Disaster Stem presentation

Shark Tank Intro!
• CNN Current Day Natural Disasters:
Droughts, Earthquakes, how many more?
• Are you up to the challenge?
• What resources and skill sets do you have to
• A farmer's shark tank
What is the problem?
There are many natural disasters happening all around the world. Many
people are not prepared to face these disasters. You will be creating an
emergency kit to help people prepare or recover from disasters.
You will also create an invention that might help people that are in the disaster
or feeling the effects after the disaster. Sometimes it is not the actual disaster
that causes the worst problems….it is what happens next.
Language Arts
In AC language arts, you will research a real world natural disaster and come
up with items to send to those regions. For example, what items should we
send to people in Ecuador dealing with the after effects of the earthquake?
You will need to investigate the items that The American Red Cross accepts.
In OL language arts, you will create brochures based on different disasters
explaining what types of supplies people should have prior to an emergency.
You will also learn about the causes and the effects of these disasters to
include in your brochure.
You will participate in a service project by designing a kit to potentially send to
disaster regions. We will be making donations to The American Red Cross.
In reading, you have already learned about natural disasters and
severe weather through your Scholastic news magazine. This has
prepared you to work on this STEAM project.
You will take your Social Studies topic and begin researching the impacts of
real world disasters that you have learned about on CNN Student News this
Your individual research will be brought back to your Social Studies team so
that you can discuss what you have learned.
• Earthquake in Ecuador
• Flooding in Texas
• Drought in California and
• Zika virus in Brazil
• Tornadoes in Oklahoma
• Volcanic Eruption in
• Wild Fires in California
• Cyclone in Fiji
Social Studies
You will meet with your team to discuss the current natural disaster you have
been assigned.
As a team, you will go through the STEAM engineering process.
You will create a real world solution to SURVIVE your natural disaster. This
invention will be presented to our SURVIVAL Shark Tank by either a tri-fold or
PowerPoint presentation.
STEAM Process
Identify the problem
Brainstorm design ideas
Determine design constraints
Draw and label those ideas
Consider relevant prior knowledge
Pick one idea
Draw and label the idea
Identify needed materials or conditions
• Carry out the plan
• Create the design
• Test the design
Reflect on testing results
Plan for, create and test a new (improved) design
You will determine the cost to build your invention and to market your invention.
You will also determine how much you want to charge for your product.
5/4 Social Studies introduction to STEAM project
5/5 – 5/6 Science Research
5/6 – Meet with team to discuss your design and what items you need for “Build” day
5/9- Stem Activities and Cooperative Learning
5/10- Build Day!
5/11 – 5/12 Visual Technology Social Studies
5/13 Class Presentations and voting for best project to present to the Shark Tank
5/16 Shark Presentations