College of Arts and Sciences - University of North Florida

College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Report
May 2010 – May 2011
Beechy, Tiffany. The Poetics of Old English. New York: Ashgate, June 2010.
Wiley, Michael. A Bad Night’s Sleep. New York: St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2011.
David Courtwright, No Right Turn: Conservative Politics in a Liberal America (Cambridge:
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010).
Theo Prousis, Lord Strangford at the Sublime Porte (1821): The Eastern Crisis, volume 1
(Istanbul: Isis Press, 2010).
Aaron Sheehan-Dean, co-editor, with Brooks Simpson and Stephen Sears, The Civil War, The
First Year of the Conflict Told by Those Who Lived It, November 1860-January 1862
(New York: Library of America, 2011).
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Schwam-Baird, Shira, editor and translator. Valentin et Orson: An Edition and Translation of
the Fifteenth-Century Romance Epic. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies, 2011.
Wu, Yongan and Sage Driscoll. Authentic Spoken English. Beijing: Sichuan Normal University
Electronic Press, 2010.
Math and Statistics
R. Freund, W. Wilson, D. Mohr, Statistical Methods, 3rd edition. Elsevier, 2010 824 pages.
Bunky Green; Jazz Composition book has been re-released under the title, Short Cut to Jazz
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Journal Articles
Art and Design
Brown, Peter Scott. “The Virago and the Prince of Orange in Salomon de Bray’s Jael,
Deborah, and Barak: Insights on the Image of the Dutch Republic around 1630,” was
published in fall 2010 in the SECAC Review
Murphy, Debra. “More than a Brush with Hyperbolic Nature: Recent Landscapes by Lilian
Garcia-Roig,” Arbus, October/November 2010, 58-62
Brown, I.I., Casamatta, D. A., Thomas-Keprta, K., Sarkisova, S. A., Shen, G., Bryant, D. A.,
Boyd, E. S., Garrison, D. H., J. W. Peters & D.S. 2010. McKay.Polyphasic
characterization of a novel siderophilic, N2 fixing cyanobacterium, which produces
intracellular iron phases. Appl. Environ.Microbiol. 76: 6664-6672.
Flynn, K.E*. and Moon, D.C. 2011. Effects of habitat complexity, prey type and abundance on
intraguild predation between larval odonates. Hydrobiologia in press.
Gelsleichter, J. and A.N. Evans. Accepted (to be published in Spring 2012). Hormonal
regulation of elasmobranch physiology. Pages xxx-xxx in Biology and Ecology of
Sharks and Their Relatives. (J. Carrier, J.A. Musick and M. Heithaus, eds.). CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL.
Havens, K.E., J.R. Beaver, D.A. Casamatta, T.K. East, R.T. James, E.J. Phlips & A.J. Rodusky.
2011. Hurricane effects on the planktonic food web of a large subtropical lake. Journal
of Plankton Research 33:1081-1094.
Johansen, J.R., L. Kováčik, D.A. Casamatta & J. Kaštovský. 2011. Leptolyngbya corticola sp.
nov. (Pseudanabaenaceae, Cyanobacteria), an aerophytic, heteropolar taxon from the
Czech Republic. Nova Hedwigia 92:283-302.
Judd ET1, Hatle JD*1, Drewry MD, Wessels FJ, Hahn DA (2010) Allocation of nutrients to
somatic tissues in young ovariectomized grasshoppers. Integrative and Comparative
Biology 50:818-828. (1equal contribution).
Lauer, N.T. and A.M. Rossi. 2011. Effects of manual damage on turkey oak (Quercus laevis)
foliar tannin concentration and herbivorous insect abundance. Florida Entomologist, in
Lauer, N., Yeager, M., Kahn, A.E., Dobberfuhl, D.R., and C. Ross. 2011. The effects of short
term salinity exposure on the sublethal stress response of Vallisneria americana Michx.
(Hydrocharitaceae). (In press: Aquatic Botany).
Page 2 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Lyski, Zoe L., Saredy, Jason J., Ciano, Kristen A., Stem, Jennifer and Bowers, Doria F. 2011.
Blood Feeding Position Increases Success of Recalcitrant Mosquitoes. Vector-Borne
and Zoonotic Diseases, Vol. 11, # 00, 2011; DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2010.0164 (published
online, Senior and Corresponding author).
Maruska, K.P. and J. Gelsleichter. 2011. Hormones and reproduction in chondricthyan
fishes. Pages 209-238 in Hormones and reproduction in vertebrates. (D.O. Norris and
K.H. Lopez, eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Mazzaro, L.M., J.P. Richmond, M. Kluever, J. Morgan, J.L. Dunn, S.A. Zinn, E.A. Koutsos.
2011. Evaluation of an alternative to feeding whole frozen fish in Beluga Whales
(Delphinapterus leucas). Zoo Biology. 30: 32-51. doi: 10.1002/zoo.20319 DOI:
10.1002/zoo.20319 January/February 2011.
Mendoca, F., Oliveira, C., Burgess, G., Coelho, R., Piercy, A., Gadig, O., and Foresti, F. (2010).
Species delimitation in sharpnose sharks (genus Rhizoprionodon) in the western Atlantic
Ocean using mitochondrial DNA. Conservation Genetics. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-0100132-6.
Moon, D.C., A. Keagy, and J. Moon. 2010. Direct and indirect interactions. Nature Knowledge
Moon, D.C. and J. Moon. 2011. Environmentally-mediated direct and indirect effects. Nature
Knowledge 2(1):9-15.
Moon, D.C., A.M. Rossi, J. Depaz, L. McKelvey, S. Elias, E. Wheeler and J. Moon. 2010. Ants
provide nutritional and defensive benefits to the carnivorous plant Sarracenia minor.
Oecologia 164:185-192.
Perkerson, R.B., E. Perkerson & D.A. Casamatta. 2010. Phylogenetic examination of the
cyanobacterial genera Geitlerinema and Limnothrix (Pseudanabaenaceae) using 16S
rDNA gene sequence data. Algological Studies 134:1-16.
Perkerson, R.B., J.R. Johansen, L. Kovacik, J. Brand, J. Kastovsky & D.A. Casamatta. 2011. A
unique Pseudanabaenalean (Cyanobacteria) genus Nodosilinea gen. nov. based on
morphological and molecular data. Journal of Phycology. (In Press).
Qualls1, Whitney A., Day2, Jonathan F., Bowers3, Doria F. and Xue1, Rui-De. 2010. Altered
host response to insect repellent following infection of Aedes aegypti (Diptera:
Culicidae) with Sindbis virus. J. Medical Entomology. (Accepted with minor revisions;
Corresponding author).
Page 3 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Rossi, A.M., D.C. Moon, D.A. Casamatta, K. Smith, C. Bentzien, J.McGregor, A.R. Norwich,
R.B. Perkerson, E. Perkerson, J. Savinon, K.Stokes & D. Doebberfuhl. 2010. Effects of
partially restored riparian plant communities on water quality and biodiversity along
tributaries of the lower St. Johns River. Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2:771782.
Rossi, A.M., D.C. Moon, D. Casamatta, K. Smith, C. Bentzien*, J. McGregor*, A. Norwich*,
E. Perkerson*, R. Perkerson*, J. Savinon*, K. Stokes* and D. Dobberfuhl. 2010. Pilot
study on the effects of partially restored riparian plant communities on habitat quality
and biodiversity along first-order tributaries of the lower St. Johns River. Journal of
Water Resource and Protection 2:771-782.
Rossi, A.M., D.C. Moon, D. Casamatta, K. Smith, C. Bentzien, J. McGregor, A. Norwich, E.,
Perkerson, R. Perkerson, J. Savinon, K. Stokes and D. Dobberfuhl. 2010. Pilot study on
the effects of partially restored riparian plant communities on habitat quality and
biodiversity along first-order tributaries of the Lower St. Johns River. Journal of Water
Resource and Protection 2:771-782.
Stauffer TW, Hatle J. D., Whitman DW. (2011) Divergent egg physiologies in two closely
related grasshopper species: Taeniopoda eques versus Romalea microptera (Orthoptera:
Romaleidae). Environmental Entomology 40:157-166.
Trevathan, S., Kahn, A.E., and Ross, C. 2011. Effects of short term hypersalinity exposure on
the susceptibility to wasting disease in the subtropical seagrass Thalassia testudinum. (In
press: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry).
Urian, A. G., Hatle, J. D., Gilg, M. R. (2011) Thermal constraints for range expansion of the
invasive green mussel, Perna viridis, in the southeastern United States. Journal of
Experimental Zoology A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 315:12-21.
Urian, A.G., Hatle, J. D., and Gilg, M. R., 2011. Thermal constraints for range expansion of
the invasive green mussel, Perna viridis, in the Southeastern United States. J. Exp. Zoo.
Part A. 315A: 12-21.
Vo, M., Linser, P.J. and Bowers, D.F. 2010. Organ-Associated Muscles in Aedes albopictus
Culicidae) Respond Differentially to Sindbis Virus. J. Medical Entomology 47(2): 215225. (Senior and Corresponding author).
Welling, M., Ross, C., and Pohnert, G. 2011. A Desulfatation-Oxidation Cascade Activates
Coumarin-Based Cross Linkers in the Wound Reaction of the Giant Unicellular Alga
Dasycladus vermicularis. (In press: Angewandte Chemie).
Page 4 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Wessels FJ, Kristal R, Netter F, Hatle JD, Hahn DA* (2011) Does it Pay to Delay? Flesh Flies
Show Adaptive Plasticity in Reproductive Timing. Oecologia 165:311-320.
Wessels FJ, Kristal R, Rourke M, Hatle JD, Hahn DA (in press) The timing of resource
availability does not affect reproductive allotment or the rate of oocyte development in
the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis. Ecological Entomology. Published online.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2011.01273.x.
Bryant, J., Prieto, M., Prox, T., Yost, R. “Design and evaluation of a novel hemispherical
FAIMS cell.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. (2010) 298, 41-44.
Lange, S., Gögel, S., Leung, K.Y., Vernay, B., Nicholas, A.P., Causey, C.P., Thompson, P.R.,
Greene, N.D., Ferretti, P. “Protein deiminases: New players in the developmentally
regulated loss of neural regenerative ability.” Dev Biol. (2011) Apr 22.
Chumanevich, A.A., Causey, C.P., Knuckley ,B.A., Jones, J.E., Poudyal, D., Chumanevich,
A.P., Davis, T., Matesic, L.E., Thompson, P.R., Hofseth, L.J. “Suppression of colitis in
mice by Cl-Amidine: A novel peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) inhibitor.” Am J Physiol
Gastrointest Liver Physiol. (2011) Mar 17.
Willis V.C., Gizinski, A.M., Banda ,N.K., Causey, C.P., Knuckley, B.A., Cordova, K.N.,
Luo,Y., Levitt, B., Glogowska ,M., Chandra, P., Kulik, L., Robinson, W.H., Arend, W.P.,
Thompson, P.R., Holers, V.M. “N-α-benzoyl-N5-(2-chloro-1-iminoethyl)-L-ornithine
amide, a protein arginine deiminase inhibitor, reduces the severity of murine collageninduced arthritis. J Immunol. (2011) Apr 1; 186(7):4396-4404.
Slack , J.L., Causey, C.P., Luo,Y., Thompson, P.R. “Development and use of clickable activity
based protein profiling agents for protein arginine deiminase 4. ACS Chem Biol. (2011)
May 20;6(5):466-476.
Jones, J.E., Dreyton, C.J., Flick, H., Causey, C.P., Thompson, P.R. “Mechanistic studies of
agmatine deiminase from multiple bacterial species. Biochemistry. (2010) Nov 2;
49(43):9413-9423. X
Knuckley, B, Jones, J.E., Bachovchin, D.A., Slack, J., Causey, C.P., Brown, S.J., Rosen, H.,
Cravatt, B.F., Thompson, P.R. “A fluopol-ABPP HTS assay to identify PAD inhibitors.”
Chem Commun (Camb). (2010) Oct 14;46(38):7175-7177.
Knuckley ,B.A., Causey, C.P., Jones, J.E., Bhatia, M., Dreyton, C.J., Osborne, T.C., Takahara,
H., Thompson, P.R. “Substrate specificity and kinetic studies of PADs 1, 3, and 4
identify potent and selective inhibitors of protein arginine deiminase 3.” Biochemistry.
(2010) June 15; 49(23), 4852-4863.
Page 5 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Gopalakrishnan, Aridoss, Laali, Kenneth K. “Building Heterocyclic Systems with RC(OR)2+
Carbocations in Recyclable Bronsted Acidic Ionic Liquids: Facile Synthesis of 1Substituted 1H-1,2,3,4-Tetrazoles, Benzazoles and Other Ring Systems with CH(OEt)3
and EtC(OEt)3 in [EtNH3][NO3] and [PMIM(SO3H)][OTf]”. European Journal of
Organic Chemistry. (2011), (15), 2827-2835.
Gopalakrishnan, Aridoss, Sarca, Viorel D., Ponder, James F., Jr., Crowe, Jessica, Laali,
Kenneth K. “Electrophilic chemistry of propargylic alcohols in imidazolium ionic
liquids: Propargylation of arenes and synthesis of propargylic ethers catalyzed by
metallic triflates [Bi(OTf)3, Sc(OTf)3, Yb(OTf)3], TfOH, or B(C6F5)3”. Organic &
Biomolecular Chemistry. (2011), 9(7), 2518-2529.
Kalkhambkar, Rajesh G, Laali, Kenneth K. “Arenediazonium salts immobilized in imidazolium
ionic liquids as electrophilic partners in the Pd(OAc)2-catalyzed Matsuda-Heck
arylation”. Tetrahedron Letters. (2011), 52(15), 1733-1737.
Borosky, Gabriela L., Okazaki, Takao, Laali, Kenneth K. “A Computational (DFT, MP2) and
GIAO NMR Study of Substituent Effects in Benzenediazonium Mono- and Dications”.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry. (2011), (9), 1771-1775.
Kalkhambkar, Rajesh G., Waters, Sarah N., Laali, Kenneth K. “Highly efficient synthesis of
amides via Ritter chemistry with ionic liquids”. Tetrahedron Letters. (2011), 52(8), 867871.
Lane, A.L., Moore, B.S. “A sea of biosynthesis: Marine natural products meet the molecular
age.” Natural Product Reports. (2011) 28: 411-428.
Coran, J.J., Arnold, C.L., & Arnold, J.C. (2010). Physician-Patient Communication: This Time
From the Physicians’ Perspective. Florida Communication Journal. 38(1) 1-12.
Arnold, C.L. & Coran, J.J. (In Press) Are You Listening Healthcare Providers?: Listening Skill
Building Courses and Workshops For Healthcare Providers. Listening Education, 2,
Summer 2011. Accepted in April, 2011
Nam, S. (2010a). Critical media literacy as curricular praxis: Remapping the pedagogical
borderlands of media literacy in U.S. higher education mass communication programs.
Javnost-The Public, Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture,
17(4), 5-24.
Nam, S. (2010b). The cultural politics of media diversity: Moving beyond the marketplace of
measurements. Korean Journal of Communication and Information, 51, 136-155.
Page 6 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Parmelee, J. H., & Perkins, S. C. (2011). Exploring social and psychological factors that
influence the gathering of political information online. Telematics and Informatics.
Thornton, Brian. “The Murder of Emmett Till: Myth, Memory and How 10 Magazines Responded,”
Journalism History, July 2010, Vol. 35, No. 11.
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Hallett, Michael A. . “Reentry to What? Theorizing Prisoner Reentry in the Jobless Future.”
Critical Criminology: An International Journal. Published online 1 June 2011. DOI:
10.1007/s10612-011-9138-8. (forthcoming in print edition of journal Vol 21, Issue 2).
Beasley, James. “Demetrius, Deinotes, and Burkean Identification at the University of
Chicago.” Rhetoric Review (July 2010). (Recipient of the Theresa J. Enos Award for the
journal’s best essay of 2010).
De Villiers, Nicholas. “Queer Memoir, Queer Space: Samuel R. Delany’s Times Square Red,
Times Square Blue.” Transformations (Spring 2011): 96–108.
De Villiers, Nicholas. “‘Chinese Cheers’: Hou Hsiao-hsien and Transnational Homage.” Senses
of Cinema 58 (2011): n.p.“chinese-cheers”-hou-hsiao-hsien-and-transnational-homage/
Gabbard, Christopher. “Disability Studies and the British Long Eighteenth Century” (and an
accompanying “Teaching Guide”). Literature Compass 8.2 (February 2011): 80–94.
Lunberry, Clark. “Writing on Water, Murmur of Words.” New Writing: The International
Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 7.2, 139-59.
David Courtwright, “The Difference a Word Makes: A Short History of ‘Prohibition,’”
Addiction 105 (2010): 1174-1175. (Commentary on Wayne Hall, “What are the Policy
Lessons of National Alcohol Prohibition in the USA, 1920-1933?”)
Denice Fett, “Spanish Diplomacy and English Recusancy in Early Elizabethan England,” in
Reformation, vol. 15, (2010), 76-100.
Aaron Sheehan-Dean, "The Nineteenth-Century U.S. History Job Market, 2000-2009," Journal
of the Civil War Era 1 (March 2011): 135-140.
Aaron Sheehan-Dean "The Long Civil War: Recent Writing on the Outcomes of the U.S. Civil
War," for Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 119 (June, 2011): 107-153.
