“Agents of Change” Awards

Jagruk Nagrik Suraksha Sangathan (JNSS)
“Agents of Change”
An inter college “Street Play” competition across the NCT of Delhi
"To register your college team" Call - 9313835345
Celebs to the Event
(any one of them)
• Siri Fort Auditorium – II
• Time : 3:00 pm (Sharp) upto 6:30 pm
• Entry only by invitation
The Concept
An inter – college theatre competition
About 100 Degree colleges within Delhi participate
2 to 3 teams per college can send in their CD’s for auditions initially
Competition to be held on zonal basis in 5 zones i.e.North,
South,Central,East & West zone
Teams will be shortlisted on FCFS basis only. no auditions are required
2 teams from each zone would be selected to be considered for the
central assessment & to represent JNSS in future projects across Delhi.
Top three teams in Delhi would be selected after the video study of each
of the 10 teams by the central assessment jury.
Top two teams will get the chance to compete for Rank 1 team in Delhi –
in the Grand Finale to be held on the 14th of August 2009.
Application procedure for
College teams
• Team coordinators must call in to Register your team over
phone at 9313835345 on or before the 3rd of August
2009.Leaving your name & phone no.
• Registration is Free
• Teams will be shortlisted on First come First serve basis only.
• Shortlisted teams would be announced on our website & a
performance schedule would be provided to the respective
teams on or before the 3rd of August.
Team Composition
Mandatory criteria:
1. Each team should not comprise of more than 10
members & not less than 7 members
2. The male:female ratio of each team should not be
less than 7:3
3. Each team on registration would be given JNSS TShirts which should be mandatorily worn by each
team member during the outdoor performances.
4. In case of exclusive women’s college/group 100%
female participant teams are permitted.
Any of the above not being followed will be a criteria for disqualification of
the respective team
Prize Money & Recognition
• The TOP 3 winning teams to win Cash Prizes of : Rs31k, Rs 21k & Rs 11k respectively.
• Each reward would be given away by the Chief guest Hon’ble MoS
Home Affairs – Ajay Maken.
• Top 10 teams would be given performance opportunities throughout the
year on various projects taken up by JNSS in partnership with the Delhi
Police & Ministry of Home Affairs.
• All shortlisted teams would be awarded participation certificates.
Advertisement & Publicity
Advertisements through:(A) Outdoor
• Posters inside each college (10 per col x 100 col)= 1000 nos,
• Large posters in busy markets (across the whole NCT of Delhi)
particularly around the targetted performance sites throughout Delhi =
100 per site x 100 sites=10000nos.
(B) Print & Electronic
• Regular Publicity & coverage through Radio partners (20 exposures
/day each of 10 s on RODP basis x 30 days) = 6000 seconds ,
• Regular Publicity & coverage through TV partners = 6000 seconds,
• Regular Publicity through Print media partners(English- HT City & Hindi
– Dainik Jagran) = Daily update in print for 30 days & a full page
coverage on Succeeding day of the Grand Finale.
Advertisement targets
• Each performance site draws
400 – 500 people
• A minimum of 100 sites throughout the L & B of
Delhi will be targetted @ one site/college
• Targetted physical contacts 100 x 500 = 50000
• Coverage through media @ National level
• Prime Focus - the entire population of NCT of
Delhi i.e. Delhi + Gurgaon + Noida + Faridabad = 2
crore +
Important dates
10th June – Booked Siri Fort Auditorium
20th July – Chief guest approval received
21st July – Finalize Radio partner
22nd July – Police permissions 2b initiated
22th July – Finalize the radio /print partner
23rd July – Flyer designs to be finalized
24th July – Finalize the sponsor
25th July – Radio/TV & print ads- 1st Run
25th July – Registration opens
26th - 28th July – Radio & Print reruns
29th July – Registration closes
8th & 9th August – Competition days
14th August – The Grand Finale
Format of the Competition
• Print partners will announce the
launch of the competition in
• Radio partners will update the
announcements each day.
Format – continued 2
• Each performance to be rated by JNSS
observers out of a total of 50 marks under the
following criteria:1.
