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C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
May 29, 2014
Office: Department of Health Management and Policy
University of Kentucky College of Public Health
111 Washington Ave., Suite 105
Lexington, KY 40536
phone: 859-218-0108
e-mail: [email protected]
Health Administration, emphasis in Health Services Research
The University of Iowa
The University of Iowa
Health Administration
The University of Iowa
Psychology, with Honors
The University of Kansas
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky Endowed Chair in Rural Health Policy
University of Kentucky
Co-Director, Institute for Rural Health Policy
University of Kentucky
Chair and Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy
College of Public Health
University of Kentucky
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
and Department of Epidemiology
College of Public Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Director, Ph.D. in Health Systems Research Program
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Health Policy and Management
and Department of Epidemiology (appointed as secondary faculty, 2006)
College of Public Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy
School of Public Health
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Chief, Division of Health Services Research
Department of Family and Community Medicine
School of Medicine
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services Research and Management
(became the Division of Health Services Research within the Department of
Family and Community Medicine in 2003)
School of Medicine
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock
Director, M.S. in Health Services Research Program
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock
Adjunct Assistant Professor, M.B.A. in Health Organization Management
College of Business Administration
Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Research Assistant, Division of Health Management and Policy
The University of Iowa, Iowa City
Research Associate, McNierney Heintz, Inc.
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Des Moines, Iowa
Research Assistant, Graduate Program in Hospital and Health Administration
The University of Iowa, Iowa City
Sum. 1994
Administrative Intern, Kameda Medical Center, Kamagowa City, Chiba, Japan
National Rural Health Association
American College of Epidemiology
Member, Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society (Inducted 2013)
Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, UAMS College of Public Health (2011)
Fellow, American College of Epidemiology (Inducted 2007)
Exceptional (top 10%) Reviewer, Medical Care (2006-2007; 2007-2008)
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Teacher of the Year Nominee, Texas Tech School of Medicine, 2000
3rd Place Award, Internationalizing Health Care Administration: A Comparison of Japanese and
American Hospital Management, American Academy of Medical Administrators Student Paper
Competition (1995); Honorable Mention, ACHE Student Paper Competition (1995).
Lifetime Member, Golden Key National Honor Society (inducted 1993)
A. Peer-Reviewed Articles (55 Articles)
1. Borders TF, Booth BM, Stewart KE, Cheney AM, Curran GM. Rural/urban residence, access, and
perceived need for treatment among African American cocaine users. Journal of Rural Health, in
2. Booth BM, Stewart KE, Cheney AM, Curran GM, Borders TF. Beliefs and attitudes regarding drug
treatment: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in African American Cocaine users.
Addictive Behaviors, in press.
3. Cheney AM, Curran GM, Booth BM, Sullivan KE, Stewart KE, Borders TF. The religious and
spiritual dimension of cutting down and stopping cocaine use: A qualitative exploration among
African Americans in the South. Journal of Drug Issues, 2013 Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print]
Borders TF, Booth BM, Stewart KE, Wright PB, Leukefeld C, Falck RS, Carlson RS. Risky sex in
rural America: Longitudinal changes in a community-based cohort of methamphetamine and cocaine
users. American Journal on Addictions, 2013;22:535-542.
Borders TF, Booth BM. Stimulant use, religiosity, and the odds of developing or maintaining an
alcohol use disorder over time. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2013;74:369-377.
6. Kramer TL, Borders TF, Tripathi S, Lynch C, Leukefeld C, Falck RS, Carlson RG, Booth BM.
Physical victimization of rural methamphetamine and cocaine users. Violence and Victims,
7. Borders TF, Booth BM. Stimulant use trajectories and the longitudinal risk of heavy drinking:
Findings from a rural population-based study. Addictive Behaviors, 2011;37(3):269-272.
8. Borders TF, Lensing S, Xu KT. Health confidence and racial and ethnic disparities in consumers’
assessments of health care. American Journal of Medical Quality 2011;26(3):220-228.
9. Borders TF, Curran GM, Mattox R, Booth BM. Religiousness among at-risk drinkers: Is it
protective against the development or maintenance of an alcohol use disorder? Journal of Studies on
Alcohol and Drugs 2010;71(1):136-142.
10. Borders TF, Booth BM, Falck RS, Leukefeld C, Wang J, Carlson RG. Longitudinal changes in drug
use severity and physical health-related quality of life among untreated stimulant users. Addictive
Behaviors 2009;34:959-964.
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
11. Borders TF, Booth BM, Han X, Wright P, Leukefeld C, Falck R, Carlson R. Longitudinal changes in
methamphetamine and cocaine use in untreated rural stimulant users: Racial differences and the
impact of methamphetamine legislation. Addiction 2008;103:800-808.
12. Xu KT, Borders TF. Does being an immigrant make a difference in seeking physician services?
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2008;19:380-390.
13. Borders TF, Booth BM. Research on rural residence and access to drug abuse services: Where are
we and where do we go? The Journal of Rural Health 2007;23:79-83.
14. Xu KT, Borders TF. Racial and ethnic disparities in the financial burden of prescription drugs among
older Americans. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration 2007;30:28-49.
15. Borders TF, Booth BM. Rural, suburban, and urban variations in alcohol consumption in the U.S.:
Findings from the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions. The Journal of
Rural Health 2007;23:314-320.
16. Zhang Y, Borders TF, Rohrer JE. Correlates of intent to seek unnecessary Pap tests among elderly
women. Women’s Health Issues 2007;17:351-359.
17. Collins B, Borders TF, Tebrink K, Xu KT. Utilization of prescription medications and ancillary
pharmacy services among rural elders in west Texas: Distance barriers and implications for
telepharmacy. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration 2007;30:75-97.
