ANNEX II – Test pages

Request to submit an Offer
for the translation of texts for the Toolkit
within the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 project
„BalticClimate – Baltic Challenges and Chances for local and regional development
generated by Climate Change”
BalticClimate project supports and improves the practical implementation, experiences and
knowledge on how to pro-actively respond to the global topical issue of climate change in a way
that it might also bear chances not only challenges for the long term development of the
economics, environment and social sector in small and medium sized cities and rural areas in all
Baltic Sea Region countries.
Implementation Cases with scientific assistance are carried out in 7 countries’ project Target Areas
by applying and testing both existing and newly created “tools” for adaptation and mitigation of
climate change in the sectors agriculture, energy, housing and transport as well as for the business
This set of tools and supporting material will be optimised and comprised in a “Toolkit” which
will be translated into all national languages of the Baltic Sea Region countries and provided on
DVD and via website directly to the local and regional level for easy usage and application.
The task of this request to submit an Offer is to provide the translation of the BalticClimate –
Toolkit texts from English into Estonian.
The estimated number of standard pages (1800 characters with spaces per page) to be
translated is ~ 150.
Test texts (Annex II) with several typical paragraphs, a table and a graphic are attached as in
WORD version and must be submitted, translated into Estonian together with the
submission of an Offer.
During the actual task each text to be translated will be provided in English in 3 formats:
a) as html-file
b) as WORD-file with html-codes
c) as WORD-file (without html-codes)
The translator chooses the file type to work with. The translated texts should be returned as
html-file (preferred), or as WORD-file with unchanged html-codes, or as WORD-file
(without html-codes).
WORKING PHASE to implement the task
The first set (ca. 100 pages) of texts to be translated can be provided around February 16th
2011 and a second set (ca. 50 pages) around March 1st 2011. The translation for these ca. 150
pages must be done until March 14th 2011. If it is not possible to finalise the translation by
this deadline, please propose a new time-plan. If possible, stepwise finalised translated
pages are already returned by the translator before the final deadline.
Until the finalisation of the toolkit and during the further project process until ca. end of
2011, several further pages (in total most likely not more than 50) may be provided from
time to time for translation.
The offered price shall be indicated as price per page (1800 characters with spaces) and shall
consider that the total number of pages to be translated within the frame of the contract will
be at least ca. 150.
Depending on the technical, software and workflow possibilities the price should be
indicated for delivering the translated texts in at least one of the following 3 formats:
a) as html-file (basing on the provided English html-file);
b) alternatively the price for returning the translated texts as WORD-file with
unchanged html-codes;
c) alternatively the price for returning the translated texts as WORD-file (without htmlcodes).
It should be indicated in which file format the translations can be provided. If two or all
three file formats can be provided by the translator, then the price for each file format
should be indicated. The institution giving the contract will then select a file format in which
the later translated texts need to be returned (and the offered price for the respective file
format is base for the contract and payment calculation).
It should be ensured that the majority of work (up to 150 pages) should be implemented
between ca. February 16th and March 14th 2011. If it is not possible to finalise the translation
by this deadline, please propose a new time-plan.
In case of winning this tender and being contracted, the offered price per page in the
respective file format will be fixed as base for the calculation of the payment, while the exact
total number of pages to be actually translated might vary until end of the actual work
process (which influences the total payment amount resulting from the Offer and the
contract to be concluded). However, the payment may be done stepwise whenever sets of
translated pages are delivered and accepted.
1. The Offerer can be a legal as well as a physical entity;
2. The Offer must be submitted the latest February 7th 2011 at 16.00 to Säästva Eesti
Instituut by e-mail: [email protected].
3. The Offer must include:
A. The Offerer should provide a proof for capacity of the Offerer or the staff of the
Offerer assigned to perform the task defined in the Section 2. in form of:
a. CV;
b. List of at least three performed similar tasks within the last three years.
B. Provide a filled in Offer form (Annex 1) incl. offered price per deliverable file
type, required signatures and dates.
