“Katie” McGrath

Kim Kauffman, Deputy Executive Director, Priorities USA Action
Priorities USA Action Meeting with Katie McGrath
Thursday, September 17, 2015
12:30 PST
Bad Robot Productions, 1221 Olympic Boulevard, Santa Monica CA
Staff Contact: Kim Kauffman, 202-276-5745 mobile
The purpose of this meeting is to thank Katie and J.J. for their contributions of $500,000 each to
Priorities USA Action. Jeffrey Katzenberg and Andy Spahn were instrumental in case securing
this contribution
YOU are not soliciting additional contributions at this meeting; your sole purpose is to thank
them for past contributions. In addition, YOU cannot share any non-public information about the
Clinton campaign’s plan, strategies or needs, either directly or indirectly.
J.J. and Katie EACH gave $500,000 to Priorities USA in June 2015. Reminder, Secretary
Clinton called to thank them for these contributions.
Katie McGrath
YOU arrive.
YOU greet attendees.
YOU sit down with the attendees, underscore the important role of Priorities USA
Action will play in the 2016 cycle, and thank J.J. and Katie for their prior
contributions to Priorities USA Action to support that important mission. You are
NOT soliciting any additional contributions. .
YOU participate in an open discussion.
YOU thank attendees again and depart.
This meeting is CLOSED PRESS.
Kathleen “Katie” McGrath
Co-Chair, Children’s Defense Fund
Katie McGrath has spent much of her career in public relations and
previously worked as an aide to the late Senator Ted Kennedy.
Katie is a co-chair with husband, J.J. Abrams of the Children’s
Defense Fund.
She and JJ have three children together and live in Pacific Palisades,
NOTE: Katie McGrath and JJ Abrams have each contributed $2,700 for a total of
$5,400 to Hillary for America this year.
Do’s & D
Bob Lenhard, Covington & Burling Counsel to Priorities USA Action
An agent of the campaign may not convey to an agent of Priorities USA Action, either directly or
indirectly through meeting participants, the following:
A request or suggestion that Priorities USA Action produce or air ads, target a specific
audience, or include specific content in its ads;
Information about the views of Senator Clinton, her campaign, or the DNC about any ad
that Priorities USA Action has run or may run;
Information about the content, the intended audience, the means or mode of
communication, the specific media outlet used, or the frequency or timing of any public
communication, including any radio or TV ads, paid for by Priorities USA Action;
Information about the plans, projects, activities, or needs of Senator Clinton, her
presidential campaign, or the DNC.
Other legal restrictions:
An agent of Priorities convey to an agent of the campaign non-public information about
Priorities strategy or plans, including but not limited to media strategy.
An agent of Priorities should not state or imply that contributions to Priorities USA
Action are contributions to Senator Clinton’s campaign or the DNC.
An agent of Priorities may you offer, or imply an offer, of any position or appointment to
public office in exchange for or as an incentive to make a contribution.
An agent of Priorities cannot and will not give, promise, or assure any position or
appointment to public office and no contributions will be solicited or accepted on that
Contributions to and funds raised for Priorities USA Action must be given freely and
without expectation of return benefit, aside from helping to elect Senator Clinton the next
President of the United States.