a booking form

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Contact Officer: Click here to enter text.
Position: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here to enter text.
Fax: Click here to enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text.
Price Freeze until
1 July 2017!
(Double Click box and mark checked)
Keep NSW Beautiful members
$820/day + GST*
$950/day + GST*
*In regional areas additional costs include accommodation and $105/day travel allowance
For regional areas, accommodation to be booked by council
Number of days requested: Click here to enter text.
Preferred time of year:
Number of primary schools in the area: Click here to enter text.
How did you hear about EnviroMentors: Click here to enter text.
Send your booking as soon as possible to secure
your place in the program.
Fax your completed form to: 02 8594 4040 or
Email: [email protected]
Keep NSW Beautiful
Level 1, 268 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042
Phone 02 8594 4000 | Fax 02 8594 4040
ACN 001 874 827
ABN 86 336 895 762
In the Bin
Students get creative through drama while gaining
knowledge of local waste issues. They learn the
appropriate bin to place waste items in and the
environmental implications of littering, which can be
taken home and imparted to parents.
Students explore composting as an environmentally
sound alternative to reduce waste going to landfill. A
fun interactive game of ‘garb the grub’ enables
students to have fun while delving into this ecosystem.
Schools have the option of setting up their own
compost bins through this module.
Through interactive games and audio-visual material,
students find out what and how new items are made
from recycled materials. With a focus on local services,
recycling to reduce waste going to landfill and saving
resources is emphasised.
Lunches Unwrapped
Designed for schools wanting to reduce littering and
excess packaging in school lunchboxes, students are
introduced to the idea of a waste-free lunch and
explore the benefits for both the environment and their
health. Activities include designing a new lunch box.
Take-home information is available to inform parents
of how easy it is to make lunch waste-free.
Just what is sustainability? Students explore this
concept and collaborate to identify actions they can
take in their daily lives at home and school to consume
less, becoming more sustainable and reducing their
environmental footprint.
Worm Farming
Students learn about worm-farming as a simple,
effective way to recycle food scraps. Students’
knowledge is tested while they learn fascinating facts
about worms, and enjoy discovering how a real worm
farm looks and works. Schools have the option of
setting up their own worm farm through this module.
Schoolyard Harvest
Students are guided through the steps involved in
creating their own vegetable garden at school or at
home. The module makes the connection between
growing and caring for a garden and the food we eat.
Students also learn of the benefits of keeping chickens
for fresh eggs.
Keeping Waterways Clean
Students role-play the harmful activities carried out by
characters in a catchment story. After observing the
effects these actions can have on water quality and
biodiversity, students brainstorm environmentally
friendly practices to protect our fragile waterways. Our
3D interactive models are a fascinating component of
this module.
Saving Water
Students examine the water cycle, just how much
useable water we have on earth and how we need to
share this limited supply of water. Puzzles bring
science to life while a little bit of drama creates a
splash for learning to conserve water.
Students investigate the environmental and social
impacts of littering and learn to protect our
environment by correctly disposing of rubbish. reduce
their waste and correct littering behaviour. A litter audit
will also be conducted around the school and a
specific reduction plan created.
Keep NSW Beautiful
Level 1, 268 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042
Phone 02 8594 4000 | Fax 02 8594 4040
ACN 001 874 827
ABN 86 336 895 762