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Journal Articles (continued)
David L. Sheffler, “Late Medieval Education: Continuity and Change.” In History Compass
Journal vol. 9 Issue 9 (September 2010), pages 1067-1082.
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Febles, Jorge. “Martí descubre a la mujer estadounidense: ‘Impresiones de América por un
español muy fresco.’” Camino real 1.2 (2010): 27-46.
Ibáñez Quintana, Nuria. “”El Desconcierto de Diana Raznovich: imagen, y palabra, el cuerpo
femenino como lugar de resistencia.” Telón de fondo. Revista de teatro y crítica teatral.
(Diciembre 2010).
Math and Statistics
William Hager, Beyza Caliskan Aslan , Richard Sonnenfeld, Timothy Crum, John Battles,
Michael Holborn, and Ruth Ron, Three Dimensional Charge Structure of a Mountain
Thunderstorm, J. Geophys. Res 115, D12119, doi:10.1029/2009JD013241.
Bell, D., Associate Binary Operations and the Pythagorean Theorem, Math Intelligencer 33,
no.1, 2011, pp. 92 – 95.
Boules, A. and Priyadarshani, A, A Finite Element Approximation of the 2-Dimensional
Burgers’ Equation, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 21,
issue J11, 2011. pp. 82-95.
E. Buzaianu, P. Chen, T-J Wu, Subset selection procedures to identify electromagnetic fields
following lognormal distributions, IET Radar Sonar Navig,, vol. 5, Iss 4, 2011, pp. 458564.
Gleaton, J. U. and Rahman, M., Asymptotic properties of MLE’s for distributions generated
from a 2-parameter Weibull distribution by a generalized log-logistic transformation,
Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, August 2010, pp. 199 - 213.
O. Milatovic, A separation property for magnetic Schrödinger operators on Riemannian
manifolds, Journal of Geometry and Physics 61, (2011), pp. 1—7.
O. Milatovic, On m-accretivity of perturbed Bochner Laplacian in L^p spaces on Riemannian
manifolds, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 68 (2010), pp. 243—254.
Patterson, Richard F., Consistent classes of double summability methods, Appl.Math. Lett. 23
(2010), no. 8, pp. 831–835.
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Journal Articles (continued)
Patterson, Richard F., Equivalence of methods for the summation of double sequences, Appl.
Math. Lett. 24, (2011), no. 2, pp. 107–110.
Patterson, Richard . F.; Rhoades, B. E., Four dimensional matrix that induces the double Gibbs
phenomenon, Acta Math. Hungar. 129 (2010), no. 1-2, pp. 142–152.
Patterson, Richard F.; Savaş, Ekrem, P-asymptotically equivalent in probability, Sarajevo J.
Math. 6(19) (2010), no. 2, pp. 217–228
Patterson, Richard F.; Savaş, Ekrem, Double Sequence Transformation that Guarantee a given
Rate of P-convergence, Filomath 25 (2010), no. 2, pp. 129-135.
Patterson, Richard F. ; Savas, Ekrem, Matrix Summability of Statistically P-convergence
Sequences, Filomath 25 (2011), no 4 55-62.
Patterson, Richard. F; Savas, E, A category theorem for double sequences, Appl. Math. Lett.
(2011), doi:10.1016/j.aml.2011.04.017.
Savas, E. Patterson, Richard F, Double sequence spaces defined by a Modulus, Math. Slovaca
61 (2011), no 2, pp. 245-256.
Patterson, Richard F.; Sen Pali, Characterization of the Central Limit Theorem by the
Burmann Power Series International journal of mathematics and statistics , Autumn
2011, Vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 68-77.
Schonning, Masnita-Iusan, Rawls, Straatsma, Wludyka, Patney, Cotton, Effect of vacuum mixer
brand on tensile strength properties of acrylic bone cement, International Journal of
Experimental and Computational Biomechanics, Vol. 1, No 4, 2011, pp. 381-396.
Maraqa NF, Aigbivbalu L, Masnita-Iusan C, Wludyka P, Shareef Z, Bailey C, Rathore MH,
Prevalence of and risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
colonization and infection among infants at a level III neonatal intensive care unit, Am J
Infect Control. 2011, Feb;39(1) pp. 35-41.
McCutchen AS, Munoz JC, Brenner L, Wludyka P, Vega KJ., Lower albumin levels in African
Americans at colon cancer diagnosis: a potential explanation for outcome disparities
between groups?, Inernationalt Journal of Colorectal Disease, 2011 Apr;26(4): pp. 46972.
Custodio H, Masnita-Iusan C, Wludyka P, Rathore MH., Change in rotavirus epidemiology in
northeast Florida after the introduction of rotavirus vaccine, Pediatric Infectious Disease
Journal, 2010 Aug;29(8): pp. 766-7.
Page 9 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Mei-Qin Zhan, Convergence of Dirichlet Quotients and Selective Decay of 2D
Magnetohydrodynamic Flows, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 380 (2011), pp. 831–846.
Q. Zhen, J. S. H. van Leeuwaarden and C. Knessl, On a Processor Sharing Queue That Models
Balking, Mathematical Methods of Operations Reasearch, 72 (2010), pp. 453 – 472.
Erin Bennett
 Reviewed Christopher Fisher’s Teaching Piano in Groups in Clavier Companion
(November/December 2010)
o Note: Her review is quoted in Oxford University Press’s website for the book:
Reviewed Hal Leonard’s Piano Recital Showcase: Romantic Inspirations, by Eugénie
Rocherolle, Carol Klose, Jennifer Linn, and Christos Tsitsaros in American Music
Teacher (October/November 2010)
Danny Gottlieb
• Continues to write a monthly column in DRUM Magazine apply named the Jazz Practice Pad
 Professor Gottlieb’s new textbook project with Hudson Music, The Evolution of Jazz
Drumming, has finally released in April 2011.
Clarence Hines
Completed three publications for the International Trombone Association (ITA) Journal.
The ITA Journal reaches over 3500 members from 66 countries around the world.
o Artist CD Reviews
 January 2011 issue
 TRIBUTE TO J & K by Ron Kischuk and Ed Goode
July 2011 issue
 A TASTE OF AUTUMN by Griffin
 BIG CITY CIRCUS by Joel Yennior
Cara Tasher
Dr. Tasher continues to publish peer-reviewed articles including two in the International Choral
Bulletin: “Unaccompanied Choral Traditions of China's Dong people: Ga Lao” Xi Li,
author; “Contemporary Flemish Choral Music” Timothy Brown, author; International
Choral Bulletin.
Page 10 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Guy Yehuda
• Peer-reviewed article, “The Importance of Practicing Correctly,” was published by ConnSelmer’s quarterly journal, Keynote Magazine
Philosophy and Religion
Buchwalter, Andrew, “Weltgeist als Prinzip des interkulturellen Kosmopoliticismus,” HegelJahrbuch 2011, Geist. Zweiter Teil (Berlin: Akademie Verlag), 78-84.
Fenner, David, "Why Has Aesthetic Formalism Fallen on Hard Times?" Reason Papers, 32
(Fall 2010), 93-106.
Fenner, David, "Context Building and Educating Imaginative Engagement," Journal of
Aesthetic Education, 44:3 (Fall 2010), 109-123.
Gilson, Erinn, “Vulnerability, Ignorance, and Oppression,” Hypatia: a journal of feminist
philosophy, v. 26, issue 2, 2011, 308-332.
Haney, Mitchell, “Social Media, Speed, and Listening to Oneself,” Listening: Journal of
Communications Ethics, Religion and Culture, 37 – 50.
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Recognition and the Resurgence of Intentional Agency,” special issue
‘Rational Agency as Ethical Life,’ Inquiry, Vol. 53:5, 450 – 469, October 2010.
Matheson, Jonathan, “Bergmann’s Dilemma: Exit Strategies for Internalists.” (co-authored
with Jason Rogers). Philosophical Studies (2011) 152(1): 55-80.
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, and David M Hester, “Ethics for the Pediatrician: Providing Culturally
Effective Health Care”. Pediatrics in Review. 2011;32: 39-43.
Knell, M. J., F. D. Jackson, A. L. Titus, and L. B. Albright III. 2011. A gravid fossil turtle
from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kaiparowits Formation, southern Utah.
Historical Biology 23:57-62.
“Comparison of solution and crystal properties of Co(II)-substituted human carbonic anhydrase
II,” Balendu Sankara Avvaru, Daniel J. Arenas, Chingkuang Tu, D.B. Tanner, Robert
McKenna, and David N. Silverman, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 502, 53–59 (2010).
“Generation of second and fourth harmonic signals using a balanced Colpitts oscillator with a
patch antenna,” Eunyoung Seok, Dongha Shim, Daniel J. Arenas, David B. Tanner, and
Kenneth K. O, IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. 20, 554–556 (2010).
Page 11 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
“Magnetodielectric coupling of infrared phonons in single crystal Cu2 OSeO3 ,” K.H. Miller,
X.S. Xu, H. Berger, E.S. Knowles, D.J. Arenas, M.W. Meisel, and D.B. Tanner, Phys.
Rev. B 82, 144107/1–8 (2010).
Polaronic Conductivity in the Photoinduced Phase of 1T-TaS2. N. Dean, J. C. Petersen, D.
Fausti, R. I. Tobey, S. Kaiser, L.V. Gasparov, H. Berger, A. Cavalleri, Phys. Rev.
Letters 106, 016401 (2011).
Raman study of phonon modes in bismuth pyrochlores, D. J. Arenas, L. V. Gasparov, Wei Qiu,
J. C. Nino, C. H. Patterson, and D. B. Tanner, Phys. Rev. B 82, 214302, (2010).
“EDDIX – a Database of Ionization Double Differential Cross-sections” authors JH
MacGibbon, S Emerson, T Liamsuwan, and H Nikjoo was published in the wellrespected journal Radiation Protection Dosimetry (full citation MacGibbon, J.H.,
Emerson, S., Liamsuwan, T. and Nikjoo, H. “EDDIX--a database of ionisation double
differential cross sections” Radiat.Prot.Dosimetry 143(2-4),162-5 (2011). Note co-author
S. Emerson is former UNF student Stephen Emerson who worked on the EDDIX
database while at UNF.
Pekarek, T. M., E.M. Watson, J. Garner, P.M. Shand, I. Miotkowski, A. K. Ramdas, “Spinglass ordering in the layered III-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-xMnxS,” J.
Appl. Phys. 107, 09E136 (2010))..
P. M. Shand, D. C. Schmitter, G. Rojas, J. E. Shield, J. Goertzen, A. L. Meyer, T. M. Pekarek,
M. J. Kramer, and D. L. Leslie-Pelecky, “Correlating Structure with Ferromagnetism in
Melt-Spun Gd100-xFex,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, 3000-3005 (2011).
G. A. Wurtz, R. Pollard, W. Hendren, G. P. Wiederrecht, D. J. Gosztola, V. A. Podolskiy & A.
V. Zayats, Designed ultrafast optical nonlinearity in a plasmonic nanorod metamaterial
enhanced by nonlocality, Nature Nanotechnology, 6, 107–111, (2011).
McPhillips, John; McClatchey, Christina; Kelly, Tony; Murphy, Antony; Jonsson, Magnus;
Wurtz, Gregory; Winfield, Richard; Pollard, Robert J., Plasmonic Sensing Using
Nanodome Arrays Fabricated by Soft Nanoimprint Lithography, J. Phys. Cem. C, in
press (2011).
Political Science and Public Administration
Candler, George “Towards a public spirited public management economics: an essay in honor
of John Kenneth Galbraith.” Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(3), September 2010.
Candler, George, Ariston Azevêdo and Renata Ovenhausen Albernaz “Toward global
scholarship in public administration.” Public Administration (London) 88(3), 2010.
Page 12 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Candler, George and Georgette Dumont “A nonprofit accountability framework.” Canadian
Public Administration 53/3, 2010.
Candler, George and Georgette Dumont “The price of citizenship: Civic responsibility as the
missing dimension of public administration theory.” Public Administration Quarterly
34(2), 2010.
Harwood, Paul “Stability and Change in Americans’ Foreign Language Policy Attitudes: 20002008.” Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages.”
Seabrook, Nicholas “The Limits of Partisan Gerrymandering: Looking Ahead to the 2010
Congressional Redistricting Cycle.” The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in
Contemporary Politics 8(2), 2010.
Ames, S.C., Werch, C.E., Ames, G.E., Lange, Lori J., Schroeder, D.R., Hanson, A.C., & Patten,
C.A. “Integrated smoking cessation and binge drinking intervention for young adults: A
pilot investigation.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40, 343-349. August 2010.
Hawkins, LouAnne, Leone, Christopher, & Jarvis-Mejia, S. “Undergraduate research: The
protégé-mentor relationship as a recruiting tool.” Council on Undergraduate Research
Quarterly, Winter Volume 2010.
Zitek, Emily and Jordan, A., “Technical Fouls Predict Performance Outcomes in the NBA”.
Athletic Insight Volume 13, Issue 1. Spring 2011.
Clarkson, J., Tormala, Z. and Leone, Christopher, “A self-validation perspective on the mere
thought effect”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Volume 47, Pages 449-454.
March 2011.
Güss, C. Dominik & Dörner, D., “A psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler’s decision making as
Commander in Chief: Summa confidentia et nimius metus”. Review of General
Psychology, Volume 15, Pages 37-49. March 2011.
Leding, Juliana, “Need for Cognition and false recall.” Personality and Individual Differences,
Volume 51, pages 68-72. March 2011.
Wirth, James, “The world in black and white: Ostracism enhances the categorical perception of
social information”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 47, Issue 4,
Pages 836-842. July 2011.
Page 13 of 64
Journal Articles (continued)
Sociology & Anthropology
Jaffee, David. (2010). Labor and the geographic reorganization of container shipping in the U.S.
Growth and Change, 41(4): 520-539.
Lukens-Bull, Ronald and Mark Woodward. (2011). Goliath and David in Gaza: Indonesian
myth-building and conflict as a cultural system. Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of
Muslim Life, 5:1-17.
Lukens-Bull, Ronald. (2010). Madrasa by any other name: Pondok, Pesantren, and Islamic
schools in Southeast Asia. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 4(1).
Shapiro, Adam, Chung-Ping Loh & Glenn Mitchell. (2011). “Medicaid Cost-Savings of Home
and Community-Based Service Programs for Older Persons in Florida”. Journal of
Applied Gerontology, 30, 3-21.
Shapiro, Adam & R. Corey Remle (2010). “Generational Jeopardy? Parents' Marital Transitions
and the Provision of Financial Transfers to Adult Children.” Journal of Gerontology:
Social Sciences, 66B, 99-108.
Simon, Suzanne. (2010). Throwing a wrench into ‘transition’: Testing the limits of
transparency, development, and democratization in the Oaxaca wind park controversy.
International Journal of Social Policy Research and Development, 1(1). 1-13.
Stuber, Jenny. (2011). Integrated, marginal, resilient: Race, class, and the diverse experiences
of white first-generation college students. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Education, 24: 117-136.
Wilder, JeffriAnne (2010). Revisiting color names and color notions: A contemporary
examination of the language and attitudes of skin color among young black women.
Journal of Black Studies, 41(1), 184-206.
Wilder, JeffriAnne and Colleen Cain (2010). Teaching and learning color consciousness in
black families: Exploring family processes and women’s experiences with colorism.
Journal of Family Issues, 32(5), 577-604.
Conference Proceedings
Chalk, S. “Crosswalking AnIML with legacy data formats” presented at PittCon 2011, Atlanta,
GA. March 13-17, 2011.
Chalk, S. "Development of a markup language for scientific experiments: ExptML" presented at
PittCon 2011, Atlanta, GA. March 13-17, 2011.
Page 14 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
Chalk, S. "Blogging in the lab: A research information management system (RIMS) for faculty,"
presented at PittCon 2011, Atlanta, GA. March 13-17, 2011.
Jarrod Mousa, Chris Long, Drew Kline, Stuart Chalk. "Optimization of an electrically actuated
inkjet based cyanide detection system," presented at PittCon 2011, Atlanta, GA. March
13-17, 2011.
Jennifer Charlton, Megan Cheney, Stuart Chalk. "Optimization of the multivariate analysis of
mixtures of Arsenate/Phosphate,” presented at PittCon 2011, Atlanta, GA. March 13-17,
Vrazic, Dejan, Jereb, Marjan, Stavber, Stojan, Laali, Kenneth K. “Halogenation of organic
compounds in ionic liquids using NXS reagents.” Edited by Glavic, Peter; BrodnjakVoncina, Darinka , from Slovenski Kemijski Dnevi, Maribor, Slovenia, Sept. 23-24, 2010
(2010), vrazic1/1-vrazic1/7. Language: Slovenian.
Waters, Sarah N., Laali, Kenneth K. “Synthesis of imidazolium, pyridinium, and pyrazolium
ionic liquids (ILs) bearing electron withdrawing substituents (NO2, CF3, F) and low
nucleophilicity counter ions [N(OTf)2, OTf]; Application as designer solvents/catalysts
in organic synthesis.” From Abstracts, Joint 66th Southwest and 62nd Southeast
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, United States,
December 1-4 2010.
Wilson, J., Rahberg, R., Kann, Z., Lufaso, M.W. “Phase relationships and properties in the
Bi2O3:MnO2-x:SnO2 system”. University of North Florida, Scholars Transforming
Academic Research Symposium (STARS), Jacksonville, FL April 15 (2011).
