Version: Jan 2014
Welcome to Wexford General Hospital
Welcome to Wexford General Hospital where we strive to give you the highest
standard of professional healthcare. We aim to combine modern diagnostics and
treatment facilities with courtesy and care in a friendly environment.
This booklet is for both in-patients and day-patients at Wexford General Hospital.
In-patients are people who stay in the hospital for one night or more and day-patients
are people who visit the hospital for a procedure or treatment and leave on the same
day. We hope this booklet answers some of the questions you may have. Please, at
all times, feel free to check with staff if you need more information or what to check
You are very welcome to make suggestions or comments. You will find comment
cards “Your Service Your Say” at all reception areas and information display units
throughout the hospital. Your suggestions can help us make targeted improvements
in services provided at Wexford General Hospital as we work towards safer, better
healthcare in accordance with national standards.
Wexford General Hospital Mission Statement: The purpose of Wexford General
Hospital is to provide a high quality acute hospital service to enable the people we
serve to live healthier and more fulfilled lives.
Lily Byrnes, General Manager
Version: Jan 2014
Table of contents
Getting to Wexford General Hospital
Parking at Wexford General Hospital
What happens when I get to hospital?
Help with English, Sing Language or Braile
Can I attend Wexford General Hospital privately?
What should I bring with me to the hospital?
Can I bring personal items to the hospital?
How do I find my bed?
Will I be asked to move from my bed?
Level 1 / Lower Ground Level
Level 2 / Ground Level
Level 3 / Upper Ground Level
Who looks after me while I’m in the Hospital?
Can I ring my medical team or other staff?
Will you explain my treatment to me?
Who will you tell about my condition and treatment?
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Table of contents (continued)
Data Protection –Your right to Information/Confidentiality
Prevention and control of infection
How do I call a nurse when I am on the ward?
What should I do if I have a special diet?
Can I bring my own food to the Hospital?
When are meals served?
Can my family and friends visit me?
Can my family and friends stay near the Hospital?
Can I practise my religion while I’m in the Hospital?
Is there a shop?
Is there Internet Access?
Can I use my mobile phone in the Hospital?
Can I smoke in the Hospital?
What should I do if there is a fire alarm or fire?
Cleanliness and Hygiene
If I need help when I leave the Hospital
Can you fill my prescription when I leave the Hospital?
Links with Community Care
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Getting to the Hospital
Wexford General Hospital is located on Newtown Road, which forms part of the main
Wexford-New Ross road, the N25.
By Car:
If you are travelling north or southbound along the N11, take the
Wexford exit at the New Ross Roundabout and follow the signs to the
Hospital. At first set of traffic lights turn left.
By Bus:
Bus Éireann is the national bus company. They run a regular daily
service past the Hospital. The bus stop is conveniently located in front
of the Hospital on the main road. (Bus Éireann Enquiries: 051-879000).
There is a Shuttle Bus service that goes from the Hospital to Wexford
Town and to villages in the County. The bus runs all week every 30
minutes, except on Sunday when there is no service. For timetable and
price information call 053-9142742. The Shuttle Bus accepts free travel
The Rural Road Runner service serves the parts of rural Wexford that
have no other public transportation. You can book a journey from you
door to the Hospital. The Rural Road Runner service runs every day
and accepts free travel passes. To book the service call: 053-9146711.
By Taxi:
There are a number of taxi companies in Wexford. Phone numbers are
available at the Main Reception Desk.
By Train:
There is a train service to Wexford Town.
Call 053-9122522 for a
timetable and ticket prices.
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Parking at the hospital
The hospital car park is situated to the front of the hospital and you will be guided to
the car park entrance from the traffic lights on the main road. On entering the car
park please take a parking fee ticket which must be paid before you plan to leave the
car park. The machine for paying is located in the Main Reception and outside the
Emergency Department.
People with disabilities can park near the main hospital entrance door. To park in this
area, you must display a parking sticker for people with disabilities.
