why resx agent desktop? [agent desktop]

RESX Agent Desktop is a sophisticated point-of-sale search and booking tool that empowers agents to book travel
content from multiple sources, and enables management of traveler profiles, separate from the GDS. This capability
enables tailoring and targeting traveler-specific offers, upgrades and incentives.
Trip Builder and Traveler
Profile Data on Every Screen:
Designed in collaboration with our
partners and market-leading consultants,
and extensively piloted and tested, our
new Agent Desktop offers a sophisticated,
yet user-friendly interface that has proven
to increase agent productivity, booking
accuracy and travel policy compliance.
RESX Agent Desktop helps agencies and call centers meet the shifting demands of today’s customer care
environment. RESX Agent Desktop reduces or eliminates service representatives’ reliance on native GDS
environments. Accessing multiple GDSs, consolidator and supplier Web sites, RESX Agent Desktop replaces
GDS screens and formats with a Web-based, intuitive reservation interface that does not require prior GDS expertise.
The RESX Agent Desktop includes shopping and booking functionality, as well as customer relationship management
(CRM) tools, giving agents immediate access to traveler profile and behavioral data, corporate travel policy, and
interoffice communication functionality. The user-friendly interface helps agents increase productivity and reduce
errors, while providing them with the features and information they need to handle traveler inquiries on the spot.
Additional RESX Agent Desktop services include the following:
> A complete Web-based agent desktop environment designed to manage multiple accounts and travelers,
quickly and efficiently
> Robust booking capabilities for air, car, & hotel
> Switch functionality to allow agency, account, and search level GDS, supplier direct, or 3rd party inventory
> Source designation
> PNR access and editing capabilities
> Multiple account and traveler policy compliance
> Profile management and GDS synchronization
> Agent time and activity tracking reporting
> GDS pass-through for native access
R E S X > M O R E U S E R F R I E N D L Y. I N C R E A S E D A D O P T I O N .
RESX Online Booking
RESX is a web-based, self-service corporate travel
booking site enabling travelers and travel arrangers
to create policy-compliant air, car, and hotel
reservations. RESX features powerful and intuitive
search capabilities, and efficient and time-saving
booking processes, ensure compliance, and significant
cost efficiencies.
Universal, web-based travel sales and services agent
desktop featuring multi-GDS capability. Agent Desktop
improves travel agent productivity, reduces training
time and improves transaction quality and service.
Empowered by a robust web services capability,
Profile and Data Solutions offers universal
traveler profile synchronization services through
a customizable user interface, and offers the ability
to connect and seamlessly integrate with existing
GDS systems and all online booking tools.
Intuitive and User-Friendly Air Matrix: Provides agents
with a highly streamlined, fast and efficient interface for
securing traveler arrangements. Allows agents to
secure the most affordable travel accommodations through
integrating content from multiple sources into a single display.
Assists travel agencies and corporations using RESX
to maximize the impact of online corporate travel
programs through providing access to market leading
consulting and domain expertise.
The RESX open architecture creates a ‘one stop shop’
for corporations seeking integrated expense and
meetings management services via seamless integration
with a broad cross-section industry leading expense
and meetings management technology partners.
Clear, comprehensive and concise Traveler Itineraries:
Provides an integrated view of the latest travel plans with
links to destination information, driving directions, hotel
reviews and more.
E M P OW E R . M A N AG E . SAV E .
Let RESX help you generate significant savings and efficiencies for your travel program. Find out how we can
improve travel agent productivity, reduce training time, and increase transaction quality and service. You need
RESX Agent Desktop.
Take Action. Call +1 800.999.7956, email [email protected], or visit www.trx.com for more information.