Small Ball Unit - Throwing Lesson

Multiskills – Small Ball Unit Plan
Skill Specific Ideas and Activities for Throwing
Learning Objectives
Perform a throwing action using a side ways body
position for overarm throws and a front on position
for underarm throw.
Be able to throw varing distances and to selected
Key Characteristics
Overarm Throwing
 grasp the ball in one hand
 body is positioned side-on to the target
 front arm aims at the target
 take arm backwards
 step forwards with opposite foot towards target
 follow-through with your throwing arm – in the direction of the target
Underarm Throwing/Bowling
 face front on to target
 step forward with opposite foot to throwing arm
 follow-through towards target
Long Chase Ball (overarm throwing the
Large soft balls.
Two teams in a marked grass or hard area
The fielding team is spread out in the area
The team of runners is lined up in pairs (or single player)
behind an end line, the front pair (or single player) has
the ball.
The front ‘runner’ pair (or single player) throws the ball
into the area, then attempt to run to the end line and back
without being hit on the legs with the ball.
Fielders may move freely without the ball but must keep
one foot still when in possession.
Runners who go up and back without being hit on the
Moving Target (over/underarm
throwing and aiming)
Small balls (approx16-25), and one large ball (Swiss
ball or bigger lighter ball).
Four teams of approx four–six players each.
Each team stands on one side of a large marked square in
a hard flat area. facing towards the middle of the square.
Each team has approx three or four small balls per team.
The large ball in placed in the centre of the square.
Each team throws balls at the large ball and attempts to
drive it over another team’s line.
Throwers must keep behind their line when throwing.
They may go into the square only to retrieve a ball if it
has not reached their line.
Rolling Rounders (under/overarm
throwing and catching)
One ball, three markers and one base.
On a smooth surface area, two markers (A and B) are
placed on a line, a third marker (C) forms a triangle;
outside it is a base (D).
Two teams of six–eight each.
The ‘’throwing’ team lines up between A and B
The ‘fielding’ team spreads out in front, with one player
on D.
The first player in the ‘throwing’ team throws the ball
anywhere in front of the line, then leads the team,
running in order round the markers A, C, B until the
fielding team calls ‘Stop’.
legs score a point for their team.
If the runners are hit they are ‘out’ and return to the end
of their line.
Once the entire team has had a turn then the teams swap
OR; Three ‘outs’ the team swaps over.
Friendly vs Fire
Whole class activity or smaller groups.
Every player has a beanbag.
Designated area (approx 1-2 thirds of a netball
Teacher yells ‘friendly’, everyone is required to
throw and catch their beanbag.
Teacher yells ‘fire’, everyone must freeze and then
try to hit other people with their beanbag.
Once beanbags have been thrown once the players
must pick them up and resurm the ‘friendly’
Throws at other player must be below the hips.
Players must all throw on the ‘fire’ command and
not wait too long.
If a player is hit they lose a life. X3 lives =
punishment (eg run around outside of area)
Underarm or Overarm throws are specified.
Player are (or aren’t) allowed to dodge the
If the larer ball goes over the teams line, the team loses a
point and the game begins again.
Scatter Ball (overarm throwing and
Fielders field the ball and throws it to the player at D
who calls ‘Stop’ when holding the ball with a foot on the
A point is scored for each member of the ‘throwing’
team who passes B before ‘Stop’ is called.
The next player then rolls.
Rules: fielders may not run with the ball, the ball must
be throwen at all times, change over when all ‘throwers’
have had a turn.
Noughts and Crosses (underarm
throwing and aiming)
Three small balls, markers/cones, a bucket/base
Two teams of approx five-eight players/team
The fielding team is spread out in the field with one
designated ‘reciever’.
The throwing team is behind a line with three balls.
Two markers/cones are placed infront of the ‘throwers’
line and are approx 3m apart.
Grids marked on hard area or wall, two small s oft
balls/beanbags per grid.
Five ‘cross’ markers (eg white cones) and five ‘nought’
markers (eg red cones)
Two teams of two–three each: one is noughts, the other
is crosses.
One team stands on either side of the grid.
The first thrower throws the three balls one after the
other, then runs round the markers until ‘Stop’ is called.
Each time round the marker is a ‘run’.
Fielders return the balls to a designated ‘retriever’, who
puts them on the retriever’s base or in a bucket and calls
out ‘Stop’when all three balls are returned.
Teams take turns to underarm throw a ball, aiming to hit
one of the squares on the full. When a square is hit on
the full, the throwing team places one of its markers on
it. The aim is to mark three squares across, down or
-The fielding team is not allowed to begin collecting the
balls until all the balls have been thrown.
-The fielding team is not allowed to move with the ball
and must therefore pass it amongst themselves in order
to get it back to the ‘reciever’.
-Once all team members have had a go and their ‘runs’
have been addeed up the teams swap over.
Progression: Increase the distance between the grid and
the ‘thrower’ to make it more challenging.