There are 3-day and weekly car park tickets available, these can be purchased from
the Security Office located in the Main Reception area.
Please only park in designated parking areas – a clamping system is in operation.
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What happens when I get to the Hospital?
When you come to Wexford General Hospital, you must check in at the Main
Reception/Admissions desk. This is on your left just inside the main door. When you
check in, we will ask you for some personal details. Please be ready to tell us your:
name, address and telephone number
date of birth
marital status
occupation and the occupation of your spouse
next of kin’s name, address and telephone number (next of kin must be
over 18)
General Practitioner’s (GP) name or name of doctor who referred you to
the Hospital
Medical card number or private health insurance details.
You may be asked further questions in relation to previous visits to the Hospital. It is
really important to tell us if you have attended under a different name or address, so
that we have all your health records available.
I need help with English, Sign Language or Braille
We have some translation services if you:
Prefer to speak a language other than English
Need a sign language interpreter
Need materials in Braille or on tape
Please ask a member of staff if you need any of these services, some people
attending the hospital ask a relative or someone you trust to interpret for you.
If you are hard of hearing or your hearing is impaired please inform staff caring for
you and they will provide help and support.
Any personal information given to us is strictly confidential.
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Can I attend Wexford General Hospital privately?
Private patients may request private/semi-private accommodation at the main
reception desk on arrival to the hospital. A private patient temporarily placed in a
public bed will be transferred to the appropriate accommodation at the earliest
possible time. Private accommodation cannot be guaranteed.
What should I bring with me to the Hospital?
In-patients should bring the following items to Hospital:
Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
A towel and toiletries
The phone number of your next of kin
Your medical card or private insurance details
A list of your current medicines and their dosages
If you bring your own medicines to the Hospital, these will be returned to you.
Can I bring personal items to the Hospital?
We are not responsible for your personal items. You must look after them so they
are not damaged, lost or stolen. Please do not bring:
Too much clothing (you will have a locker and a small wardrobe, but space is
Cash (except for a small amount)
Electrical equipment, such as radios (you need approval from maintenance
Pension / savings books
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How do I find my bed?
When you check in to the Hospital at Main Reception, we will tell you what Ward you
are going to.
If you are in a private room, we may have to ask you to move to a ward bed so that
your room can be used as an isolation facility. This will only occur when no other
isolation facility is available.
Will I be asked to move from my bed?
The staff in Wexford General Hospital will try to make your stay here as comfortable
as possible. However, sometimes it is necessary to move patients from one area to
another and from one ward to another because of bed management issues, such as
the need for isolation in order to prevent the spread of infections like MRSA and the
Winter Vomiting Bug. This decision is not taken lightly as it can be upsetting for
patients. If it is necessary to move you during your stay in hospital, we expect your
co-operation for the benefit of yourself and all other patients.
Please co-operate with us if we have to move you out of a private room. We
must make sure that infections are controlled so we can keep everyone in the
Hospital safe and healthy.
Hospital Layout
Wexford General Hospital has three levels and you should note that you enter the
Hospital on Level 2 or Ground Level. This means there is a Lower Ground Level
(Level 1) and Upper Ground Level (Level 3).
Level 1:
Lower Ground Level
Level 2:
Ground Level – Main Entrance
Level 3:
Upper Ground Level
The Outpatient Department is a separate building and is located at the rear of the
main hospital.
