Membership enquiry - contact with NHS Pensions (SM27C)

NHS Pensions - Membership enquiry
Form SM27C (contact with NHS Pensions)
Please read the membership enquiry factsheet before making any enquiries as it contains answers to
commonly asked questions.
If after reading the factsheet you still need to make a membership enquiry that is not covered by the
SM27B employer enquiry form, you should complete and send this form to NHS Pensions.
Complete separate forms if your enquiry relates to multiple employments.
This form should be used to query one or more of the following:
You believe a period of pensionable employment is missing from our records.
You believe the start/leaving date of an employment on our records to be incorrect.
You worked part time and wish to query annual hours/sessions recorded.
You wish to query changes in whole time / part time membership.
You wish to query a period of disallowed days recorded.
You believe transferred-in or Added Years credits on our records to be missing or incorrect.
Note: Separate factsheets and enquiry forms are available for Mental Health Officer (MHO) and
Special Class (SC) status enquiries.
Please complete all relevant boxes before submitting this form.
If your enquiry relates to historic employment (older than seven years ago), please send supportive
evidence such as payslips and appointment letters that show that you paid contributions to the NHS
Pension Scheme, with your enquiry form, so that we can look into your query.
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Your address:
NHS Pensions
PO Box 2269
Form SM27C – Membership enquiry with NHS Pensions
I have read the membership enquiry factsheet and wish to query my NHS pensionable employment
details with you.
My employment details, for the period my enquiry relates to, are shown below.
Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr)
Former surname (if applicable)
Other names
Date of birth
National Insurance number
NHS Pension Scheme membership number (if known)
Employer payroll reference number (if known)
Contact telephone number
Email address
Job title
Place of work
Employment start date
Leaving date (if left)
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Details of pensionable membership you wish to query.
NI number
Query type
Information held for you by NHS Pensions
Details you believe should be held for you
Missing membership
(Employment is missing)
I worked from
Start date
Records show I started on
It should show from
Leaving date
Records show I left on
It should show I left on
(Financial year runs
from 1 April to 31
Disallowed days
Financial year ending
Records show
Hours/sessions recorded
Financial year ending
It should show
Correct hours/sessions
Added Years credit
It should show
Transfer in credit
It should show
Last known name and
address of the NHS
Now complete the declaration below and send this form to NHS Pensions.
I declare that the information I have given is correct and complete.
Check here to confirm you have included all relevant supportive evidence and the payslip summary sheet where necessary.
Note: all third party requests must include a signed letter of authority from the scheme member.
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NI number
If you are supplying multiple payslips to support your enquiry, please number them in date order of each
employment being queried and complete the requested details below.
Payslip Summary sheet
Start and end date of employment being
For example; 01/01/2006 to 10/08/2008
Date shown on
January 2006
NHS Pension contributions
You can print additional sheets if required.
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