role and accountability statement

Place Making Officer
Activity Centres Revitalisation
Greater Dandenong Business
Band 7
Manager Activity Centres Revitalisation
May 2014
The primary objectives of the position are to:
Effectively and seamlessly deliver place making programs in Activity Centres (particularly Springvale and Noble Park) to achieve strategic outcomes;
Work cooperatively with employees in identifying, costing and implementing place making initiatives for current and proposed projects;
Provide input into strategic issues and policy’s relevant to the revitalisation of Activity Centres;
Provide the central point of contact for the place making program (particularly Springvale and Noble Park); and
Initiate promotional opportunities and generate positive press coverage of Activity Centres.
Key Result Area
Planning and
Major Activities
Outcome Requirements
Initiate, scope and develop new place making projects that contribute towards
viable, inviting activity centres and revitalisation
Well-developed, sound range of projects to help
achieve the vision
To actively participate in Council planning and programming for the revitalisation
of our activity centres
Cultural planning, public space planning and
place making issues addressed
Provide expert advice and input into the development of strategic plans for
activity centres
Place making principles incorporated into
planning and project delivery
Identify program and planning gaps and develop appropriate solutions and
Positive perceptions of the area enforced and
To effectively project manage agreed Activity Centre place making projects
Engage and work with the community to deliver priority infrastructure and place
Visible changes with Activity Centres
(particularly Springvale and Noble Park)
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making projects
Business Unit
Develop annual implementation plans to realise agreed place making projects
To regularly engage with project partners in the ongoing delivery and monitoring
of the place making program
To identify and access suitable funding, sponsorship, matching and other
resourcing options for place making projects
To identify and work appropriately with “champions” to progress the place
making program
Lead the development, creation and dissemination of innovative marketing
material to support the marketing and promotion of activity centre’s and place
Generate positive media opportunities and develop required media releases,
newsletter articles and promotional material
Provide and deliver high quality presentations on place making initiatives in
activity centres
Engage effectively with the local community (business and community) to
achieve positive results for all stakeholders and promote linkages
 Undertake Emergency Management duties as required
 At all times, maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding ratepayers, customers
and employees
 Make an ongoing, positive contribution to the Greater Dandenong Business
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Effective partnerships and collaborations with
internal and external parties
Meet project milestones, deadlines and budgets
as required
Funding body requirements met (when
Quarterly reports outlining achievements
Activity Centre’s portrayed positively in the
media and perceptions enhanced
Strategic partnerships maintained and expanded
Assisting in Emergency Management activities
and taking responsibility for maintaining the
highest levels of confidentiality at all times.
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Meet the challenges of change as it occurs within the organisation
Overall Position
and Authorities
To positively embrace and adopt change as it
Possess a ‘can do’ attitude in order to embrace
new tasks and to assist others.
A demonstrated ability to work in a team environment and actively participate as
a team member of the Department to ensure a cohesive approach to achieving
team and corporate objectives
Support each other in a team environment to recognise individual team
A committed and valued member of the team,
Team targets achieved,
Be a team player and adopt team practices that
support a team approach across the
At all times, behave in a manner consistent with personal and professional
workplace standards outlined in Council’s Code of Conduct and human resource
policies and guidelines (including Human Rights & Equal Opportunity,
Prevention of Bullying & Violence in the Workplace, Harassment Free
To be mindful of the requirements outlined in the Victorian Charter of Human
Rights in the provision of service delivery and interactions with work colleagues.
Acting respectfully, responsibly and being accountable for actions are
fundamental expectations Council has of all employees and managers
Adhere to Council’s occupational health, safety & return to work (RTW) policies
& procedures and participate in health & safety training programs and initiatives
To have an understanding of and ability to work with diversity within the
workplace and community
Perform other duties as directed within the limits of acquired skills, knowledge
and training
Make an ongoing, positive contribution to the Greater Dandenong Business
Manage Council records in accordance with corporate requirements
A committed employee operating within the
Code of Conduct and Human Resource policies
of the City of Greater Dandenong,
An employee who makes a positive contribution
to the City of Greater Dandenong whilst
respecting the rights of work colleagues and
customers at all times,
OH&S and RTW responsibilities and authorities
fulfilled in accordance with Health & Safety
Document Number COS0009 (Management
Responsibilities) [WebStar – OH&S-Corporate
Policies & Procedures].