Settle, J., Lufaso, M.W. “Phase composition in the BiO1.5:MnO2-δ :FeO1.5 system”. University
of North Florida, Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS),
Jacksonville, FL April 15 (2011).
Rahberg, R., Lufaso, M.W. “Development of the Ternary Phase Diagram for the Bi-In-Sn-O
System at 750°C for use in Solid State Gas Sensors”. University of North Florida,
Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS), Jacksonville, FL April
15 (2011).
Hertz, M., Lufaso, M.W. “Synthesis and characterization of a high temperature superconductor:
YBa2Cu3O7-x”. University of North Florida, Scholars Transforming Academic Research
Symposium (STARS), Jacksonville, FL April 15 (2011).
Kann, Z.R., Hearn, E.W., Lufaso, M.W. “Phase equilibria in the BiO1.5:FeO1.5:MnO2-δ system at
825°C”. University of North Florida, Scholars Transforming Academic Research
Symposium (STARS), Jacksonville, FL April 15 (2011).
Page 15 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
Rahberg, R., Lufaso, M.W. “Development of the Bi-In-Sn-O System at 750°C for use in Solid
State Gas Sensors”. University of North Florida, 1st Annual Florida Statewide Student
Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL, March 4-5, (2011).
Kann, Z.R., Hearn, E.W, Lufaso, M.W. “Phase Equilibria in the BiO1.5:FeO1.5:MnO2-δ System at
825°C”. Florida Inorganic and Material Symposium, Gainesville, FL, October 1-2
Kann, Z.R., Lufaso, M.W. “Phase equilibria and properties of the Bi2[Fe,Mn]4O10-δ system”
University of North Florida Student Research Poster Session, Jacksonville, FL September
17 (2010).
Rahberg, R., Lufaso, M.W. “Development of Bi-In-Sn-O Solid-state gas sensing materials”.
University of North Florida Student Research Poster Session, Jacksonville, FL September
17 (2010).
Wilson, J.; Lufaso, M.W. “Phase relationships and properties in the Bi2O3:MnO2-x:SnO2
system”. University of North Florida Student Research Poster Session, Jacksonville, FL
September 17 (2010).
Kevin Moore & Robert Vergenz. “Effects of methyl-donated hydrogen bonds on tertiary
structure and function of hyaluronate lyase,” presented at Florida American Chemical
Society Meeting and Exposition, Palm Bay, FL, May 14, 2011.
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Pontzer, Daniel, “A Summary of the Reid Technique of Criminal Interrogation” Presented at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology conference, San Francisco, CA:
November 2010.
Jordan, K., Pontzer, Daniel, & Vose, Brenda, (2010). Triumphs and tribulations of innovative
teaching. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA: November 2010.
Jordan, K., Pontzer, D. & Vose, Brenda, (2010). Triumphs and tribulations of innovative
teaching. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA: November 2010.
McCray, K., Wesely, Jennifer, and Rasche, C. “Rehab Retrospect: Former Prostitutes and the
(Re)Construction of Deviance.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the
Study of Social Problems (SSSP) [international], Atlanta, GA: August 2010.
Page 16 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Fernández Cifuentes, Ángeles. “Lope narrador: la figura de donaire como génesis de las
Novelas a Marcia Leonarda.” 400 años del Arte nuevo de hacer comedias de Lope de
Vega: Actas selectas del XIV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Teatro Español
y Novohispano de los Siglos de Oro. Ed. Germán Vega García-Luengos. Valladolid:
Universidad de Valladolid, 2010.
Erin Bennett
• Presented a research paper (“Group Piano Games: Making Learning More Enjoyable”) at the
Florida State Music Teachers Association annual conference in Sarasota, FL
J.B. Scott
• Presented a clinic “Trumpet Fundamentals” at the FMEA State Music Convention
• Presented a clinic on “Jazz Vocal Scatting” FMEA State Music Convention
• Presented a clinic at the Jazz Educators Network National Convention in New Orleans
Randall Tinnin
• Hosted the Cornet Conspiracy Brass Conference at UNF featuring scholars and performers
throughout the nation
Guy Yehuda
• Solo recital at the National College Winds and Percussion Instructors Association Conference
in Gainesville, FL
“Characterization of high power near THz radiation from CMOS circuits using a Michelson
Interferometer,” Daniel J. Arenas, Dongha Shim, Dimitrios Koukis, Eunyoung Seok,
David B. Tanner, and Kenneth K. O, March Meeting of the American Physical Society,
Q21.03 (Dallas, 23 March 2011).
“Raman study of the Verwey transition in Magnetite (Fe3O4) at high pressure and low
temperature: effect of Al-doping”, L. Gasparov, Z. Shirshikova, V. Struzhkin, A.
Gavriliuk, H. Berger. Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids Conference, Les Diablerets,
Switzerland, July 5-10, 2010.
“Raman study of the Verwey transition in Magnetite (Fe3O4) at high pressure and low
temperature: effect of Al-doping”, L. Gasparov, Z. Shirshikova, V. Struzhkin, A.
Gavriliuk, H. Berger, INTERMAG conference, Taipei, Taiwan, April 24-29, 2011.
Page 17 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
“Raman study of the Verwey transition in Magnetite (Fe3O4) at high pressure and low
temperature: effect of Al-doping”, L. Gasparov, Z. Shirshikova, V. Struzhkin, A.
Gavriliuk, H. Berger.March 2010 APS meeting, Dallas Texas, March 21-25, 2011,
Session D1.
Patel, Nirmal, participated in a NASA-Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility Workshop held at
Palestine, TX.
Political Science and Public Administration
Charles M. Lamb, Eric M. Wilk, and Nicholas R. Seabrook “Housing Complaints in America:
A Regional Analysis.” Panel presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association
Annual National Conference, Chicago IL, March 21-April 1, 2011.
Charles M. Lamb, Nicholas R Seabrook, and Eric M. Wilk “Fair Housing Policy Making in the
Lower Federal Courts.” Panel presentation at the American Political Science Association
Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 2-5 2010.
Christie, Natasha “Real World Program Evaluation: Working with the Courts.” annual meeting
of the Southeastern Conference for Public Administration, Wilmington, NC., October 13
to October 16, 2010.
Christie, Natasha “Symbolic Racism vs. Racial Threat: An examination of State PostConviction Policy Choices.” Florida Political Science Association Meeting, Jupiter, FL.,
March 26, 2011.
Corrigan, Matthew “Jeb Bush: Conservative Activism and Florida Educational Policy” annual
meeting of the Georgia Political Science Association. Savannah, GA., November 12,
Schwam-Baird, David “The Colombian Government, the US and the Autodefensas de
Colombia: An Analysis of Policy Failure.” Panel presentation at the Annual Conference
of the Association of Third World Studies, Savannah, GA., October 2010.
Urbina, Susana, “Intellectual Assessment”. First International Symposium on Psychological
Tests. The College of Psychologists of Peru. University of Peru. June 2010.
Urbina, Susana, “Ethical and Legal Aspects of Testing in the USA”. First International
Symposium on Psychological Tests. The College of Psychologists of Peru. University of
Peru. June 2010. (Presentation)
Page 18 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
Leone, Christoper, Hawkins, LouAnne, Beane, D., Hofmann, N., and Kindelsperger, J., “Tis
Better to Have Loved and Lost? Thoughts of Self-Monitors at a Relationship’s End”.
Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Charleston, SC. November 2010.
Leone, Christoper, Hawkins, LouAnne, Valente, M., and Nicolaides, C., “Friends or
Enemies?: Effects of Thought, Schemas, and Need for Structure of Attitude
Polarization”. Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Charleston, SC. November
2010. (Presentation)
Leone, Christoper, Hawkins, LouAnne, Johnston, H. and Wood, A., “Religion and Attitudes
About Abortion: Closed-Minded Extremism or Internalized Values?” Society of
Southeastern Social Psychologists, Charleston, SC. November 2010. (Presentation)
Leone, Christoper, Hawkins, LouAnne, Gainey, L., Babcock, M. and Thomas, D., “Devil or
Angel? Some Effects of Self-Monitoring and Relationship Length on Perceptions of
Former Romantic partners”. Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Charleston,
SC. November 2010. (Presentation)
Leone, Christoper, Hawkins, LouAnne, Lewis, S., Aleman, O., Mottola, R., and Solari, J.,
“Beyond a Doubt? Some Effects of Thought, Attitude Object, and Need for Structure on
Attitude Polarization”. Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Charleston, SC.
November 2010. (Presentation)
Leone, Christoper and Valente, M., “Self-generated attitude change and intergroup relations:
Some effects of thought and cross-categorization”. Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. December 2010. (Presentation)
Leone, Christoper, Smith, R. and Harari, M., “Self-monitoring and self-selection to
employment opportunities”. Society for Personality and Social Psychology. December
2010. (Presentation)
Leone, Christoper, Hawkins, LouAnne and Javed, I., “Sex stereotypes and child sexual abuse:
Perceived power and victimization”. Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
December 2010. (Presentation)
Leding, Juliana, Garcia, S. and Hoffman, F. “Need for Cognition and false recall in the DRM
paradigm.” Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL. February 2011.
Leone, Christopher, Chamblin, Minor, “History of the Psychology Department at University
of North Florida” Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL. February
2011. (Presentation)
Page 19 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
Leone, Christopher, Hawkins, LouAnne, Babcock, M., and Valente, M., “The Mentor-Protégé
Relationship: What Works and What Doesn’t” Southeastern Psychological Association,
Jacksonville, FL. February 2011. (Presentation)
Leone, Christopher, Beane, D., and Thomas, D., “Love will keep us together” – or not.”
Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL. February 2011. (Presentation)
Leone, Christopher, Babcock, M., and Hofmann, N., “Effects of self-monitoring on perceptions
of former romantic partners.” Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
February 2011. (Presentation)
Leone, Christopher, Gainey, R., and Bronzo, L., “Individual differences in using illusions to
cope with relationship loss.” Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
February 2011. (Presentation)
Leone, Christopher, Hawkins, LouAnne, Javed, I., Keane, S., Trevina, C., “Perceptions of
child abuse: When context makes a difference.” Southeastern Psychological Association,
Jacksonville, FL. February 2011. (Presentation)
Leone, Christopher, Johnston, H., Wood, C., and Cyrus, B., “Religiosity, politics, and attitudes
toward capital punishment.” Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL.
February 2011. (Presentation)
Leone, Christopher, Kindelsperger, J., and Hofmann, N., “Self-monitoring and inclusion of
other in self.” Southeastern Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL. February 2011.
Leone, Christopher, Valente, M., Nicolaides, C., Lewis, S., Aleman, O., and Mottola, R., “Mere
thought and attitude polarization: Another look.” Southeastern Psychological
Association, Jacksonville, FL. February 2011. (Presentation)
Toglia, Michael, “Survivability and remembering: What is adaptive about adaptive memory?”
Florida Statewide Student Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. February 2011.
Toglia, Michael, Baker, C. M., Beatrice, E. M., Leedy, A. D., and Seaman, R. L., “Accurate
memory is evolutionarily adaptive: Is false memory?” Scholars Transforming Academic
Research Symposium (STARS), University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. April
2011. (Presentation)
Toglia, Michael, Baker, C. M., Beatrice, E. M., Leedy, A. D., Wilde, A., and Seaman, R. L.,
“How does survival processing influence memory?” Scholars Transforming Academic
Research Symposium (STARS), University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. April
2011. (Presentation)
Page 20 of 64
Conference Proceedings (continued)
Toglia, Michael, Beatrice, E. M., Leedy, A. D., Wilde, A., and Seaman, R. L., “The examination
of adaptive memory for both words and narratives in modern situations.” Scholars
Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS), University of North Florida,
Jacksonville, FL. April 2011. (Presentation)
Leding, Juliana. “Working memory ability predicts rejection of false memories.” Association
for the Psychological Sciences. Washington, DC. May 2011. (Presentation)
Leding, Juliana, Garcia, S. and English, A. “Need for Cognition and false recall across multiple
tests.” Association for the Psychological Sciences. Washington, DC. May 2011.
Book Chapters
Beasley, B. “Origins of Communication” in The History of Media in America, 8th ed. D. Sloan,
ed. Vision Press, Birmingham, Ala., February 2011.
Nam, S. (2011). World narrow web: Internet content regulation in Korea. In D. N. Wachanga
(Ed.), Cultural identity and new communication technologies: Political, ethnic, and
ideological implications (pp. 320-336). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Vose, Brenda, (2011). Gambling. In Thomas Lewis (Ed.), The Thirties in America (pp. 369370). Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Vose, Brenda, (2011). Furlough and work release programs. In W. Chambliss (Ed.),
Corrections: Key Issues in Crime and Punishment (pp. 89-104). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Cartwright, Keith. “‘There’s Always the Other Side’: Agency and Authority in Creole
Initiation Tales,” In a Sea of Heteroglossia: Pluri-Lingualism, Pluri-Culturalism, and
Pluri-Identification in the Caribbean. Ed. Nicholas Faraclas, et al. Willemstad, Curacao:
Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma & University of the Netherlands Antilles, 2010.
Gabbard, Christopher. Odd Quirks: The Story of My Son.” Papa, PhD: Essays on Fatherhood
by Men in the Academy. Ed. Mary Ruth Marotte, Paige Martin Reynolds, and Ralph
James Savarese. Rutgers UP, 2010. 217-223.
Page 21 of 64
Book Chapters (continued)
Leverette, Tru. “On Being Brown.” Other Tongues: Mixed Race Women Speaking Out. Eds.
Adebe DeRango-Adem and Andrea Thompson. Toronto: Inanna, 2010. 75-79.
Leverette, Tru. “Loves the Self . . . Regardless: Womanist Wholeness in Gayl Jones’s The
Healing.” In The Search for Wholeness and Diaspora Literacy in Contemporary AfricanAmerican Literature Ed. Silvia Castro Borrego. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Wu, Yongan. “Educational Technology in Second Language Instruction.” Educational
Technology. Eds. Ronghua Ouyang and Charles Xiaoxue Wang. Beijing: Remnin
University Press, 2010.
Wu, Yongan “Chinese Elements in Young Adult Literature of the U.S.” Appeared in a book
published by the China Social Sciences Press.
Math and Statistics
Wludyka P., Chapter 2: “Role of Epidemiology and Statistics in Advanced Nursing Practice”, p
27-79 and Chapter 3: “Study designs and Their Outcomes”, p 81-114. K. Macha and J.
McDonough, Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice, Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury,
MA, 2011, 374 pages.
Gordon Brock; Chapter submission for the new GIA Publication textbook, The Art of
Interpretation of Band Music: Insights on Interpretation in Rehearsal and Performance
Philosophy and Religion
Gilson, Erinn, “Responsive Becoming: Ethics Between Deleuze and Feminism,” in Deleuze &
Ethics, eds. Daniel W. Smith & Nathan Jun, Edinburgh University Press, 2011.
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Being as Dialogue, or: The Ethical Consequences of Interpretation,”
in The Consequences of Hermeneutics, J. Malpas/S. Zabala (eds.), Evanston:
Northwestern U.P. June 2010.
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Ethnomethodology.” in SAGE
Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences, I. Jarvie/J. Zamora-Bonilla (eds.),
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Feb. 2011.
Page 22 of 64
Book Chapters (continued)
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Overcoming Semiotic Structuralism: Language and Habitus in
Bourdieu,” in The Legacy of Pierre Bourdieu, Susan, Simon, Taylor, Bryan (eds),
Anthem Press, UK , April 2011
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Constructing a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere: Hermeneutic
Capabilities and Universal Values,” in Cosmopolitanisms, 4 Volumes, Vol 4: Contested
Cosmopolitanisms, G. Delanty (ed.), Routledge 2010. (Republished from European
Journal of Social Theory, 2005)
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “The self-empowered subject: Habermas, Foucault, and hermeneutic
reflexivity,” in Agency and Structure, 4 Volumes, Routledge 2010. (Republished from the
journal Philosophy & Social Criticism, 1996.)
Ingersoll, Julie, “Gun Ownership: ‘An Obligation to God’ " (with Sarah Posner), in At the Tea
Party, Laura Flanders (ed.), OR Books
Ingersoll, Julie, “Tea Partiers Say Slavery Not Race-Related, " in At the Tea Party, Laura
Flanders (ed.), OR Books
Güss, C. Dominik, Kiseleva, A. A., “Complex problem solving across cultures” (pages 64-76)
which was translated into Russian [Решение
комплексных проблем в разных культурах] in a book of international researchers on
“Reconstruction of subjective reality” [Pеконструкция субъективной реальности].
Güss, C. Dominik & Tuason, M. T. ”Fire and ice: Cultural influences on complex problem
solving.” In N. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1942-1947). Cognitive Science Society.
Perez, S. M., & Gauvain, M. “Emotional contributions to the development of executive
functions in the family context.” In B. W. Sokol, U. Müller, J. I. M. Carpendale, A. R.
Young, & G. Iarocci (Eds.), Self and social regulation: Social interaction and the
development of social understanding and executive functions. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press. 2010
Urbina, Susana. “The whys and wherefores of intelligence testing.” R. J. Sternberg & S. B.
Kaufman (Eds.) Cambridge handbook of intelligence. New York: Cambridge
University Press. June 2011.