Script Content – 10 marks
Acting Skills – 10 marks
Audience interest – 20 marks
Discipline – 10 marks
• Top TWO teams to perform in the Grand
Finale & would be judged by the celebrity
guests & the JNSS panel.
Format – continued 3
• The TOP 3 winning teams to win Contractual Prizes of : - Rs
31k(4 performances/year), Rs 21k (3 performance/year) & Rs
11k (2 performances) respectively.
• Each reward would be given away by the Special Invitee & the
Chief guest Hon’ble MoS Home Affairs – Ajay Maken
• There would be Celebrity guests from the film world & the
musical Icons from Bollywood
• The Grand Finale would be a 3-1/2 hour affair (15:00 hrs –
18:30hrs) & the curtains would come down with SNACKS &
BEVERAGES for all the invitees.
The Grand Finale
Musical Icons to the event
(any one of them)
Event Sequence – Part I
Mandatory registration at atleast 4 counters at the entrance
( Registration to start 30 minutes before the show time to close at sharp 15:15hrs )
MC gives a general welcome & invites Birender Kumar for Welcome Speech welcoming the
youth as torch bearers of this movement which has been started in the name of JNSS (5 min)
MC announces the Inaugural dance (2 min)
Inaugural dance on “JAI Ho!” (5 min)
MC calls the respective names for Lighting of the Lamp (2 min)
Lighting of the lamp by 2 College representatives & 3 JNSS office bearers (5 min)
MC requests the people to take their seats & see a very short video message
Video clippings (with an inspirational verbatim) – Compered by Birender ( 2 - 3 min)
MC announces Performance Team-A to perform (15 min)
Video clippings (with an inspirational verbatim) – Compered by Birender ( 2 - 3 min)
MC announces Performance Team-B to perform (15 min)
Video clippings (with an inspirational verbatim) – Compered by Birender ( 2 – 3 min)
MC announces a peppy dance number to be displayed by the dance troupe ( 5 min)
Time taken (for Part-I)= 60 min
Event Sequence – Part II
Arrival of the Chief Guest & the Special Invitee @4:00 PM
MC narrates a few lines on both the guests & then extends a warm welcome to both of
them (3 min)
MC then invites the Prez - Mr. Denson Joseph to explain the JNSS profile & the Road
Ahead accompanied with a small power point presentation (8 min)
MC invites the Chief guest to hoist the flag & deliver his message (2 min)
Flag Hosting (5 min)
MC announces the National Anthem to be sung aloud by all (5 min)
Message by the Chief Guest - Sh Ajay Maken MoS – Ministry of Home Affairs (5-10
MC requests the hostess to seat the Chief Guest on stage & (2 min)
MC will thank the Chief Guest for his message (2 min) {& will then }
MC will speak a few lines on the Hon.Speaker –Sh. Yoganand Shastri & Invite him on
stage to distribute the Prizes (2 min) {alongwith the Chief Guest}
MC announces the Awards Ceremony - Top 10 teams by the Special Invitee (5 min) &
after keeping the Rank1 team on stage will invite the celebrity on stage for a photo
(whereafter) (15 minutes)
The Celebrity & both the guests will now be asked to be seated on stage or the Guests
may leave while the celebrity retains his seat (5 minutes)
Time taken (Part II) 60 minutes
Event Sequence – Part III
• MC will now describe why the celebrity was chosen to preside over
this function in a few lines & then invite him to come forward & share
his valuable thoughts on this first ever initiative in India giving the
common man the responsibility of fighting terrorism responsibly (3
• Message by the B/wood Celebrity ( 5 - 7 min)
• MC announces Performance by the Musical Icon
Kailash Kher/ Sukhwinder ( 2 songs + Message - 30 min)
• MC thanks the singer for entralling the audience & after requesting
him to take his place among the audience (2 min)
• MC invites the General Secretary Sh. Anjan Kr. Samal to deliver the
Vote of Thanks (5 min)
• MC concludes with the announcement for the best - RWA competition
in Oct (5min)
Time taken (Part – III) - 60 minutes