SMS Server

Alarm / Notification
June 25, 2010
Created by Jason-Su / Andy Chen
Hotline Alert
SMS Alert
SMS Server
Email Alert
Event Types
Advance Section – Demo
• Guideline for Alarm / Notification
• Notification is a mean to inform users
that any abnormal activities happened
and needed their attention immediately
– Car Alarm
– House Alarm
• Take DVR’s motion alert as an example.
If you enable Invoke to sent alert, alert
message will be sent when there is a
– High = 0.5 seconds
– Normal = 1 seconds
– Low = 1.5 seconds
• A Motion Alert Example
• When setup security alarm in the house,
you might need sometime to setup the
alarm before actually enable it
– Delay for deactivation
Hotline Alert
Hotline Alert
Hotline Alert
Hotline Alert
• Hotline
– Here are our supported modem model.
Note that internal modems PCI or LSA
are not recommended
• ZyXEL Omni 56K COM Plus
• ZyXEL Omni 56K Smart
• Actiontec EX560LKC 56K Data/Fax/Voice
• Askey 1456VQE-T External
• Paradise WaveCom 56Kbps External PRO
• Zoom 2949L 56Kx Data/Fax/Voice External
SMS Alert
SMS Alert
• Via a GSM/GPRS modem, GV-System lets
you send SMS (Short Message Service)
messages when an alert condition
happens. The modem can be installed at
either a separate server, or the same
computer/server equipped with GV-System
SMS Alert
• Type in the 3 different phone numbers.
The SMS alerts will be sent when certain
events are being triggered
SMS Alert
– Here are the supported SMS Modem
• Round Solutions TER-GX101 GSM/GPRS
• Round Solutions TER-GX102 GSM/GPRS
• Round Solutions TER-GX104 GSM/GPRS
• WAVECOM Multiband 900E 1800 GSM
Modem ( v8.3 or higher)
SMS Server
SMS Server
• How to setup SMS Server?
– Create an account in SMS server
– Enable option1, if the client (ID) is
disconnect to SMS server, the text message
will be sent to above phone list
SMS Server
• How to setup SMS Server?
– Enable option 2, if the client (ID) is
disconnect to SMS server, the text message
will be sent to the phone list from CenterV2
or VSM
SMS Server
• How to setup SMS Server?
– Notify tag is for users to check the internet
connection to see if SMS server is able to
access internet. If not, SMS server will sent a
SMS message in the phone number list below.
SMS Server
• How to setup SMS Server?
– If the selection in message filter not check, SMS
message will NOT send even though DVR or
other application has enable such alert function
on its side.
Email Alert
Email Alert
• How to setup Email alert?
– Go to General Setting >> System
Configure to select sent event approach.
In this example, we will use Email alert.
Email Alert
• How to setup Email alert?
– Enable the send event alert to choose
which events you would like to have an
email alert, such as video lost, disk full…
Email Alert
• How to setup Email alert?
– Go to General Setting >> Email Setup to setup
your SMTP server, send to email address…
Email Alert
• How to setup Email alert?
– You can also have max six snapshots with
different resolution attached to the email
Email Alert
• How to setup Email alert?