Page 23 of 64
Book Chapters (continued)
Bogue, R., Fisak, Brian, & Lukman, R. (2011). “Becoming, Being, and Excelling as a
Physician: Physician Motivations, Satisfaction, Wellness and Effectiveness.” In B.
Kircaldy (Ed.), The Art and Science of Health Care: Psychology and Human Factors for
Practitioners. Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe Publishing. July 2011.
Sociology & Anthropology
Stuber, Jenny. (2010). Class dismissed? The social class worldview of privileged college
students. Chapter 8 (pp. 131-151) in Educating elites: Class privilege and educational
advantage in the United States, edited by Adam Howard and Ruben A. GaztambideFernandez. Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield.
Book Reviews
Wiley, Michael. Robert Morrison’s The English Opium-Eater: A Biography of Thomas De
Quincey. The Wordsworth Circle 41 (Autumn 2010) 184-6.
Denise I. Bossy, Review of Peace Came in the Form of a Woman, by Juliana Barr, Ethnohistory
58: 2 (Spring 2011): 336-7.
Dale Clifford, Review of Thomas Cardoza, Intrepid Women: Cantinières and Vivandières of the
French Army for Journal of Military History 75 (January 2011): 263-65.
Charles Closmann, Review of Environmental Organizations in Modern Germany: Hardy
Survivors in the Twentieth Century and Beyond, by William T. Markham. Canadian
Journal of History XLV (Winter 2010): 632-634.
Charles Closmann, Review of Fishing a Borderless Sea: Environmental Territorialism in the
North Atlantic, 1818-1910, by Brian J. Payne. Environmental History 15 (October 2010):
David Courtwright, Review of Rightward Bound: Making America Conservative in the 1970s,
ed. Bruce J. Schulman and Julian E. Zelizer (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 2008), reviewed in The Historian 72 (2010): 446-447.
David Courtwright, Review of Smack: Heroin and the American City, by Eric C. Schneider
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), reviewed in Addiction 105
(2010): 1500-1501.
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Page 24 of 64
Book Reviews (continued)
Ibáñez Quintana, Nuria. Teatro español del siglo XXI: actos de identidad. Eds. Candyce
Leonard and John Philipe Gabriele. Estreno (Spring 2010).
Scott, Renée. “La Salta de Lucrecia Martel.” Literal: Latin American Voices.
<[1/4/2011 9:38:48 AM]
Wu, Yongan. “The Birth, Rupture, and Death of Literary Shanghai” by Wu Jun. Chinese
Edition of World Languages Today. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing
Group, 2011.
Wu, Yongan and S. Jonathan. Fragment of an original literary piece by Bei Dao. Chinese
Edition of World Languages Today. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing
Group, 2011.
Philosophy and Religion
Carelli, Paul, “George Rudebusch, Socrates,” in Ancient Philosophy (2010).
Ingersoll, Julie: “Fay Botham, Almighty God Created the Races (UNC 2009), in Religion
(November 27, 2010); online (December 2010).
Political Science and Public Administration
Christie, Natasha. To the Criminal Justice Policy Review (CJPR) on Sasha Abramsky’s book
titled Conned: How Millions Went to Prison, Lost the Vote and Helped Send George W.
Bush to the White House.
Sociology & Anthropology
Shapiro, Adam (2010). “The state of family gerontology: New insights and directions.” The
Gerontologist, 50, 714-16.
Encyclopedia articles
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Vose, Brenda, (2010). Danger and deterrence. In F.T. Cullen & P. Wilcox (Eds.), Encyclopedia
of Criminological Theory (pp. 594-596). Thousand, CA: Sage.
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Encyclopedia Articles (continued)
Denise I. Bossy, “Captivity and Slavery in the Sixteenth Century.” In Karen Kupperman, ed.,
American Centuries: The Ideas, Issues, and Trends that Made U.S. History, Vol. 1: 2129. Facts on File, April 2011.
Denise I. Bossy, “Race Relations in the Seventeenth Century.” In John Demos, ed., American
Centuries: The Ideas, Issues, and Trends that Made U.S. History, Vol. 2: 215-224. Facts
on File, April 2011.
David Courtwright, “Psychoactive Drugs.” William McNeill et al. eds. Berkshire
Encyclopedia of World History, 2nd ed., (Great Barrington, Mass.: Berkshire, 2011), 812817.
Philosophy and Religion
Fenner, David, "Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide," Quest 12:2 (Spring 2011), pp. 11-13.
Fenner, David, "Are Gardens Really Natural?" Quest 11:4 (Fall 2010), pp. 11-13.
Fenner, David, "Integrity and Guessing at Intentions," Quest 11:3 (Summer 2010), pp. 12-13.
Ingersoll, Julie, “Jacksonville Islamic Center the Target of Attempted Arson,” Religion
Dispatches, on-line
Ingersoll, Julie, “Promoting Patriarchy and Fighting Pantheism, plus Adventures to the Amazon
and to Space (1),” Religion Dispatches, on-line
Ingersoll, Julie, “2010: A Banner Year for Biblical Patriarchy,” Religion Dispatches, on-line
Ingersoll, Julie, “A Divided Pro-Life Movement,” Religion Dispatches, on-line
Ingersoll, Julie, “Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism,” Religion
Dispatches, on-line
Juried Creative Works/Performances
Art and Design
Begley, David.
Designed announcement postcard and poster for Fusion exhibition at MOCA Jacksonville, April
2011; received an American Graphic Design Award for in-house design.
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Coglianese, Blake.
Designed the website for Fusion exhibition at MOCA Jacksonville, April 2011; received an
American Graphic Design Award for in-house design.
Cruz, Vanessa.
-“Lazarus Revisited” and “Eve as a Young Girl” included in the Unseen Art Exhibition, Museum
of Science and Industry, Tampa, FL; July 23-August 27, 2010.
-“Lazarus Revisited” and “Eve as a Young Girl” included in Optic Nerve XII, Museum of
Contemporary Art, Miami, FL; opened August 27, 2010.
Diaz, Alexander.
Lens 2011: National Juried Exhibition Perspective Gallery, Evanston, IL
March 3-March 27, 2011
-Incursions: Man-Made America Marine Street Gallery, St. Augustine, FL
February 4-Febrary 27, 2011. Awarded Best in Show.
-National Photography and Digital Imagery Competition Gallery at Eissey Campus, Palm Beach
Gardens, FL. October 19-November 24, 2010.
-A Personal Landscape Soo Rye Art Gallery, Rye, NH, September 17-November 5th, 2010.
-Open Exhibition 2010 Photo Media Center
Sea Change The Wassaic Project, Wassaic, NY, August 13-22, 2010.
-Oh So Witty: Dark, Medium, and Light Humor,Art Center Sarasota, January 19-March 6, 2010,
Sarasota, FL.
Dixon, Nofa.
19th Southeast Regional Juried Art Exhibition; Northwest Florida State College, Niceville, FL;
May 1 – May 30, 2011
-Sculpture in the 21st Century; Tri- State Sculpture Conference 32; Jim Paulsen, juror; Towson
University; Towson, Maryland
- Art Ventures, a Celebration of Inspired Philanthropy, Art and Artists, an invitational/juried
exhibition; Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Nov. 18, 2010 – Jan. 2, 2011
-Concurrency; Northeast Florida Sculptors Juried Exhibition; AT&T Tower Lobby; Nov. 18,
2010 – Jan. 7, 2011
Douglass, Emily Arthur.
-The Grudge Match Exhibition, Dirty Printmakers of America, Evil Prints Studio, , St Louise
MO in conjunction with Southern Graphics Council Conference International Conference
Equilibrium, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
in March
-The Gulf Print Storm - Ink, Paper and Process: An Exhibition of Contemporary Prints in
America at The Dishman Art Museum, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas in November 2010
-The Mid America Print Council Conference in October, West Regis Center for Art in South
Minneapolis, MN in the exhibition I Ain't No Goddamn Son Of A Bitch.
-Ceramics and 2D Mixed Media Drawings with Stephen Heywood at the University Art Gallery
at Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, December 1, 2010-January 20, 2011.
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Hager, Jennifer.
-Without Walls Two. St. Lucie Art in Public Places, Outdoor Sculpture Show. Invitational
Exhibition. Juror: John Hayes. Ft. Pierce, FL. January 2008 – present.
-Impression. Solo Exhibition. Cultural Center Ponte Vedra Beach, Ponte Vedra, FL. April – May
-National Cast Iron Art Exhibition. Juried Exhibition. Curator: Leila Hamdan, National
Ornamental Metal Museum. Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark, Birmingham, AL.
April 2011.
-Scyphozoa: Field Work. Solo Exhibition. Nullspace. January – February 2011.
Ironstone, Kidwelly Castle. International Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Cast Iron Art.
Jurors: Sculpture Cymru and Andy Griffiths. Kidwelly, Wales. May – September 2010.
-Juried National Exhibition of Cast Iron Art. Juror: Steven Glueckert, Curator of Exhibitions at
the Missoula Art Museum. Missoula Art Museum. May – August 2010.
-Flight Lab. Solo Exhibition. Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, LA. Curator: David
Houston. August 2010 – November 2010.
-The Body Ferric. Performance. International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron, Kidwelly,
Wales. July 2010.
Heywood, Stephen.
-Westmorland Arts & Heritage Festival - National Juried Exhibition. Latrobe, PA. July
-Westmorland County Community College - National Juried Exhibition. Youngwood, PA.
June 2011
-Vases of Spring - National Invitational Exhibition. Kirkorian Gallery, Worcester, Ma.
March 2011
-Fusion - The FIRM Group Exhibition. Museum of Contemporary Art. Jacksonville, FL.
March 2011
-Curious Persnickety, NCECA Exhibition - Group Invitational. St. Petersburg, FL. March
-Person Show Structures in Reality: Art Two Person Show Structures in Reality: Art and
Life Contained - Juried Exhibition. The Cultural Center at Ponte Vedra Beach,
Jacksonville, FL.
-The Holiday Cup Show and Sale - National Juried/Invitational Exhibition. Kirkorian
Gallery, Worcester, MA. Dec 2010
-Gulf Coast Community College, Third Annual Cup Show, Form and Function - National
Juried Exhibition. Tapper Center Gallery, Panama City, Fl. Nov 2010
-Two Person Show, Mechanical Nature - Juried Exhibition. Pittsburg State University,
Pittsburg, KS. Dec 2010
-Strictly Functional Pottery National - National Juried Exhibition. Lancaster, PA. Oct
-The Sixteenth Annual Nellie Allen Smith - National Juried Pottery Competition. Cape Fear
Studios, Fayetteville, NC. Oct 2010
-Ulsan International Onggi Competition - International Invitational and Juried Exhibition.
Oegosan Onggi Village in Ulju-gun, Ulsan, Korea. Sep 2010
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
-100% Pure - Florida Regional Juried Exhibition. Fifth Avenue Gallery, Melbourne, FL.
Sep 2010
-The Art of Dining - National Juried/Invitational Exhibition. Krikorian Gallery, Worcester,
MA. Sep 2010
-The Joy of Bowls - National Juried/Invitational Exhibition. Worcester Center for Crafts,
MA. Sep 2010
-The FIRM Group Exhibition - University of Arkansas at Monticello. Monticello, AK. Sep
-Bowl Me Over - The 3rd Lillstreet International Juried Competition. Lillstreet Art Center,
Chicago, IL. Aug 2010
-Art Kudos - International Juried Art Competition and Exhibition. (On-line), Aug 2010
-Soda Salt National V - National Juried Exhibition. The Clay Studio of Missoula,
Missoula, MT. Aug 2010
John, Jason.
-The Pillars of the Earth, A Tribute to the Masters, Invitational, Exhibition curated by Melissa
Inez Walker, Distinction Gallery, Escondido, CA 3/2011
-Dystopia, Invitational, exhibition curated by Jon Beinart, Copro Gallery, Santa Monika, CA
-Unbelievably Believable, Invitational, Exhibition curated by John Borealis, Borealis Gallery,
Tucson, AZ 2/2011
-Society of Illustration West 49, Juried exhibition, Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra, CA 1/2011
-Chicago Artists Month Group Exhibition, Invitational, Exhibition curated by Sergio Gomez, 33
Collective Gallery, Chicago, IL 11/2010
-Three Man Exhibit: Jason John, Joshua Suda, and Brian Martin, Invitational, Principle Gallery,
Alexandria, VA 10/2010
-National Self-Portrait Exhibition, Juried exhibition, Exhibition curated by Tami Miller, 33
Collective Gallery, Awarded the Gallery Choice Award, Chicago IL 08/2010
Karabinis, Paul.
-Body Pulses, Diffusion Magazine/Unconventional Photography, Volume II, 2010,
page 20.
-Plates to Pixels, Pacific Northwest Center for Photography, Portland, Oregon. 3rd
Place Award.
- ArtVentures/30Years,Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida, November
15 2010 -January 2, 2011. Interview.
-Dream Allegory, LightBox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, Oregon. March 12 -April 7.
-Catalog Of Memory, Bone and Myth, University of North Dakota, April 7 -29. Awarded 3rd
Place, Juror: Paul Cava, Paul Cava Fine Art Photography, Philadelphia
-Photo National 2011, Maine Museum of Art, June 23 -September 27, Jurors: Brian P. Clamp,
Director, CLAMPART, New York; George Kinghorn, Director, Maine Museum of Art, Bangor
- 9x12 Budapest, AIR/Hungarian Multicultural Center, Ferencvarosi Prince Gallery, Budapest,
Hungary, May 26 -June 19. Juror: Béata Szechy, Director Hungarian Multicultural Center.
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Martorelli, Dominick.
Nude Obscured was selected for the Juried Exhibition of Figurative Art “The Figure Unveiled”
October 28, 2010 – November 19, 2010 at the South Gallery at the Wilson Center for the Arts
Lunberry, Clark. “Floating Form Less.” Otoliths 20 (Summer 2011).
Lynne Arriale
• Recorded new CD project for Motema Music entitled Convergence
She performed at venues of both regional and international significance such as:
-Theaterstuebchen Kassel, Kassel, Germany, (Largest
concerthall in the city, capacity 600)
-Divadlo u Hasicu,Rimska 45, Prague, Czech Republic (Major Czech
Festival) http;//,
-Plaza Belluga, Murcia, Spain, (major festival in Spain)
-Kulturforum Lueneburg, Lueneburg, Germany, (Largest
concert hall in Lueneburg)
-Kultur im Baeren, Haeggenschwill, Switzerland, (Largest concert hall
in Haeggenschwill)
-Rochester Jazz Festival (Major international festival)
-Sesc Pinheiros, Sau Paulo, Brazil; (large concert hall in Sau Paulo)
-Teatro Municipal de Rio Grande, Brazil; (large concert hall in Rio Grande)
-Santander Cultural, (large concert hall in Porte Alegre, Brazil)
-Jazz Meets Symphony, Jazz Foundation of South Africa, Durban, South Africa (her
original compositions were orchestrated for big band and symphony orchestra, performed
in a major concert hall in Durban)
-Jazz Meets Symphony, Jazz Foundation of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa (see detail
above; major concert hall in Johannesburg)
-Jazz Education Network Convention performance with 5-time Grammy winner, Randy
Brecker, mainstage event
-Jazz Education Network Convention performance with UNF Jazz Ensemble
APAP Convention performance
-Master class/performance at UNF with John Pizarelli
-Master class /performance at New World School of the Arts, Miami
-Melton Mustafa Jazz Festival, Lew Rawls Center for the Performing Arts, Florida
Memorial University (major US festival)
-The Jazz Standard, (major jazz club in NYC)
-Dazzle Jazz Club, Denver (largest jazz venue in Colorado)
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
-Performance and interview at KUVO, (Denver’s only jazz radio station)
-Jazz Alley, Seattle (One of the largest jazz venues in the Pacific Northwest, largest jazz venue in
-Live concert taping for “Jazz After Hours,” (nationally syndicated radio program)
-Yardbird Suite (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), (major jazz venue in Canada)
-The Blue Note, presented by “We Always Swing,” Columbia, MO, (major jazz venue in
-The Jazz Kitchen, Indianapolis (largest jazz venue in Indiana)
-"Exodus to Jazz" Lynne Arriale, Omer Avital, Johnathan Blake with special guest J.D.
Krzysztof Biernacki
Dr. Biernacki continues to maintain an active artistic presence in major international cultural
venues including:
 October 10, 2010—performed solo recital of music by Robert Schumann, Francis
Poulenc, Stefano Donaudy and Sergej Rachmaninoff for Concerti Dell’Academia Degli
Sfaccendati in Rome, Italy.
 July 2011—stage directed six performances of The Magic Flute at the Estates Theater in
Prague and City Opera Theater in Teplice, Czech Republic.
As a solo artist, he performed the role of Ricardo in the Italian opera I Puritani by Vincent
Bellini for the Cleveland Opera Circle.
Additional performance activity both locally and abroad include:
June 20, 2010 – performed “Dover Beach” by Samuel Barber – chamber composition for
baritone voice and string quartet – Chamber Music Society of Good Shepherd,
October 10, 2010 – performed solo recital of music by Robert Schumann, Francis
Poulenc, Stefano Donaudy and Sergej Rachmaninoff for Concerti Dell’Academia Degli
Sfaccendati in Rome, Italy.
November 8, 2010 – performed solo faculty recital – UNF Department of Music.
November 9, 2010 – performed “Auf dem Strom”—composition for baritone voice and
euphonium as a guest soloist on “Themes & Variations” - solo euphonium recital of Dr.
