Using Hard Problems to Create Pseudorandom Generators

Using Hard Problems to Create Pseudorandom Generators
ACM Distinguished Dissertations
Abstraction Mechanisms and Language Design, Paul N. Hillinger
Formal Specification ofInteractive Graphics Programming Language, William R. Mallgren
Algorithmic Program Debu8lint, Ehud Y. Shapiro
The Measurement of Visual Motion, Ellen Catherine Hildreth
Synthesis of Digital Designs from Recursion Equations. Steven D. Johnson
Analytic Methods In the Analysis and Design ofNumber-Theoretic Algorithms, Eric Bach
Model-Based Image Matching Using Location, Henry S. Baird
A Geometric InrJestigation ofReach. James U. Korein
Two IB8ues in Public-Key Cryptography, Ben-Zion Chor
The Connection Machine. W. Daniel Hillis
All the Right MOrJes: A VLSI Architecture for Chess, Carl Ebeling
The Design and Evaluation of a High Performance Smalltalk System, David Michael Ungar
Algorithm Animation, Marc H. Brown
The Rapid ErJaluation ofPotential nelda in Particle Systems, Leslie Greengard
Computational Models of Games, Anne Condon
Trace Theory for Automatic Hierarchical Verification of Speed-Independent Circuits, David
L. Dill
The Computational Complexity ofMachine Learning, Michael J. Kearns
Uses ofRandomness in Algorithms and Protocols, Joe Kilian
Using Hard Problem. to Create Pseudorandom Generators, Noam Nisan
Using Hard Problems to Create Pseudorandom Generators
Noam Nisan
The MIT Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, Englaud
C1992 Muaacbuaettalnstitute of Technology
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This book was let in TaX by the author and was
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Library of CoDgnllla Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Using hard problema to create paeudorandGm generators I Noam Niaan.
p. em. (ACM diatinguiahad diaaertationa)
Reviaion of the author's thelia (Ph. D.)-Unlvenity of California, Berkeley,
Includes bibliographical referencea (p.
ISBN 0-262·14051-9
1. Random number seneratora. 2.
QA298.NI57 1991
ISBN 0-262-64052-X
Computational complezity.
I. Title. n. Seriel.