Part I Problem Solving Through Theatre.ppt

Introductions and Objective
Introductions of Everyone
Today’s objective: Through interactive learning, teachers and students will
engage in practice targeted exercises, informed by Common Core State
Standards, that lead to a culminating activity focused on problem-solving in
real world situations
Common Core Connections to Theatre
The new Common Core Plus standards have a high
linguistic demand.
Students must be able to:
• Engage in extended discourse
• Read and understand complex text IN
• Construct explanations and argumentation
• Understand and create diverse text and
sentence structures
• Handle very different vocabulary practices
More Connections—21st Century Skills
21st Century skills that the Common Core seeks to address:
• Communication – sharing thoughts, questions, ideas,
and solutions
• Collaboration – working together to reach a goal by
putting talent, expertise, and smarts to work
• Critical Thinking – looking at problems in a new way,
linking learning across subjects and disciplines
• Creativity – trying new approaches to get things
done equals innovation and invention
Activity 1: Watch Videos
CNA English School – Speaking English
Human Library
Dialogue in the Dark
Always like a Girl
Activity 2: Group Introduction
Activity: Tell Me About Yourself
Activity 3: Participants Brainstorm Skills
Needed for Problem Solving
Brainstorm a list of problem solving skills and
categorize in the following groupings:
• Communication
• Approach problems with patience and
• Work as a team to achieve common goals
• Divergent thinking
Activity 4: First Problem Solving Game
Human Obstacle Course
Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Communication
Activity 5: Second Problem Solving Game
Find Your Mama Like a Little Penguin
Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Patience and Persistence
Activity 6: Third Game
Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Teamwork
Activity 7: Fourth Game
Cloth in Circle
Reflection: Brainstorm additional games that serve Divergent Thinking
Activity 8: Form small groups to
identify practice problem
In groups of 6 to 8 people, Brainstorm pressing issues or even a simple
problem in their classes, schools, communities, nation, world
Activity 9: Develop a two-minute presentation
to the group’s problem
Using elements of communication, patience and persistence, team work and
divergent thinking, each group develops two-minute approach to the issue
they researched.
Activity 10: Assignment for in-school
With your class, identify a problem and work together to find a creative
approach to solving the problem. Implement the approach and document
the process and outcome.
Bring back a presentation of your creative approach to the problem
Wrap Up and Questions
See you on November 12!
Thank You!