Marc Dickman.
November 19-20, 2010 - performed the role of Riccardo in the Italian opera I Puritani by
Vincenzo Bellini for Cleveland Opera Circle.
January 20, 2011 – performed as a guest soloist on “The Art of the English Tenor” voice
recital by Dr. Blaine Hendsbee at UNF Department of Music.
March 15, 2011 – performed selections of arias from five J. S. Bach Cantatas “Bach and
Beyond” with St. Marks Bach Ensemble – St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Jacksonville.
April 17, 2011 – performed solo voice recital of vocal selections by Grieg, Szymanowski,
Tchaikovsky and Quilter for Intermezzo Concert Series at the Jacksonville Public
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
April 22, 2011 – performed the role of Pilatus and bass soloist in J. S Bach’s “St. John
Passion” with UNF Chorale at the Chamber Music Society of Good Shepherd,
Erin Bennett
 Sound Effects, Jacksonville MOCA; performed with Jacksonville Symphony musicians
Philip Pan, Rhonda Cassano, and UNF asst. professor Mike Bovenzi in a program of new
music (9/12/10)
 Solo recital at The Coves retirement community (9/26/10)
 Solo recital at Central State University (Wilberforce, OH, 10/4/10)
 Gave a Chopin lecture-recital as part of the EMMA Concert Association’s Music Masters
Series in St. Augustine (10/19/10)
 Performed a concert of Italian music with Rhonda Nus Tinnin at the Bolles School in
Ponte Vedra Beach (11/10/10)
 As a member of the trio Serafini Brillanti with Randy Tinnin and Rhonda Nus Tinnin
o Performed at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Fernandina Beach (6/26/10)
o Performed at Cypress Village Retirement Home in a program entitled “A Night at
the Opera” (1/19/11)
 As a part of Serafini Brillanti, performed 4 Project Listen concerts for Riverside Fine
Arts Association
o Gregory Drive Elementary (1/13/11)
o Sterling House (2/14/11)
o Riverside Presbyterian House (3/30/11)
o Mayport Elementary (5/23/11)
 Duo piano recital with Gary Smart at Jacksonville Friday Musicale (3/18/11)
 Accompanied a duo flute recital (with JSO flautists Rhonda Cassano and Laura Dwyer)
at the Carriage Club retirement community (4/5/11)
 Performed with JSO tubist James Jenkins and Randy Tinnin as part of a Tuba
Extravaganza at Penney Farms Retirement Community (4/17/11)
 With Serafini Brillanti, performed at Riverside Arts Association’s annual fundraiser “A
Taste of Talent” (4/29/11)
 Sound Effects, Jacksonville MOCA; performed with Jacksonville Symphony musicians
Philip Pan, Rhonda Cassano, and guest cellist Grace Mihi Bahng in a program of new
music (5/1/11)
 Solo performance as part of the 20th Anniversary Symposium in honor of Dr. Robert
Roux, Shepherd School of Music/Rice University (Houston, TX, 5/4/11)
 Accompanied lecture-recital by Kimberly Gelbwasser, soprano, at Cañada College
(Redwood City, CA, 5/18/11)
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Michael Bovenzi
Dr. Bovenzi’s creative and scholarly activity as a performing artist continues to demonstrate a
broad spectrum of performances as a guest recitalist and ensemble musician.
Some examples are listed below:
 Performed as guest artist for the University of Missouri-St. Louis Warren Bellis Clarinet
and Saxophone Day, where he performed for students in the St. Louis area and the
community both in a solo recital and as soloist and with the UMSL Wind Ensemble
(December 1, 2010).
 Performed as a featured soloist as part of the Onyx Saxophone Quartet in a performance
of the Philip Glass Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Orchestra, accompanied by the
University of Florida Symphony Orchestra (October 22, 2010).
 Performed a chamber music recital at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL with
the Onyx Saxophone Quartet (March 27, 2011).
 Performed the solo saxophone part with the Jacksonville Symphony on a performance of
Pictures at an Exhibition (May 13-15, 2010).
 Performed solo saxophone parts on two works with the Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra: Rachmaninoff, Symphonic Dances and Bernstein’s West Side Story (January
27-29, 2011).
His performances at significant conferences include:
Performed a work for saxophone and percussion at the Region 6 Conference of the North
American Saxophone Alliance (March 18, 2011).
Premiered a work for saxophone quartet by New York composer Jonathan Elliot with the
Onyx Saxophone Quartet at the Region 6 Conference of the North American Saxophone
Alliance (March 19, 2011).
Additional off-campus performances include:
Performed an off-campus recital at the Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art
(JMOCA) in downtown Jacksonville, FL as part of the Sound Effects concert series
(September 12, 2010).
Performed with the Onyx Saxophone Quartet in recital at Queen of Peace Church as part
of the Marion Chamber Music Society (October 31, 2010).
Performed a recital with the Onyx Saxophone Quartet in recital at Dunnellon
Presbyterian Church (November 14, 2010).
Performed a concert with the Florida Saxophone Quartet at Cypress Village retirement
community (March 22, 2011).
Dr. Bovenzi performed on an extraordinary number of on-campus concerts involving fellow
faculty members and undergraduate students. Some of these include:
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Performed a solo work at the faculty recital for the North Florida Piano Camp (June 20,
Performed a chamber music work at the faculty recital for the North Florida Music
Camps Classical Recital (June 28, 2010).
Performed a faculty recital featuring solo and chamber music for the saxophone and
collaborated with colleagues on campus (October 11, 2010).
Performed a duet for saxophone and percussion on a UNF student recital on campus
(October 23, 2010).
Performed a work for saxophone and percussion on the UNF Percussion Ensemble
Chamber Music concert on March 29, 2011.
Performed a work for saxophone and percussion on Jody Morgan’s senior percussion
recital on April 19, 2011.
Performed a duo work with my student Nicki Roman on the UNF Saxophone Studio
Recital on April 23, 2011.
Gordon Brock
• Performed on recital at Lake Katepwa, Saskatchewan, Canada
• Performed with the Florida Saxophone Quartet on the Cypress Village Concert Series,
• Conducted the JSO Brass Ensemble performance with guest artist Michael Sachs (principal
trumpet, Cleveland Orchestra) on the Cummer Family Foundation Chamber Music Series
• Premiered Dr. Clarence Hines’ new work for Wind Ensemble and Jazz Saxophone, The Quest
at Lincoln Center, 04/09/11
Nick Curry
Performed extensively at a number of local and regional venues including:
-Performed two concerts with Grammy award winner and Grammy Hall of Fame member
Johnny Mathis
-Principal cello at the Tennessee Valley Music Festival
-String quartet recital at the Tennessee Valley Music Festival, June 2010 (This festival takes
place in part at The University of Alabama, Birmingham)
-Collaborated with the primary pianist at Edward Waters College for a chamber music concert at
EWC. It was one of the first chamber music recitals in the history of that institution. April 2011
-Performed with Jacksonville Symphony for Roger Nierenberg’s Music Paradigm in Amelia
Island, May 2010
-Performed in a production of Handel’s Messiah with the UNF Chorale at St. Marks, December
-Performed the Messiah as principal cellist at Christ Episcopal, December 2010
-Performed as principal cellist and soloist for 4 shows at Christ Church with JSO members,
December 2010
-Performed with Jacksonville Symphony members at Assumption Catholic Church, December
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
-Performed as the cello soloist/continuo player for the Bach St. John Passion at the Church of the
Good Shepherd, April 2011
-Performed as a soloist with the UNF Chamber Singers at Holy Innocents Church in Atlanta,
GA, May 2011
-Concert with Trio Florida at UNF, November 2010
-Performed on Gary Smart’s recital at UNF, September 2010
-Performed on a chamber music recital with Trio Florida on the FSU campus, November 2010
-Performed with UNF cello choir on the First Annual Department of Music Student Showcase,
December 2010
-Presented lecture on Practicing to Improve Intonation on a String Instrument at FMEA
- Recorded as a featured artist on two new CD projects, one with Frank Ralls and Bill Wren and
a second with the UNF Chamber Singers
Marc Dickman
Dr. Dickman offered a variety of regional clinics including:
 Clinician, Eau Gallie HS, February 4, 2011
 Clinician, Melbourne HS, February 4
 Clinician, Viera HS, February 4
His performance/lectures at other institutions included:
 Adjudicator and performer at the Lakeside Jazz Festival in Daytona Beach on April 15-16.
 Featured Artist and Clinician, Performance of original composition Boxing the Wake at the
8th Annual Tubonium held at Gustavus Adolphus University, St. Peter, Minnesota, and
March 18-19.
In addition to Dr. Dickman‘s annual coordination and conducting of the Jacksonville Tuba
Christmas and Yuleslide, he continues to demonstrate an impressive performance schedule
Featured Artist, Amelia Island Jazz Festival, October 8, 10
Jazz Faculty Showcase/Fundraiser, September 9
Leader and Featured soloist, TBA Big Band bi-weekly performances
Jazz Artist, Southeast Regional Tuba/Euphonium Conference at the University of
Tennessee, Chattanooga, March 11
Leader, St. John’s River City Band Satin Swing for the Lake Wales Arts Council, Lake
Tenor tuba, Pensacola Symphony Orchestra performing The Planets by Gustav Holst,
March 4-5
Marc Dickman Jazz Quintet performance for Jacksonville Symphony patrons, Jacoby
Hall, Dec. 31
Marc Dickman Jazz Quintet performance for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, April
Faculty Recital; Themes and Variations, November 9, in collaboration with Dr. Gary
Smart and Dr. Krzysztof Biernacki.
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Danny Gottlieb
Professor Gottlieb continues to serve as a guest lecturer, visiting professor or clinician at a
number of universities and colleges throughout the United Sates and Germany. Here are few
• Guest lecturer, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Oct. 11, 2010, Feb. 25-26, 2011
• Guest clinician and performer, concert, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Oct. 11, 2010; Feb.
25-26, 2011, March 29, 2011, April 19, 2011
• Guest clinician and performer, University of Southern California, March 28, 2011
• Guest clinician, workshop, Florida State University, April 13, 2011
• Guest clinician, concert, University of South Florida, April 25, 2011 (with Chuck Owen Jazz
Surge Big band)
• Guest clinician, Magnet High School, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 9, 2011
Additional significant performances include:
1. Southeastern Trumpet Competition, with guest Lew Soloff, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, Feb 25-26, 2011
2. Jax Jazz Fest May 27-30, 2010, piano competition rhythm section
3. Tour to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, June 5-16, 2010, guest with Malaysian Symphony Youth
Orchestra, playing Ellington and Helvetic Suite for Jazz Band and Orchestra (Renold) Swiss
4. Guest with Novicento, Italian Fusion band, Concerts: Torino, Italy May 25, 2011; Lugano,
Switzerland, Estival Jazz May 26, 2011
5. Guest drummer with Manhattan Transfer
He continues to be highly active as a recording artist with other acknowledged jazz artists
 Recorded CD with keyboardist Pete Levin (independent recording), jazz trio
 Recorded CD with Italian jazz fusion band Novicento (2 CD recordings), released in Italy
 Recorded CD with saxophonist Lou Marini Jr. released (old recording, not previously
released), called Star Maker (independent company)
Preformed over 40 concerts with noted artists and bands on a global arena; such as the NDR Big
Band (Germany) and Gary Sinise’s Lt. Dan Band.
• Recent involvement with Sibelius Music Software Company now serving as a Sibelius
endorser; Sibelius software used in new book (Evolution of Jazz Drumming)
Bunky Green
• Recorded three of his new tunes for the Pi-Recording label
• Performance of Dr. Hines’ composition, The Quest (based on two of Green’s original tunes)
with the UNF Wind Symphony at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center
• Upcoming schedule includes performances in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark and
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Barry Greene
• Solo guitar concert and two days of intensive masterclasses in Cologne, Germany
• Performed with Matt Cantingub and the Florida Orchestra for a three-performance tribute to
Ray Charles at the Mahaffey Theater, Ruth Eckerd Hall and the Tampa Bay Performing Arts
• Performed in Palm Coast for “An Evening of All-Star Jazz” with vocalist Victoria Horne
• Performed with organist Doug Carn at the Daytona Beach Museum of Art and Sciences
Clarence Hines
Edits of pre-existing manuscripts/arrangements include:
 Arranged Sister Sadie for the Great American Jazz Series: Tribute to Horace Silver
Concert (featuring UNF Jazz Faculty)
 Arranged Blowin’ the Blues Away for the Great American Jazz Series: Tribute to
Horace Silver Concert (featuring UNF Jazz Faculty)
 Arranged Let’s Get to the Nitty Gritty for the Great American Jazz Series: Tribute to
Horace Silver Concert (featuring UNF Jazz Faculty)
Dr. Hines’ performances with nationally recognized artists and ensembles this year include:
Performed with internationally acclaimed saxophonist, Maceo Parker at the
Jacksonville Jazz Festival main stage (5/30/10)
Performed with the Birch Creek Academy Band (with Internationally acclaimed
musicians Clay Jenkins, Rob Parton, Dennis Mackrel, Reggie Thomas, etc.) during
The Legacy of the Big Band concerts at Birch Creek Music Performance Center, Egg
Harbor, WI (8/2/10 - 8/14/10)
Performed with Bunky Green and the UNF Jazz Faculty (Danny Gottlieb, Lynne
Arriale, etc.) at the Great American Jazz Series concert (9/9/10)
Performed at the Amelia Island Jazz Festival with Steve March Tormé, nationally
acclaimed vocalist and son of Mel Tormé (10/8/10)
Dr. Hines continues to maintain a vigorous performance schedule in addition to the previous
mentioned events. The following are a few examples.
 Performed at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival w/UNF Jazz Ensemble and Faculty (5/28/10)
 Performed at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival with Internationally acclaimed saxophonist,
Maceo Parker (5/30/10)
 Performed with Impacto Latino at Fiesta Latina in Savannah (6/26/10)
 Performed with the St. Johns River City Band at Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
 Performed with the Birch Creek Academy Band (with Internationally acclaimed
musicians Clay Jenkins, Rob Parton, Dennis Mackrel, Reggie Thomas, etc.) during The
Legacy of the Big Band concerts at Birch Creek Music Performance Center, Egg Harbor,
WI (8/2/10 - 8/14/10)
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Performed with the Andrew Thielen Big Band at Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
Performed with Bunky Green and the UNF Jazz Faculty at the Great American Jazz
Series concert (9/9/10)
Performed at the Amelia Island Jazz Festival w/Impacto Latino (10/7/10)
Performed at the Amelia Island Jazz Festival with Steve March Tormé, nationally
acclaimed vocalist and son of Mel Tormé (10/8/10)
Performed Juicy Lucy at UNF Low Brass Day (11/19/10)
Performed with the Florida Swing Orchestra in a concert in St. Augustine, FL (1/22/11)
o Participated in performances for several private events, weddings, and church
services in the Jacksonville area throughout the year.
Charlotte Mabrey
• Guest artist at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) involved spontaneously composing
music for a Nordic myth depicting a wedding, chase and parade.
• Performed two concerts at Friday Musicale in a program of solo and chamber works with
members of the Percussion Ensemble
• Continues to perform as section percussionist with JSO (30 concerts)
Dennis Marks
His list of performances with noted artists throughout the region include:
• Performed with Les DeMerle at the Amelia Island Jazz Festival, featuring jazz vocalist Steve
March Torme, on Oct. 8, 9 and 10
• Performed with the Jeff Phillips Quartet at FMEA on Jan. 13
• Performed with Shelly Berg, Dean of the University of Miami School of Music, in Coral
Gables on Jan. 22
• Performed as the bass player for the Jacksonville International Jazz Piano Competition on May
26 (his fifth consecutive year fulfilling this role)
• Performed at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival on May 27, 28 and 29
Professor Marks’ tour activity with four-time Grammy award winner Arturo Sandoval remain
quite extensive:
July 21-Barcelona, Spain
July 22-San Sebastian, Spain
July 23-Esphino, Portugal
July 25-Teano, Italy
July 26-Ancona, Italy
Aug. 20, 21-Blues Alley, Washington D.C.
