Trading Card

Civil War Trading Card Project
Name: _________________ Period: _______ Date: _____________
Directions: Create six trading cards related to the Civil War. When you are finished, you’ll get to share and trade your
cards with others so you can learn more about this exciting period of U.S. history.
REQIUREMENTS: Using 4x6” index cards, create SIX (6) trading cards. You must create three cards that have to do with
events or battles, and three cards that have to do with important people from this period of history. You may choose
events and people from late 1850’s through 1865. All people and events must DIRECTLY RELATE TO THE CIVIL WAR.
Use your notes and the to help you get ideas. Use any legitimate sources from the internet to do your
Your assignment is to create your own set of Civil War Trading Cards. Using the names, events and battles listed below,
you are to research and design your own series of cards. You will be doing most of your research from encyclopedias,
Civil War books, and other resources.
You must choose three topics from the events or battles column and three topics from the important people column
(total of 6 cards).
1. Your card should be like one that you would find in a pack of trading cards.
2. The FRONT of the card should have a PICTURE of the “person/event/battle”.
-PICTURES should be “illustrated” and “colored”.
(photocopies of pictures of paper are also acceptable)
3. The trading card itself can be and INDEX CARD, CARDBOARD, or anything that is reasonably sturdy.
-Cards turned in on pieces of notebook or copy paper will NOT be accepted.
4. The BACK of the card will have INFORMATION about the “topic” of the card.
5. Please keep track of where you get your information.
For a person:
a. Brief biographical statistics (date of birth, location of birth, etc.)
b. Focus on the highlights of that person’s life AND their significance and connection to the Civil War.
For a battle:
a. Date of battle, military leaders, number of causalities, etc.
b. Focus on the highlights of the battle and its significance to the Civil War.
(who won, what it meant, etc.)
For an event/other:
a. Details of the topic and its significance to the Civil War.
*remember: each card should be FILLED with DETAILED INFORMATION!
Please remember that this must be your own work. Therefore, you should not print off the computer and simply
paste that information to the card calling it your own. Nor should you write word for word from a text and call it your
Famous People/Stuff
More People/Stuff
Abraham Lincoln
Dred Scott
Fort Sumter
Jefferson Davis
Nat Turner
First Bull Run
Ulysses S. Grant
John Brown
Fort Henry
Robert E. Lee
Clara Barton
Fort Donelson
William Lloyd Garrison
Harriet Tubman
Hampton Roads
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lucretia Mott
Battle of Shiloh
Roger B. Taney
George B. McClellan
Seven Day’s Battle
Elijah P. Lovejoy
Nathan Bedford Forest
Second Bull Run
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Missouri Compromise
Battle of Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Senator Charles Sumner
John Brown
vs. Congressman Preston Brooks
Frederick Douglass
John C. Calhoun
Battle of Vicksburg
Stephen Douglass
P.G.T. Beauregard
Battle of Gettysburg
Jeb Stuart
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Mary Bickerdyke
Mary Livermore
Ely Parker
Edwin Stanton
Sherman’s March to the Sea
General William Tecumseh Sherman
54th Massachusetts Regiment
Surrender at Appomattox
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underground Railroad
“Bleeding Kansas”
Emancipation Proclamation
Sojourner Truth
When we’re all done, we’ll share and trade our cards to collect new ones. See the back of this page for a rubric and
some potential topics for your trading cards.
This assignment is due on: ____________________________________
4 (Exemplary) Your cards
are colorful, creative, neat,
and have a complete
description of their topics.
They demonstrate research
and effort. You include
little extras that make
them fun or interesting.
3 (Accomplished) Your
cards meet the minimum
requirements. They are
free from errors and
demonstrate reasonable
2 (Improving) Your cards
lack all the required
elements, or they may
contain factual errors or
significant omissions.
1 (Beginning) Your cards
do not meet the minimum
requirement of this
Sample Trading Card – Below is an example of the front side of a trading card. You may wish to include additional details
on the back.
President James Monroe
No. 1
President James Monroe
1817 – 1825
5th U.S. President
No. 1
Born: April 28th, 1758 in Westmoreland County, Virginia Died: July 4, 1831 in New
York, New York
Married to Elizabeth Kortright Monroe
President during much of the “Era of Good Feelings,” President Monroe oversaw
major growth of the United States. Under his leadership the U.S. signed a major
treaty with Britain at the Convention of 1818, and agreed to the Adams-Onis Treaty.
He is perhaps most famous for his shaping of U.S. foreign policy with the
development of what is now known as the Monroe Doctrine
Civil War Trading Card Project – Trading Day Name:_________________ Period:______ Date:_________
List the topics of your trading cards below. You may not repeat any of these topics in any of the trades you make.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Directions: You are to trade your cards for six new cards that are different from your own. Once you make a trade,
write the name of the person you traded with, the title/subject of their card, and a brief summary of what the card is
about in the spaces below.
Name of tradee and subject of their card: __________________________________________________________
Brief summary of card: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of tradee and subject of their card:__________________________________________________________
Brief summary of card: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of tradee and subject of their card: __________________________________________________________
Brief summary of card: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of tradee and subject of their card: __________________________________________________________
Brief summary of card: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of tradee and subject of their card: __________________________________________________________
Brief summary of card: ________________________________________________________________________
Name of tradee and subject of their card: __________________________________________________________
Brief summary of card: ________________________________________________________________________