Year 5 – Cricket

Name :
Lesson 5 of 7 - Batting - Tactics
1. Hit the ball with purpose, varying speed, height and direction
Learning Objectives 2. Indentify spaces and understand the tactic of hitting into gaps
3. Understand how physical activity can contribute to a healthy lifestyle
Teaching Assistant
Literacy Keywords
Forward defensive, Batting, Shot selection, Score,
Aiming, Defend
Risk Assessment
Teacher Notes
Suitable clothing and footwear worn by
Equipment suitable for participants
Safety information highlighted to participants
Equipment safe and checked
Area safe and checked - any hazards removed
Awareness of space, Awareness of others
Sports (UK)
Year 5 Cricket
Special Education Needs
School :
Example Lesson Plan
How many ?, Counting
Marker cones, Balls, Wickets, Bats
Batting tactics are the plans and decisions a batter or batting team make in an attempt to score runs
The aim of the lesson is to get the children thinking about the different things they can do to increase their opportunities to score runs
Encourage the children to think about tactics such as:
Hitting the ball into space - this gives you more time to score runs as it will take the fielders longer to retrieve the ball
When to run and when not to - assess when there is time to make a run safely
Communication when batting in pairs - deciding when to run and when not to
What shots to play - safe shots along the ground where you may not score as many runs but there is less chance of getting out (you can't be caught) or more risky shots in the air where it is
possible to score more runs more quickly but there is greater risk of getting out (you can be caught out)
It is important that the batting safety rules are emphasised to the children:
The bat should only be used and swung in the designated batting area
Only the batter should enter the batting area - nobody else should enter this area
Always be aware of who is around you when using a cricket bat
It should also be highlighted to the children that if the cricket bat is not used safely and sensibly it could result in someone being hurt
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Warm Up
Dynamic Warm Up
Duration : 3 - 5
Split the class into groups of 4/5
Each group should have a cone to line up behind
The children complete each exercise over 10 steps then jog out over another 10 steps - see diagram
Exercises: Jogging, High Knees, Heel Flicks, Lunges, High Skipping, Cross-over's - These exercises should be completed over the first
10 steps
Teaching Points
Quality of exercise - Quality before speed
Complete as many repetitions as possible
Jog to the end
Use normal running action
To make activity harder
Speed up the activity - ensure the quality of the exercises are kept
To make activity easier
Slow the activity down to improve the quality of the exercises
Coordination and Movement
Copy Cats - Cricket
Duration : 5 - 10
The children work in pairs standing facing each other 2/3 steps apart
Each child needs a ball
One child from each pair is the 'Leader'
The 'Leader' must stay on the spot but can perform whatever actions they want with the ball
Their partner must copy their actions as quickly and closely as possible
Swap roles every minute
Teaching Points
Try and challenge your partner
High movements
Low movements
Vary the speed of movement/actions
Use different body parts to move/control the ball
What actions can you do with the ball? throw, bounce, catch
To make activity harder
Speed up the activity
To make activity easier
Slow the activity down
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Skill Development
The Forward Defensive Shot
Duration : 10 - 15
Explain that the forward defensive shot is a shot played to a good ball that is heading straight for the wickets and bounces close to the
batter. It is played as a defensive shot with the aim of not being bowled out. The ball is also played into the ground so the batter cannot
be caught out
Show the children the technique to play the shot - ask them to copy you as you perform and talk them through the steps
Once the children have the technique, split the class into groups of 5 - each group requires a ball, bat , set of wickets and area to work
in - see the diagram
One child takes the position of Batter, one the Bowler, one the Wicket Keeper and two Fielders
The Bowler bowls 6 deliveries (underarm) to the Batter who must play a forward defensive shot
The Wicket Keeper and Fielders should field the ball and return it to the bowler
After the 6 deliveries the children swap roles
Keep swapping roles so all the children get an opportunity to bat
Teaching Points
SAFETY POINT: Be careful with the bat in hand - do not swing it around
Grip the bat correctly - Right hander - left hand at top, right hand below; Left hander right hand at the top, left below
Adopt a good stance - balanced, 90 degrees to Bowler, bat lifted and ready
Step forward with the front foot
Bend the knee of the front leg
Move the bat forward so it comes alongside the front leg and is angled down towards the
The ball should hit the bat - hold the wrist firm
Do not swing the bat through so the ball is played into the ground
Bowler: Must bowl underarm, aim for the wickets so the Batter can practice the forward
defensive shot
To make activity harder
Bowler bowls faster
To make activity easier
Use a ball that does not bounce high
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Place the Shot 3
Duration : 10 - 15
Split the class into groups of 4/5 - One Batter, One Feeder (Bowler) and the rest Fielders
Set out an area for each group to play in - as shown in the diagram
The Batter hits the ball from a batting tee aiming to hit it through the gate
Each time the ball is hit through the gate the Batter scores 1 point
The Fielders must stop the ball and return it to the Feeder - they are not allowed to block the gate and must field between the gate and
the boundary line
If a shot goes over the boundary the Batter scores 4 points
The Feeder should pass the ball to the Batter to place on the batting tee and play their next shot
The Batter plays 5 shots and sees how many runs they can score
Swap roles and repeat the activity until all the children have had a go at batting
Teaching Points
SAFETY POINT: Ensure the bat is only used in the safety area
Encourage and highlight the use of correct batting technique
Develop power in shots but keep the accuracy
Aim shots towards the gate
Watch the ball
Use the correct batting technique
Back Swing
Step forward
Swing the bat straight forward
Follow through
To make activity harder
Make the gate narrower
To make activity easier
Make the gate wider
Understand how physical activity can contribute to a healthy lifestyle
How can playing games help keep you fit and healthy?
Undertaking physical activity of any kind will help keep the body fit and healthy
Games that involve running and moving give the heart and lungs a workout to help keep the body healthy
Exercise is an important element of a fit and healthy lifestyle. A healthy balanced diet is another important element
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Warm Down
Dynamic Warm Down
Duration : 2 - 5
Ask the children to move around the area in different ways
Examples of different movements are:
High knees, heel flicks, jogging, walking, walking hamstrings, high skipping
Teaching Points
Gradually decrease intensity
Slow down as warm down progresses
Good quality movements
Why are tactics important when batting?
Why do you need to employ different tactics when facing different
Teaching Points
They will help you be successful
They will increase your chances of being successful
Encourage the children to think of tactics they used that were successful and explain why they were successful
Teaching Points
Different bowlers have different strengths and will bowl in different ways so you will need to change your tactics depending on the bowler you are facing to be
successful against them
Encourage the children to give examples of different tactics they had to use and explain why they used them
How did the children get on with the activities today?
- Most were successful and displayed a good understanding when questioned – Move on to the next theme in the unit
- Most struggled and were not successful at the activities - Recover this theme next week with a focus on developing the skills the children struggled with
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