VET Teacher Industry Currency / Professional Development Log 2016

VET Teacher Industry Currency / Professional Development Log 2016
The requirement for current industry knowledge will be met initially through completion of the approved teacher training program. Thereafter, it is the responsibility of
individual teachers with the support of Schools to maintain effective industry currency.
In a response to:
Standard 1.5 “The RTO’s training and assessment practices are relevant to the needs of industry and informed by industry engagement.”
Standard 1.6 “The RTO implements a range of strategies for industry engagement and systematically uses the outcome of that industry engagement to ensure the
industry relevance of:
a) Its training and assessment strategies, practices and resources and
b) the current industry skills of its trainers and assessors”
Standard 1.13 “In addition to the requirements specified in Clause 1.14 and 1.15 the RTO’s training and assessment is delivered by persons who have
a) vocational competence to at least the level being delivered and assessed
b) current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided; and
c) current knowledge and skills in Vocational Training and learning that informs their training and assessment
Standard 1.16 “The RTO ensures that all trainers and assessors undertake professional development in the fields of knowledge and practice of vocational training,
learning and assessment including competency based training and assessment.
All VET teachers are now required to complete a minimum of 30 hours of VET industry currency/professional development activities, over a 2 year period.
Whilst a number of activities contribute to the required industry hours, teachers should be able to demonstrate that at some time has been spent specifically engaged in
the industry as opposed to Professional Development over the past two years (ie work through a return to Industry program, Industry Demonstrations, Field days, Cattle
Shows etc )
Activities that can contribute to the required 30 hours include:
 Part time employment, previous employment or workplacement within the industry
 Visits to industry for work placement organisation, industry liaison, supervision of students, etc
 Attendance at in-service and/or network meetings with an industry focus – ie site visits
 Membership of various industry associations/attendance at association meetings/reading professional publications (ie Master Builders Association)
 Professional development- short and long courses related to VET delivery and assessment
 Attendance at industry demonstrations/skill upgrade / workshops /field days
 Attendance at the BOS ICC, BOS Curriculum Writing Committee, HSC Exam Committee, HSC Marking, Industry Curriculum Implementation Committee.
 Attendance at or facilitation with Teacher Training
 Participation in business or enterprise-related programs –World Skills, Industry Competitions
Industry Currency Professional Development
VET Teacher Industry Currency / Professional Development Log 2016
At the end of each year, all currently delivering VET teachers are asked to provide their School’s VET Coordinator with a copy of their Industry Currency /Professional
Development Log. Teachers are also required to present copies of qualifications, certificates and/or letters to verify the included experience. The VET Coordinator will keep
a copy of all such records and then forward all Professional Development Logs (along with any additional AQF qualifications) to the Catholic Education Office at the
beginning of the following year. These records will be required to be presented to ASQA on request.
For the purpose of establishing industry currency teachers must have a variety of activities that have been undertaken, (that is it is not sufficient to have the only activity
being the supervision of Work placement students). Where sufficient industry experience cannot be demonstrated, teachers will be required to spend two days in industry
through a return to industry program before being permitted to deliver/assess within the RTO.
Industry Currency Professional Development
VET Teacher Industry Currency / Professional Development Log 2016
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eg Location, event name/title, host employer,
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(purpose, skills or knowledge gained.)
eg Program, certificates, Meeting
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Industry Currency Professional Development