Aug. 28-Windsor, CT
Sept. 23-26-Blue Note Jazz Club, New York City
Oct. 23-Casa De Campo, Dominican Republic
Nov. 26, 27-Scullers Jazz Club, Boston
Dec. 30-Kravis Center, West Palm Beach
Feb. 24-Tampa, FL
Feb. 25-Ponte Vedra, FL
Feb. 26-Casselberry, FL
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Mar. 4-Kansas City, MO
Mar. 5-Fayetteville, AR
Apr. 9-Bethesda, MD
Apr. 19, 20-Dakota Jazz Club, Minneapolis, MN
Apr. 22-Chicago, IL
J. B. Scott
In addition to serving as a clinician and soloist at community colleges in Mississippi and Ohio,
Professor Scott has also performed as a soloist and clinician at a number of significant events and
institutions including:
• Performed as soloist with Bill Alred’s Classic Jazz Band, Space Coast Jazz Society
• Conductor/Clinician/Soloist Osceola District Honor Band, Florida
• Presented a clinic “Trumpet Fundamentals” at the FMEA State Music Convention
• Presented a clinic on “Jazz Vocal Scatting” FMEA State Music Convention
• Presented a clinic at the Jazz Educators Network National Convention in New Orleans
• Performed w/ UNF faculty Jazz Educators Network National Convention
• Soloist performance with Lisa Kelly/J B Scott 5tet, Hyatt Jacksonville
• Soloist performance with Merdian Community College
• Soloist w/ UNF Jazz Faculty UNF GAJS
• Soloist Paul J. Hagerty Jazz Band 1 & 2, Oviedo, Florida
• Soloist River City Satin Swing at Palm Coast Presbyterian
• Soloist performance at Grand Bohemian Hotel, Orlando (4 times)
• Soloist w/ Leon High School Jazz Band, Tallahassee, Fl
• Featured Solo Artist, Heidi’s Jazz Club, Cocoa, Beach FL
• Soloist with Spruce Creek Jazz Ensemble, Lakeside Jazz Festival
• Soloist at FMEA Reading Jazz Band Reading clinic
• Soloist with Lisa Kelly and Jazz Quartet, Café Paradiso, Ottawa, Canada
• Soloist with Lisa Kelly and Jazz Quartet, Lancaster Club, Kitchner, Canada
• Soloist with John Pizzarelli at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival
• Soloist with Diane Schuur and Jacksonville Symphony at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival
• Combined with these events and another sixteen plus concerts with the JB Scott’s Swingin’
Simon Shiao
Dr. Shiao continues his affiliation with the Grand Teton Music Festival (Wyoming) one of the
most prestigious summer music festivals in the country. Led by renowned music director,
Donald Runnicles of the Deutsche Opera Orchestra in Berlin, the festival orchestra presented
several significant concerts this past season, including Grammy Award winning Percussion
Concerto by Jennifer Higdon, John Adams’ Slonimsky’s Earbox and Strauss’ Till Eulenspiegel’s
Lustige Streiche, Op. 28. Renowned guest artists such as Susan Graham and Sarah Chang also
performed with the Festival Orchestra.
• Premiered an original composition, Remembrance of Things Past, by Dr. Peter Fraser
MacDonald in the Milne Auditorium at Edward Waters College
• Performed a violin and piano recital with guest artist Dr. Li-Shan Hung from Biola University
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
• Dr. Shiao continues to perform on the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra’s Masterworks Series
(3 concerts)
Gary Smart
His efforts in terms of composing new works, editing existing compositions or arranging
traditional works from other genres include the following:
• Composed Chaconne and Fanfare (for orchestra)
• Composed Invarita (third and final movement of a Violin Sonata for Ruxandra Marquart)
• Composed Bye-bye (for mixed sextet: fl, cl, vln, cello, pno, and perc)
• Composed Cartoons (for baritone and orchestra now under consideration by the Baltimore
Symphony, Martin Alsop, cond.)
• Arranged N’Kosi Sikelel I Afrika (South African National Anthem) for SATB chorus
• Arranged Me and My Shadow for SATB chorus
• Arranged And the Angels Gathered ‘Round (a Christmas carol in three versions: a simple
unison hymn, SATB chorus and English horn and for TTBB men’s chorus and English horn
• Dr. Smart’s continued relationship with Albany Records as generated a new CD album,
Blossoms, a solo CD featuring his abstract improvisations
• Recorded two radio broadcasts with host David Refkin entailing interviews and performances
of his works for KUSF in San Francisco.
His invitations to perform/lecture at other institutions this year include:
• Solo lecture-recital Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville,
Sept. 20, 2010
• Trio Florida concert presented repertoire by Haydn, Boulanger and Brahms’ G minor Quartet
with Renate Falkner, viola, Florida State University, Nov. 15, 2010
He continues to organize and perform a number of off-campus performances including:
• Jacksonville Public Library, Abstract Improvisations Concert,
Nov. 14, 2010
• Duo piano recital with Erin Bennett, pianist, Friday Musicale, Jacksonville,
March 18, 2011 (two complete performances 11AM and 8PM)
• Received two performances of choral works: “My Heart is Like a Singing Bird”
and “Four Spring Haiku”, UNF Chamber Singers, Palms Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville
Beach, March 26, 2011
Cara Tasher
Her conducting activity continues to reflect a regional and international profile including:
• St. Mark’s Basilica and San Moise-Venice, Santa Maria Nera-Lucca, Santa Maria Maggiore
Basilica and Sant’Agnese di Agone-Rome, ITALY (Summer 2010)
• Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong (Summer 2010)
• Pioneer Theater for the Performing Arts, Reno, Nevada (Fall 2010)
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
• Invited Guest Conductor, Southside United Methodist Church of Jacksonville with Professional
Orchestra, Albinoni and Handel, conductor 4/17/11
As Director of Choral Activities, Dr. Tasher has again accumulated a significant list of offcampus performances.
• 9/18/10 CHAMBER SINGERS IN CONCERT: First Presbyterian Church, Lake City, FL,
Chamber Singers, Jon Easter, piano, planned, prepared, conducted
• 12/3/10 HANDEL’S MESSIAH: Chamber Singers, Orchestra, Soloists at St. Mark's Episcopal
Church of Ortega, planned, prepared, conducted
• 4/22/11 BACH’S ST. JOHN PASSION: UNF Chorale, Fundraised for non-student orchestra
and soli, Church of The Good Shepherd, planned, prepared, conducted
Randall Tinnin
• Performance at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia with the critically acclaimed Vox Ama Deus
• Performances with the New Trinity Baroque orchestra ( in Atlanta
and Birmingham
• Performance with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra for their 75th Anniversary Concert
• 35 performances with the JSO
• 19 performances with the Body and Soul the Art of Healing Project
Guy Yehuda
Performances at significant venues include:
• Performed a solo recital at the Oklahoma International Clarinet Symposium in June 2010.
• Performed a solo recital at the prestigious Dame Myra Hess Chamber Music Series in Chicago.
(March 2011).
• Performed a solo recital in July 2010 at the International Clarinet Association conference in
Austin, Texas.
• Featured artist at the Friday Musicale chamber music series, performing Brahms' Clarinet
Quintet and Mozart's Kagelstatt trio.
Dr. Yehuda continues to offer a variety of masterclasses at prominent institutions including:
• Performed masterclasses and clinics and serves as faculty for two weeks at the prestigious
Orford Academy at the Orford center of the Arts, Québec, Canada
Was a guest clarinet professor for a week at the Jacob School of Music, Indiana University,
in January and February 2011
Performed a masterclass at Dr. Phillips High School of the Performing Arts, Orlando in
February 2010
Was invited to performed masterclasses and clinics at the California State University,
Northridge in September 2010
• Recital and clinic at California State University, Northridge
• Lecture recital at the EMMA Chamber Series at Flagler College, St. Augustine
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Juried Creative Works/Performances (continued)
Performed at the Florida Clarinet Extravaganza – Clarinet Quartets with the JSO clarinet
section in March 2011
• He was a guest principal clarinetist with the Charlottesville Symphony Orchestra from
September to December 2010
• Performed with the Albmarle ensemble in Virginia in October 2010
• Performed with the Mary L'Angel ensemble in Florida in February 2011
• Performs regularly with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations
Art and Design
Begley, David.
“Bridging the Technical Divide: Reinforcing Foundations for Graphic Design Students” FATE
(Foundations in Art: Theory and Education) conference, St. Louis MO, March 30-April 2, 2011.
Brown, Peter Scott
-“Fallen Women in the Egerton Genesis: Dinah, Hagar, Tamar, and the Daughters of Lot," 2010
Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) Annual Conference, Richmond, Virginia,
October 2010.
- "As Genitals Hang from the Belly: Food and Sex from Sodom to Salome in Medieval Art and
Culture," at "Food for Thought," Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Symposium at the
University of Miami, March 2011.
- "Participatory Performance in Medieval Artistic Reception," 46th Annual International
Medieval Congress at the University of Western Michigan. May 2011.
Coglianese, Blake.
Education, New Jersey City University, May 26-27 in Jersey City.
Cruz, Vanessa
-“Moving into a Brave New World: Introducing the 4th Dimension in a 2D World” presented at
the 2011 University & College Designers Association, Design Education Summit, The State of
Design Education.
Douglass, Emily Arthur.
-Convergence Symposium, Casa del Cinema, Palazzo Mocenigo - San Stae Venice, May 2011.
Hager, Jennifer.
-“Iron As A Secondary Material in Sculpture” at the National Conference for Contemporary Cast
Iron Art at Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark in Birmingham, AL. April 2011.
-“Collaboration: Teams, Communities, Networks” at the Southeastern College Art Conference
(SECAC) in Richmond, VA. October 2010.
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Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
-“Imagillaboration” at the International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron. Kidwelly,
Wales. July 2010.
Karabinis, Paul
-“When Nothing is Certain, Everything is Possible: Alternative Photography as Pedagogical
Strategy,” in the session All that is Old is New Again: The Revival of -Alternative Photographic
Processes, Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) in Richmond, VA. October 2010.
Murphy, Debra
-“Giorgio Vasari’s Holy Family with John the Baptist in The Cummer Museum of Art and
Gardens, Session: Giorgio Vasari’s Anniversary Celebration of 500 Years, chair Barbara Watts,
October 22, Richmond, Virginia, Southeastern College Art Conference.
-“The Holy Family with the Young St John the Baptist in The Cummer
Museum of Art and Gardens: Context and Meaning.” Session: Vasari and Florence
Chair: Ryan Gregg, Webster University, South-Central Renaissance Conference, St. Louis,
March 4th.
Scaff, Claudia
-“When Enough is Enough or When a Lifetime Opportunity is Just Free Labor,” presented at the
June 2011 National UCDA (University and College Designers Association) Design Education
Summit at the New Jersey City University.
Ahearn, G. co-presented a poster with former graduate student, Ijeoma Obi, at the Experimental
Biology meeting in Washington, D.C. in Spring 2011.
Ahearn, G. presented a poster involving work accomplished by a number of undergraduate
students from my lab at the Experimental Biology meeting in Washington, D. C. in
Spring 2011.
Ahearn, G. presented a poster at the USDA Principal Investigators conference in Washington,
D. C. in Spring 2011.
Amatuli, K. and J. A. Butler. A Study of the Tortoises on the UNF Campus. Annual Meeting of
the Gopher Tortoise Council, Birmingham, AL. Oct. 9, 2010.
Bowers, DF, EN Mejia, CL Hyun, and JS Huebner. Detection of Virus Using Photo-Electric
Sensors. EPI Research Day 2010: Book of Abstracts, pg. 26. University of Florida
Emerging Pathogens Institute, January 26, 2010, Gainesville, FL.
Bowers, DF, CL Hyun, EN Mejia and JS Huebner. Detecting E. coli with photo-electric
sensors. EPI Research Day 2010: Book of Abstracts, pg. 26. University of Florida
Emerging Pathogens Institute, January 26, 2010, Gainesville, FL.
Page 43 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Bowers, DF. Mosquito-Borne-Viruses in Adult Mosquitoes of Public Health Importance in
Florida. Sponsored by World Solutions Against Infectious Diseases (WSAID) in
conjunction with “Florida's Deadliest Mosquitoes” exhibit, Museum of Science and
History (MOSH), Jacksonville, FL, June, 2011. Oral Presentation.
Butler, J. was invited to serve as a panel member for the session entitled, “Year of the Turtle” at
the 34th Annual Herpetology Conference. I was out of the country and could not
participate. Gainesville, 26 March 2011.
Butler, J.A. and George Heinrich. Living on the Edge: Diamondback Terrapins in Florida. 8th
Annual IUCN Symposium on the Conservation of Tortoises and Fresh Water Turtles,
Orlando, 16-19 August 2010. (By Invitation).
Fletcher, K. M.* and J. D. Ochrietor. Investigation of Embigin binding characteristics in mouse
brain. Poster presentation at the Southeast Neuroscience Conference, March 2011.
Gambon, P.* and J. D. Ochrietor. Localization and characterization of the interactions between
Basigin gene products and Monocarboxylate transporters in the olfactory bulb of the
mouse. Oral presentation at the Southeast Neuroscience Conference, March 2011.
Gambon, P.*, E. Stotz-Potter, and J. D. Ochrietor. Characterization of Basigin and
monocarboxylate transporter gene expression in the mouse olfactory bulb. Poster
presentation at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, December 2010.
Gelsleichter, J. Relaxin while reproducin’ II: Characterization of relaxin receptor-like activity
in male elasmobranchs. 27th annual meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society,
Minneapolis, MN. July 2011.
Hatle JD (2010) Effects of reproduction on life span in grasshoppers. Invited talk to the
University of South Florida Department of Biology.
Hatle JD, Drewry MD, Williams JM. (2010) Increased life span from ovariectomy may be due
to dietary restriction in grasshopper. American Physiological Society Intersociety
meeting: Comparative Physiology. (presented by Hatle).
Hebert, K. D., J.P. Richmond, L. D. Rea, S. A. Zinn. 2011. Longitudinal Assessment of the
Somatotropic Axis in Free-Ranging, Juvenile Steller Sea Lions. American Society of
Animal Science Annual Conference. July 10-14 2011.
Hebert, K. D., J.P. Richmond, L. D. Rea, S. A. Zinn. 2011. Longitudinal Assessment of the
Somatotropic Axis in Free-Ranging, Juvenile Steller Sea Lions. American Society of
Animal Science Annual Conference. July 10-14 2011.
Page 44 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
*Lauer, N.T., Ross, C. “Cellular and Physiological responses of Vallisneria americana to
elevated salinity.” 40th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting. Mobile Alabama. March 1620, 2011.
*Lauer, N.T.; *Yeager, M.; Kahn, A. E.; Dobberfuhl, D.R.; Ross, C. “The effects of short term
salinity exposure on the sublethal stress response of Vallisneria americana Michx.
(Hydrocharitaceae).” Southeastern Estuarine Research Society. St. Augustine, Fl. Nov.
5, 2010.
Little, L. N.*, Z. Pecar*, E. Stotz-Potter, and J. D. Ochrietor. Characterization of the
interaction between Embigin and monocarboxylate transporter-1 (MCT1) in the mouse
brain. Poster presentation at the Southeast Neuroscience Conference, March 2011.
Little, L. N.*, Z. Pecar*, and J. D. Ochrietor. Characterization of the interaction between
Embigin and monocarboxylate transporter-1 (MCT-1) in the mouse brain. Poster
presentation at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, December 2010.
Lyski, ZL, KA Ciano, J Stem and DF Bowers. Novel modifications to membrane blood feeding
increases compliance of recalcitrant mosquitoes. American Society for Virology,
Bozeman, MT, July 2010. Poster Presentation.
Ochrietor, J. D., P. F. Peterson*, L. N. Little,* E. Stotz-Potter. Learning and memory deficits
of Basigin null mice are not likely caused by a metabolic defect. Poster presentation at
the American Society for Cell Biology meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December
*Olsen, Kevin, Ross, C. “Effects of thermal and oxidative stress on coral larvae health and postsettlement survivorship.” Florida Statewide Student Research Symposium. University of
North Florida, Jacksonville. March 4-5, 2011.
Pablo, K. A.* and J. D. Ochrietor. Reduced numbers of mitochondria likely underlies the
blindness phenotype of Basigin null mice. Poster presentation at the Southeast
Neuroscience Conference, March 2011.
Pablo, K.* and J. D. Ochrietor. Reduced numbers of mitochondria likely underlies the blindness
phenotype of Basigin null mice. Poster presentation at the American Society for Cell
Biology meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 2010.
Patel, D. B.*, J. L. Selfridge*, and J. D. Ochrietor. Characterization of the Basigin-binding
domain of Basigin-2 and L1cam. Poster presentation at the Southeast Neuroscience
Conference, March 2011.
Page 45 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Paul, V.J., Ritson-Williams, R., Ross, C. “Chemically mediated macroalgae-herbivore
interactions on coral reefs: consequences for reef communities.” ASLO Aquatic
Sciences Meeting. Puerto Rico. Feb. 13-18, 2011.
Valerie J. Paul, Raphael Ritson-Williams, Cliff Ross, Margaret W. Miller, Sarath P. Gunasekera,
Theresa Meickle, Jason C. Kwan, and Hendrik Luesch. “Effects of natural products from
benthic cyanobacteria on coral larvae.” Linking science to management: A conference
and workshop on the Florida Keys Marine Ecosystem in Duck Key Florida (Oct. 19-22,
Peterson, P.* C. Davis*, L. N. Little*, and J. D. Ochrietor. Analyses of the expression profiles
of nutrient transporters in the mouse brain. Poster presentation at the Southeast
Neuroscience Conference, March 2011.
Piercy, A. 2011. “Reproductive cycles and the effects of reproductive variation on sandbar shark
population growth. American Fisheries Society (Southern Division). Tampa Florida.
Ritson-Williams, R., Paul, V.J., Ross, C. “Effects of natural products from benthic cyanobacteria
on coral larvae.” 40th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting. Mobile Alabama. March 16-20,
Rossi, A.M, J.P. McGregor*, and D.C. Moon. Experimental investigation of the role of
fenestrations (visual lures) of the carnivorous pitcher plant (Sarracenia minor).
Entomological Society of America Southeastern Branch meeting, San Juan PR, March
Rossi, A.M., H. van Doren and W. Seemer. 2001. Positive effects of galling by the midge
Asphondylia borrichiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on its host plants, Annual Meeting of
the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America. San Juan, Puerto
Rossi, A.M., J. McGregor* and D. Moon. 2011. Experimental investigation of the roll of
fenestrations(visual lures) on prey abundance and biodiversity of captures in the hooded
pitcher plant Sarracenia minor, Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the
Entomological Society of America. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Saredy, J & DF Bowers. Midgut and Hindgut Ultrastructure Reflect Regional Functional
Differences in the Mosquito Aedes albopictus. Sigma Xi Annual National Meeting,
Raleigh, NC, Nov 2011. Poster Presentation.
