50 Quick Play Language Games.qxd

14: Make a Face
Level 1
to provide before and after information and steps for simple sequences
1 or more
Players earn facial features by providing information about sequencing
everyday tasks in order to build 2 cartoon faces.
• Make a Face Game Items sheet (page 43)
• facial features (page 44) that have been cut apart and separated
into a nose pile, an eye pile, and a mouth pile
• copy of a Make a Face game board (pages 45-47) for each player
• glue or tape
Game Play:
• Cut apart the facial features. Place them on the table (either face-up or facedown)
and separate them by type.
• Each player, in turn, follows these directions:
✔ The instructor reads an item (randomly) from the Game Items sheet.
✔ If the player provides satisfactory information, she selects a facial feature and
puts it on one of the faces on her game board. Her turn is over.
✔ If a player does not provide satisfactory information, her turn is over and play
moves to the next player.
• The first player to place 3 features on each face (eyes, nose, mouth) is the winner.
• Optional Play:
✔ Have players draw facial features on the faces instead of using the ones
50 Quick-Play Language Games
Copyright © 2002 LinguiSystems, Inc.
These materials are for your own use with students and clients on your caseload. It is a violation of copyright to post these pages on or link to them from a commercial web site.
Make a Face
Game Items
Tell me two steps, in order,
you need to do to:
Tell me something you do
before you:
Tell me something you do
after you:
make a ham sandwich
go outside to play
use the rest room
do your math homework
eat a meal
get on the bus
borrow something
finish an art project
sit in your seat at
get home from school
walk in the school
get ready for bed
get ready for school in
the morning
do the dishes
feed a pet
take a shower
get dressed
brush your teeth
play a board game
paint a picture
call someone on the
ride a bicycle
go to lunch
leave for school in the
hear the end of recess
get dressed in the
get out of the shower
or bath
take a bath or shower
finish reading a book
sit down at the table to
play a board game
do your homework
get out of bed in the
wash your hands
finish eating lunch in
the cafeteria
leave the grocery store
leave school at the end
of the day
paint a picture
cross the street
take a pet for a walk
make toast
get in bed at night
hit the baseball
make the bed
take a test
wash a car
get hot lunch at school
write a word you don’t
know how to spell
wash and rinse the
get off the bus at
make lemonade
finish watching TV
do your homework
50 Quick-Play Language Games
ride your bicycle
have a snack
Copyright © 2002 LinguiSystems, Inc.
These materials are for your own use with students and clients on your caseload. It is a violation of copyright to post these pages on or link to them from a commercial web site.
50 Quick-Play Language Games
Copyright © 2002 LinguiSystems, Inc.
These materials are for your own use with students and clients on your caseload. It is a violation of copyright to post these pages on or link to them from a commercial web site.
50 Quick-Play Language Games
Copyright © 2002 LinguiSystems, Inc.
These materials are for your own use with students and clients on your caseload. It is a violation of copyright to post these pages on or link to them from a commercial web site.
50 Quick-Play Language Games
Copyright © 2002 LinguiSystems, Inc.
These materials are for your own use with students and clients on your caseload. It is a violation of copyright to post these pages on or link to them from a commercial web site.
50 Quick-Play Language Games
Copyright © 2002 LinguiSystems, Inc.
These materials are for your own use with students and clients on your caseload. It is a violation of copyright to post these pages on or link to them from a commercial web site.