Course title: Algebra II Course Description: Throughout the course

Course title: Algebra II
Course Description:
Throughout the course students will solve both real world and
theoretical problems to make connections among Algebraic
concepts, applications, technology and disciplines. Students will
use graphing calculators as a method of solving algebraic problems.
Course Prerequisites:
Students are required to successfully complete Algebra 1 prior to
taking this course.
Major Objectives or Topics:
Add, multiply and simplify rational expressions and equations;
complete quadratic and exponential functions; solve absolute value
equations and inequalities; use graphing calculators to solve and
confirm problem solutions
Computer, internet access
Major Assignments Overview:
Skills Practice skills assignments
Real world math project
End of Course Test
Grading Procedures:
Each lesson will be graded based upon skill mastery. Students will
be asked to revise work until it meets the minimum requirements
outlined by the grading rubric on each lesson.
Submission Policy: Students are to complete course lessons in
orders. Each day a student may post either two new lessons, or 2
revisions, or a lesson and a revision in each course. Unless
permission to work on more than two lessons has been granted by
the teacher, students should only work on two lessons at a time.
Once a lesson is graded, students may move on to the next lesson
Communication: Students may communicate with their teacher
using the Teachermail. On the Student Desk, students will find
links to Guidance, Technical Help, and Transcripts.
Lesson 1: Absolute-Value Inequalities and Review of Factoring
Lesson 2: Factoring Polynomials of Higher Degree
Lesson 3: Radicals and Roots
Lesson 4: Solving Radical Equations
Lesson 5: Solving Radical Equations II
Lesson 6: Review
Lesson 7: Lines
Lesson 8: Linear Inequalities
Lesson 9: Complex Numbers
Lesson 10: Quadratic Equations with Complex Numbers
Lesson 11: More With Quadratic Equations
Lesson 12: Solving Quadratic Inequalities
Lesson 13: Review
Lesson 14: Functions
Lesson 15: Inverse Functions
Lesson 16: Composition of Functions
Lesson 17: Graphing Equation Solutions
Lesson 18: Review
Course Outcomes and Virginia SOL Alignment
CompuHigh Lesson objective
SOL n Virginia SOL
Lesson 1
The student will identify field
properties, axioms of equality and
inequality, and properties of order
that are valid for the set of real
numbers and its subsets,
complex numbers, and matrices.
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
The student will solve absolute
value equations and inequalities
graphically, numerically, and
The student will solve multistep
linear equations and inequalities
in one variable, solve literal
equations (formulas) for a given
variable and apply these skills to
solve practical problems.
Graphing calculators will be used
to confirm algebraic solutions.
The student will add, subtract,
multiply, divide, and simplify
rational expressions, including
complex fractions.
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
The student will reduce rational
expressions and practice
multiplying, dividing, adding, and
subtracting rational expressions.
The student will
a) add, subtract, multiply, divide,
and simplify radical
expressions containing
positive rational numbers and
variables and expressions
containing rational exponents;
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
solve equations containing
radicals and exponents.
Lesson 6
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
The student will simplify radicals
and expressions involving
fractional exponents and convert
between the two forms.
Lesson 6
b) write radical expressions as
expressions containing
rational exponents and vice
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
The student will simplify radicals
and expressions involving
fractional exponents and convert
between the two forms.
Lesson 6
The student will solve absolute
value equations and inequalities
graphically and algebraically.
Graphing calculators will be used
Lesson 8
Lesson 13
write equations of lines given
various information including
parallel and perpendicular lines
and vertical and horizontal lines.
Lesson 8
The student will justify steps used
in simplifying expressions and
solving equations and inequalities.
Justifications will include the use
as a primary method of solution
and to verify algebraic solutions.
of concrete objects, pictorial
representations; and the
properties of real numbers,
equality, and inequality. The
graphing calculator will be used as
a tool for factoring and for
confirming an algebraic
The student will solve and graph
the solution set of systems of
linear inequalities in two variables
by finding the maximum or
minimum values of a function over
the feasible region using linear
programming techniques.
The student will identify and
factor completely polynomials
representing the difference of
squares, perfect square
trinomials, the sum and difference
of cubes, and general trinomials.
The student will select, justify,
and apply a technique to solve a
quadratic equation over the set of
complex numbers. Graphing
calculators will be used for
solving and for confirming the
algebraic solutions.
Lesson 2
Lesson 6
The student will solve equations
containing rational expressions
and equations containing radical
The student will factor higher
order polynomials by applying
various methods including
factoring by grouping and the sum
and difference of two cubes.
solve quadratic inequalities and
graph their solution sets.
Students will solve quadratic
equations over the set of complex
numbers: apply the techniques of
factoring and completing the
square and the quadratic formula;
use the discriminate to determine
the nature of the roots; confirm the
solutions numerically and
graphically; and apply to practical
Students will solve equations
containing rational and radical
expressions algebraically and
graphically. Graphing calculators
will be used for solving and for
confirming the algebraic
The student will recognize
multiple representations of
functions (linear, quadratic,
absolute value, step, and
exponential functions) and
convert between a graph, a table,
and symbolic form. A
transformational approach to
graphing will be employed
through the use of graphing
Student will solve systems of
linear equations graphically
Student will define a function: find
the domain, range, zeros; find the
inverse of a function; find the
value of a function for a given
element in its domain; and
perform basic operations on
functions including composition of