Let the love of learning rule humanity.

Michalle Mor Barak
Yang Chai
Ann Crigler
David Cruz
Tom Cummings
Richard Fliegel
Karen Gallagher
F all R ecognition C eremony
Ronald R. Garet
Jack H. Knott
Joshua David Kun
Morten Lauridsen
Debbie Macinnis
Edwin McCann
Hugh Thomas McHarg
“Let the love of learning
rule humanity.”
Najmedin Meshkati
Shrikanth Narayanan
Erin A. Quinn
Alison Dundes Renteln
Cherry Rose Short
Marlene Wagner​
USC Chapter | November 14, 2014 | Doheny Memorial Library
USC Phi Kappa Phi Chapter President
Professor, Political Science, Dornsife College
Christina Yu Yu
Director, USC Pacific Asian Museum
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 and has more than
300 chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. It is the oldest
academic honor society at USC that is fully interdisciplinary, electing members
from all recognized branches of scholarship, research, and artistic endeavor. The
honor society’s mission is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all
fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to
others. In pursuit of those objectives, the USC chapter:
. Recognizes outstanding sophomores and juniors at the Phi Kappa Phi fall
Recognition Ceremony.
. Brings small groups of undergraduates into conversation with some of USC’s
leading scholars at Food for Thought events.
. Recognizes outstanding student creative achievement through the Student
Aaron Ashby
Sophomore, USC School of Cinematic Arts
Richard Fliegel
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Dornsife College
Michalle Mor Barak
Professor and Director of Doctoral Programs, USC School of Social Work
CLOSINGAnn Crigler
Recognition Awards.
. Recognizes undergraduates in their junior year who continue to excel in their
academic achievement.
. Recognizes outstanding students (seniors, students earning master’s degrees,
and students pursuing doctoral degrees) by election to membership during the
commencement season.
. Recognizes outstanding faculty, staff, and administrative contributions to the
academic quality of the community by electing colleagues to membership.
. Recognizes outstanding faculty scholarship and creative works through the
Faculty Recognition Awards.
. Recognizes the contribution of alumni in support of academic endeavors.
. Builds the Phi Kappa Phi endowment fund to support academic quality
at USC.
Dr. Christina Yu Yu joined the USC Pacific Asia Museum from the Los Angeles
County Museum of Art, where she served as assistant curator of Chinese art.
At LACMA she was instrumental in forming collaborations on all educational
programs related to Chinese art and culture. She was responsible for LACMA’s
Chinese art galleries and co-curated the exhibition Chinese Paintings from
Japanese Collections, the first major exhibition in the United States to look
at the story of Chinese paintings in Japan over the course of six hundred
years. Dr. Yu Yu is also the co-founder of Pacific Connections, an advocacy
organization founded to raise the visibility of contemporary Asian art in
Southern California. Dr. Yu Yu earned her BA at Wellesley, her MA at Boston
University, and her PhD from the University of Chicago.
Aaron Ashby is a Trustee Scholar and a sophomore in the Film & TV Production
program at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. He is a student in the Thematic
Option honors program, has a minor in Digital Studies, and participates in
the USC Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study. He also serves on
the Executive Board of the African American Cinema Society. Along with cofounder Michael Chang, Aaron is currently building the Jukebox Art Collective,
an interdisciplinary arts festival and exhibition set to open in spring 2015 and
featuring the work of artists from USC, South L.A., and New York.