unit plan paralympics.2

This unit plan was made for a 7th grade class. Paralympics was the first unit
of the semester. Many students did not have an idea on what Paralympics was.
Students watched a video before playing in all the games to get educated on the
sports. Alt PE is only open to seventh and eighth grades so this was the first time
students participated in this class.
The games that students participated in were bocce, sit volleyball, goal ball
and wheelchair basketball. Much like the Paralympics, students were encouraged to
make teams. Once the students made a team, they were instructed to make a team
name, flag and come up with an anthem.
Alt PE allows students with all different skills to participate. The students can
be athletes and some may not be athletes. This allows the students to integrate with
one another and really get an understanding on what teamwork is.
Students are mainly graded on participation, conduct and effort through out
the unit. It is important for all the students to participate so the students are getting
their daily amount of physical activity. Many students that do not like the traditional
PE class like to sign up for Alt PE because we do very different units then PE.
NASPE Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a
variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
NASPE Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
NASPE Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal
and social behavior that respects self and others.
NASPE Standard 5- The physically literate individual recognizes the value of
physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social
Unit Objectives
Students will be able to make a connection to the Paralympics from the activities
they participate in Alt PE.
Students will be able to participate through out the whole unit and work with their
team to be as successful as they can.
Students will be able to except others in the class during the unit.
Lesson Objectives
Day 1/2
Students will be able to work together to come up with a team name for their group.
Students will be able to work together to make their team flag.
Students will be able to understand what the Paralympics are.
Day 3/4
Students will be able to participate in the bocce ball game.
Students will be able to record their told points at the end of the game.
Students will be able to understand the rules of bocce ball.
Students will be able to participate in sit volleyball.
Day 5/6
Students will be able to understand the rules of sit volleyball.
Students will be able to participate in sit volleyball.
Students will be able to score more points in sit volleyball then their opponent.
Day 7/8
Students will be able to identify different strategies while playing goal ball.
Students will be able to demonstrate how to play goal ball
Students will be able to work with his/her teammates while playing goal ball.
Day 9/10
Students will be able to understand the rules to wheelchair basketball.
Students will be able to demonstrate a free throw shot while sitting in a wheelchair.
Students will be able to play wheelchair basketball during the class period.
Description of Class:
Number of Students: 27
24 girls
3 boys
Grade Level
7th grade
Development Level:
This is a Alternative PE class which means it is made up of all different
students at different skill levels. For the most part all the students are
developmentally ready for this unit. The students that are not have
paraprofessionals with them that help. For bocce ball we have a ramp so students
that have a hard time rolling the ball can roll it on the ramp. Many students that
exceed the skills help other students that do not as well. The majority of the
students are expected to have gain knowledge about the Paralympics and the
different games we have played.
Length of Class:
50 minutes
Bocce Balls
Poly Spots
Bowling pins
Hula Hoops
Students need to change every day for class. Changing is apart of their participation
Classes will be in the gym, outside and in the Alt PE room.
Prerequisite Skills and Concepts:
For this unit there is not any pre-requisites. It is a beginner class and
students are not required to know anything. Most of the students have never
participated in these activities before so it is a learning experience for all.
Pre-assessment Techniques:
Students were pre assessed on their ability to work together as a group.
Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the rules of the games we have been
playing so far.
Students will be given an assessment on the different rules of each sport. Students
must match the correct rule with the sport it goes with.
Skill and Concept Development
Content Analysis – Archery Unit Plan
A task that adds complexity Qualitative aspect of the
or difficulty to the prior
extension task: cues/points
task: progression, simple to of emphasis: feedback
complex. Intra-task or
DAY 1/2 Pre-Assessment/Stance
Pre- assessment
Students will be assessed on
their ability to be able to
work together in a group
DAY 3/4- Bocce Ball
Bocce Ball- Video
Students will watch the
YouTube Video to get a
demonstration of bocce ball
DAY 4/5- Goal Ball
Goal Ball- Video
 Students will watch
the Youtube Video
to get a
demonstration of
bocce ball.
Goal Ball- Hand out
Goal Ball warm up
DAY 4/5- Sit Volleyball
Sit Volleyball Video
Sit Volleyball Warm up
DAY 6/7 Wheel Chair basketball
A competitive, self-testing,
“game-like” or
performance focus:
progression, simple to
Conduct/Effort rubric
YouTube Video
YoutTube Video
The handout will
guide students
through the rules and
Students will sit in a
circle and practice
listening for the goal
Goal ball handout
Students will watch
the You Tube Video
to get a
demonstration of sit
Students will sit with
their group and
practice bumping the
beach ball with
Youtube video
Students will eventually
become blindfolded while
participating in this activity
Students sit on their
bottoms instead of
 Roll
 Stop
 Dribble
 Roll
 Keep bottom on seat
 Raise ball up
 Push
DAY 8/9 Wheel Chair basketball
Students will practice
dribbling and shooting
Students will practice
dribbling by moving from
one end of the court to the
Students will practice
shooting into a hula hoop.
