LexisNexis® Dossier Suite

LexisNexis® Dossier Suite
User Guide
Table of Contents
LexisNexis® Dossier Suite Overview .......................................................................2
Find a Company ...............................................................................................................2
Create a List­—Company ...............................................................................................3
Compare Companies ....................................................................................................5
Find an Industry ............................................................................................................... 6
Find an Executive .............................................................................................................7
Create a List—Executive ...............................................................................................7
Online Help & Customer Support ......................................................................... 8
LexisNexis® Dossier Suite Overview
Gain deeper insights into the players and dynamics of your marketplace using comprehensive company, executive and industry
information. LexisNexis® Company Dossier reports cover over 80 million public, private and global companies. LexisNexis®
Industry Dossier provides in-depth reports on various industry dynamics, financial metrics and macroeconomics. LexisNexis®
Executive Dossier helps you understand and connect with the key decision makers within the companies relevant to your business.
With LexisNexis® Dossier business intelligence suite, you can quickly:
• Prepare on-point presentations and reports before meeting with prospects or analyzing business opportunities. The MarketLine
premium SWOT analysis reports help you quickly identify an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as
well as company revenue streams.
• Identify and pre-qualify potential customers based on specific criteria including industry, sales, geographic location, earnings
and position titles.
• Conduct in-depth company and financial analysis for insights needed to succeed in today’s global economy.
• Create multi-level, executive contact lists, including email and phone contact data.
• Explore competitors, their businesses, performance and litigation.
• Create customized reports, including full cite lists of results. Print only those cited documents that are most relevant.
LexisNexis® Company Dossier
Find a Company
The Find a Company tab within
LexisNexis Company Dossier allows
you to access the in-depth profile
on a company of your choice. You
have the ability to search by
company name, DUNS® Number,
Ticker Symbol or Dossier ID. If you
aren’t looking for a particular
company, you can also perform a
search to obtain a list of a companies.
For more information see the Create
a List-- Company section.
After finding the company of interest, the LexisNexis Dossier company profile snapshot will be displayed. The snapshot
includes general company information such as:
• Company contact information, including: address, phone, fax, Web address
• DUNS® Number
• Ticker symbol and stock information
• Number of employees
• Primary SIC and NAICS
• Detailed business description
• Top executives and board of directors
• Current news
From the left-hand navigation, you can
dive deeper into the areas of:
• Executives
• Company Hierarchy
• Competitors
• News
• Financials, including SEC Filings, SWOT
Analysis, Analyst Reports
• Legal
• Intellectual Property
As you dive into these additional sources,
you will see that the source name
and load dates are clearly indicated
for all documents. You can also add
documents to the print/email/download
delivery cart by checking the box to
the left of the name of the document.
Download options include the ability to
create a PDF report, complete with a
cite list and an auto generated table of
contents with hyperlink navigation.
Create a List—Company
The Create a Company List tab allows
you to create on-point target lists, based
on the criteria you select. Available
criteria include: Company Type, (public
or private), headquarters only, Revenue,
Employees, Company Name, various
location-based criteria, SIC or NAICS
Code, Ticker Symbol, or Dossier ID. Select
your criteria and click Create.
Other options on the Create a Company
List form:
• CurrencyConversion—Youwillsee
a currency conversion pull down in
the upper-right corner. Use this to
select the currency in which you want
to search revenue. The pull down
defaults to U.S. dollars, and it includes
Australian dollars, British pounds,
Canadian dollars, Euros and Japanese
• SIC and NAICS lookup tools—If you do
not know the SIC or NAICS code for
your desired industry, use these tools
to browse for particular industries or
enter industry keywords.
After entering your criteria and clicking
Create, a preview of Your Company List
results is provided. Select the hyperlink
to open any of the sample companies.
Upon previewing, you can select Edit
Search to fine-tune your search, if
desired. When you are satisfied with
your search, click Next: Customize List
in the upper right of your screen.
The Customize Your Company List
screen allows you to customize the
elements to be included in your company
list. On this screen you can also select
how many results to download, and you
can determine the sort order of the
results. Once you have selected your
desired options, click Update Company
List at the bottom of your screen.
The Your Company List – Results screen
displays your customized results list.
Functionality on this screen includes:
• Edit Search—Click this link to revise
your search criteria
• New Search—Click this link to start a
new search
• Save Search—Click this link to save
your search as a template for your
future searches
• Customize—Click this link to revise the
fields that display in your list
• Company Name—Click on a company
name to obtain a profile of that
• Downloading—Check the boxes
next to the company names whose
records you wish to download. After
selecting your desired companies, click
Download Selected Items to continue.