18. Zhang Y, Rohrer JE, Borders TF, Farrell T. Patient satisfaction, self-rated health status and health
confidence: An assessment of the utility of single-item questions. American Journal of Medical
Quality 2007;22:42-49.
19. Sutkin G, Grant B, Irons BK, Borders TF. Opinions of West Texas pharmacists about emergency
contraception. Pharmacy Practice 2006;4:151-155.
20. Borders TF, Rohrer JE, Cardarelli KM. Gender-specific disparities in obesity. Journal of Community
Health 2006;31:57-68.
21. Kurian AK, Borders TF. Racial and ethnic differences in the effects of regular providers and selfmanagement education on diabetes preventive care. Ethnicity & Disease 2006;16:786-791.
22. Borders TF, Xu KT, Bacchi D, Cohen L, Sorelle-Miner D. College campus smoking policies and
programs and students’ smoking behaviors. BMC Public Health 2005;5:74.
23. Collins B, Borders TF. Use of hospital services among older rural persons: A comparison of critical
access hospitals and community hospitals. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration
24. Rohrer JE, Borders TF, Blanton J. Rural residence is not a risk factor for frequent mental distress: A
behavioral risk factor surveillance survey. BMC Public Health 2005;5:46.
25. Borders TF, Xu KT, Kruse G, Heavner J. Patient involvement in medical decision-making and pain
among elders: Physician or patient-driven? BMC Health Services Research 2005;5:4.
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
26. Rohrer JE, Borders TF. Healthy skepticism. Preventive Medicine 2004;39:1234-1237.
27. Borders TF, Aday LA, Xu KT. Factors associated with health-related quality of life among an older
population in a largely rural western region. The Journal of Rural Health 2004;20:67-75.
28. Borders TF, Brannon-Goedeke A, Arif A, Xu KT. Parents’ reports of children’s medical care access:
Are there Mexican-American vs. non-Hispanic white disparities? Medical Care 2004;42(9):884-892.
29. Borders TF. Rural community-dwelling elders’ reports of access to care: Are there Hispanic vs. nonHispanic white disparities? The Journal of Rural Health 2004;20:210-220.
30. Xu KT, Borders TF, Arif AA. Ethnic differences in parents’ perception of participatory decisionmaking style of their children’s physicians. Medical Care 2004;42:328-335.
31. Arif AA, Venati G, Borders TF, Rohrer JE. Correlates of physician visits among children and
adolescents in west Texas: Effects of hyperglycemia symptoms. The Journal of Rural Health
32. Arif AA, Borders TF, Patterson PJ, Rohrer JE, Xu KT. Prevalence and correlates of pediatric asthma
and wheezing in a largely rural USA population. Journal of Pediatrics & Child Health 2004;40:189194.
33. Borders TF, Rohrer JE, Xu KT, Smith DR. Older persons’ evaluations of health care: The effects of
medical skepticism and worry about health. Health Services Research 2004;39:35-52.
34. Rohrer JE, Kruse G, Borders TF, Kupersmith, J. Realized access to physician services among the
elderly in West Texas. The Journal of Rural Health 2003;19:72-78.
35. Xu KT, Borders TF. Gender, health, and access to medical care among adults in the United States.
American Journal of Public Health 2003;93:1076-1079.
36. Borders TF, Warner R, Sutkin G. Satisfaction with health care and cancer screening practices among
women in the Permian Basin. Preventive Medicine 2003;36: 652-658.
37. Xu KT, Borders TF. Characteristics of rural elderly persons who bypass local pharmacies. The
Journal of Rural Health 2003;19:156-164.
38. Xu KT, Smith S, Borders TF. Access to prescription drugs among noninstitutionalized elderly people
in West Texas. American Journal of Health System Pharmacy 2002;60:675-682.
39. Arif AA, Patterson PJ, Borders TF, Shah SM. 2003. The epidemiology of unintentional non-fatal
injuries among children in the South Plains/Panhandle region of Texas. Texas Journal of Rural
Health 2003;21:31-41.
40. Xu KT, Rohrer JE, Borders TF. The impact of managed care and practice size on primary care
physicians’ perceived ability to refer. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2003;7:143-150.
41. Borders TF, Xu KT, Rohrer JE, Warner R. Are rural residents and Hispanics less satisfied with
medical care? Evidence from the Permian Basin. The Journal of Rural Health 2002;18:84-92.
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
42. Rohrer JE, Borders TF, Rohland BM. High-use of medical care among elderly persons with heart
disease. Texas Journal of Rural Health 2002;20:34-43.
43. Rohrer JE, Xu KT, Kruse G, Borders TF, Kupersmith, J. Utilization of health services by seniors in
West Texas. Texas Journal of Rural Health 2002;21:60-72.
44. Borders TF, Rohrer JE. Rural residence and migration for specialty physician care. Health Care
Management Review 2001;26:41-50.
45. Borders TF. A review of primary care physicians’ detection, diagnosis, and treatment of depression.
Texas Journal of Rural Health 2001;19:51-59.
46. Borders TF, Rohrer JE. Identifying market segments for physician services: Variations by gender.
Texas Journal of Rural Health 2001;19:29-42.
47. Rohrer JE, Borders TF. Progressive medical care in non-metropolitan areas. Texas Journal of Rural
Health 2001;19:57-66.
48. Borders TF, Rohrer JE, Vaughn TE. Limitations of secondary data for strategic marketing in rural
areas. Health Services Management Research 2000;13: 216-222.
49. Borders TF, Warner R. Rural residence, Hispanic ethnicity, and perceived accessibility of medical
care. Texas Journal of Rural Health 2000;18:35-47.
50. Borders TF, Rohrer JE, Hilsenrath PE, Ward MA. Why rural residents migrate for family physician
care. The Journal of Rural Health 2000;16:337-348.
