
Classroom Expectations
Welcome to Ms. Sansoni’s
8th Grade Social Science Class
My Goal
My goal, as an educator, is to provide
an organized, structured, and
positive environment where
students can feel safe and
confident in their abilities to learn
Student Behaviors
• Be timely
 Be to class on time and turn in assignments on
• Be prepared
 Have materials with you, know due dates,
complete assignments, and pay attention
• Be respectful
 Treat others and classroom materials with
Student Behaviors
You will receive warnings to behave appropriately
and if necessary lunch detentions will be
If the inappropriate behavior continues your parent
will be contacted and the necessary disciplinary
actions will take effect.
Of course, school rules apply at all times and the
school wide discipline plan will be followed.
Daily Procedures
• Enter room appropriately.
• Be in your seat by the bell.
• Get out class materials. (pencil, planner,
• Put your backpack against the wall.
• Complete the Do Now!
• Follow instructions for lesson.
• Write homework in planner.
• Teacher dismisses the class --- not the bell.
Negative Consequences
1. Group Warning
2. Personal Warning/ Loss of points (LOP)
3. Behavior Action Plan/Parent Contact/(LOP)
4. Misconduct Assignment/ Lunch detention/
5. Referral / (LOP)
* Each step of the negative consequences may
be skipped depending on severity of the
Positive Consequences
1. Self Respect
2. Good Grades
3. Positive Parent Contacts
4. Pride in your accomplishments
5. Tickets that can be use for class raffles and
classroom supplies
You are expected to bring your planner, notebook
and a pencil.
Blue or black ink pens are also acceptable. No
writing in other color ink will be accepted except
for special assignments.
Composition notebooks will provided. It would be
very helpful to have colored pencils at home.
To Receive Credit for Assignments
• Complete heading or title
• Pencil or blue or black ink only,
assignments colored if required.
• Neat and complete
• Late work only accepted with prior
If you miss class for any reason it is your
responsibility to get the missed assignments
or schedule a make-up test.
 Where to look – The Assignment Chart posted in
 Handouts – On the clipboards with your name on it.
 Missed a test – Schedule a time with Mrs. Hogue to
 How much time – Same amount of days to make up
work as the number of days missed.
• Grades are based on the accumulation of
• Points weighted and are
based on:
 30% Major projects & exam
 30% Work (Notebook &
complete assignments
 25% Participation (effort)
 15% Vocabulary
(weekly Quiz)
Our Grading Scale
Below 60%
= A+/= B+/= C+/= D+/=F
• Grades are posted online and updated every
My Pledge to Students
• I will trust you until you give me reason to do
• I will respect you and work with you to solve
• I will promptly correct and offer feedback on
your work.
• I will work with you to meet learning goals.
• I will offer extra help and alternative
assessments should you require them.
Course Outline Due Date
• In your planners please write that your signed
Course outline is due by this Friday.