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Level 1 / Lower Ground Level
Cardiac Diagnostic Department
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Day Hospital for the Elderly
Diabetes Unit
Occupational Therapy
Oncology Day Care Unit
Physiotherapy Department
St. Bridget’s (Medical) Ward
St. Joseph’s (Medical) Ward
Short Stay Medical Unit
Discharge Lounge
Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
Respiratory Unit
Consultant Physicians and Secretary Offices
Consultant Paediatricians and Secretary Offices
Level 2 / Ground Level
Main Reception
Radiology Department (X-ray)
Emergency Department
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Security Department
Maternity Unit
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologists and Secretary Offices
St. Mary’s Ward
Endoscopy Suite
Theatre Department
Day Care Unit (DCU)
Patient Accounts
Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU)
Pre Admission Assessment
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Level 3 / Upper Ground Level
Chaplain’s Office
Dietician’s Office
St. Patrick’s Ward
G.I. Function Lab
St. Gabriel’s (Paediatric) Ward
Short Stay Surgical Unit
Surgical Secretaries’ Offices
Director of Nursing and Secretary Offices
Nurse Managers’ Offices
General Manager and Secretary Offices
Deputy General Manager’s Office
Discharge Planning Office
Bed Manager’s Office
Who looks after me while I’m in the Hospital?
Each member of staff involved in your care will try to ensure that you are comfortable
and get the care you need while in Wexford General Hospital.
Medical Teams
While you are in Wexford General Hospital, a consultant has responsibility for
your care. Your consultant directs a team of doctors who are responsible for your
day-to-day care. The consultant and his team are your Medical Team. If you do
not know who your consultant is, please ask the ward staff. A member of your
Medical Team will discuss your condition and treatment with you on their ward
Nursing Staff
The Clinical Nurse Manager (CNM2) is the nurse in charge of the ward. The
CNM2 and their team of staff nurses are responsible for your day-to-day nursing
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Health & Social Care Professionals (HSCPs)
Members of the Health & Social Care Professional group include, Dietitians,
Occupational Therapists, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Radiographers, Social
Workers and Speech and Language Therapists.
Any member of this group may be involved in your care during your stay in
You should expect to come into contact with health professionals in training during
your stay.
Other Essential Staff
Members of this group include the catering, clerical/administration, housekeeping,
health care assistants and orderly/security staff.
Hospital Watch (Hospital Safety and Security Programme)
Provides safe environment for patients, staff and visitors
Promotes crime prevention awareness among staff, patients and visitors
Protects against theft and damage
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Can I ring my Medical Team or other staff?
You or your relative may want to make an appointment to see a member of your
Medical Team or other staff members. You can ring the Hospital Switchboard and
they will put you through to the relevant person or their secretary.
Will you explain my treatment to me?
We will tell you about your care and medical procedures in a way you will
understand. You may ask us about any words or procedures you don’t understand.
Information books are available for many procedures undertaken at the Hospital and
these will be made available to you.
You will be asked to give your consent for the procedure after the risks, benefits,
side-effects and alternatives relating to the procedure have been explained to you.
You may be asked to sign a consent form in some instances. You can withdraw your
consent at any time. To do this, you must discuss it with the appropriate clinical
person (doctor, nurse, allied health professional) who, after advising you of the risks
and consequences of your decision, will record this in your hospital case notes. You
may be asked to sign a form to this effect.
You may always return to the hospital at any time for assessment, advice or
treatment if you wish.
If you want to speak to a member of staff privately, please tell them. They will
arrange a private meeting with you if it is possible.
Who will you tell about my condition and treatment?
We will discuss your medical condition only with you or people you tell us we can
discuss it with (for example: spouse, partner or family member). Please tell your
nurse who we are allowed to discuss your condition with. Your family can call to
enquiry about you, however, we will only discuss your condition with the people you
have permitted us to talk to.
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Data Protection
Clinical audit is routinely carried out by our staff to help us improve the quality of care
provided to patients. Staff members who are directly involved in your care, will audit
the effectiveness of your treatment, and the care you have received while you are in
hospital. These audits help to ensure that the service we deliver meets the best
standard of care. Before clinical audits are carried out by staff, who are not directly
involved in patient care, your consent will always be obtained.
Your Right to Information
Personal information is contained on your personal record.
You have a right to
access and review that information. If you wish to do so please contact the Freedom
of Information Office 053-9153137 / 053-9153193.
