there are PLENTY of T20
comps in canberra for anyone who wants to play it. Catering for T20 just weakens the existing
strength and attraction of the CCSCA's current 45 over format.
Last season CCSCA put on a family day in January.
Do you see value in holding the Family day as an annual event? *
Not sure
If yes to the above, what suggestion do you have for how Family Day could be integrated
into our season?
bbq which encourages families to come along
Separate week where everyone else has a bye except for the two T20 games on the day
Difficult as Season s change however it is vital to at least TRY to expand the Family day
concept and I appluad the associaction for attracting more families to the game
I needs to be accessable for all games. Additionally, it should be the last game before
I thinks at either the T20 or 45 over Grand final is the best option.
Nothing was enjoyable as is. More communication maybe between clubs.
Start of the season to let new players settle in and old players resume cross-club contact in a
friendlier setting.
We didn't attend. We just want to play cricket and our club doesn't need a day to get our
families there.
What a great opprtunity for kids/families to get out and have a really fun day, Harman is ideal
for this type of thing and they (Harman guys) always do a fantastic job with awesome facilities.
this can be a great way to raise funds for teams or people who have lost loved ones to
cancer/suicide etc and as a organisation what a great thing to get involved in.
Activities for the kids during the day. Jumping castle Example. Jumping Castle
Around Xmas time when it is warm and the use of Harman was fantastic.
Was a great success, plenty of people came to watch.
Cant comment as i did not attend, however the idea is good.
I think tht it was a great idea and that it should be a regular event. It was about right
I did not attend however ensuring that the day is fun and everyone gets a go is mandatory.
More advice throughout the clubs so more people turn up.
1st grade GF should be the family day.
Nice to everyone involved.
Jumping castles for kids. Free food & drinks for the wags & kids. competitions raffles
Hold it on a Sunday with a jumping castle for the kids
I think the joint family day and T20 grand final option is a good idea. Especially if all other
teams have the day of to make it even more accessible.
It worked brilliantly this season just passed with a Association XI vs Presidents XI game prior to
the 1st Grade T20 GF. This is something that should remain an annual event.