Students will play in a
really game
Goal ball: Is a team sports designed for the legally blind. Played with blindfolds and
rubber balls with bells in them.
Sit Volleyball: Sitting volleyball allows for multiple classifications but players
effectively play in one class, with eligibility for the sport limited to people with
lower leg paralysis or lower leg extremity amputations
Bocce Ball: Eight larger balls about 4 1/4 inches (107 millimeters) in diameter that
are rolled toward the pallino to score points. The balls are of 2 distinct colors, 4 each
Wheelchair Basketball: Wheelchair basketball is basketball played by people in
wheelchairs and is considered one of the major disabled sports practiced.
o Treat teachers and peers the way you
would want to be treated
o Listen and follow directions
o Each student should be on time for class
o Bring paper, writing utensil, health binder
and journals to class.
o Assignments will be due on the assigned
o Raise hand before speaking
o Participate in all activities
 Supplies will be put away when not in use to
avoid injury
 Be kind and courteous to classmates
 Students will be aware of there
 Classroom doors will be locked at all times
 Students will use supplies in a respectful
Instructional Aids
Goalball Poster with Rules
Wheelchair Basketball poster with Rules
Sit Volleyball poster with rules
Bocce ball poster with rules
Handouts of definitions and rules on each sport: Total 4
Videos showing students how to play the different games.
Modifications for Inclusion:
Day 1 & 2- During Bocce ball students will be allowed to use the ramp to roll the ball
down it. Some students have a hard time rolling the ball on their own. The ramp will
assist them to successfully complete this task.
Day 3 & 4- If the students have a hard time wearing the blindfold they are allowed to
take it off but they still need to keep their eyes closed. If students need assistance
they can keep their eyes open.
Day 1 & 2 /4 & 5- Students can kneel instead of sit during sit volleyball and goal ball.
This will allow the students to be more flexible during the game.
Evaluation: Student Assessment & Grading
Participation 15%
Assessments 10%
Conduct & Effort 10%
Block Plan
Day 1 A Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 5, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 2, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to work together to come up with a team name for their group.
Students will be able to work together to make their team flag.
Students will be able to understand what the paralympics are.
Pre-Assessment: Students will be assessment on their ability to work together as a
Introductory Activities: Students will start class by breaking into groups of four.
Once they have their group, they students will begin to think of their team name and
anthem. After they finish, they will start to work on their team flag.
Skill/Concept Development: During this lesson, the students will begin to
understand the different sports that are played in the paralympics. In Alt PE, we will
be play bocce ball, goal ball, wheelchair basketball and sit volleyball.
Culminating Activity: Students will watch the video on bocce ball, goal ball, wheel
chair basketball and sit volleyball. All four games will be played over a three week
period. Once al the students are comfortable with the instructions and videos about
the different games we will go outside and begin playing bocce ball.
Closure: Students should put all the equipment back into the bocce bag and head
inside. The teacher will record each teams points and then they will be free to go to
their next class.
Assessment: Students will be assessment on their ability to work together as a
Day 2 B Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 5, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 2, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to work together to come up with a team name for their group.
Students will be able to work together to make their team flag.
Students will be able to understand what the paralympics are.
Pre-Assessment: Students will be assessment on their ability to work together as a
Introductory Activities: Students will start class by breaking into groups of four.
Once they have their group, they students will begin to think of their team name and
anthem. After they finish, they will start to work on their team flag.
Skill/Concept Development: During this lesson, the students will begin to
understand the different sports that are played in the paralympics. In Alt PE, we will
be play bocce ball, goal ball, wheelchair basketball and sit volleyball.
Culminating Activity: Students will watch the video on bocce ball, goal ball, wheel
chair basketball and sit volleyball. All four games will be played over a three week
period. Once al the students are comfortable with the instructions and videos about
the different games we will go outside and begin playing bocce ball.
Closure: Students should put all the equipment back into the bocce bag and head
inside. The teacher will record each teams points and then they will be free to go to
their next class.
Assessment: Students will be assessment on their ability to work together as a
Day 3 A Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 4
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to participate in the bocce ball game.
Students will be able to record their told points at the end of the game.
Students will be able to understand the rules of bocce ball.
Students will be able to participate in sit volleyball.