Your Right to Confidentiality
While you are in hospital, your information will be available to a variety of Medical,
Nursing, Health Care Social Professionals and Administration staff. All members of
this hospital will respect the confidentiality of your information. Please do not ask for
patient information over the phone, we cannot give information this way.
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Infection Prevention and Control for Patients and Visitors
We all carry bacteria (germs) on our skin and inside our bodies and these bacteria
can be passed from one person to another. While you are in hospital there is a higher
chance of cross-infection occurring due to close contact with other patients and staff.
Patients in hospital are more likely to pick up infections because they have wounds,
lines and drains which allow bacteria to enter the body and they may also have a
lower resistance to infection due to their condition.
It is not possible to prevent all infections acquired in hospital e.g. some patients may
infect themselves with their own bacteria and some patients may have come into
hospital already infected.
All staff, including senior managers, are committed to protecting patients from
infection. Wexford General Hospital has an Infection Prevention and Control team
that is dedicated to supporting staff in their aim of preventing and controlling crossinfection.
Hand hygiene is the most important measure in preventing cross-infection.
Always wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet. Your visitors
can help by washing their hands or using the alcohol gel positioned throughout
the hospital, before entering and leaving the ward.
Sometimes staff, especially if they are very busy, forget to perform hand
hygiene. If you do not see staff wash their hands or use alcohol gel before
they touch you please say “have you cleaned your hands” – Remember “its ok
to ask”
Do not touch your wound or any devices e.g. a drip or catheter.
Try to keep the area around your bed tidy and uncluttered to allow the
housekeeping staff access to all surfaces to clean them.
Ask your relatives not to visit in large groups. Try to keep your visitors to two
at your bedside at any one time. Ask your visitors not to sit on your bed.
Ask your visitors not to visit the hospital if they feel unwell or have an infection
such as ‘flu, diarrhoea/vomiting, chicken pox, shingles or an undiagnosed
Children under 12 are not permitted to visit the hospital. Children may be
allowed to visit in special circumstances, please ask your visitors to check with
the nursing staff.
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If you are being cared for with extra infection control precautions e.g. in
isolation in a single room, your visitors should check with the nursing staff to
ask if they need to wear gloves and aprons on entering your room/ward. If
your visitors are required to wear gloves and aprons they should not walk
around the ward wearing them. They should remove them, place them in the
bin and wash their hands or use alcohol gel before leaving your room.
At no time should you or your visitors enter the ward pantry.
All patients and their visitors can help the staff of Wexford General Hospital to
prevent cross-infection by complying with the recommendations above.
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How do I call a nurse when I am in bed or at my bedside?
There is a call bell next to your bed. A staff member will show you how to use it
when you come to the ward. When you press the call bell, it rings at the nurses’
station. It does not ring near your bed. Your call will be answered as soon as
What should I do if I have a special diet?
When you arrive on the ward, tell your nurse if you need a special diet. For example,
you may need a vegetarian or diabetic diet. The dietician oversees special diets. If
there are problems with your meals, please tell the catering staff or your nurse. They
will tell the Catering Manager. The Catering Manager or Dietician will try to meet
your needs.
Can I bring my own food into the Hospital?
Food that needs to be re-heated or refrigerated should not be brought into the
When are meals served?
08.00 a.m. – 08.30 a.m.
12.15 p.m. – 13.00 p.m.
17.15 p.m. – 17.45 p.m.
Light Snack:
20.00 p.m. – 20.30p.m.
If you have diabetes, you will get your supper at 6.00pm. Please remind your family
and friends not to visit during meal times.
Can my family and friends visit me?
Wexford General Hospital has visiting guidelines for patients and visitors in place.
Please read this booklet for more information. The booklet is available throughout
the hospital.
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Visiting Hours
14.00 hrs – 16.00hrs (2pm - 4pm)
18.30 hrs – 20.30hrs (6.30pm - 8.30pm)
If you plan to visit outside these hours, you must discuss and agree it with the Nurse
Manager on duty.