51. Wakefield DS, Wakefield BJ, Borders TF, et al. Understanding and comparing differences in
reported medication administration error rates. American Journal of Medical Quality 1999;14:73-80.
52. Wakefield DS, Wakefield BJ, Uden-Holman T, Borders TF, et al. Understanding why medication
administration errors may not be reported. American Journal of Medical Quality 1999;14:81-88.
53. Snyder CR, Sympson S, Ybasco F, Borders TF, et al. Development and validation of the State Hope
Scale. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1996;70:321-335.
54. Hendryx M, Urdaneta M, Borders TF. The relationship between supply and hospitalization rates for
mental illness and substance use disorders. Journal of Mental Health Administration 1995;22:167176.
55. Hendryx M, Borders TF, Johnson T. The distribution of mental health providers in a rural state.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health 1995;23:153-156.
B. Manuscripts Under Review
1. Borders TF, Booth BM, Curran GM. African American cocaine users’ preferred treatment site:
Variations by rural/urban residence, stigma, and treatment effectiveness. Journal of Substance Abuse
Treatment, under review.
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
C. Editorials
1. Borders TF. Learning from rural health research in other countries. The Journal of Rural Health
2. Borders TF. The importance of peer-reviewed scholarly research for rural health practice and policy.
The Journal of Rural Health 2011;27(1):1-2.
3. Borders TF. From the (new) editor: An update on The Journal of Rural Health. The Journal of
Rural Health 2010;26(1):1-2.
D. Published Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
1. Borders TF, Arif AA, Kurian A. Alcohol disorders and the risk of current obesity: Findings from the
NESARC. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006;11:S219.
2. Arif AA, Lee ES, Borders TF, Xu KT, Rohrer JE. Prevalence and correlates of asthma in the elderly.
Annals of Epidemiology 2004;14:597.
3. Borders TF. Health needs of elderly residents of remote and rural communities. Gerontologist
E. Dissertations and Theses
1. Why Rural Medical Care Users Migrate for Physician Services. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, The
University of Iowa, Iowa City. Committee: Rohrer JE (chair), Hilsenrath P, Ward M, Clarke W, and
Merchant J.
2. Functional Status and Health-Related Quality of Life Preceding Death among Older Adults.
Unpublished M.S. Thesis, The University of Iowa, Iowa City. Committee: Wallace R (chair),
Chrischilles E, and Lemke J.
3. Validation of the State Hope Scale. Unpublished Psychology Honors Thesis, The University of
Kansas, Lawrence. Committee: Snyder CR (chair), Biernat M, and Brehm J.
A. Current Nationally Competitive Research Grants and Contracts
Prescription Drug Overdose: Boost for State Prevention
CE14-1404 (Bunn, PI)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
$362,000/year direct costs
Goals: The purpose of this project is to enhance and evaluate Kentucky’s Prescription Drug Monitoring
Role: Co-I
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
B. Completed Nationally Competitive Research Grants and Contracts
Rural and Urban African American Cocaine Users’ Perceived Need for Care
1R01DA026837-01A2 (Borders)
07/01/2010-06/30/2014 (NCE)
$1,508,118 total costs
Goals: The overarching objective of this mixed methods study is to further understand rural vs. urban
differences in African American cocaine users’ perceived need for and access to drug abuse treatment and
HIV testing. The grant received a perfect “10” NIH review priority score.
Role: P.I.
Longitudinal Trends in Alcohol Use and AUDs among Rural Stimulant Users
1R03AA017928-01A1 (Borders)
07/01/2009-06/30/2011 (NCE to 06/30/2012)
$145,000 total costs
Goals: To enhance our understanding of the longitudinal epidemiology of alcohol use among rural
methamphetamine and cocaine users. The findings will inform health policy makers and managers about
how to more effectively target prevention and treatment programs.
Role: P.I.
Establishing an Exploratory NCMHD Research Center of Excellence in Arkansas
P20 MD002329-05(Raczynski)
$6,463,855 total costs
Goals: The overarching goal is to develop research to improve access to quality prevention and healthcare
programs for racial and ethnic minorities.
Role: Co-I during project years 1, 2, and 5.
The Influence of Health Attitudes and Health Status on Ethnic/Racial Disparities in Consumer
Assessments of Health Care
Grant ID 63834 (Borders)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
$66,431 total costs
Goals: This study used data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to investigate whether healthrelated beliefs mediate ethnic/racial differences in consumers’ assessments of their care as measured by
selected items from the CAHPS.
Role: P.I.
Rural Stimulant Use & Mental Health: Services and Outcomes
1 R01 DA15363-01 (Booth)
$6,129,251 total costs
Goals: The overall specific aim was to characterize stimulant use and use of health services in 3 distinct
rural ecologies.
Role: Dr. Borders was not involved in writing the grant proposal, but was supported at 30% effort on the
project from 08/01/06-6/30/09 to conduct analyses and write papers.
Disparities in Asthma among Elderly in West Texas
1RO3AG020986-01 (Arif)
National Institute on Aging / NIH
$50,000 direct costs
Goals: This study investigated the epidemiology of asthma and asthma-specific health-related quality of
life among elderly persons.
Role: Co-I
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Public Health-Medicine on the Texas-Mexico Border
CDC and Association of American Medical Colleges (Williams)
$50,000 total costs
Goals: As part of this grant, Dr. Borders developed and implemented an innovative electronic-based
course on Population Medicine for 1st year medical students.
Role: Co-I
Hispanic and Rural Elders’ Satisfaction with Health Care
R03 HS11606-01 (Borders)
$99,968 total costs
Goals: To examine potential Hispanic/non-Hispanic and rural/urban disparities in older persons’
assessments of their health care access and quality as measured by Consumer Assessments of Health
Plans (CAHPS) instrument.