Silva, D.M.* and D.C. Moon. Salinity and predation pressure from odonates affect the
arthropod community of Borrichia frutescens. Southeastern Estuarine Research Society
meeting, St. Augustine, FL, November 2010.
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Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Simmons, M. and J. A. Butler. The Effects of Habitat Loss on the Nesting Population of
Malaclemys terrapin centrata on Sawpit Island in Northeast Florida. 5th Triennial
Meeting of the Diamondback Terrapin Working Group, Chauvin, LA, 13 November
Smith, R. and J. A. Butler. Assessing the Gopher Tortoises at White Oak Plantation, Nassau
County, Florida. Annual Meeting of the Gopher Tortoise Council, Birmingham, AL.
Oct. 9, 2010.
*Trevathan, S., Kahn, A., Ross, C. “Effects of elevated salinity on the health of the seagrass
Thalassia testudinum and susceptibility to wasting disease.” 40th Annual Benthic
Ecology Meeting. Mobile Alabama. March 16-20, 2011.
*Trevathan, S.; Kahn, A. E.; Ross, C. “Seagrass Physiology and the causative agent of wasting
disease, Labyrinthula sp” Southeastern Estuarine Research Society. St. Augustine, Fl.
Nov. 5, 2010.
Veleta K, Tokar DT, Alvarez J, Hatle JD (2011) Effects of RNAi suppression of vitellogenin on
reproduction in grasshoppers. Florida Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Williams, A.*, N. Lauer*, C. Ross, D. Moon, and C. Hackney. Sediment phosphate dynamics
along a salinity gradient in the Lower St. Johns River estuary, Florida. Southeastern
Estuarine Research Society meeting, St. Augustine, FL, November 2010.
Other Presentations:
Saredy*, J & DF Bowers. Structural and ultrastructural features of the midgut of Aedes
albopictus in response to blood meal and TR339 infected blood meal. Scholars
Transforming Academic Research Symposium, UNF, April, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Lyski**, ZL & DF Bowers. Blood Feeding Position Increases Success of Recalcitrant
Mosquito. Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium, UNF, April, 2011.
Oral Presentation.
Matthew R. Gilg. Invited Speaker, Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research
Reserve, St. Augustine, FL. Greening of the northeast Florida coast; the genetics,
physiology and ecology of the green mussel, Perna viridis.
Matthew R. Gilg. Invited Speaker, University of New England, Biddeford, ME. The biology of
a new introduction: the genetics, physiology and ecology of the green mussel, Perna
viridis, in Florida.
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Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Matthew R. Gilg. 2010- Invited Speaker, Marine Biological Association of the United
Kingdom, Plymouth, UK. The evolution of gametic incompatibility: does
reinforcement drive positive selection in a sperm binding protein in Mytilus?
*Lauer, N.T.; *Yeager, M.; Kahn, A. E.; Dobberfuhl, D.R.; Ross, C. “The effects of short term
salinity exposure on the sublethal stress response of Vallisneria americana Michx.
(Hydrocharitaceae).” Natural Sciences Research Poster Session, University of North
Florida. Sept., 17, 2010.
*Trevathan, S.; Kahn, A. E.; Ross, C. “Physiological responses of the seagrass Thalassia
testudinum against the causative agent of wasting disease, Labyrinthula sp” Natural
Sciences Research Poster Session, University of North Florida. Sept., 17, 2010.
Moon, D.C. Having your friends for dinner: Trophic relationships in a carnivorous plant study
system. Invited seminar, University of South Florida, Tampa FL, January 2011.
*Nicolaides, R. and Ross, C. “Hope for the Global Reef Crisis: Hydrogen Peroxide as an Inducer
of Settlement and its Effects on the Health and Oxidative Stress of larvae from the Coral
Porites astreoides.” Natural Sciences Research Poster Session, University of North
Florida. Sept., 17, 2010.
*Olsen, Kevin, Ross, C. “Effects of thermal and oxidative stress on coral larvae health and postsettlement survivorship.” Natural Sciences Research Poster Session, University of North
Florida. Sept.17, 2010.
Rossi, A.M. 2011. Evolution vs. Creationism: What does the evidence say? Jacksonville,
Chalk, S. “Information management in the science lab: Blogs, tweets, tags, semantics and
clouds.” Spring 2011 Seminar Series in Chemistry, University of North Florida, January
14, 2011.
Lufaso, M.W. “Mixed crystal formation and structural studies in the mullite-type system
Bi2Fe4O9–Bi2Mn4O10”, 2011 American Crystallographic Association, Invited Talk - New
Orleans, LA, May 18-20, 2011
Lufaso, M.W. “Mixed crystal formation and structural studies in the mullite-type system
Bi2Fe4O9–Bi2Mn4O10”, 2011 5th International Workshop on Mullite & Mullite-type
Materials, Invited Talk, Avilés, Spain, May 7-12, 2011
Page 48 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Arnold, C.L. & Coran, J.J. Patient Medical Communication Skills Training and Assessment: An
Intervention and New Method. Competitively Selected Top 8 Grant Proposals. Presented
to the National Communication Conference and NIH/NSF “Grant-Getting Funding for
the Social Sciences.” November, San Francisco, CA. 2010
Arnold, C.L. Physician-Patient Communication: Beyond the Medical Interview. Presented at the
James I. Quillen Medical School at East Tennessee State University’s International
Healthcare Conference, March, 2011.
Arnold, C.L. & Coran, J.J. Are You Listening Healthcare Providers? Listening Skill Building
for Healthcare Providers in Medical Consultations. Chosen as a Spotlight Panel
Presentation. Presented at the International Listening Association Conference, March,
Arnold, C.L. Rethinking Health and Literacy: The Health Information Search. Presented at the
Florida Communication Association’s 2010 Conference, October, 2010.
Arnold, C.L. & Coran, J.J. Patient Communication Matters In Health. Accepted for Presentation
at the Florida Communication Association’s 2010 Conference, October, 2010.
Beasley, B. 2010, “This product may save your life: Media literacy as a strategy for evaluating
media health messages.” Florida Communication Association. Orlando, FL.
Holland. C. (2010). “Cross cultural competency in overseas student teaching.” Florida
Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
Holland, C. (2010). “The impact of cultural intelligence on preservice teachers’ overseas student
teaching.” Mid-South Educational Research Association, Mobile, AL.
Ham, Chang Dae, Hyung-Seok Lee and Joonghwa Lee (2011), “Internet Media Personality in
Web 2.0: Scale Development and Advertising Implication,” Proceedings of and presented
at the 2011 American Academy of Advertising Conference, April 9, Mesa, Arizona.
Nam, S. (2010, August). World narrow web: Sanitizing online participatory democracy in
Korea. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication Conference. Denver, CO.
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Pontzer, Daniel, “Should Marijuana be Legalized?: Talk of the Times Discussion
Series.” Invited roundtable discussion, February 24, 2011, UNF Student Union.
Wesely, Jennifer, “Hard Lives, Mean Streets: Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women.”
Invited (published book) presentation, UNF Library, April 13, 2011.
Page 49 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Cartwright, Keith. “’Between Ruin and Origin’: Wilson Harris, Edouard Glissant & the CrossCultural Imagination,” The Islands in Between Conference, University of Guyana,
Georgetown, Guyana (4-7 November 2010).
Cartwright, Keith. “Muscogee & Afro-Creole Fabulousity: Native Southern Multicultures,”
M.E.L.U.S. Annual Conference, Boca Raton, Florida (April 2011).
De Villiers, Nicholas. “Ethnographic Documentary and the Cultural Study of Sex Work,”
Imagining Culture(s), Rethinking Disciplines. University of Miami (1-2 April 2011).
De Villiers, Nicholas. Film roundtable panelist: DV China and Social Change, University of
Florida (2-4 February 2011).
De Villiers, Nicholas. “Queer Mempoir, Queer Space: Teaching Samuel R. Delany’s Times
Square Red, Times Square Blue,” UNF Lufrano Intercultural Gallery, in conjunction with
the “Queer Works” exhibition (30 November 2010).
De Villiers, Nicholas. “Embody Your Oeuvre: Intellectual Profiles and the Philosophical
Documentary,” Film and Philosophy: How Films Think, University of Florida (5-7
November 2010).
De Villiers, Nicholas. “‘Chinese Cheers’: Hou Hsiao-hsien and Transnational Homage,” Asian
Conference on Arts and Humanities, Osaka, Japan (18-21 June 2010).
Donovan, Tim. “The Space of Trauma: Wilson Harris’ Jonestown.” Islands in Between
Conference, University of Guyana, Georgetown, Guyana (4-7 November 2010).
Kimball, A. Samuel, with Linda Howell, Lisa Jamba and Arturo Sanchez. “Computational
Thinking: Modeling Applied to the Teaching and Learning of English.” 48th Annual
Southeast Conference of the Association for Computing Machinery/ACM, Kennesaw,
Georgia (March 24-26, 2011).
Leverette, Tru. “The Ethics of Difference: Inscribing Race Mixture in Literature” Critical
Mixed Race Studies Conference, DePaul University (5-6 November 2010).
Lunberry, Clark. “Writing on Water/Writing on Air: Dispersions of a Borderless Poem.
International Poetry Conference, “Cosmopoetics: Mediating a New World Poetics”
conference, Durham University, UK (8-10 September 2010).
Mauro, Jason. “The Death of Philip Petit: Man on Wire and the Discontinuity of Self.” UWG
Word/Image/ Culture conference in Carrollton Georgia (10-12 November 2010).
Page 50 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Miller, Ben. “05.71: Verbal Abuse // The Emergent Witness” American Comparative Literature
Association Annual Meeting (April 2011).
Miller, Ben. “06.213: Attacks with Knives and Sharp Instruments // Quantitative Coding and the
Witness to Atrocity.” High- Throughput Humanities: A Satellite Meeting at the European
Conference on Complex Systems (September 2010).
Miller, Ben. “Pattern recognition in archives of witnessing.” Database | Narrative | Archive
conference. Concordia University. Montreal, Canada (May 2011).
Nies, Betsy. “Bringing Race to the Table: Teaching Teachers about Multicultural Literature,”
Florida College English Association, Rollins College (14-15 October 2010).
Wiley, Michael. “Stop! You’re Killing Me!” Panel Discussion. Chicago Printers Row Lit Fest.
Chicago, Illinois (12 June 2010).
Wiley, Michael. “Plotting Mysteries.” Workshop. Chicago Printers Row Lit Fest. Chicago,
Illinois (13 June 2010).
Wiley, Michael. “The Reader Wants It: Narrative Desire and the Plotting of Mysteries.” North
Florida Writers Conference. Jacksonville, Florida (6 August 2010).
Wiley, Michael. “1000 Monkeys.” Panel Discussion. Bouchercon. San Francisco, California (16
October 2010).
Wiley, Michael. “Anti-Localism and the 1798 Lyrical Ballads.” MLA National Convention. Los
Angeles, California (7 January 2011).
Denise I. Bossy, “‘An open Markett for buying and Selling of Indian Slaves’: The Indian Slave
Trade in the Colonial South Carolina.” Crisis and Conflict Conference, Charleston, SC,
October 2010.
Alison Bruey, “Solidaridad: The Churches, the Left, and Grassroots Opposition in Pinochet's
Chile.” Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association and the Conference on
Latin American History, Boston, MA, January 2011.
Alison Bruey, “Limitless Land and the Redefinition of Rights: Urban Economic Crisis and La
Casa Propia in Pinochet's Chile (1975-1982).” International Congress of the Latin
American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, October 2010.
Charles Closmann, “Voices from the Stream: An Environmental History of the St. Johns
River,” a paper presented to the Annual Conference of the American Society for
Environmental History; Phoenix, Arizona; April 2011.
Page 51 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Charles Closmann, “Seeing Like an Engineer: Photographs, Modernity, and Urban
Infrastructure in Germany,” a paper presented by invitation at the Fourth Annual
Southeast German Studies Symposium; Georgia State University; Atlanta, Georgia;
March 2011.
David Courtwright, “The High Life: Intoxication, Limbic Capitalism, and Pleasure Meccas,”
plenary session, Intoxicants and Intoxication in Cultural and Historical Perspective,
Christ’s College, Cambridge, July 20-22, 2010.
David Courtwright, “Disconnect: Conservative Politics and Public Policy in the Age of the
Culture War,” plenary session, Morality, Politics, and Policy in Historical Perspective,
Arizona State University, April 1, 2011.
David Courtwright, “Drug Use and Drug Policy in World History: Why is the American Case
Exceptional?” address to the director and staff of the Office of National Drug Control
Policy, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C., June 15, 2010.
Greg Domber, “The National Endowment of Democracy and American Support Networks for
‘Solidarity’ 1984–1989,” The World Towards the Solidarity Movement 1980-1989,
Wrocław, Poland, October 21-23, 2010.
Denice Fett, “What News of England? Spanish Intelligence Networks at the Court of Elizabeth,”
at the North American Conference on British Studies national meeting, November 2010.
J. Michael Francis, September 15, 2010: “Murder and Martyrdom in Spanish Florida.” Invited
Lecture, Penn State University.
J. Michael Francis, November 21, 2010: “Murder, Martyrdom, and the Struggle for La Florida:
Rethinking Spanish Florida’s Mission History, 1565-1606,” Invited Lecture. New
Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe, NM.
Philip Kaplan, “Pirates, Warlords and Thalassocrats: The Rise of Sea Power in the
Mediterranean,” delivered at the Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting, Erie,
PA, May 7, 2011
Harry Rothschild, November 2010, “Severing Grandma’s Phallus: Tang Xuanzong’s Symbolic
Reclamation and Reassertion of Normative Patriarchal Confucian Values,” Southeast
Early China Roundtable, University of Kentucky.
Harry Rothschild, June 2010, “Sovereignty, Virtue and Crisis Management: Coping with
Locust Infestations in Tang China,” Agricultural History Society Annual Meeting,
Rollins College, Orlando.
Page 52 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Aaron Sheehan-Dean, "Lex Talionis in the Civil War: Retaliation and the Limits of Atrocity,"
Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World Conference, March 2011
Aaron Sheehan-Dean, "Meanings of the Civil War: Then and Now," Historic St. Augustine
Research Institute, St. Augustine, Florida, January 2011
David L. Sheffler, “Kloster, Kirche, Stadt. Bildung im spätmittelalterlichen Regensburg.”
Gelehrtes Leben im Kloster. Sankt Emmeram als Bidlungszentrum im Spätmittelalter.
Interdisciplinäre Tagung; Regensburg Germany, July 2010.
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Febles, Jorge. “Ausencia quiere decir ausencia: la alienación ritualista en Recordando a mamá,
de Pedro R. Monge Rafuls.” Jornadas de Teatro Latinoamericano Puebla, Mexico, XIX,
June 27-30, 2011.
Febles, Jorge. “Rhumbaing Off to Which War?: ‘Vengo a decirle adiós a los muchachos’ and
“L conga militar’ as Translational Artifacts.” Annual Conference of the Popular Culture
Association and the American Culture Association, San Antonio, Texas, April 20-23,
Febles, Jorge. “Identidad y post-identidad: el diálogo entre Roberto G. Fernández y Gustavo
Pérez Firmat.” “Cuba Futures: Past and Present.” The Bildner Center, Graduate Center
of the City University of New York, March 31-April 2, 2011.
Febles, Jorge. “Encrucijada entre la parodia edificante y el alegato misógino: ‘Los cuarenta
kilos de Emilio Verona” de Alfonso Hernández Catá.’” Second Conference on
Caribbean Literature and Culture, Marquette University, October 7- 9, 2010
Fernández Cifuentes, María Ángeles. “Amor se escribe con mayúscula: cartas de Lope a
Sessa.” XVII Congreso de la Asociacion Internacional de Hispanistas, Rome, Italy, July
18-25, 2010.
Geesey, Patricia. “An Algerian Novelist in Paris: Leïla Marouane’s Community of Exilées.” A
Decade of Womens Writing in France: Trends and Horizons, University College of
London, October 14-16, 2010.
Ibáñez Quintana, Nuria. “Diana Raznovich: De atrás para adelante: alarde metateatral más
allá de la identidad genérica y sexual.” IV Congreso Internacional Escritura, Individuo y
Sociedad en España, las Américas y Puerto Rico, Arecibo, November 18-20, 2010.
Ibáñez Quintana, Nuria.
“Palabra e imagen en la recuperación del mito de Electra de
Lourdes Ortiz.” 82 Annual Convention of SAMLA, Atlanta, November 5-7, 2010.
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Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
McCarl, Clayton. “Phantom Journeys, Phantom Books: Francisco de Seyxas y Lovera’s
Elusive Pirate Library.” “Empire of the Two Worlds: Culture and Society in Baroque
Spain.” Graduate Center of the City University of New York, September 14, 2010.
Scott, Renée, “La comicidad como seña de identidad en Perfumes de Cartago and “Marina y su
olor.’” Annual conference of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture
Association, San Antonio, Texas, April 20-23, 2011.
Scott, Renée and Luis Mora. “Generating Communicative Activities through the Use of Film.”
Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
(AATSP), Guadalajara, Mexico, July 2010.
Wu, Yongan. “Using Audio Input to Foster Reading in Beginning Chinese Classes.” Chinese
American Research (CAERDA) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 6-9, 2011.
Wu, Yongan. “Teaching Chinese with Technology” (Workshop). 2010 FFLA Conference,
Tampa, October 14-16, 2010.
Wu, Yongan. “Using Audio Input to Foster Reading in Beginning Chinese Classes.”
Conference on Second Language Acquisition of Chinese, The First Teachers College,
Columbia University, October 1-2, 2010.
Math and Statistics
B. Aslan, Mathematical Methods for Modeling of Lightning and Thunderstorm Electrification,
7th International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, held in
Tampa, FL, December 2010.
B. Aslan, Mathematical Methods for Modeling of Lightning and Thunderstorm Electrification,
National Joint Mathematics Meeting New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
K. Wang, An Iterative Substructuring Algorithm for C0 Interior Penalty Methods, the
Minisymposium on Theory and Application of Adaptive and Multilevel Methods, at the
20th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in La Jolla, CA,
February, 2011.
Philosophy and Religion
Buchwalter, Andrew, “Hegel, recognition, and Redistribution,” in the “Economics and Justice
in Hegel” invited panel, annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,
September 2010.
Page 54 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Buchwalter, Andrew, “Religion, Civil Society, and the System of an Ethical World: Hegel on
the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” presentation at the biannual meeting of
the Hegel Society of America, St. Norbert College, Green Bay WI, Oct 8-10, 2010
Carelli, Paul, “City-Soul Analogies in the Republic, Timaeus and Laws,” The 28th Annual
Meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy at Fordham University (October,
Carelli, Paul, “True City – True Soul: The Partitioning of the Soul in Plato’s Republic,” Athens
Institute for Education and Research – 5th Annual International Conference on
Philosophy (May 2010)
Gilson, Erinn, “Entrepreneurial Subjectivity and the Ethics of Vulnerability” at The Eleventh
Annual Foucault Circle, Banff, Alberta, March 25-27, 2011
Gilson, Erinn, “The Thought of Vulnerability in the Work of Judith Butler” at PhiloSOHIA: a
feminist society Conference, Nashville, TN, May 6-8, 2011
Gilson, Erinn, “Elaborating a Concept of Vulnerability via Deleuze and Cixous” at the Society
for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) Conference in Montreal, QC,
November 4-6, 2010
Haney, Mitchell, “Social Media, Speed, and Inauthentic Caring” for 3rd Annual A. David Kline
Symposium on Public Philosophy (November 2010 - Invited)
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Das Offene Selbst. Zur Kritischen Hermeneutik der Identität” at the Free
University of Berlin (‘The Future of Hermeneutics’ conference), Nov. 18 – 20, 2010;
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Das Subjekt der Macht. Zur Kritischen Hermeneutik der Identität,”
University of Austria in Klagenfurt, Nov. 24, 2010;
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, “Hegel, Heidegger, Habermas: The Experience of Modernity,” University of
Austria in Klagenfurt, four day-block lecture, Nov. 22 – Nov. 25, 2010.
Matheson, Jonathan, “Equal Weight Views and the Evidential Impact of Peer Opinions.”
Pacific APA, April 20-23, 2011.
Matheson, Jonathan, “The Justification of Fundamental Epistemic Principles.” Georgia
Philosophical Society, Atlanta, April 9, 2011.
Matheson, Jonathan, “Are Conciliatory Views of Disagreement Self-Defeating?” Annual
Evangelical Philosophical Society Meeting, Atlanta, November 17-19, 2010.
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, “Considerations at the End of Life”, Baptist Health System, Palliative
Care Committee, May ‘11
Page 55 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, “Moral Distress in the NICU”, Wolfson Children’s Hospital, April ‘11
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, “Moral Distress in Hematology/Oncology”, Wolfson Children’s
Hospital, April ‘11
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, Surgery Grand Rounds, (University of Florida, Shands Jacksonville),
“Ethical Considerations in Futility”, March ‘10
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, “Ethical Issues at the End-of-Life”, Nova Southeastern University
Physician Assistant Program, November ‘10
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, “Ethical and Cultural Issues in HIV/AIDS”, Annual Infectious Diseases
Conference of NE Florida, October’10
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, “Ethical Issues in Comparative Effectiveness Research” HIV/AIDS
grand rounds, UF CARES (University of Florida, Center for AIDS Research, Education,
and Service), September ‘10
Patel, Nirmal, presented three research posters at the department’s fall poster session.
Urbina, Susana, Keynote Address “The Development of Psychological Tests”. First
International Symposium on Psychological Tests. The College of Psychologists of Peru.
University of Peru. June 2010.
Toglia, Michael, “Suggestive Influences on Memory and Lineup Identification.” Southeastern
Psychological Association, Jacksonville, FL. February 2011.
Lovvorn, M., and Güss, C. Dominik, “Risky business decision making”. Presentation to
Senators and State Representatives, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. April 13, 2011. They were
the only ones invited from the state of Florida.
Sociology & Anthropology
Ashley, Keith. Missions San Buenaventura and Santa Cruz de Guadalquini: Retreat from the
Georgia Coast. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Caldwell Conference. American
Museum of Natural History, St. Catherines Island Georgia. May 20-22, 2011
Page 56 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Ashley, Keith. One that C.B. Moore Missed: Grave Robber Mound, Fort George Island,
Jacksonville. Paper presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Florida Anthropological
Society, Orlando. (second author with Vicki Rolland). May 8, 2011
Ashley, Keith. The Mocama Village of Sarabay: More than a Dot on a Map. Paper presented at
the 63rd annual meeting of the Florida Anthropological Society, Orlando. May 8, 2011
Ashley, Keith. Grafting onto the Native Landscape: The Franciscan Mission System in
Northeastern Florida. Paper presented at the International Franciscan Conference, From
La Florida to La California: The Genesis and Realization of Franciscan Evangelization in
the Spanish Borderlands, Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL. March 23, 2011
Ashley, Keith. Armellino Site: The Mocama Village of Sarabay. Paper presented at the 67th
annual meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Lexington, Ky. Nov,
Hargrove, Melissa. The evolutionary fitness of white racism. American Anthropological
Association, November 2010.
Kephart, Ronald. Taking the “Broken” out of “Broken English”: Teaching Against Linguistic
Prejudice. Society of Caribbean Linguistics. August, 2010.
Milicevic, Aleksandra. Beyond war, nationalists, and Turbofolk: Challenging how we research
the western Balkans. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Los
Angeles, November 2010.
Milicevic, Aleksandra. Dangerous fieldwork: Things that IRB won’t warn you about.
American Sociological Association, Altanta, GA. August, 2010.
Phillips, Rick. (2011). Demographic transition and religious identity among Mormons in the
Intermountain West, 1972-2010. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Salt Lake
City, April 2011.
Phillips, Rick. (2011). A fractured sacred canopy: Demographic transition and Mormon
religiosity in Utah and the Mountain West. Western Social Science Association, Salt
Lake City, April 2011.
Phillips, Rick. (2010). Plausibility apostates’ and Utah’s sacred canopy. Society for the
Scientific Study of Religion, Baltimore, MD.
Page 57 of 64
Refereed Papers and Invited Presentations (continued)
Phillips, Rick. (2010). Demographic change in Utah: Consequences for Latter-Day Saint
religious behavior and member retention in the Mormon culture region. Sunstone
Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.
Rakita, Gordon. (2011). The future of bioarchaeology: A forum in honor of Jane E. Buikstra.
Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA.
Thompson, M. Scott and Gordon Rakita. (2011). Mortuary practices in the American
southwest: Meta-data issues in the development of a regional database. Society for
American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA.
Shapiro, Adam & Chung-Ping Loh. (2010). Revisiting the Cost-Effectiveness of Home-and
Community-Based Services: A Prospective Study of Florida Nursing Home Residents’
Divergent Paths. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, New Orleans, LA.
Spaulding-Givens, Jennifer (2010). Florida self-directed care: A choice-based service delivery
model. International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology. Syracuse, NY.
Spaulding-Givens, Jennifer (2010). The empirical and ethical import of the inclusion of clients
in client satisfaction measurement and research. International Center for the Study of
Psychiatry and Psychology, Syracuse, NY.
Stuber, Jenny. (2011). Inside the college gates: Education as a social and cultural process.
Southern Sociological Society, Jacksonville, FL. April, 2011.
Stuber, Jenny. (2011). Gender, social class, and exclusion: Dynamics of privilege within
collegiate greek life. American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Will, Jeffry A., James Taylor, and Leni Akapnitis. A Failure to Hire?: Examining Impediments
to Employment in a Down Economy. Presented at the Southern Sociological Society
Meetings, Jacksonville April 2011
Will, Jeffry A. and Marilyn Dyck, Applied and Public Sociology Without Borders: Case Studies
From Both Sides of the 49th Parallel. Presented at the Canadian Sociological Society
Annual Meetings, Montreal, May 2010.
Christine A. Bevc Jeffry A. Will and J. Steven Picou. Geography and Social Psychological
Health of Gulf Coast Communities. Presented at the Association for Applied and
Clinical Sociology Annual Meetings, St Louis, October 2010
Will, Jeffry A. Practicing What We Preach: Creating Community-University Partnerships
Through an Applied Sociology Research Center. Presented at the American Sociological
Association Meetings, August, 2010
Page 58 of 64
Contracts and Grants (ORSP)
Ahearn, Gregory: Received Year 2 funds from a 3-year USDA federal research grant.
Gelsleichter, James., 3/2/2011, Assessing impacts of oil exposure to deep sea ecosystems of the
Gulf of Mexico using sharks and scavengers as integrative models. Florida Institute of
Oceanography, $47,227.00
Gelsleichter, James, Assessment of Deepwater Fish Assemblages Associated with DeSoto
Canyons and Continental Slope Waters in the Eastern Gulf of Assessment of Deepwater
Fish Assemblages Associated with DeSoto Canyons and Continental Slope Waters in the
Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Florida Institute of Oceanography, $37,652.
Gelsleichter, James, Cooperative Atlantic States Shark Pupping and Nursery (COASTSPAN)
Survey of North Florida Waters (Continuation), National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration $5,000.00
Gelsleichter, James, Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Epipelagic and Large Coastal
Sharks and Teleosts of the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Institute of Oceanography, $42,408.00
Gelsleichter, James, Monitoring of the Coastal Pelagic Fish Complex for Assessing DWHRelated Trophic Changes and Contaminant Exposure, Florida Institute of Oceanography,
Gelsleichter, James, Population Structure, Gene Flow and Genetic Demography of the Blacknose
shark (Carcharhinus Acronotus) in US Waters and Genetic Marker Development, $11,100
Gelsleichter, James, Re-evaluation of reproductive biology and population structure of the
Blacknose shark Carcharhinus acronotus in US waters. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Gelsleichter, James, Smalltooth sawfish research and outreach: an interdisciplinary
collaborative program (subcontract from Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission). National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration Protected Species
Cooperative Commission $91,362
Gilg, Matthew: 2008- United States Department of Agriculture, CSREES – NRI: Strangers in
a strange land: biological and economic impacts of two invasive mussels along the
East coast of the United States in an oyster agro-ecosystem. PI – E. Hoffman, UCF,
$370,239 (Co-PI –Gilg, $117,950) (Sept. 1, 2008 – Aug. 31 2011).
Page 59 of 64
Contracts and Grants (ORSP) (continued)
Hackney, Courtney, Moon, Daniel and Ross, Cliff: Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise on
Coastal Wetlands, St. Johns River Water Management District, 2009-2011, $98,000 (CoPrincipal Investigator).
Hackney, C. T. and Matt Kimball. Managing Florida’s Coastal Rivers with Rising Ocean.
Florida Sea Grant, $ $5600
Hatle, John: Nutrient allocation and anti-oxidant activity upon dietary restriction or
ovariectomy in grasshoppers. National Institute on Aging, Academic Research
Enhancement Award (R15). $339,000 over 3 years. Priority score of 10 (range 10 – 90,
lowest is best).
Chalk, S. "The St. Johns River Report 2010” City of Jacksonville EPB Grant – Awarded
Chalk, S. “Multivariate Method for the Analysis of Arsenate and Phosphate in Environmental
Waters” COAS Stimulus Grant – Awarded $1000
Chalk, S. “Expanded Development of a Research Information Management System” UNF
Faculty Development Grant – Awarded $7500, Summer 2011
Lane, A.L. Florida Institute of Oceanography Shiptime Award. “Exploration of marine
actinomycete bacteria of the Dry Tortugas and Marquesas Keys as sources of novel
human antibiotics.” Award valued at $13K Summer 2011.
Lufaso, M.W. Oscar Munoz Presidential Professorship (a UNF Foundation award) in support of
research, mentoring and scholarship, $20,000 (2011).
Arnold, C.L. November 2010. Awarded grant of $2,873 to survey physicians’ perceptions of
their communication skills in medical consultations by the University of North Florida’s
Office of Sponsored Research.
Arnold, C.L. December, 2010. Awarded $7,500 grant to develop an NIH grant proposal study
of training patients’ in medical communication skills in physicians’ offices and survey
results of the intervention. Funded by the Academic Affairs Proposal Development
Grant, University of North Florida, December 2010.
Page 60 of 64
Contracts and Grants (ORSP) (continued)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Hallett, Michael. Presidential Grant Award. The Community Foundation of Jacksonville.
Summer 2011 – Spring 2012. “To expand community awareness of the causes and public
response to Jacksonville’s state-leading homicide and violent crime rates.” In partnership
with WJCT. $5,000
Hallett, Michael. “Operation New Hope: Offender Profile Project.” Jacksonville, FL. Spring 2010
- 2011. M. Hallett. $10,000.
Miller, Ben. German Historical Institute & Smithsonian American History Museum Lemelson
Center for Innovation, spring 2011 ($1,000).
Dale Clifford, in conjunction with Duval County Public Schools, DOE Teaching American
History Grant, a 3-year grant totaling $999,999.90.
Denice Fett, Solmsen Research Fellowship, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Institute for
Research in the Humanities. The fellowship carries an annual amount of $40,000. It is
primarily intended for research and publication purposes.
J. Michael Francis, Jay I. Kislak Long-Term Fellowship, Library of Congress, 2010-2011
J. Michael Francis, Research Associate at the American Museum of Natural History ($15,000
over four years) 2007-2011
Randall Tinnin; external grants from the Chartrand Foundation ($6,000) to extend funding for
the UNF Music Mentors program at Butler Middle School.
Philosophy and Religion
Koegler, Hans-Herbert, grant, conference costs, at the Free University of Berlin (‘The Future
of Hermeneutics’ international conference), Nov. 18 – 20, 2010
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz, external working grant, including one course buy-out per semester, to
serve as Clinical Ethicist at the Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Jacksonville, Fall
2010/Spring 2011
Page 61 of 64
Contracts and Grants (ORSP) (continued)
Vitz, Rico, grant to organize and coach the Ethics Bowl team of UNF, BlueCross BlueShield
Center for Ethics, Public Policy, and the Professions Fall 2010/Spring 2011
Albright, Barry, grant from the Charleston Scientific and Cultural Education Fund (Charleston,
SC) in the amount of $3875.00. The project is entitled, “Cenozoic Vertebrate
Biostratigraphy of South Carolina and Additions to the Fauna.”
Albright, Barry, $5000 grant from the Department of the Interior for geological and
paleontological field work and research within Grand Staircase-Escalante National
Gasparov, Lev, received funding for MRI-R2 “Acquisition of the Optical Cryostat for Research
and Teaching” from the National Science Foundation in the amount of $104,047.
Gasparov, Lev, received funding for DMR-0805073, RUI: Optical Studies of Magnetic, Charge
and Orbital Ordering in Lone-Pair Compounds and Magnetite, from the National Science
Foundation in the amount of $158,737.
Political Science and Public Administration
Corrigan, Matthew: Choosing Jacksonville’s Future. Jessie Ball DuPont Fund - $13000 –
auxiliary account.
Corrigan, Matthew: Foundations of Local Government – Training for Local Elected Officials.
Jessie Ball DuPont Fund - $8000 – auxiliary account.
Harwood, Paul: DUI Survey 2010.
Harwood, Paul: FEMA Rapid Response Survey. “Natural Disaster Rapid Response: Public
Opinion Surveys” Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Harwood, Paul: Motorcycle Safety Survey 2010.
Sociology & Anthropology
Jeffry Will (CCI)
City Of JAX Human Rights Commission Study Circles
Healthy Start Magnolia Project
Western Nassau County Homeless
ESHC - Homeless Count Duval County
March of Dimes Camelia Project
$ 2,500.00
$ 9,917.00
Page 62 of 64
Patents obtained
UNF Patent Awarded (JS Huebner, EN Mejia & DF Bowers, 2011). SENSING DEVICE AND
Patel, Nirmal, won a patent on “Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Nanocrystalline Oxide
Semiconductor Thin Films and Methods of Detecting Vapors and Odors Including
Alcoholic Beverages, Explosive Materials and Volatized Chemical Compounds”. The
patent included 157 pages of supporting materials.
Page 63 of 64
Scholarly Activity Summary 2010-2011
College of Arts and Science
Juried and
Creative Works
Refereed or
& Grants
Art & Design
Mathematics &
Page 64 of 64