Scholarship Application Form - Gana

Gana-A'Yoo Foundation
1205 E International Airport Road Suite 100, Anchorage, Alaska 99518
656-1606 ext. 570
Fax (907) 569-9699 E-mail: [email protected]
Phone (907) 569-9599/toll free 1-888-
Scholarship Application
School Year 20
I am a:
New Applicant or
Returning Applicant
1. Last Name
Check all that apply:
General Scholarship
Competitive Scholarship 
Short-term Scholarship
Vocational Scholarship
First Name
Maiden Name
2. Student ID
3. Date of Birth
4. E-mail Address:
5. Permanent Mailing Address
City or Town
Zip Code 5a. Permanent Telephone No.
6. Address while attending School
City or Town
Zip Code 6a. Current Telephone No.
7a. Are your parents or Grandparents an
7b. Shareholder Parent Name:
original Gana-A’Yoo Shareholder:
7. Gana-A’Yoo Shareholder:
Yes, skip to 8
No, Answer 7a-7c
8. Academic Standing for which this application applies (check one)
9. GPA:
10. Name and Address of SCHOOL YOU WILL BE ATTENDING:
11. Major field of study (please specify):
12. Credits Earned
to Date:
7c. Shareholder Grandparent Name:
13. Degree Program: (Associates, BA, BS, etc.)
14. Estimated date of graduation:
15. The information I have submitted is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have no objection to inquiries being made to verify the
statements made herein. I am aware that false information may adversely affect my application for a Gana-A’Yoo Foundation Scholarship.
General Scholarship Checklist:
Competitive and Vocational Scholarship Checklist:
Short Term Scholarship Checklist:
Complete application form
Complete application form
Complete application form
Proof of full time enrollment.
Proof of full time enrollment.
Proof of enrollment.
Current transcripts (minimum GPA of 2.0).
Current transcripts (minimum GPA of 2.5).
Current transcripts.
300 to 500 word essay
300 to 500 word essay
Two new letters of recommendation
Two new letters of recommendation.
If not a shareholder of Gana-A’Yoo, Limited,
Estimated Cost (Vocational Scholarship only).
submit a copy of your birth certificate as proof of
If not a shareholder of GanaA’Yoo, Limited, submit a
your relationship to an original shareholder with a
copy of your birth certificate as proof of your
family tree to the best of your ability (first year only).
relationship to an original shareholder with a family tree
to the best of your ability (first year only).
One page letter describing personal and
professional goals.
If not a shareholder of Gana-A’Yoo, Limited,
submit a copy of your birth certificate as proof
of your relationship to an original shareholder
with a family tree to the best of your ability (first
year only).
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e r e f e r t o t h e S c h o la r s h ip s G u i d e l in e s o r c a ll 1 - 8 8 8 - 6 5 6 - 1 6 0 6 e xt 5 7 0 .
To b e e li g ib le fo r t h e G en er a l an d Co m p et it i ve Sch o lar sh ip s
yo u r co m p l eted ap p l ica tio n m u st b e p o stm ar ke d b y t h e d e ad li n e o f Ju n e 1 5 t h
an d f o r th e sp r in g sem e ster for th e G en er a l Sch olar sh ip Sep t em b er 30 t h .