This problem gives you the chance to: • work with percentage

This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week ofthe sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
to, em ...
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
Page 7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
--- \'"'-b
\ - Li
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25% Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
2.S-= 8
32. -g =. 2'-j
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Ccu':lQ. w
tic\ +hen
Copyright <l:l 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
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25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
$ lo, 25
Show your calculations.
2l-J (.2s):.b
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1a (..2s)
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l .s(,.2S)::3,2S
13.'0- 3.2s:: I0.2S
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright© 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Selvice. Allrights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25o/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
. 2'5. 32-:j;S
'3 2 - 0
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% 1 00%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Copyright© 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrigllts reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
--Show your calculations.
:z '1 •. z.s= G
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7 l/ - t; :::.- 'CJ
I0 -
l( .
s- -'- ) 3- s
1 .11
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright Cl 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Setvice. AJI rights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25°/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
I. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
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S2.Y' r.Y4 .
Copyright C 2000 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights rese!Ved.
Page 7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
\ ..::,- f-.:.
\?. $'0·-:
.t\" --
2;, .1S'
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
-- -------------%
Show your calculations.
\GO';-::.3 .\Z...$
Copyright II:) 2006 by Malhematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25°/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale? .
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% ofthe previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
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ta. d uvfr;a
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
$ ,_,{0 .1_._.3,
Show your calculations.
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
3 '0
- I 0,/3
1.8 7
'lL g- J-;. 3J .x
/lo) =x
Copyrighl0 2006 by Malhematlcs Assessmenl
Resource Service. Allrights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25o/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations. 32 ... 25
_, 8''
$ --=-=:2'--'-1
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = I 00%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
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Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service, Allrights reserved,
Page 7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
:21·• .25 :::"IJ
Show your calculations.
IZ •.. JGJ/. 5tJ
/fJ- "/.SQ 0::: /3.-::oCJ
13-titJ'.z;:::::- .3-33'
3· ¥- /tJ./2
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright© 2006 by Mall1ematics Assessment
Resource Service, Alt rights reserved,
25% Sale
Test 8
25% Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrights resel'l/ed.
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
Show your calculations.
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service, All righls reserve<t
25% Sale
Test 8
25°/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
·work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% I00%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Copyright© 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrighls reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
$._-L;:, C)=--=--..
Show your calculations.
..!. . ..::\
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
(,oo ).3 Hos :;
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25o/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price. -}9
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.-/]. 0
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Copyright@ 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
er: c
Page 7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
I o.{3
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All righls reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25°/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
I. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = I 00%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Copyright@ 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
Page 7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
$_l (1)
t 6 :S
1 oG
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright © 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights rese!Ved.
Page 8
25% Sale
Test 8
25o/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
- g
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% I 00%.
Copyright @ 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reseNed.
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
24 •0.2.5'=-
18•6.Z..4-=-- l./.50
1 .50
-so.-. s&
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
@ro t
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright C 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
ReS<>Urce Service. All rights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25o/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
Copyright Cl2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrights rese"'ed.
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
-lf.$::\ .
\ d<l
\ S t-;&--
:; \6.\2.<;
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright Cl 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25% Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
/) 4
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
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Copyright«:> 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
w('}._ 'S
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Page 7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
$.--'-\.3/Lo •
Show your calculations.
l !S co
-rc. \
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright© 2006 by Malhematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights reserved.
25% Sale
Test 8
25% Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price. In
the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% = 1000/o.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
±k. <{Bd c:..t...:
Copyright @ 2006 by Malhematics Assessment
Resource SeJVice.Allrigh!s reseJVed.
Page 7
2 0\
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
lQ .. \'1..S
Show your calculations.
s>7s .... 3-
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
Show your calculations.
Copyright @ 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. All rights resEliVed.
Page 8
25% Sale
Test 8
25°/o Sale
This problem gives you the chance to:
• work with percentage increase and decrease
In a sale, all the prices are reduced by 25%.
1. Julie sees a jacket that cost $32 before the sale.
How much does it cost in the sale?
Show your calculations.
3? too/:
:S?.. - 8--") •(. -:;. s;t( e.­
In the second week of the sale, the prices are reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the third week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
In the fourth week of the sale, the prices are again reduced by 25% of the previous week's price.
2. Julie thinks this will mean that the prices will be reduced to $0 after the four reductions
because 4 x 25% 100%.
Explain why Julie is wrong.
it'' not &e
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Copyright© 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service.All rights reserved.
n.'te. :Tho. { /
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&laceJ/ fa·ce VlthAPage7
25% Sale
Test 8
3. If Julie is able to buy her jacket after the four reductions, how much will she have
to pay?
Show your calculations.
9- .. af. -;. Cf
\ g:, - :.:-L \ OS"
Q..L{ - \ (: ::-
CS )-a<\( -l0 \?
4. Julie buys her jacket after the four reductions.
What percentage of the original price does she save?
--=3=---L_b_b _%
Show your calculations.
Copyright C 2006 by Mathematics Assessment
Resource Service. Allrights reserved.
Page 8
25% Sale
Test 8