งานนำเสนอ PowerPoint

Distance Learning
With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO
and TOT Public Company Limited
Bangkok, Thailand
Preparing our Students for the ASEAN
Community with the 5Cs
Session 2:
Critical Thinking
Goals of Session 2
> To review the 5Cs and how it plays a role in AEC
> To recap culture and collaboration as foundations
for the series with some examples of culture
and thought projects
> To further explore the role of critical thinking in the
ASEAN community
> To begin planning for the culminating final project
you will present in the last session
Let's Review!
Culture Collaboration Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking Communication
For each site, please pick 1 or 2 of the Cs to describe.
Then, give an example from your experience as a
teacher or student.
(2 min)
But first…
Quick Review:
Features of Culture
Any more?
A brief activity first…
Quick Activity:
Features of Culture
Pick 2 to 3 features of culture. Give an example for
your country and another ASEAN country.
Then, let’s share what we have.
(2 min)
“My Culture in a Bag”
Your Turn:
More Bags or Boxes?
If you tried this activity in your class, please share
what you have done.
If you were to do this, what would you do? What
would you change or add?
(2 min)
exploring CULTURE
Why is this activity important for
your students?
What can they learn from this?
(1 min)
Culture and Collaboration
“Thought Project”
(In groups of 4 to 6)
You are assigned to interview people of a
different culture and background.
You then have to produce a visual document
of your interviews and present it to class.
Culture and Collaboration
“Thought Project”
(In groups of 4 to 6)
Who would you interview?
Where would you go?
What would you ask them?
What kind of visual document would you
prepare as a group?
(a brief excerpt from video first)
(3 min)
Jobs in the AEC:
Critical Thinking
A Contest!
Think first: What kind of jobs are
needed now and will be needed more
in AEC 2015?
Each site must come up with as many
jobs* (not industries) as possible –
in 2 minutes!
Jobs in the AEC:
Critical Thinking
What is the job title for this position?
How do you know?
“Able to handle creative jobs. Wellversed in Photoshop or any graphic
programs. 1-3 years work experience
in advertising graphic design a plus.
Willing to learn new technology.”
Jobs in the AEC:
Critical Thinking
What is the job title for this position?
How do you know?
“Holds a tertiary degree in English
translation or professional certificate. Has
knowledge of legal terminologies. Has
excellent communication skills in written and
spoken English. Familiar with Burmese
Jobs in the AEC:
Critical Thinking
What is thejob title for this position?
How do you know?
“Undertake day-to-day clinical duties. Refer
staff to & follow-up with outside specialists.
Advise on medical standards for recruitment,
sick leave, & medical evacuations. Ensure
availability of medical supplies.”
Jobs in the AEC:
Critical Thinking
Your Turn: Guessing Game
Each site think of two job descriptions (about
3 bulletpoints). Then, have the other sites
guess the job title.
(3 min)
Exploring Critical Thinking
How was this activity applying critical
(2 min)
Exploring Critical Thinking
What would you add to this to further
explore critical thinking as a project in
your classroom?
How can you emphasize the
importance of the AEC in this type of
(3 min)
Exploring Critical Thinking
“Thought to Writing Project”
Technology Issues in Classrooms
List some of the issues or problems
your classroom or school has with
(2 min)
Exploring Critical Thinking
“Thought to Writing Project”
Technology Issues in Classrooms
Why do these issues exist?
What can be done to reach a solution?
(3 min)
Exploring Critical Thinking
“Thought to Writing Project”
Technology Issues in Classrooms
With these ideas in mind, brainstorm a
collaborative project you would have your
students complete and present to the school
(What are the goals of the project? Who should students
contact? What kind of information should they gather
and how?)
(3 min -- Handout)
Your Final Project
A Culmination
Project-based Learning with the 5Cs
ASEAN & your students in
the 21st century
Your Final Project
A Culmination
Project-based Learning with the 5Cs
1. Goal: To present a project that integrates
the 5Cs & their role in ASEAN
Now it's time to brainstorm and write your
2. objectives and 3. strategies.
Your Final Project
A Culmination
Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timed
Objectives: write up to 3 objectives
(What are specific actions you want to do to achieve
your goal?)
Strategies: write up to 2 per objective
(How will you achieve these objectives?)
(3 min-handout)
Wrap - Up
What are some new ideas you will try in
your classroom before the next session?
Thank you for your participation
and contribution!
[email protected]
Facebook: DLF Teacher Training