– After above steps, click Test Mail Account button
to test out your email connection
Event Types
Event Types
SMS Server’s Event Alert
DVR’s Event Alert
VSM’ Event Alert
Center V2’ Event Alert
GIS’s Event Alert
Event Types
• SMS Server’s Event Alert
Video Lost
I/O Module Lost
I/O Trigger
Camera Motion
Missing Object
Unattended Object
POS Loss Prevention
Disk Full
Record Abnormal Detect ( DVR )
Connection lost
Subscriber Login
Subscriber Logout
Scene Change
Event Types
• SMS Server’s Event Alert
User Defined
Stop I/O Monitoring
Stop all camera Monitoring
Login Failed
Center Management Service
Access Control
Keep Days log is not enough
LPR Event
Backup Server Event
Disk Error ( CenterV2/VSM )
Advance Video Analytic Event
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Video Lost
– When the DVR has video lost
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s image as
video lost
– When VSM receives DVR’s status as video lost
• I/O Module Lost
– I/O device is defective
– I/O device is not plug into DVR
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s I/O status as
I/O module lost
– When VSM receives DVR’s I/O status as I/O
module lost
• I/O Trigger
– I/O device is being trigger from DVR
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s I/O trigger
– When VSM receives DVR’s I/O trigger
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Camera Motion
– When a DVR has a motion occurred
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s motion
– When VSM receives DVR’s motion message
• Intruder
– When a DVR has an intruder alert occurred
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s intruder
– When VSM receives DVR’s intruder message
• Missing Object
– When a DVR has an missing object alert
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s missing object
– When VSM receives DVR’s missing object
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Unattended Object
– When a DVR has an unattended object alert
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s unattended
object message
– When VSM receives DVR’s unattended object
• POS Lost Prevention
– When a DVR has an POS Lost Prevention alert
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s POS Lost
Prevention message
– When VSM receives DVR’s POS Lost
Prevention message
• Disk Full ( Include storage free space isn’t
enough )
– When a DVR has a DISK Full alert occurred
– When VSM receives DVR’s DISK Full message
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Record Abnormal Detect ( DVR )
– When DVR has recode error occurred, such as
codec, HDD.
• Surveillance System abnormality
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s record error
– When VSM receives DVR’s record error
• Connection Lost
– When CenterV2 and DVR’s connection is
– When VSM and DVR’s connection is broken
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Subscriber Login
– When DVR successfully login into Center V2
– When DVR successfully login into VSM
• Subscriber Logout
– When DVR successfully logout Center V2
– When DVR successfully logout VSM
• Scene Change
– When a DVR has a scene change alert
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s scene change
– When VSM receives DVR’s scene change
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• User-Define ( Before or equal v8.2 )
– If VSM/CenterV2’s notification event alert didn’t
match SMS server’s notification list, the
VSM/CenterV2’s notification event alert will be
categorized into User-define.
• Stop I/O Monitoring ( CenterV2/VSM )
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s stop
monitoring message
– When VSM receives DVR’s stop monitoring
• Stop all camera monitoring ( CenterV2/VSM )
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s stop all
camera monitoring msg
– When VSM receives DVR’s stop all camera
monitoring msg
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Login Fail
– When DVR failed to login to Center V2
– When DVR failed to login to VSM
• Center Management Service
( CenterV2/VSM ) v8.3 or higher
– If VSM/CenterV2’s notification event alert didn’t
match SMS server’s notification list, the
VSM/CenterV2’s notification event alert will be
categorized into User-define.
• Access Control
– Any SMS alert message from Access Control
will be categorize as Access Control
Event Types
• SMS Server Event Alert
• Keep Days log is not enough
– When VSM’s keep days log isn’t enough
• LPR Event
– Any SMS alert message from LPR will be
categorize as LPR
• Backup Server Event
– When a DVR and backup server’s connection
is broken
• Disk Error ( CenterV2/VSM )
– When CenterV2/VSM can’t write the events
into its own HDD
• Advance Video Analysis Event
– Any AVP event occurred in DVR
Event Types
• DVR’s Event Alert
– Video Lost
– Record Error
– Disk Full
– I/O Error
– Intruder Event
– Missing Object Event
– Unattended Object Event
– POS Loss Prevention Event
– Scene Change Event
– Crowd Detection
– Advanced Unattended Object
– Advanced Scene Change Detection
– Advance Missing Object Detection
Event Types
• DVR’s Event Alert
• Video Lost
– Certain channels’ live images are unable
to present in Multicam. It could be an
issue on camera itself, camera’s cable, Dtype cable or even the capture card.
• Record Error
– Not enough Windows user’s rights to
write the video files into HDD
– Codec error
– Defection HDD
• Disk Full
– Hard drive has reached the recording
limit without recycling.
• I/O Error
– No GV-I/O device attached when I/O
function is enable in Multicam.
Event Types
• DVR’s Event Alert
• Intruder Event
– When an object/person touches the
boundary between region A and region B
– When an object/person is completely in
region b from region a or vice versa.