Children under 12 should not be brought to visit, because of the risk of
infection, except where special permission has been granted by the Ward
Visitors are not permitted to bring alcohol to patients
Wexford General Hospital is a Tobacco Free Campus - Smoking is not
allowed in the hospital of anywhere in hospital grounds
Please do not visit if you are suffering from colds, flu, diarrhoea, vomiting or
other infections
Please use hand gels when entering and leaving the hospital and before
entering the ward. Hand gels are located throughout the hospital
Please check with the Ward before bringing flowers, as some limits may apply
Visiting may be restricted during outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Can my family and friends stay near the Hospital?
There are many hotels and B&Bs your visitors can stay in. For further details check
in the Golden Pages or ask at the Main Reception of a list of local accommodation.
Can I practise my religion while I’m in the Hospital?
Everyone is welcome to visit the Oratory on Level 3/Upper Ground Level for prayer or
meditation. Details regarding masses are posted just outside the Oratory. If you are
not Roman Catholic, the Hospital Chaplain can provide you with information to help
meet your requirements.
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Is there a shop?
The shop is located on Level 2/Ground Level, next to the Main Reception desk. The
opening hours are displayed on the shop front.
Sandwiches, fruit, snacks, cold
drinks, newspapers, magazines, stamps, cards and toiletries are available. The shop
assistant will visit each ward each day with newspapers and snacks.
There are also vending machines opposite the Main Reception desk in the main
hospital and also in the Outpatient Department. You can buy snacks and hot and
cold drinks from them.
Internet access
Internet access is available in the main reception area on level 2.
Can I use my mobile phone in the Hospital?
Please do not use your mobile phone on the wards. If you bring your mobile phone
into the Hospital for use outside, as with all personal items, please keep it safe.
The use of camera/picture phones is prohibited in the hospital
The hospital does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen mobile phones.
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Can I smoke in the Hospital?
It is illegal to smoke in any public building including Wexford General Hospital. In
addition, Wexford General Hospital implemented the Tobacco Free Campus Policy
on 14th February 2014 and is a tobacco free campus – smoking is not allowed
anywhere on hospital grounds. If you are an in-patient and a smoker, you will be
asked if you wish to try nicotine replacement therapy on your admission to hospital –
this can help you give up smoking/manage your nicotine addiction while in hospital.
Alternatively – you may ask your GP in advance about starting Nicotine
Replacements if an admission to hospital is planned.
If you choose to leave hospital grounds to smoke, you are doing so against
medical advice and may miss out on vital aspects of your care as a
What should I do if there is a fire alarm or fire?
If the fire alarm sounds, please follow the instructions of hospital staff. If you are not
in your own area, report to a member of staff in the area you are in. Do not try to
return to your own ward.
If you discover a fire do not try to put it out. Tell a member of staff immediately. All
our staff know what to do if there is a fire.
Do not use the lift when there is a fire or fire alert.
Wexford General Hospital consistently strives towards good hygiene practices.
Please help us maintain a clean, healthy hospital for patients and staff:
Please wash your hands and use hand gels before and after contact with a
Do not place towels or clothing on radiators
Do not store belongings including suitcases on the floor
Remove toiletries from the bathroom after use
• Do not store food in or on lockers unless the food is in airtight containers
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We thank you for your cooperation. If you have any feedback in relation to hygiene
please inform the nurse caring for you.
After the doctor has discharged you, please wait until your nurse speaks with your
regarding your discharge arrangements and your aftercare. Please leave your bed
as soon as possible, you may be asked to move to a Discharge Area to prepare you
to leave hospital. Please understand that your bed may be required for a patient
waiting in the Emergency Department.