Review: What are the rules to bocce ball?
Introductory Activities: Students will begin class by finishing their bocce ball
games from the class period before. Once the students are finished they we totally
up their points from both classes and tell the teacher.
Skill/Concept Development: During this class period, students will finish playing
bocce and begin playing sit volleyball. Students will get a better understand on how
to play sit volleyball.
Culminating Activity: Students will break into their teams and begin playing sit
volleyball. The students that are not playing will be doing cardiovascular exercises
while they are waiting for their turn. Each game will be played till ten and there will
be a brief overview of the rules to remind the students of the rules. Students need to
keep their bottoms on the ground and stay in a stationary position during the game.
Closure: Students will put away all equipment. The students will be asked which
sport they like better so far, bocce ball or sit volleyball. Can you tell me one rule
from each sport?
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their participation during the class
Day 4 B Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 4, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to participate in the bocce ball game.
Students will be able to record their told points at the end of the game.
Students will be able to understand the rules of bocce ball.
Students will be able to participate in sit volleyball.
Review: What are the rules to bocce ball?
Introductory Activities: Students will begin class by finishing their bocce ball
games from the class period before. Once the students are finished they we totally
up their points from both classes and tell the teacher.
Skill/Concept Development: During this class period, students will finish playing
bocce and begin playing sit volleyball. Students will get a better understand on how
to play sit volleyball.
Culminating Activity: Students will break into their teams and begin playing sit
volleyball. The students that are not playing will be doing cardiovascular exercises
while they are waiting for their turn. Each game will be played till ten and there will
be a brief overview of the rules at the beginning of the game. Students need to keep
their bottoms on the ground and stay in a stationary position during the game.
Closure: Students will put away all equipment. The students will be asked which
sport they like better so far, bocce ball or sit volleyball. Can you tell me one rule
from each sport?
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their participation during the class
Day 5 A Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 4, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the rules of sit volleyball.
Students will be able to participate in sit volleyball.
Students will be able to score more points in sit volleyball then their opponent.
Review: What are the rules of sit volleyball?
Introductory Activities: Students will sit in a circle with their group and practice
bumping to each other. Try not to let the beach ball fall to the ground and keep track
of how many passes you can get in a row.
Skill/Concept Development: In this lesson, students should practice on their sit
volleyball practice skills so they can use them in the game. This will be the last day
of sit volleyball before we move on to goal ball.
Culminating Activity: Students will finish their sit volleyball games from the class
before. . The students that are not playing will be doing cardiovascular exercises
while they are waiting for their turn. Each game will be played till ten and there will
be a brief overview of the rules at the beginning of the game.
Closure: Students will put all the equipment away and will be reminding of the
rules on goal ball. What is something that sit volleyball and goal ball have in
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their participation and effort during the
class period.
Day 6 B Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 4, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the rules of sit volleyball.
Students will be able to participate in sit volleyball.
Students will be able to score more points in sit volleyball then their opponent.
Review: What are the rules of sit volleyball?
Introductory Activities: Students will sit in a circle with their group and practice
bumping to each other. Try not to let the beach ball fall to the ground and keep track
of how many passes you can get in a row.
Skill/Concept Development: In this lesson, students should practice on their sit
volleyball practice skills so they can use them in the game. This will be the last day
of sit volleyball before we move on to goal ball.
Culminating Activity: Students will finish their sit volleyball games from the class
before. . The students that are not playing will be doing cardiovascular exercises
while they are waiting for their turn. Each game will be played till ten and there will
be a brief overview of the rules at the beginning of the game.
Closure: Students will put all the equipment away and will be reminding of the
rules on goal ball. What is something that sit volleyball and goal ball have in
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their participation and effort during the
class period.
Day 7 A Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 2, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to identify different strategies while playing goal ball.
Students will be able to demonstrate how to play goal ball
Students will be able to work with his/her teammates while playing goal ball.
Review: What is goal ball? What are some rules of goal ball?
Introductory Activities: Students will begin by sitting in a circle with their groups.
One person will sit in the middle and try to get the goal ball from her teammates.
The students on the outside should try to pass it around so the teammate in the
middle does not get the ball. Once each player feels comfortable with the game they
will put blindfolds on (rules stay the same).
Skill/Concept Development:. In this lesson, the students will get an idea how to
play goal ball. We will practice for a little with and with out blindfolds and then
eventually begin playing against eachother.
Culminating Activity: Students will play each other in a real game of goal ball. Each
group will play against each other once. Each game will go for a totally of four
minutes with a 30 second half time so the teams can change their strategies. All
teams will play at the same time and at the end of the game teams will rotate.
