Tax, Tip, and Discounts-OH MY! 7th Grade Project Mrs. Egbert Part I

Tax, Tip, and Discounts-OH MY!
7th Grade Project
Mrs. Egbert
Part I-Tax and Tip
 Get a menu from a restaurant you go to. You may either get a take out menu,
which are usually available at the counter of most restaurants, or you may
search for a menu online.
 Pretend you and your family are going to eat at this restaurant. What is each
person going to order? Make a detailed list of all orders and their prices.
Follow the example below:
Person 1 Order
Diet Coke
French Onion Soup
Chicken Caesar Salad
Apple Pie
Calculate the total cost of your bill. You may either do the calculations by
hand or you may use Microsoft excel. We will be going to the computer lab
on October 21st. I will show you how to enter the data in Excel and use
formulas, but you must have your information before then (see Rubric)
Next calculate the tax you would pay on your bill based on the 7% New
Jersey sales tax.
You would also like to leave the waiter or waitress a 20% tip. Calculate the
cost of the tip you are going to leave.
Calculate the total cost of your bill with tax and tip.
Part II-Discounts
 Find an item (clothing, electronics, toys, etc.) you would really like to buy.
The item should be greater than $20 You may either look through a catalog,
online store, newspaper circular, etc. You will need to bring proof of the item
in with your project.
 Pretend the item will be on sale for 30% off the original price; calculate the
 Calculate how much you will pay for the item once the discount is applied.
 Let’s say this item is bought in New York where the tax on most items
including clothing (there is no tax on clothing in New Jersey) is 8.5%.
Calculate the cost of the item with tax.
 You are planning to buy this item by yourself, you have $5 saved, and you will
receive $5 a week in allowance. Write an equation that will help you
determine how many weeks you will need to save for this item.
Tax, Tip, and Discounts-OH MY!
7th Grade Project-Rubric
Mrs. Egbert
Due Date _____________________________
Equivalent to 1 Test Grade
All materials (menu, item you want to buy,
handwritten or typed list of your family’s
restaurant order) are bought to class on October
Restaurant order is calculated correctly
Tax on restaurant order is calculated correctly
Tip on restaurant order is calculated correctly
(5 pts) ___________
Total bill is calculated correctly
(10 pts) __________
Item discount is calculated correctly
(5 pts) ___________
Sales price is calculated correctly
Tax on item is calculated correctly
(5 pts) ___________
Total price of item is calculated correctly
(10 pts) ___________
Equation is written correctly
(10 pts) __________
All materials are submitted with the project
(10 pts) ___________
Project is neat and organized
(10 pts) ___________
Total Points Earned
(20 pts) _____________
(5 pts) ____________
(5 pts) ____________
(5 pts) ___________
Name ______________________
Block ______________________
Date _______________________
Tax, Tips, and Discounts-OH MY!
Part I
Name of Restaurant _____________________________________________________________
Customer Order
Attach additional paper if more space is needed
Total Cost of Meal _____________________________
Tax on Bill Calculations:
Tax on Bill ___________________________________
Tip Calculations:
Tip Amount ___________________________
Total Cost of Bill Calculations:
Total Cost of Bill _____________________________
Part II
Item you are planning to buy ___________________________________________________
Discount Calculations:
Discount ________________________________
Sale Price Calculations:
Sale Price _______________________________
Sale’s Tax Calculations:
Sale’s Tax __________________________________
Total Cost of Item Calculations:
Total Cost of Item ___________________________