Role: P.I.
C. Other Completed National Research Grants and Contracts
Texas Tech Institute for Diabetes Prevention and Control
75/CCH620020-01 (Pence)
$493,941 total costs
Goals: To expand the research infrastructure and capacity of the health sciences center to conduct clinical
epidemiological and health services research with a focus on diabetes.
Role: Co-I and Chief Research Advisor
Wave 4 of the Texas Tech 5000 Survey
90AM2378 (Borders and Xu)
U.S. Administration on Aging / DHHS
$50,000 direct costs
Goals: To conduct a follow-up survey of a stratified sample of the original Texas Tech 5000 participants
focused on women’s perceived need for and access to cancer prevention services.
Role: Co-P.I.
Childhood Health and Diabetes Risk Factor Survey
H75/CCH620020-01 (Rohrer)
$280,033 direct costs
Goals: A population-based telephone survey of 6,000 parents was conducted to assess children’s health
and health care needs. Dr. Borders led efforts focused on health care access and quality.
Role: Co-I
The Texas Tech 5000 Survey: Waves 1-3
90AM2378 (Rohrer)
U.S. Administration on Aging / DHHS
$826,448 direct costs
Goals: A longitudinal population-based telephone survey of a random sample of 5,000 older persons
residing in Texas was conducted to study health-related quality of life, health care access, and health care
quality with a particular focus on rural residence and Hispanic ethnicity. Dr. Borders co-led the baseline
Role: Co-I
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Faculty Development Award
U.S. Administration on Aging / DHHS
$20,000 direct costs
Goals: Funded Dr. Borders’ completion of an Epidemiology thesis examining health-related quality of
life among older persons in the year preceding death using Health and Retirement Survey data.
Role: P.I.
D. Completed Regional, State, and Institutionally Competitive Research Grants
Interdisciplinary Geriatric Care and Diabetes Outcomes
UAMS Biosciences Institute (Borders)
$36,305 total costs
Goals: To compare the quality of diabetes care between geriatric and family medicine clinics.
Role: P.I.
Prevalence of Dementia in Geriatric vs. Family Medicine Clinics 07/01/06-06/30/07
Beverly Corporation, Inc. (Borders and McAtee)
$25,000 total costs
Goals: To describe and compare the correlates of dementia among older adults treated at geriatric and
family medicine sites.
Role: Co-P.I.
Hope, Religiousness, and Health-Related Quality of Life
Carillon, Inc.
$20,000 direct costs
Goals: To examine hope, religiousness, and spirituality on the maintenance of health-related quality of
life among older persons.
Role: P.I.
E. Other Completed State or Institutional Research Contracts
Health Disparities Survey Planning
Arkansas Minority Health Commission (Nash)
Goals: To plan a statewide survey of health and health care disparities.
Role: Provided consultation on survey development and sampling
$14,894 total costs
Arkansas Aging Initiative (AAI) Evaluation
UAMS Reynolds Center on Aging (Borders)
30% salary year 1; 10% salary year 2
Goals: To evaluate the medical care and educational activities provided by the AAI’s network of geriatric
care clinics across the state of Arkansas.
Role: Lead Evaluator
Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Evaluation
Arkansas Dept. of Health (Borders)
$40,000 total costs
Goals: To develop a plan to evaluate the reach and effectiveness of the state Department of Health’s
diabetes prevention and control activities.
Role: Lead Evaluator
Arkansas Cardiovascular Prevention Program Evaluation
Arkansas Dept. of Health (Nash)
10% salary offset
Goals: To evaluate the reach and effectiveness of the state Department of Health’s cardiovascular
prevention and control program.
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Role: Co-Evaluator
A. Government Testimony
Arkansas 2020. Testimony given before special meeting of the Arkansas Legislative Committees on
State Agencies, Education, Children and Youth, and Public Health. Little Rock (May 2008).
B. Peer-Reviewed Symposia and Presentations
1. Borders TF. Rural and Urban Differences in African American Cocaine Users’ Preferred Treatment
Sites and Types. Part of symposium organized by TF Borders on Drug Use in Rural and Urban
America: Treatment Preferences, Utilization, and Drug Control Policies at the Addiction Health
Services Research Conference, Portland, Oregon (2013).
2. Booth BM, Borders TF, Curran GM, Cheney AM. Correlates of Cocaine Expectancies:
Opportunities for Interventions. Poster presented at the Addiction Health Services Research
Conference, New York, NY (2012).
3. Cheney AM, Curran GM, Booth BM, Borders TF. Help-Seeking Behaviors of African American
Mothers Who Use Cocaine: A Qualitative Analysis. Poster presented at the Addiction Health Services
Research Conference, New York, NY (2012).
4. Booth BM, Borders TF. Barriers and Facilitators to Drug Treatment Entry Amongst Rural and
Urban African American Cocaine Users. Workshop at the National Association for Rural Mental
Health Conference, Anchorage (2012).
5. Borders TF, Booth BM, Curran GM. Perceived Treatment Need and Access among Rural and Urban
Drug Users. Oral paper presented at the National Association of Rural Health Conference, Denver
6. Borders TF, Curran GM, Booth BM. Perceived Access and Need for Drug Abuse Treatment among
Rural and Urban African American Cocaine Users. Part of symposium organized by BM Booth on
Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Perceived Need for Drug Abuse Treatment at the
Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Fairfax, Virginia (2011).
7. Booth BM, Curran GM, Borders TF. Measurement of Perceived Need for Treatment among AfricanAmerican Cocaine Users. Part of symposium, Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Perceived
Need for Drug Abuse Treatment, at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Fairfax,
Virginia (2011).
