Leadership Play Book
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
-----Author Unknown
A. What makes a great team?
1. Knowledge
2. Cooperation
3. Flexibility
4. Common Goals
5. Dedication
6. Planning
7. Effort by All
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
Every member within the group
has important information or
skills to share!
Learning is a life long process.
We grow as we learn.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
All team members must work together in harmony. Everyone
has a job to do to keep the team operating smoothly.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
It is important for all
team members to be
able to adjust their
ideas and to be able to
set their opinions aside
in order to achieve the
goal the team is
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
•Common Goals
Just like our soldiers who believe in
the common goal of freedom, team
members must share the same goals
for the team. This makes the team
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
Also known as commitment, members of a
great team apply their time, attention, ability,
and enthusiasm. They know others are counting
on them and they don’t want to disappoint
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
A great team plans their strategy, which includes
long-term and short-term goals.
They divide the duties and responsibilities
among the team members in order to
operate more efficiently. Of cours,e team
members ask their colleagues for help if
they need it.
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
•Effort by All
Team members encourage each other to put
forth their best. It is important for everyone to
have the opportunity to contribute their ideas,
skills, and talents.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
What Makes a Great Team?
•Effective Leaders
True leaders find the strengths in their team and
build on those strengths. They act as facilitators and
aren’t afraid to pitch in where needed.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Team Players Become Leaders
• Business “Teams” recognize players who perform
exceptionally well
• Advancement
• Bonuses
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Team Players Become Leaders
• Being a teammate is all about showing consideration
and respect toward others.
• Is there only one football player who is allowed to score
• Is there only one hockey player who is allowed to score a
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Team Players Become Leaders
• Well managed teams have
more success in achieving
their goals.
• A good leader is so
• Name three sports team
• Name three influential
leaders in your life
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Good leadership in graphic design has…
• Knowledge
• Becoming very familiar with the facts or situation
• Teamwork
• Matching people’s skills with tasks effectively
• Cooperation
• Guiding and supporting each other
• Integrity
• Make sure your facts and statistics are not misleading
• Dedication
• A desire to stay focused and do the creative work well
• Planning
• From concept to deliverable, planning is essential
• Common Goal
• Everyone pulling together for a great design/project
These and more are some of the leadership qualities
needed for graphic designers!
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
• Playbook for a GREAT team:
• Knowledge
• Cooperation
• Flexibility
• Common Goals
• Dedication
• Planning
• Effort by All
• Effective Leader
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.