Training-seminar “WE: West-East cooperation”

Contact-making seminar
“Real deeds in problematic fields”
Contact-making seminar “Real deeds in problematic fields”
The main concept
of the project
The initiative group of the Spanish NGOs Espai d´ inclusio i
formacio casc antic (EICA) and Factor Escucha is looking for
participants for the contact-making seminar “Real deeds in
problematic fields”.
The aim of the activity is to create the network of youth
organizations interested in developing social-entrepreneurship
projects for young people including migrants.
This project is collective initiative of the organizations
developing projects in such problematic fields as youth
unemployment and social inclusion in order to consolidate
their efforts and to have stronger social impact of their
activities. Nowadays the mentioned problematic fields
become a burning issue due to the fact of massive immigration
process in European countries.
The main objectives of the project are:
- to discuss the features and issues of the socialentrepreneurship approach towards the youth
- to share the best practices of social-entrepreneurship
youth projects including young migrants,
- to initiate Strategic partnership project under the Key
Action 2 of the Erasmus+ project for 2017-2019 years.
The main topics of the training-seminar:
Introduction to notion and meaning of socialentrepreneurship.
Sharing with the best practices of socialentrepreneurship
Contact-making seminar
“Real deeds in problematic fields”
projects focusing on job inclusion for young people
including migrants.
Possible partners and stakeholders for socialentrepreneurship projects.
Common problems, issues and barriers.
Important features of working with young migrants.
Financial sources.
Developing the plan of the future cooperation: creating
the Strategic partnership project under the Key Action
2 of the Erasmus+ project.
Barcelona, Spain
18/09/16 – 23/09/16
The training-seminar will be run from 18/09 (we will start with
the dinner) and will be finished 23/09 (participants can depart
after the breakfast).
For your information:
On the 24th of September we will have very famous Merce
Festival in Barcelona. More information about this event you
can find here
Project dates
In case you want to stay and see it please take into account
that according the seminar buget unfortunatly we can’t
provide you with accomodation for the night 23d – 24th of
September and you need to book it in advance because
hostels are full of guests these days.
Profile of participants
Another important thing is travel dates.
Please take into account that participants can arrive to
Barcelona not earlier than 2 days before the seminar and
departure not later than 2 days after the activity. Otherwise
participants take a risk not to be reimbursed.
We expect that partner organizations involved into the project
are responsible for enrollment and selection of the
participants. It should be persons who know well the
organization activities, can take decisions and participate in
the writing the proposal for Strategic partnership project and
its further implementation. We understand that due to
various situations not all defined participants will attend the
activity but at least the partner organizations understand that
this contact-making seminar is a serious step for future
Contact-making seminar
“Real deeds in problematic fields”
cooperation and participants from their side should be
suitable for it.
Participants’ profile includes following criteria:
1. Youth workers and youth leaders who are involved into the
daily activities of the youth organizations developing socialentrepreneurship projects including young migrants and who
are interested to develop networking projects in this field.
2. Up 18 years old.
3. Fluent English.
4. Developed project management skills.
5. Ability to attend all days of the seminar.
According the Erasmus+ Programme rules:
- 100% of accommodation, food and training materials,
- Travel costs will be covered according the Erasmus+
financial rules:
Financial conditions
275 EUR for participants from Belgium, France, Bulgaria,
Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy.
360 EUR for participants from Lithuania and Greece.
PARTICIPATION FEE for the training – 50 euro. Participants
will be asked to pay the participation fee after their arrival.
Deadline for applications
Contact person
Alla Krinitsyna
[email protected]