8. Cheney A, Borders TF, Curran GM. Barriers and Facilitators of African American Cocaine Users’
Perceived Need for Drug Abuse Treatment. Part of symposium, Mixed Methods Approach to
Understanding Perceived Need for Drug Abuse Treatment, at the Addiction Health Services Research
Conference, Fairfax, Virginia (2011).
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
9. Cheney AM, Curran GM, Booth BM, Borders TF, Stewart K. God Would Have to Talk to Me:
Tracing the Pipeline to Recovery among African American Rural Cocaine Users. Oral presentation at
the American Anthropological Association Meeting, Montreal (2011).
10. Curran GM, Booth BM, Borders TF. Perceived Need for Substance Use Treatment among Active
African American Substance Users: A Qualitative Study in Rural and Urban Locations. Poster at the
Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta (2011).
11. Borders TF. Heavy Alcohol Consumption among Methamphetamine and Cocaine Users in Rural
America: Implications for Treatment and Prevention. Oral presentation at the National Rural Health
Association’s Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin (2011).
12. Hilsenrath PE, Loebs S, Borders TF (discussant). Graduate Healthcare Management Education:
Origins and Development. Oral presentation at the Association of University Program in Health
Administration Annual Leaders’ Conference, Chicago (2011).
13. Booth BM, Borders TF, Stewart KE, Wright PB. Alcohol Use and HIV Risk in Rural Stimulant Users.
Oral paper presented at the Kettil Bruun Society Annual Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland (2009).
14. Borders TF. Rural/Urban Disparities in Consumers’ Ratings and Reports of Health Care: Findings
from the MEPS. Oral presentation at the National Rural Health Association’s Annual Rural Health
Conference, Miami Beach (2009).
15. Borders TF, Booth BM, Wright T, Stewart K, Falck R, Carlson R, Leukefeld C. Risky Sex and
Stimulant Use in Rural America. Poster presented at the Addiction Health Services Research
Conference, Boston (2008).
16. Borders TF. Rural Residence, Race, and Reports of Barriers to Help with Alcohol Problems:
Findings from the NESARC. Poster presented at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference,
Boston (2008).
17. Borders TF, Booth BM, Leukefeld C, Falck R, Carlson R. Longitudinal Relationship between
Substance Use Severity and Perceived Physical Health in Untreated Rural Stimulant Users. Poster
presented at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Athens, Georgia (2007).
18. Borders TF, Booth BM, Carlson R, Falck R, Wang J, Luekefeld C. Longitudinal Changes in Cocaine
and Methamphetamine Use among Rural Stimulant Users. Oral paper presented at the Addiction
Health Services Research Conference, Little Rock (2006).
19. Borders TF, Mattox R, Curran G, Booth BM. Religiosity: Protective Factor for At-Risk Drinkers or
Proxy for Social Support? Oral paper presented at the Addiction Health Services Research
Conference, Little Rock (2006).
20. Borders TF, Booth BM. Rural, Suburban, and Urban Variations in Alcohol Consumption in the U.S.:
Findings from the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Poster presented
at the Addiction Health Services Research Conference, Little Rock (2006).
21. Borders TF, Kurian A, Arif AA. Alcohol Disorders and the Risk of Current Obesity: Findings from
the NESARC. Poster presented at the 2nd North American Congress of Epidemiology, Seattle,
Washington (2006).
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
22. Xu KT, Borders TF. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Financial Burden of Prescription Drugs
among Older Americans. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Washington (2006).
23. Zhang Y, Borders TF, Rohrer JE. Using the Health Belief Model to Explain Elderly Women’s Intent
to Have a Pap Test. Poster presented at the American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Meeting,
Carmel, California (2006).
24. Kurian A, Borders TF. Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Effects of Regular Providers and Self
Management on Diabetes Preventive Care. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Conference, Cathedral City, California (2006).
25. Rohrer JE, Borders TF. Healthy Skepticism. Poster presented at the American College of Preventive
Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2005).
26. Borders TF. Cervical Cancer Screening among Elderly Women: The Effects of Health Beliefs vs.
Insurance Coverage. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, San Diego (2004).
27. Borders TF. Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic White Disparities in Access among Rural Elders. Poster
presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, San Diego (2004). Also presented at the American
Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2004).
28. Xu KT, Borders TF, Arif AA, Rohrer JE. Highlights of Research Findings Regarding Health and
Health Care Disparities: 2002-2004. Poster presented at the Pathway to Preeminence Symposium,
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Lubbock (2004).
29. Heavner J, Borders TF, Xu KT, Kruse G. Patient Involvement in Medical Decision-Making and Pain
among Elders: Physician or Patient-Driven? Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco (2003).
30. Borders TF, Kruse, G. Rural/Urban and Ethnic Differences in Perceived Access Indicators among an
Older Population. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services
Research (AHSR), Washington, DC (2002).
31. Borders TF, Xu KT, Aday LA, et al. Disparities in HRQL among an Older Population in a Rural
Western Region. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services
Research (AHSR), Washington, DC (2002).
32. Rohrer JE, Borders TF. Health Status among a Regional Elderly Population. Poster presented at the
National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri (2002).
33. Rohrer JE, Borders TF, Kupersmith J. Assessing Health Care Needs in Seniors. Poster presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC (2001).
34. Borders TF. Rural Residence, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Satisfaction with Medical Care. Oral paper
presented at the National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Dallas (2001).
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
35. Borders TF. Ethnic Differences in Elders’ Abilities to Obtain Prescription Medication. Poster
presented at the Association for Health Services Research Meeting, Atlanta (2001).
36. Xu KT, Borders TF. Gender, Health, and Access to Medical Care among Adults in the United States.
Oral paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta
37. Borders TF. Health Needs of Elderly Residents of Remote and Rural Communities. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Chicago (2001).