• Missing Object Event( For Indoor )
– When an object is being taken / stolen
from the scene
• Unattended Object Event ( For Indoor )
– When an suspicious object is presented
in an area
• POS Loss Prevention Event
– When the defined text is detected during
the transaction
– When an abnormal transaction of the
specific item occurs
Event Types
• DVR’s Event Alert
• Scene Change Event ( For Indoor )
– When a camera is out of focus
– When a camera is being blacked out
– When a camera’s view is being shifted
• Crowd Detection
– When a crowd of people gathers in a
specific area and exceeds the defined
• Advanced Unattended Object ( For
Outdoor )
– When an suspicious object is presented in
an area
Event Types
• DVR’s Event Alert
• Advanced Scene Change Detection ( For
Outdoor )
– When a camera is out of focus
– When a camera is being blacked out
– When a camera’s view is being shifted
• Advance Missing Object Detection ( For
Outdoor )
– When an object is being taken / stolen from
the scene
• Missing Object Event ( For Outdoor )
– When an object is being taken / stolen from
the scene
Event Types
• VSM’s Event Alert
Video Lost
I/O Module Lost
I/O Trigger ( Normal )
I/O Trigger ( Emergency)
Connection Lost
Surveillance System Abnormality
Missing Object
Unattended Object
Scene Change / Tempering Alarm
POS Loss Prevention
Disk Full
Disk Error
Free Storage space is low
Event Types
• VSM’s Event Alert
Keep days of vide log is low
Stop all camera monitoring
Stop I/O monitoring
Subscriber Login
Subscriber Logout
Login Fail in Surveillance System
Start Monitoring All Type Events
Stop Monitoring All Type Events
Wait-Time Expired
Unexpected Logout
Camera Motion
Crowd Detection
Advance unattended Object Detection
Advance Scene Change Detection
Advance Missing Object Detection
Event Types
• VSM’s Event Alert
• Scene Change / Tempering Alarm
– When a camera is out of focus
– When a camera is being blacked out
– When a camera’s view is being shifted
* Tempering Alarm is for GV-IP device only
• Surveillance System Abnormality
– When CenterV2 receives DVR’s record error
– When VSM receives DVR’s record error
• Wait time Expired
– Certain DVRs didn’t login to VSM in a
designated period of time
• Unexpected Logout
– Certain DVRs logout from VSM within a
designated period of time
Event Types
• Center V2’s Event Alert
Video Lost
I/O Module Lost
I/O Trigger ( Normal )
Connection Lost
Subscriber Login
Subscriber Logout
Camera Motion
Surveillance System Abnormality
Missing Object
Event Types
• Center V2’s Event Alert
Unattended Object
Scene Change / Tampering Alarm
POS Loss Prevention
Disk Full
Stop all cameras monitoring
Stop I/O Monitoring
Start Monitoring All Type Events
Stop Monitoring All Type Events
Wait-Time Expired
Unexpected Logout
Event Types
• GIS’s Event Alert
GPS Signal Lost
Video Lost
I/O Trigger
Out of Detection Area
Within the Detection Area
Out of Detection Route
Within the Detection Route
Idle Speed
Over Speed
Connection Lost
Mobile Host Login
Mobile Host Logout
Camera Motion( Fixed Host )
Video Lost ( Fixed Host )
I/O Trigger ( Fixed Host )
Connection ( Fixed Host )
Section – Demo
Section - Demo
How to setup email alert
How to use I/O to trigger an email alert?
How to use motion to trigger an email alert?
Need to have snapshots in email
attachment when a motion occurred
Use “ Idle speed ” from GIS and trigger an
email alert
Use “ Wait time expired” from VSM and
trigger an email alert
Use “ Unexpected Logout” from Center V2
and trigger an email alert
Use “ Tempering Alarm ” from a GV-IPCam
V2 and trigger an email alert
How to setup SMS Server
How to connect SMS Server to a DVR?
What is the main purpose / advantages of
using alert / notification? In addition, what
kind of alert notification does Multicam
have? If possible, please list one event
type from SMS Server / DVR / VSM /
CenterV2 / GIS.