Corporate records managed to protect personal
information and in accordance with corporate
The position is directly responsible to the Manager, Activity Centres
Revitalisation for the delivery of place making programs and projects, ensuring a
highly effective and efficient level of service
The freedom to act is governed by policies, objectives and budgets with regular
reporting to ensure achievement of goals and objectives of Activity Centres
Revitalisation Team within budgetary guidelines
Development and execution of budgets under control of position
This position provides information and or specialist advice to activity centre
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The freedom to act is governed by policies,
objectives and budgets with a regular reporting
mechanism to ensure achievement of goals and
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stakeholders and external organisations, and units within the City of Greater
Dandenong. The freedom to act is subject to professional and regulatory review
When undertaking policy formulation, the work may be of an investigative,
analytical or creative nature, with the freedom to act generally prescribed by the
Manager, Activity Centres Revitalisation. The quality of this work can have a
significant effect on the policies which are developed
Undertaking the accountabilities of the position, the position incumbent
will overall:
Communication Skills Required:
 The position requires the ability to gain cooperation and assistance from
staff, key stakeholders and members of the public, in order to make projects,
programs responsive and deliverable,
 Liaison is required with individual community leaders, organisations and
council departments to discuss and resolve issues and work on joint
initiatives and projects related to Activity Centre’s,
 Liaison with counterparts, other organisations or local / state government
contacts to discuss and resolve specialist matters and with employees in
other units in Council to resolve intra-organisational problems.
Maintain and regularly review agreed operating principles to undertake the
To engage effectively and complete place making projects within agreed
To identify suitable additional partnerships and funding opportunities for place
making and other related projects that assist revitalisation
To engage with and consult effectively with the community on place making
projects in Activity Centres
To work effectively within an environment of competing demands and
pressures by applying skills in managing time, setting priorities, planning and
organising one’s own work to achieve outcomes in the most efficient way.
Internal Communications: Executive, Greater Dandenong Business team
members, Project Delivery staff, Planning and Design staff, Community and
Cultural Development staff, Marketing and Communications, other Council staff
External Communications: Places Victoria, state government departments
such as DPTLI and OMAC, Arts Victoria, local business leaders, community
leaders, consultants and other service providers
Essential Qualifications and Experience:
The position has the authority to plan, project manage and review place
making programs to ensure milestones are completed effectively within
budget and in a time efficient manner
Degree or Diploma qualifications in community development, community/social
planning, design, urban design or related area in addition to relevant work
To effectively implement priority infrastructure projects within Activity Centres
Excellent interpersonal skills to motivate, coordinate and work collaboratively with
people from different professional backgrounds and on multidisciplinary teams.
Proactively identify when public places are not operating effectively and
efficiently and undertake responsive place making actions. The nature of this
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Demonstrated ability to build relationships, seek input, and negotiate with a wide
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work is specialised with methods, procedures and processes generally
developed from theory or precedent.
The position has the authority to implement projects within the aims of the
Apply established techniques to new situations and recognise when these
techniques are not appropriate
Represent Greater Dandenong on relevant working and interest groups which
relate to place making
With Input:
To develop agreed actions for infrastructure and place making projects as
part of regular reviews of Activity Centre’s planning,
Ability to exercise discretion in relation to place making and project
development / delivery using the advice of team members and staff from
other units where necessary.
Recommends and Identifies:
Recommends future projects and actions that enhance place making
opportunities within Activity Centres
Guidance and advice is usually available from the Manager Activity Centre’s
Revitalisation and Place Manager Activity Centres Revitalisation but may not
always available from within Council and where such advice is obtained from
external sources, approval of any decisions or actions considered must be
coordinated through the Manager Activity Centre’s Revitalisation
cross section of Community, Council, and other Government stakeholders.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with a demonstrated ability to
prepare a wide range of reports and correspondence, as well as deliver verbal
and public presentations of a high standard.
Demonstrated effective planning, project management and organisational skills,
with experience in project planning, infrastructure delivery, financial management
and evaluation.
Demonstrated well developed analytical and problem solving skills and high level
advocacy skills.
Ability to initiate and deliver place making solutions and strategies that are
practical, innovative and incorporate solutions to address identified community
needs and issues.
Demonstrated ability to apply relevant theoretical frameworks in areas such as
place management, community development, and urban design to a range of
issues and contexts.
An understanding of the long term goals of the organisation and of its values and
aspirations and of the legal and political context in which it operates.
Demonstrated ability to prioritise competing demands, handle multiple tasks and
meet deadlines to agreed standards.
Demonstrated proficiency in a range of software applications including the
Microsoft Office suite of products.
Total Staff Supervised:
We certify that the content of this Role and Accountability Statement accurately
reflects the overall role and accountabilities of the position;
Prepared By
Jenny Pemberton-Webb, Place Manager Activity Centres Revitalisation
Dated: May 2014
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Operational Cost:
Manager Approval:
Kevin Van Boxtel, Manager Activity Centres Revitalisation
Dated: May 2014
Director Approval:
Paul Kearsley, Group Manager Greater Dandenong Business
Dated: May 2014
Position Occupant:
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Physical Requirement Summary: (Position/task)
Not specific to role (this position doesn’t require 10-15% manual handling)
Authorised by: Paul Kearlsey
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