38. Borders TF, Sutkin G, Kupersmith J, et al. Experience with a 4-Year M.D./M.B.A. program:
Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association
of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC (2001).
39. Borders TF, Hilsenrath PE. Social Investment in Human Capital: The Impact of Public Health
Expenditures on Health Status. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Health
Services Research, Washington, DC (1998).
40. Borders TF, Rohrer JE, Vaughn TE. Community Health Profiles: Limitations of Secondary Data for
Rural Areas. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research,
Washington, DC (1998).
41. Vaughn TE, Vaughan M, Borders TF, Hall J. Six Month Costs and Effectiveness of Case
Management for Clients Completing Substance Abuse Treatment. Poster presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research, Washington, DC (1998).
C. Other Invited Presentations
1. Current Initiatives in Rural Health Policy and Research. Center for Rural Health, Hazard,
Kentucky (July 2014).
2. An Overview of The Journal of Rural Health. National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting,
Las Vegas (April 2014).
3. A Population Orientation to Health Care: Implications for Rural Providers. Annual Rural Health
Scholar Key Note Address, University of Louisville / Trover Health System, Madisonville,
Kentucky (July 2013).
4. A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Perceived Need for Drug Abuse Treatment. Health
Services, Policy, and Health Promotion Seminar Series, UAMS (December 2011).
5. Informing Health Policy via Population Research: Treatment Need and Access among Rural and
Urban Drug Users. Visiting Scholar Lecture, Department of Health Management and Policy,
College of Public Health, The University of Iowa (Nov. 2011).
6. An International Scholarly Publication Moves to Arkansas: Writing for and Editing The Journal of
Rural Health. Health Services, Policy, and Health Promotion Seminar, UAMS (Sept. 2009).
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
7. Writing for The Journal of Rural Health. National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Annual
Conference, Miami (2009).
8. Vision for The Journal of Rural Health. Presented to the Research and Education Council at the
National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Miami (2009).
9. Observational Studies for Rural Health Services Research. Annual meeting of the South Central
VA Mental Illness Research Education Clinical Center, Little Rock (spring 2008).
10. The Natural Course of Cocaine and Methamphetamine Use among Rural Stimulant Users:
Implications for Public Health Practice. Arkansas Department of Health Grand Rounds, Little Rock
(Dec. 11, 2008).
11. Arkansas 2020. Arkansas Health Summit, Little Rock (August 2008); Arkansas Department of
Health Grand Rounds, Little Rock (Sept. 2007).
12. Rural, Suburban, and Urban Variations in Alcohol Consumption in the U.S.: Findings from the
National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Division of Health Services
Research Seminar Series, Department of Psychiatry, UAMS (spring 2006); Health Services, Policy,
and Health Promotion Seminar Series, UAMS (spring 2006).
13. Obesity and Frequent Mental Distress in Texas: Findings from the BRFSS. Division of Health
Services Research Seminar Series, Department of Psychiatry, UAMS (fall 2005).
14. Understanding Access to Prescription Drugs: Application of a Medical Care Access Typology and
Model. College of Pharmacy Seminar Series, UAMS (fall 2005).
15. Rural/Urban and Ethnic Disparities in Older Persons’ Satisfaction with Health Care. Univ. of
Oklahoma College of Public Health Grand Rounds, Oklahoma City (spring 2003).
16. Patient Involvement in Medical Decision-Making and Pain among Elders. Internal Medicine Grand
Rounds, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (fall 2002).
17. Older Persons’ Satisfaction with Health Services. Baylor Medical School-Houston Center for
Quality of Care and Utilization Studies Grand Rounds, Houston, Texas (summer 2001).
18. Health Needs of Elderly West Texans. School of Medicine Grand Grounds-Main Campus, Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas (spring 2001). Also presented at the El
Paso Campus, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (spring 2001).
A. Courses Taught by Program and University
Dr.P.H. and M.P.H. Programs, University of Kentucky
Fall 2014 CPH 600
Health Services and Systems Org.
3 credits
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Fall 2013 CPH 758
Consumer and Patient-Centered
Outcomes Research
3 credits
Fall 2012 HSRE 9103 Health Systems Research & Theory I
3 credits
Spr. 2012 HSRE 9613 Methods for Quality of Care and
Outcomes Research
3 credits
Spr. 2011 HSRE 9613 Methods for Quality of Care and
Outcomes Research
3 credits
Fall 2010 HSRE 9103 Health Systems Research & Theory I
3 credits
Fall 2009 HSRE 9613 Methods for Quality of Care and
Outcomes Research
3 credits
Fall 2008 HSRE 9103 Health Systems Research & Theory I
3 credits
Spr. 2008 HSRE 9103 Health Systems Research & Theory II 3 credits
Fall 2007 HSRE 9103 Health Systems Research & Theory I
3 credits
Spr. 2007 HRSE 9633 Research on Consumer Satisfaction,
Trust and Experiences with Care
3 credits
Fall 2006 HSRE 9103 Health Systems Research and Theory I 3 credits
Fall 2006 HSRE 9613 Methods for Quality of Care and
Outcomes Research
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
Ph.D. in Health Systems Research, UAMS
Fall 2008 PBHL 997V Doctoral Practicum
Masters in Health Services Administration, UAMS
Spr. 2006 HSAD 5173 Epidem. for Healthcare Managers
Public Health Institute (for State Public Health Employees), UAMS
Sum. 2009 Introduction to Epidemiology
1 day
Dr.P.H. and M.P.H., University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC)
Spr. 2005 HMAP 6910 Doctoral Directed Research
3 credits
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
Spr. 2005 HMAP 6210 Health Services Research
3 credits
Fall 2004 HMAP 5240 Health Politics and Policy
3 credits
M.S. in Health Services Research, Texas Tech Univ. Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)
Spr. 2004 GHSR 5302 Health Services Epidemiology
3 credits
Spr. 2003 GHSR 5302 Health Services Epidemiology
3 credits
Fall 2002 Directed Readings in Health Services Research
3 credits
Spr. 2002 GHSR 5302 Health Services Epidemiology
3 credits
Fall 2001 Directed Readings in Health Services Research
3 credits
Spr. 2001 GHSR 5302 Health Services Epidemiology
3 credits
Fall 2000 GHSR 5301 Intro. to Health Care Organization
3 credits
Spr. 2000 GHSR 5302 Health Services Epidemiology
3 credits
M.D. Curriculum, TTUHSC
Spr. 2004 Population Medicine (part of MFAM 6030)
15 contact hrs. 100%
Spr. 2001 Health Care Organization for Medical Students
10 contact hrs. 100%
Spr. 2000 Health Care Organization for Medical Students
10 contact hrs. 100%
Fall 2002 Systems-Based Practice
3 contact hrs. 100%
Sum. 2002 Systems-Based Practice
6 contact hrs. 100%
Medical Residency Programs, TTUHSC
M.B.A. in Health Organization Management, Texas Tech University
Spr. 2004 MGT 5306 Health Organization Management I
3 credits
Spr. 2000 MGT 5306 Health Organization Management I
3 credits
B. Guest Lectures
1. Rural/Urban Disparities in Access. Health Disparities course, University of Kentucky College of
Public Health, Lexington (spring 2014).