Before leaving the hospital please ensure that:
Arrangements have been made for going home on the morning of discharge
You ask for a medical certificate if you need one
You have a prescription for any medication your doctors have prescribed for
You have your GP letter (GP letters for surgical patients will be posted)
If I need help when I leave the Hospital
All healthcare professionals caring for you will consult with you so that we can
manage your discharge effectively and in line with the Code of Integrated Discharge
Planning. This team will discuss plans for discharge with you during your stay in
You may need to arrange support from a family member following
discharge or we may need to organise support from Community Services following
your discharge. You can ring the community centres listed below to find out what
services they offer:
Wexford Town:
New Ross:
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Follow up care will be organised and planned in accordance with your needs. Please
read the Discharge Information leaflet for further information, to assist in planning
your discharge.
Can you fill my prescription when I leave the Hospital?
You may need medication when you leave the Hospital. If you do, we will give you a
prescription on discharge to bring to your pharmacist.
If you have a medical card and you need medicines, you must go to your own doctor
and get it filled out on a medical card prescription form. If it is outside your doctor’s
surgery hours, any pharmacy may give you an emergency supply provided it is within
24 hours of the date of the prescription. Bring your medical card number with you.
Different areas and towns provide a rota service for Sundays and bank holidays.
Pharmacists in Wexford town provide a 24-hour emergency service.
Links with Community Care
Prior to leaving the Hospital, the nurses and doctors will plan your links into
community care with your PHN (Public Health Nurse) or HSCP (Health care Social
Professionals). Community Care, located on St. George’s Street, can be contacted
on 053-9123544.
After you leave hospital: Surgical Site Infection Surveillance (SSIS)
Wexford General Hospital (WGH) is taking part in a programme to measure rates of
wound infection after operations or surgical procedures – this is to ensure that
patients undergoing surgery receive the highest possible care. This programme is
called Surgical Site Infection Surveillance (SSIS).
Most surgical wounds heal without problems but we want to make sure that problems
like infection are identified so that we can take steps to ensure that they are
prevented in the future.
About 30 days after your operation (surgical procedure), a questionnaire (with a
stamped, addressed envelope) will be sent out to you in the post. This is part of the
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Surgical Site Infection Surveillance programme – we ask that you complete the
questionnaire and send it back in the stamped addressed envelope. The information
you give is much appreciated and will be used to improve services.
Comments and Concerns
We hope that your stay is comfortable. Your feedback about your time in Wexford
General is important to us, be it praise, suggestions, or concerns.
If you have a concern or complaint, please talk to a member of staff in the clinic,
ward, or department where the problem arose. Every effort will be made to deal with
your concerns or complaint and, where possible, put things right. You may also
complete a “Your Service Your Say Card”. These cards can be found in all wards at
the information stands or at main reception.
Friends of Wexford General Hospital
The Friends of Wexford General Hospital was established in 2006 to lead a coherent
approach to generate much needed funds to meet the ongoing demands of a busy
public hospital.
A huge initiative to raise funds to build a dedicated Cancer Day Care unit followed.
Through the generosity of the public over €2 million was raised to build the unit which
opened in March 2009 and is now fully operational. This significant achievement
instigated by the Friends of the Hospital, demonstrates that the community served by
the hospital see investment in their local hospital to be a worthwhile cause.
Other initiatives within the hospital have been funded by the public including the
purchase of a minibus to bring patients requiring radiotherapy to and from Waterford
each day and the purchase of a state of the art 64-slice CT Scanner which was
officially opened on 3rd June 2011 by Mr. Brendan Howlin, Minister for Public
Expenditure & Reform.
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Friends of Wexford General Hospital is a charitable organisation, No. CHY 17610,
that acts as a conduit between the public and the hospital to raise funds to ensure
that the community serviced by the hospital benefit to the fullest extent from
advances in medical science.
They are actively involved in the decision making with the Hospital Management
Team on how the money fundraised is allocated within the hospital.
The members of the Friends of Wexford General Hospital are from the local
community, hospital personnel and supported by South East Radio.
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