C. Provide a translation of the attached project-typical sample pages (Annex II)
along with the aforementioned documents required to apply within this Offer
D. Provide a translation time-plan.
The criteria for choosing the winning tender for contracting is the ‘economically most
advantageous tender’. The weights are given as follows:
A. the qualification of the translators – 10%
B. price – 40%,
C. the quality of the sample translation of test pages in Annex II and time-plan –
Further information about the procurement (in Estonian):
Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu, tel 56481858, [email protected] (until 31.01.2011)
Piret Kuldna, tel 5115178, [email protected] (since 31.01.2011)
Külli Putmaker, tel 5178776, [email protected]
Project website: > Projektid > BalticClimate
Annex 1 – Offer Form
Request to submit an offer
for the translation of texts for the Toolkit
within Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 project
„BalticClimate – Baltic Challenges and Chances for local and regional development
generated by Climate Change”
Offer Form
To be submitted via e-mail [email protected] to Säästva Eesti Instituut,
until February 7th 2011 at 16.00:
Name/title of the
No/Personal ID
information of
the Offerer (Tel,
Offered price for the translation per standard page and per format
WORD-file with
(without htmlcodes)
Without VAT
VAT (…%)
On behalf on the Offerer I hereby confirm that this Offer will be in force until
Offerer representative
(Name, family name)
Date, place
ANNEX II – Test pages
A) Exercise I – How might future society be?
This instruction is intended to assist the Process Leader in planning the exercise. In addition to the aim and
output of the exercise, it contains a stepwise description on how to work through the exercise as well as a list
of the material that needs to be prepared. Please bear in mind that the exercises are a work in progress and
that your experiences of using them are key for their finalization.
This exercise aims at creating a socio-economic scenario that is a coherent picture of how future society
might be in the TA or in the implementation cases.
One plausible Target Area (TA) socio-economic scenario, including the major drivers of change and other
general features. The TA socio-economic scenario will be used to analyze sensitivity in Exercise IV and in
the overall assessment. You will also use the Map(s) that you already have created during the Spatial
Structure Inventory.
This exercise uses the summary characteristics of the socio-economic scenarios contained in the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES,
Nakicenovic and Swart 2000) as a basis for discussing how participants think the future society might be
both globally and in the TA. This technique is called down-scaling of socio-economic scenarios and has
previously been used in two regions in the UK (Lorenzoni et al. 2000, Holman et al. 2005) and in Finland
(Kaivo-Oja et al. 2004).
The summary characteristics of the storylines of the four SRES socio-economic scenarios in terms of world
development pattern, economic growth, population and technology change are contained in figure 3. These
scenarios are used as a basis for estimating the future GHG emissions from society and thus are a vital input
for the models that are used to generate scenarios of climate change and, consequently, the impacts on
socio-economic and natural systems.
B) - Introducing Climate Adaptation
This exercise introduces participants to climate adaptation by listing and ranking policy instruments and
adaptive capacity. Adaptive capacity here is approached through identification of the main barriers and
facilitating factors for putting the climate adaptation measure into place. At this point in time, policy
instruments should be approached in a wide sense, embracing policy and economic instruments as well as
concrete technical measures but focus on the ones that already are in place or is planned in the near future.
Lists of current Policy Instruments, barriers and facilitating factors for each of the major Challenges and
Chances that were identified during exercise step I – identification of Challenges & Chances. The results of
this exercise on adaptive capacity and limits of adaptation measures will be used as input in wider and more
in-depth assessments during the Vulnerability Assessment phase. The resulting charts should be recorded in
your Target Books.
Prepare empty charts as below.
Record the 3-4 major Challenges and Chances that were identified during exercise step I.
Policy instruments
in place
Easy/difficult to
To get a picture of climate adaptation in the Implementation Case themes or in the TA in general, take the
largest Challenge from exercise step I.
Try to answer the following questions by filling in the charts:
1. What policy instruments or measures are already in place to handle this Challenge (or to take
advantage of the Chance)?
2. What are the barriers that hinder putting measures in place (or taking advantage of the Chances)?
3. What factors can facilitate the handling of the Challenges (or to take advantage of the Chance)?
4. Rank from 1-5 from how Easy (1) to how Difficult (5) it will be to handle the Challenge (or to take
advantage of the Chance)?
C) – Challenges and Chances for business
Climate change means changes in the environment in which the entrepreneurs and companies act. Each
individual and entrepreneur will have to face the impacts due to the climate change. These impacts are often
supposed to lead to problems, but many of them can also create new opportunities for business. The
BalticClimate project helps to identify the challenges and chances for business in terms of climate change
mitigation and adaptation.
One of the key results stimulated by the BalticClimate project are new, innovative ideas for business. These
business ideas and good practices should include climate change mitigation and/or adaptation aspects. The
focus of BalticClimate is on the local and regional scale, but of course the big global climate trends, not only
the changes in the local weather, will have impacts to the area.
Regional/Local entrepreneurs are the best experts to apply the effects of the climate change to business.
However, they lack information concerning the impacts of the climate change. The extra information
BalticClimate will give to the business is the understanding of the climate change in regional scale. The
Swedish SMHI in cooperation with the CSPR calculated scenarios of the future climate for all Target Areas.
This information should be explained and discussed together with the regional/local entrepreneurs to face
the future challenges and generate chances for the business in the area.