2. NIH Research Strategies. Grants Development course, University of Kentucky College of Public
Health, Lexington (spring 2014).
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
3. Introduction to Health Policy and Management. Introduction to Public Health Practices course,
MPH program, UAMS, Little Rock (fall 2010).
4. Understanding Perceived Need for Care. Grant Writing Course, PhD in Health Systems Research
and PhD in Health Education and Promotion Programs, UAMS, Little Rock (fall 2010).
5. Methods for Health Disparities Research. Health Disparities Research course, PhD in Health
Systems Research Program, UAMS, Little Rock (summer 2009).
6. Nationally Representative Epidemiologic Surveys for Psychiatric Research. Post-Doctoral Fellows
Program, Department of Psychiatry, UAMS, Little Rock (fall 2008).
7. Applications of Epidemiology in Health Policy and Management. Intro. to Epidemiology course,
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, UAMS, Little Rock (spring 2008).
8. Medical Care Surveillance. Epidemiological Surveillance course, School of Public Health,
University of North Texas Health Sciences Center, Ft. Worth, Texas (spring 2005).
9. Evaluating Diabetes Care Programs. Diabetes Education course, School of Nursing, Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas (spring 2004).
10. Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology. Graduate Medical Education Series, School of Medicine,
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo (spring 2003).
11. Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research, Part I. Faculty Development
course, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, El Paso (summer 2003).
12. Introduction to Health Services Research. M.S. in Nursing Program, Texas Tech Health Sciences
Center, Lubbock (summer 2003; spring 2003 and 2004).
13. Estimating and Comparing Proportions. Evidence-Based Medicine course, School of Medicine,
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Lubbock (spring 2000 and 2001).
14. Health Services Research and Population Medicine. Evidence-Based Medicine course, School of
Medicine, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Lubbock (spring 2000 and 2001).
15. Introduction to Principles of Epidemiology. M.S. in Occupational Therapy Program, Texas Tech
Health Sciences Center, Lubbock (spring 2001 and 2002).
16. Rural Demography. Rural Health Policy course, Undergraduate Honors College program, Texas
Tech University, Lubbock (fall 2000).
17. Health Care Professionals. Rural Health Policy course, Undergraduate Honors College program,
Texas Tech University, Lubbock (fall 2000).
18. Use of SUDAAN for Survey Statistics. Data Management course, M.S. Program in Health Services
Research, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Lubbock (fall 2000).
19. Health Care Provider Profiling. Health Economics I course, Department of Preventive Medicine
and Environmental Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City (fall 1998).
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
20. Multiple Regression and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Health Economics II course. Dept. of
Preventive Med. and Environmental Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City (fall 1997).
21. The U.S. Health Care System. General Nurse Education course, School of Nursing, Kameda
Medical Center, Kamogawa City, Japan (summer 1994).