You are able to download up to 3,000
records at a time.
After clicking Download Selected Items,
your results will download to an Excel®
spreadsheet or a CSV-formatted file.
Compare Companies
With LexisNexis Dossier you can also
compare up to five companies by
entering the company names or ticker
symbols. Only companies traded on
one of the U.S. stock exchanges can be
compared using this feature.
The report compares balance sheet,
income statement and ratio information
for companies that are listed on one of
the U.S. stock exchanges.
By default, the financial information
will be displayed in the currency that
the company reports to the SEC. The
currency can be changed using the
Currency pull-down menu.
LexisNexis® Executive Dossier
Find an Executive
The Find an Executive tab within
LexisNexis Dossier allows you to access
profiles of key executives. To conduct
your search, you will need to enter
the last name (first name is optional)
and the company name and/or any
additional relevant terms (e.g., title).
You can also select the sources you
would like included in your search.
Executive Profiles and All News are
selected by default, but you can also
include Negative News, SEC Filings,
Congressional Testimony, United States
Case Information and Commonwealth &
Irish Case Information to your search.
Create a List—Executive
From the Create an Executive List
tab you can create a targeted list of
executives based upon your desired
criteria. The Create an Executive list
form includes all of the same criteria
and functionality as on the Create a
List—Company form but also includes
criteria for Job Title (free text search),
Specialty (e.g., human resources) and
Function, which relates to the level of
seniority (e.g., director). Select one or
all specialties and functions from the
respective pull downs, or click Select
Multiple to choose multiple specialties
or multiple functions. Select your criteria
and click Create.
After entering your criteria and clicking
Create, a preview of Your Executive List
results is provided. Select the hyperlink
to open the company profile for any
of the companies on the list. Select
the name hyperlink to search for an
executive profile on the individual.
Note: there may not be executive profiles
for all the executives within the list. Upon
previewing the list, you can select Edit
Search to fine-tune your search, if desired.
When you are satisfied with your search,
click Next: Customize List in the upper right
of your screen.
The Customize Your Executive List
screen allows you to customize the
attributes to be included in your list.
On this screen you can also select how
many results to download, and you can
determine the sort order of the results.
Once you have selected your desired
options, click Update Executive List at
the bottom of your screen.
The Your Executive List—Results screen displays your customized results list. Functionality on this screen includes:
• Edit Search—Click this link to revise your search criteria
• New Search—Click this link to start a new search
• Save Search—Click this link to save your search as a template for your future searches
• Customize—Click this link to revise the fields that display in your list
• Executive Names—Click on a person’s name to obtain news or reports on that person
• Downloading—Check the boxes next to the people’s names whose records you wish to download. After selecting your desired
executives, click Download Selected Items to continue. (See more detail below.)
• LinkedIn® Integration—Click on the icon next to each person’s name to search for that person within LinkedIn
From the Your Executive List—Results
page, click the checkboxes to select the
people you wish to download and click
Download Selected Items. You will
have the choice to download your
results to an Excel spreadsheet or to a
CSV- formatted file. You can download
up to 3,000 records at a time.
LexisNexis® Industry Dossier
Find an Industry
The Find an Industry tab allows you
to research and learn more about a
specific industry. To retrieve information
on more than 1,200 industries with a
single search, you can enter keywords
or SIC codes to find the industry. Enter
your desired terms and click Find.
After selecting the specific industry
you are interested in, you will get to the
Industry Overview snapshot. Choose
from different reports and news options
on the left-hand panel. Content includes:
• Snapshot: Concise industry overview
that can include industry overview, top
companies by sales, ratio components
and market performance indicators
• Recent News: Recent news related to
the industry
• Integra Industry Reports: View a
detailed industry balance sheet
• MarketLine Reports: Industry Reports by
country include competitive landscape,
leading companies, even forecast value
• Mergers: Find information about the
top mergers (by price offered)
• Legislative Information: Browse
recent U.S. Congressional bills that
pertain to the industry
Similar to the company profiles, you can
select documents to print, download or
email. Source names and load dates are
also clearly indicated.
Additional Assistance
Online Help
Access online context-sensitive help available anywhere
you see this icon:
Customer Support
The world-class LexisNexis® Customer Support team is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you with
any questions you may have. For toll-free assistance, call
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