Old English Plate

Lowden Shield Novelties Section
All lane events are timed runs.
Time keeper will commence timing immediately the horse's nose crosses the start and
ceases immediately the horse's nose crosses the finish.
Flying starts permitted. i.e. rider rides through start line at whatever speed they may choose.
Lane Events
Three lanes are to be set up ready to go and sufficiently separated either by distance of bunting
so that each lane may operate simultaneously.
1. Sack Race
2. Bending
3. Stepping Stones
Equipment Required
6 Bending poles for 3 sets of Start/finish poles per lane.
Sack Race
2 X Hessian sacks (includes one spare)
1 X chalk line half way up course
1 X barrel at end of course.
Rules: Ride up lane and turn drum, either direction is ok. Ride back and dismount before
reaching centre line, step into sack and run back leading horse. Reins must stay over horses
6 X Bending poles space 9 metres apart.
Rules: Ride through start/finish poles to right hand side of poles, pass first pole and commence
Stepping Stones
6 X Stepping Stones (flat paving squares approx 200 X 200 mm) spaced at one block spacing
apart in centre of lane and half way down lane.
Rules: Ride up lane and turn drum, either direction is ok. Ride back and dismount before
reaching stepping stones. Step on each stone then remount before passing finish line. If a foot
slips off stepping stone, rider must re step all six stones. Reins must stay over horses head and
rider may only hang onto to rein with right hand.
Stop Watches
Lane Events Layout
Note: If lanes can be wider than 9 metres it will allow more lanes to operate at the one time
Separate Areas Required For The Following Events Set up so can run simultaneously with every other Novelty Event.
A. Old English Plate
B. Pony Twist
One (1) Stop Watch and 1 Judge plus penciller for each event.
Old English Plate
1. Twelve (12) small drums, plastic Bloks or Cavaletties
2. Six (6) rails, three (3) to four (4) metres long.
3. Two (2) flag poles and blocks.
SETTING UP THE COURSE:1. place each rail, ends on two drums, in a line 3.5 metres.
2. place the flag poles and blocks 5 mtrs. before the first
jump, and the same distance apart as the width of the
jump rail.
EVENT RULES:1. Horses saddled, competitors mounted back from the
starting line.
2. Horses must step between, and pass over each
jump/hurdle, both down the course and back.
Horses Will Be Disqualified:1. For knocking down a jump/hurdle.
2. For by-passing a jump/hurdle.
3. For turning tail after refusing a jump/hurdle.
4. For not passing through start and finish flags.
Pony Twist
1. Nine (9) poles and blocks as used in
Bending Race.
2. Twelve (12) small drums, plastic Bloks or
3. Six (6) rails as used in Old English Plate 3
mtr or 4 mtr.
SETTING UP THE COURSE:as per Diagram (opposite).
EVENT RULES:1. Competitors pass through the Start and
Finish poles to the first pole on the left-hand
side of the course, turn the pole on the right
rein around the pole, and jump the first rail.
Proceed to the first pole on the right-hand side
of the course and turn the pole on the left rein,
then jump the second rail. Continue the course
from left to right to the last rail, turn around the
end pole on the right rein and proceed down
the course between the rail and outside poles
in a straight line through the start and finish
RIDERS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED:1. For knocking down pole/s.
3. For not following the prescribed course.
Novelty Judge Instructions
1. Control the area, keep parents out unless being Led.
2. One run only per rider.
3. Bend, Sack, Stepping Stones Errors to be corrected
4. Flag & Drum, Old English Plate, Pony Twist – errors not to be corrected. Elimination is to
be recorded and rider asked to leave.
5. Stop Clock, horses nose crossing Start/Finish line
6. No assistance to riders is permitted in any way except for Led Riders where handler may
Handy Mount
Two Separate courses, so they can run simultaneously