C. Thesis, Comprehensive Examination, and Capstone/Integration Committees
Dr.P.H. in Health Management and Policy, University of Kentucky College of Public Health
2014 Quan (Nate) Chen (Chair, Capstone Committee)
M.P.H. in Health Services Management, University of Kentucky College of Public Health
2014 Laura Richardson (Chair, Capstone Committee)
2013 Keith Branham (Chair, Capstone Committee)
2013 Tisha Johnson (Chair, Capstone Committee)
Ph.D. in Health Systems Research Program, UAMS
2012 Sharla Smith (Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee)
2012 Michael Preston (Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee)
2011 Diane Robinson (Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee)
2010 Patricia Wright (Member, Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Committees)
2010 James Bellamy (Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee)
2010 Mac Bird (Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee)
2009 Jeremy Furniss (Member, Comprehensive Examination Committee)
Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Program, UAMS
2012 Amanda Elton (Member, Qualifying Examination and Dissertation Committees)
M.P.H. Program, Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, UAMS
2012 Patrick Fleeman (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2012 Sonal Jagasia (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2011 Patrick McGowan, M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2008 Olabode Olumofin, M.D.,M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
2008 Kimberly Hooks, M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2008 Sonal Bhakta, M.D., M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2006 Deirdre McAuley, M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2006 Clint Mickle, M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
2006 Gloria Dunn, M.P.H. (Member, Integration Project Committee)
M.P.H. Program, School of Public Health, UNTHSC
2005 Emeka Ohagi, Ph.D., M.P.H. (Thesis Chair)
2005 Prateek Chachaury, M.D., M.P.H. (Member, Thesis Committee)
M.S. in Health Services Research Program, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, TTUHSC
2004 Jacqueline Joy, M.S. (Member, Thesis and Examination Committees)
2004 Ankur Khosla, M.D., M.S. (Member, Thesis and Examination Committees)
2003 Angie Brannon, M.S. (Chair, Thesis and Member, Examination Committees)
2003 Giri Venati, M.S. (Member, Thesis and Examination Committees)
2002 Yun Zhang, Ph.D., M.S. (Member, Thesis and Examination Committees)
2002 Pamela Fritz, M.S. (Member, Thesis and Examination Committees)
2001 Gina Kruse, M.D., M.S. (Member, Thesis and Examination Committees)
A. Chair, College and University Committees
MPH 10-Year Review Committee, University of Kentucky
Health Management and Policy Faculty Search Committee, UK
Health Policy and Management Faculty Search Committee, UAMS
Academic Senate Research Committee, UAMS
Ph.D. in Health Systems Research Admissions Committee, UAMS
Dr.P.H. Concentration Examination Committee, UNTHSC
Year 1 Medical Education Policy Committee, TTUHSC
Medical Education Grant Committee, TTUHSC
Technology Subgroup, Medical Education Summit, TTUHSC
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
B. Member, College and University Committees
T. W. Lewis Scholarship Program Interviewer, Honors College, UK
Academic Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Public Health, UAMS
Assessment Committee, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UAMS
Academic Senate Council, UAMS
Epidemiology Chair Search Committee, UAMS
Graduate Council, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UAMS
Faculty Appointments, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UAMS
Associate, Center for Rural Health, UAMS
Center for Rural Health Strategic Planning Meeting, UAMS
Regional Programs Advisory Council, UAMS
Faculty Search Committee, Department of Epidemiology, UAMS
Arkansas Center for Health Disparities Pilot Grant Program, UAMS
Ph.D. in Health Systems Research Admissions Committee, UAMS
Parliamentarian, Academic Senate, UAMS
Health Policy and Management Faculty Search Committee, UAMS
Education Policy Committee, School of Medicine, TTUHSC
Graduate School Student Recruitment Committee, TTUHSC
Medical Education Policy Committee, School of Medicine, TTUHSC
Graduate Council, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, TTUHSC
Chancellor’s Council, Texas Tech University System
Admissions Committee, School of Medicine, TTUHSC
LCME Reaccreditation Research Committee, School of Medicine, TTUHSC
Curriculum Committee, M.B.A. in Health Organization Management, TTU
Admissions Committee, M.D./ M.B.A. Program, TTUHSC/TTU
ACHESA Reaccreditation Committee, M.B.A. in Health Org. Man., TTU
Evidence-Based Medicine Education Committee, School of Medicine, TTUHSC
C. Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
Addiction (2010)
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2004-2005)
BMC Health Services Research (2004; 2006-2007)
BMC Public Health (2006)
Canadian Medical Association Journal (2008)
Current Medical Research & Opinion (2006; 2010)
Frontiers in Public Health Services and Systems Research (2013)
Health Care Management Review (2000)
International Journal for Quality in Health Care (2004)
Journal of Aging & Health (2005)
Journal of Aging & Physical Activity (2005)
Journal of the American Women’s Medical Association (2004)
Journal on Drug Issues (2009)
Journal of General Internal Medicine (2005, 2007)
Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences (2004)
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health (2010)
Journal of Rheumatology (2006)
The Journal of Rural Health (2000- )
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (2010)
Medical Care (2000-2008)
Obesity (2006)
Preventive Medicine (2000-2003; 2006)
Psychiatric Services (2006-2008)
Public Health Reports (2005-2008)
Social Science & Medicine (2004)
Texas Journal of Rural Health (2000-2004)
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
D. Journal Editorial and Advisory Boards
Ex Officio Board Member, The Journal of Rural Health (2009- )
Editorial Board Member, The Journal of Rural Health (2007-2008)
Advisory Board Member, Public Health Reports (2006-2009)
Editorial Board Member, Texas Journal of Rural Health (2003-2004)
E. Extramural Grant, Student Paper Competition, and Professional Presentation Reviews
Reviewer, UAMS Center for Translational Research, Career Award Applications
Poster Presentation Reviewer, Kentucky Rural Health Association Conference
Ad hoc reviewer, National Center for Minority and Health Disparities R01Grants
Ad hoc reviewer, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Research Program
Judge, American College of Healthcare Executives Student Paper Competition
F. External Reviewer, Faculty Promotion and Tenure
University of Illinois at Chicago, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
2013, 2010
American University of Beirut, Department of Health Policy and Management
University of South Carolina, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Division of Preventive Medicine
West Virginia University, Department of Community Medicine
G. Extramural Public Health Policy, Education, and Practice Service
Price Transparency Work Group, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky
Member, National Rural Health Association Research and Education Committee
Project Leader, Arkansas 2020. Commissioned by Arkansas legislature to assess
impact of demographic changes on Arkansas’ state agencies. Led overall project
and chapter on Health and Human Services. Culminated in 240-page report
released to state officials and covered by numerous media outlets.
External Evaluator, Walden University Ph.D. in Public Health Program
Member, Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Study Guide Team
C.V. of Ty Borders, Ph.D.
for the inaugural National Board of Public Health Examination
2009; 2007
Advisor, Arkansas Public Health Institute, Arkansas Division of Health
Member, System Transformation Committee, Arkansas Division of Aging and
Adult Services
Statewide Obesity Taskforce, Texas Department of Health