Call 1-877-368-0006 • Enter 16-digit card number • Enter 2

By Phone:
 Call 1-877-368-0006
 Enter 16-digit card number
 Enter 2-digit month of birth
 Enter 2-digit date of birth
 Enter 4-digit year of birth
 Select a 4-digit PIN
(Personal Identification Number)
 Go to
 Select “Click Here”
 Enter required information
 Select a 4-digit PIN
(Personal Identification Number)
 Create a Password to be used for future
Online access
Check your balance FOR FREE at
1-877-368-0006, at, or
via text alert.
 Your first transaction of every pay period is FeeFree from the debit card company. Use your first
transaction wisely!
 Bank Transfers may be done online at
 Get CASH BACK after store purchases for a feefree way to access money.
Find FEE-FREE Banks at
ATM Transaction
Post Office Money Order
ACH transfer to your own bank account using
Store Purchases with or without Cash Back are always FEE-FREE