Minutes - Prairie du Rocher Elementary CCSD #134

Prairie du Rocher CCSD #134
714 Middle St, Prairie du Rocher, IL 62277
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Call to Order / Roll Call
a. President Ernie Peiffer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
b. The following members of the Board were present.
Ernie Peiffer, President; James Popejoy, Vice President; Daryl Clerc, Secretary;
Diane Corzine; Kim Deterding; George Jones; Anne Marquardt;
c. The following individuals were also present.
Thomas Springborn - Superintendent,
Virginia Rusterberg - Teacher Representative,
Terra Barbeau - Teacher Representative
Tanya Barbeau – Former BOE member
Roger Matthews and Steve Kirpy – from Schorb & Schmersahl
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda Items
a. Three discussion items were added to the agenda:
1. Outside recess
2. BOE elections
3. Speech services
b. Motion to approve: James Popejoy (1st), Kim Deterding (2nd)
c. Ayes-7, nays-0, abstentions-0
d. Motion carries: 7-0
Public Comment
Tanya Barbeau discussed the BOE’s email account, which is provided for PdR residents to
broadcast messages to all BOE members. Tanya has been maintaining this account through
HTC, and now prefers that someone on the current BOE take over that role. President Ernie
Peiffer replied that the BOE would discuss the matter and contact Tanya with an update.
Approval of the Consent Agenda
a. The Consent Agenda included the following items.
1. Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on August 20, 2014,
2. Activity Accounts,
3. Approve Bills,
4. Treasurer’s Report,
5. Destroy closed-minute tapes older than 18 months,
6. Accept resignation for Art Festival sponsor
7. Accept employment of Abby Fortner as the Art Festival sponsor
b. Motion to approve: James Popejoy (1st), Kim Deterding (2nd)
c. Roll Call Vote: Daryl Clerc - yes, Diane Corzine - yes, Kim Deterding - yes, Ernie Peiffer - yes,
George Jones - yes, Anne Marquardt - yes, James Popejoy - yes
d. Motion carries: 7-0
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Guests: Schorb & Schmersahl - Auditor's report
Roger Matthews and Steve Kirpy from Schorb & Schmersahl distributed the “Annual Financial Report
for the Year ended June 30, 2014” to the BOE and Superintendent. The report is in a new format
designed to be more convenient for BOE members. In the audit, the only item amiss was $12,800 in
the Education fund that needs to be transferred to the Tort fund. Currently the school has reserve
funds of approximately $1,000,000 in cash and investments (6 months of operating expenses).
Superintendent's Report - Mr. Springborn presented the following items (summarized)
a. Weekly reports: Mr. Springborn began sending regular reports to the BOE in September. The
general consensus among BOE members is that the weekly reports are informative and
b. Student Suspensions: A letter regarding one instance of out-of-school suspension was
distributed to the BOE. These types of letters will continue to be provided to the BOE as they
Discussion Items
a. CD reinvestment: The general consensus for the CD that matured on August 10 was to move
half into General Education fund and half into Working Cash. That plan will alleviate much of
the shortage in the 2014-2015 budget. Itemized deficits are $110,807 in General Education,
$15,925 in Operations and Maintenance, and $26,809 in Transportation. When those
shortages are combined with the current reserve of $4,968 in the Working Cash fund, the
total deficit becomes $148,573. The value of the CD is $121,805, which alleviates 82% of the
total deficit.
b. District Goals Progress and Updates - Set Date: A date was set for the BOE to meet and
discuss district goals: Saturday, October 18 at 8:00 AM in the school cafeteria. Related
information will be provided beforehand by Mr. Springborn at next regular BOE meeting on
Wednesday, October 15.
c. BOE elections: There will be six open seats on the BOE in the upcoming election on April 7,
2015. Three seats have a four-year term, currently occupied by Ernie Peiffer, James Popejoy,
and Daryl Clerc. The other three seats were originally filled by appointment, and have twoyear terms, currently occupied by Diane Corzine, George Jones and Anne Marquardt. The
“2015 School Board Election Calendar” published by IASB was distributed to the BOE, along
with portions of the “State of Illinois Candidate’s Guide 2015”.
d. Speech services: There are currently 21 Speech students, but there are also 8 referred
students being processed into the program. As a result, the caseload in October will likely
become 29. Given the current limit of 24 students for two days of speech therapy per week,
it will become necessary to add a third day for the case worker, which increases the limit to
36 students. Speech students are currently eligible PdR School starting at age 3 yrs.
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e. Outside recess: Pea gravel is showing up in the shoes of children after playing in the school
playground. It was suggested that a bucket be placed near the playground so that children
may empty their shoes after playing there.
Action Items
a. Approve FY 2015 Budget
1. Motion to approve: George Jones (1st), Anne Marquardt (2nd)
2. Roll Call Vote: George Jones - yes, Ernie Peiffer - yes, Anne Marquardt - yes,
James Popejoy - yes, Daryl Clerc - yes, Kim Deterding - yes, Diane Corzine - yes
3. Motion carries: 7-0
b. Accept audit presented by Schorb & Schmersahl
1. Motion to approve: Kim Deterding (1st), Daryl Clerc (2nd)
2. Roll Call Vote: Anne Marquardt - yes, Diane Corzine - yes, Kim Deterding - yes,
Ernie Peiffer - yes, Daryl Clerc – yes, George Jones - yes, James Popejoy - yes
3. Motion carries: 7-0
c. Approve application for Recognition of Schools
1. Motion to approve: George Jones (1st), James Popejoy (2nd)
2. Ayes-7, nays-0, abstentions-0
3. Motion carries: 7-0
d. CD Reinvestment
The BOE voted whether to move half in of the CD to Working Cash ($60,902.50) and the
other half to General Ed. ($60,902.50).
1. Motion to approve: Kim Deterding (1st), Anne Marquardt (2nd)
2. Roll Call Vote: Kim Deterding - yes, Ernie Peiffer - yes, Anne Marquardt - yes,
George Jones - yes, James Popejoy - yes, Daryl Clerc - yes, Diane Corzine - yes
3. Motion carries: 7-0
e. Resolution regarding a petition to withdraw from PERANDOE Special Education District
The BOE voted whether to approve the “Perandoe Resolution”, which is a
recommendation from the Perandoe Special Education District to each member district
BOE, to vote against Columbia’s petition to withdraw.
1. Motion to approve: George Jones (1st), James Popejoy (2nd)
2. Roll Call Vote: Anne Marquardt - yes, James Popejoy - yes, Kim Deterding - yes,
Ernie Peiffer - yes, George Jones - yes, Diane Corzine – yes, Daryl Clerc - no
3. Motion carries: 6-1
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Executive Session - To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of employees.
The BOE went into executive session at 8:12 pm.
1. Motion to approve: George Jones (1st), Kim Deterding (2nd)
2. Roll Call Vote: Anne Marquardt - yes, George Jones - yes, Kim Deterding - yes,
Ernie Peiffer - yes, Daryl Clerc - yes, James Popejoy - yes, Diane Corzine - yes
3. Motion carries: 7-0
The BOE came out of executive session at 8:22 pm.
1. Motion to approve: James Popejoy (1st), George Jones (2nd)
2. Roll Call Vote: Daryl Clerc - yes, Diane Corzine - yes, James Popejoy - yes,
George Jones - yes, Ernie Peiffer - yes, Kim Deterding - yes, Anne Marquardt - yes
3. Motion carries: 7-0
a. Motion to adjourn: James Popejoy (1st), George Jones (2nd)
b. Ayes-7, nays-0, abstentions-0
c. Motion carries: 7-0
d. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm
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