30 Day Team Challenge

30 Day Team Challenge
By Ultimate CrossFit
WHAT: Another Nutrition Workout CrossFit Challenge. Teams of 4 will work together to stay on track
through at the start of a new year. Scoring will be based on a point system lined out on the Rules
portion of this packet. Points will be rewarded and deducted on an individual basis according to your
ability to follow required workouts and nutrition. In the end, points will be totaled for the final team
score. All points will be controlled by an Ultimate Crossfit Trainer.
This challenge is not based upon physical ability. So having a “firebreather” and a “beginner” on your
team doesn’t make a difference. What matters is your team members’ ability to stay on track with
workouts and nutrition through these 30 days.
WHY: This team challenge was designed to get us all started with great habits for a very fit 2010. By
signing up you will have committed to holding yourself and your teammates accountable for staying
on track through these 30 days.
WHO: Teams of 4 people (no exceptions). See a trainer if you need help forming a team. This is open
to members or non-members. Each team member is required to workout a minimum of 2 times per
week at Ultimate CrossFit. Non-members can buy in at $100 for 2x/week or $160 for 3x/week.
WHEN: Sign up today!
Our first event will be a Happy Hour on January 21th at 8:00 pm at Dilworth Grill.
Challenge begins on Saturday, January 23rd. Final Day of Challenge is February 22nd. Winning
Team announced at Happy Hour on February 25th.
30 Day Final Team workout will be held on February 20th. Details TBA
1. You must have a team of 4 people. Pick a Team Name and a Captain who will be accountable for
submitting information to a Trainer. Extra 4 points to each team that creates team t-shirt (be
2. All team members must workout at UCF at least 2 times per week. Non-members can buy in at
$100 for 2x/week or $160 for 3x/week.
3. Teams will earn points by:
 Nutrition. Each team member must choose the Zone or Paleo nutrition plan for the next 30
days. Please indicate which plan you have chosen on your Goals sheet.
- GOAL: Eating paleo/zone 7 days a week for 30 days.
 Eating Zone meals will earn you 1 point per meal.
 Eating Paleo meal will earn you 1 points per meal.
- Individual team members earn 1 point for each class attendance. No more than six
points may be earned per week (because we do believe in recovery).
- WODs done outside of UCF (worth 1 point per WOD). Maximum of 3 additional WODs
for extra credit per person per week. See Bodyweight WOD List for ideas.
- Meeting as a team (in UCF T-shirts) to do a workout in a public location and submitting
a photo to Lance. (1 point per individual for the extra workout and 3 points for doing it
as a team in our gear).
- You can only earn a max of 7 points for workouts.
4. Recovery:
a. Each team member will earn 1 point for each day they get over 7.5 hours of sleep. We
believe recovery is just as important as training.
b. Each team member must take a rest day. If you do not take a rest day it is -2 points. You
may play sports or have active rest, but MUST not do a workout
5. All members of team MUST submit 30 Day Journals complete with WODs and food log each
week by Sunday at 5 pm. You may choose to make copies of your journal or email nutrition
@ultimatecrossfit.com. First WOD/nutrition journal submission is January 31st at 5 pm. This will
be for January 23-30.
6. Points will be deducted for:
 Indulging in any cheat meals. -2 per cheat meal
 Alcohol- 2 point deduction per day that alcohol is consumed.
 Failure to meet a minimum of 2 WODs per week at UCF or an affiliate (2 point deduction for
each WOD missed- example, you missed entire week of class: 4 point deduction or you made
it in once 2 point deduction).
 Failure to log WOD’s and Food journal. Deduction of 5 points for each member that submits
7. All points controlled by a UCF training staff. Your journal must reviewed each week.
30 Day Journal
By Ultimate CrossFit
This Journal belongs to