Closure: Please pick up all equipment and head back to the classroom. Next class we
will be moving on to wheel chair basketball. This will be the last day of our
paralympics unit. Can anyone tell me what the games are that we played so far? Can
anyone tell me some rules from each sport?
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the rules of the games
we have been playing so far.
Day 8 B Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 2, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to identify different strategies while playing goal ball.
Students will be able to demonstrate how to play goal ball
Students will be able to work with his/her teammates while playing goal ball.
Review: What is goal ball? What are some rules of goal ball?
Introductory Activities: Students will begin by sitting in a circle with their groups.
One person will sit in the middle and try to get the goal ball from her teammates.
The students on the outside should try to pass it around so the teammate in the
middle does not get the ball. Once each player feels comfortable with the game they
will put blindfolds on (rules stay the same).
Skill/Concept Development:. In this lesson, the students will get an idea how to
play goal ball. We will practice for a little with and with out blindfolds and then
eventually begin playing against eachother.
Culminating Activity: Students will play each other in a real game of goal ball. Each
group will play against each other once. Each game will go for a totally of four
minutes with a 30 second half time so the teams can change their strategies. All
teams will play at the same time and at the end of the game teams will rotate.
Closure: Please pick up all equipment and head back to the classroom. Next class we
will be moving on to wheel chair basketball. This will be the last day of our
paralympics unit. Can anyone tell me what the games are that we played so far? Can
anyone tell me some rules from each sport?
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the rules of the games
we have been playing so far.
Day 9 A Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 2, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the rules to wheelchair basketball.
Students will be able to demonstrate a free throw shot while sitting in a wheelchair.
Students will be able to play wheelchair basketball during the class period.
Introductory Activities: Students will practice wheeling around the gym. Once they
are comfortable the teacher will take out a basketballs and allow students to dribble,
pass and shoot around for a couple minutes. When the students look like they are
ready, they will begin playing a game against each other.
Skill/Concept Development: Students will be able to get an understanding on how
it feels to play wheelchair basketball. The students will understand that the rules are
the same as regular basketball but the only difference is that you’re in a wheelchair
instead of standing.
Culminating Activity: Students will break into their teams and find a wheelchair
that fits them well. Once the students are ready in their wheel chairs they will go
onto the court to get ready to play another team. The games will consist of five
minutes. All the rules are the same as basketball with the exception of one thing.
There will be a hula hoop hanging from the basketball hoop rim. If students shoot
the ball thru the hula hoop it is one point and if they make a basket thru the regular
basketball hoop it is three points. Once the game is over the teams will rotate so
they are playing a different team.
Closure: How did you like being apart of the paralympics? Would you want to take
this unit again? What was your favorite sport? What was you least favorite sport?
Assessment: Students will be given an assessment on the different rules of each
sport. Students must match the correct rule with the sport it goes with.
Day 10 B Day
Standard/Guidelines Assessed: NASPE Standard 2, NH Guideline
Standard/Guideline Addressed: NASPE Standard 1, NH Guideline
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to understand the rules to wheelchair basketball.
Students will be able to demonstrate a free throw shot while sitting in a wheelchair.
Students will be able to play wheelchair basketball during the class period.
Introductory Activities: Students will practice wheeling around the gym. Once they
are comfortable the teacher will take out a basketballs and allow students to dribble,
pass and shoot around for a couple minutes. When the students look like they are
ready, they will begin playing a game against each other.
Skill/Concept Development:. Students will be able to get an understanding on
how it feels to play wheelchair basketball. The students will understand that the
rules are the same as regular basketball but the only difference is that you’re in a
wheelchair instead of standing.
Culminating Activity: Students will break into their teams and find a wheelchair
that fits them well. Once the students are ready in their wheel chairs they will go
onto the court to get ready to play another team. The games will consist of five
minutes. All the rules are the same as basketball with the exception of one thing.
There will be a hula hoop hanging from the basketball hoop rim. If students shoot
the ball thru the hula hoop it is one point and if they make a basket thru the regular
basketball hoop it is three points. Once the game is over the teams will rotate so
they are playing a different team.
Closure: How did you like being apart of the paralympics? Would you want to take
this unit again? What was your favorite sport? What was you least favorite sport?
Assessment: Students will be given an assessment on the different rules of each
sport. Students must match the correct rule with the sport it goes with.
Bunting, C. (2006). Interdisciplinary teaching thorugh outdoor education. Champagne,
IL: Human Kinetics
DeJong, G., Hensley, L., & Tannehill, D. (2004). National standards for physical
education. (2 ed.). Reston: McGraw-Hill.