Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami December 5, 2012 Presented by: Rami Eitan David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Table of contents 1 Prediction Markets 2 Partition model of knowledge 3 Distributed information markets 4 Convergence time bounds David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Prediction markets Many traders, each holds some partial information. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Prediction markets Many traders, each holds some partial information. Goal: to aggregate all the traders’ information and learn about the true state of the world. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Prediction markets Many traders, each holds some partial information. Goal: to aggregate all the traders’ information and learn about the true state of the world. Ideally the price of a security should converge to a value that reflects all the information about it known to the traders. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Prediction markets Many traders, each holds some partial information. Goal: to aggregate all the traders’ information and learn about the true state of the world. Ideally the price of a security should converge to a value that reflects all the information about it known to the traders. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Computational aspects Total number of possible securities. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Computational aspects Total number of possible securities. Complexity of updating the price after each round. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Computational aspects Total number of possible securities. Complexity of updating the price after each round. How many iterations before the price converge, if at all? David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Computational aspects Total number of possible securities. Complexity of updating the price after each round. How many iterations before the price converge, if at all? David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Partition model of knowledge Let Ω be a set of possible states of the world. At any point of time, the world is in exactly one state ω ∈ Ω. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Partition model of knowledge Let Ω be a set of possible states of the world. At any point of time, the world is in exactly one state ω ∈ Ω. Each agent i has partial information about the state of the world represented by a collection of subsets of Ω. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Partition model of knowledge Let Ω be a set of possible states of the world. At any point of time, the world is in exactly one state ω ∈ Ω. Each agent i has partial information about the state of the world represented by a collection of subsets of Ω. Agents can distinguish between different subsets of Ω but not between states within the same subset. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Partition model of knowledge Let Ω be a set of possible states of the world. At any point of time, the world is in exactly one state ω ∈ Ω. Each agent i has partial information about the state of the world represented by a collection of subsets of Ω. Agents can distinguish between different subsets of Ω but not between states within the same subset. Given n agents, their combined information π̂ is the coarsest common refinement of the partitions π1 , π2 ..., πn . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Partition model of knowledge Let Ω be a set of possible states of the world. At any point of time, the world is in exactly one state ω ∈ Ω. Each agent i has partial information about the state of the world represented by a collection of subsets of Ω. Agents can distinguish between different subsets of Ω but not between states within the same subset. Given n agents, their combined information π̂ is the coarsest common refinement of the partitions π1 , π2 ..., πn . We assume a common prior distribution P ∈ ∆(Ω) shared by all agents before receiving any information. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market let x = {0, 1}n ∈ Ω be the state of the world. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market let x = {0, 1}n ∈ Ω be the state of the world. Common prior distribution P : {0, 1}n → [0, 1] over the values of x. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market let x = {0, 1}n ∈ Ω be the state of the world. Common prior distribution P : {0, 1}n → [0, 1] over the values of x. n agents, each has a single bit of information xi . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market let x = {0, 1}n ∈ Ω be the state of the world. Common prior distribution P : {0, 1}n → [0, 1] over the values of x. n agents, each has a single bit of information xi . Agents are rational, truthful, risk neutral and myopic. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market We would like to know the value of f (x) : {0, 1} → {0, 1}. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market We would like to know the value of f (x) : {0, 1} → {0, 1}. Agents trade in a Boolean security F which pays 1$ if f (x) = 1 and 0$ otherwise. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market We would like to know the value of f (x) : {0, 1} → {0, 1}. Agents trade in a Boolean security F which pays 1$ if f (x) = 1 and 0$ otherwise. Trading is done synchoronously with agents placing bids each round r . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market We would like to know the value of f (x) : {0, 1} → {0, 1}. Agents trade in a Boolean security F which pays 1$ if f (x) = 1 and 0$ otherwise. Trading is done synchoronously with agents placing bids each round r . Agents value F according to their expectation of payoff, and bid truthfully: bir = Ei [f (x)]. For simplicity we assume all traders place a bid for exactly one security each round. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market We would like to know the value of f (x) : {0, 1} → {0, 1}. Agents trade in a Boolean security F which pays 1$ if f (x) = 1 and 0$ otherwise. Trading is done synchoronously with agents placing bids each round r . Agents value F according to their expectation of payoff, and bid truthfully: bir = Ei [f (x)]. For simplicity we assume all traders place a bid for exactly one security each round. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market cont. At thePend of each round the market clears a new price p r = i bi /n. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market cont. At thePend of each round the market clears a new price p r = i bi /n. S r denotes the set of commonly known possible states after round r . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market cont. At thePend of each round the market clears a new price p r = i bi /n. S r denotes the set of commonly known possible states after round r . Sir denotes the set of states agent i consider possible after round r . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Model of an information market cont. At thePend of each round the market clears a new price p r = i bi /n. S r denotes the set of commonly known possible states after round r . Sir denotes the set of states agent i consider possible after round r . After each round, each agent i can update their Sir by eliminating all x’s that would result a different price than what was anounced. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Note that: S 0 = Ω. Si0 = {y ∈ Ω|yi = xi } David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Note that: S 0 = Ω. Si0 = {y ∈ Ω|yi = xi } S 1 = {y ∈ S 0 |price1 (y ) = p 1 }, where price1 (x) is the function that relates each state to a clearing price. Even though x is unknown, any observer can still calculate the clearing price for hypothetical x and eliminate those which are different than what was declared. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Note that: S 0 = Ω. Si0 = {y ∈ Ω|yi = xi } S 1 = {y ∈ S 0 |price1 (y ) = p 1 }, where price1 (x) is the function that relates each state to a clearing price. Even though x is unknown, any observer can still calculate the clearing price for hypothetical x and eliminate those which are different than what was declared. Sir = {y ∈ S r |yi = xi } David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Note that: S 0 = Ω. Si0 = {y ∈ Ω|yi = xi } S 1 = {y ∈ S 0 |price1 (y ) = p 1 }, where price1 (x) is the function that relates each state to a clearing price. Even though x is unknown, any observer can still calculate the clearing price for hypothetical x and eliminate those which are different than what was declared. Sir = {y ∈ S r |yi = xi } Sir ⊆ Sir −1 and S r ⊆ S r −1 David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Note that: S 0 = Ω. Si0 = {y ∈ Ω|yi = xi } S 1 = {y ∈ S 0 |price1 (y ) = p 1 }, where price1 (x) is the function that relates each state to a clearing price. Even though x is unknown, any observer can still calculate the clearing price for hypothetical x and eliminate those which are different than what was declared. Sir = {y ∈ S r |yi = xi } Sir ⊆ Sir −1 and S r ⊆ S r −1 A convergence is reached after a finite number of steps. We denote: S ∞ , Si∞ and p ∞ . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Example: OR function David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Example: Carry bit function the function Cn takes 2n bits as input - (x, y ) and returns the carry bit for x + y . Let us examine the function C2 with the following distribution: David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Example: Carry bit function the function Cn takes 2n bits as input - (x, y ) and returns the carry bit for x + y . Let us examine the function C2 with the following distribution: The pair (x1 , y1 ) takes on the values (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) uniformly. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Example: Carry bit function the function Cn takes 2n bits as input - (x, y ) and returns the carry bit for x + y . Let us examine the function C2 with the following distribution: The pair (x1 , y1 ) takes on the values (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) uniformly. (x2 , y2 ) has a distribution conditional on (x1 , y1 ). If (x1 , y1 ) = (1, 1), then (x2 , y2 ) takes the values (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) with probabilities 12 , 16 , 16 , 16 respectively. Otherwise with probabilities 16 , 16 , 16 , 12 David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Rational expectations Rational expectations equilibrium A rational expectations equilibrium is a mapping P ∗ : Ω → ℜ s.t in every state ω, if every trader conditions her demand (or supply) on her private information πi and the price P ∗ (ω), the market will clear at the price of exactly P ∗ (ω). David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Stochastically monotone function A function g : ℜn → ℜ is calledPStochastically monotone if it can be written in the form g (x) = i gi (xi ) where each gi : ℜ → ℜ is strictly increasing. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Equilibrium price characterization Stochastically monotone function A function g : ℜn → ℜ is calledPStochastically monotone if it can be written in the form g (x) = i gi (xi ) where each gi : ℜ → ℜ is strictly increasing. Stochastically regular function A function g : ℜn → ℜ is called Stochastically regular if it can be written in the form g = h ◦ g ′ where g ′ is stochastically monotone and h is invertible on the range of g ′ . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Nielsen et al. 1990 Shared knowledge at equilibrium Suppose that, at equilibrium, the n agents have a common prior, but a possibly different information about the value of F . For all i , let pi∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ). if g is stochastically monotone and g (p1∞ , p2∞∞ ) is common knowledge then: p1∞ = p2∞ = ... = pn∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ) = p ∞ David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Nielsen et al. 1990 Shared knowledge at equilibrium Suppose that, at equilibrium, the n agents have a common prior, but a possibly different information about the value of F . For all i , let pi∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ). if g is stochastically monotone and g (p1∞ , p2∞∞ ) is common knowledge then: p1∞ = p2∞ = ... = pn∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ) = p ∞ This means that at equilibrium all agents must have exactly the same expectation of the value of the security and that this mus agree with the expectation of an uninformed observer. Is equilibrium enough for the purpose of information aggregation? David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Nielsen et al. 1990 Shared knowledge at equilibrium Suppose that, at equilibrium, the n agents have a common prior, but a possibly different information about the value of F . For all i , let pi∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ). if g is stochastically monotone and g (p1∞ , p2∞∞ ) is common knowledge then: p1∞ = p2∞ = ... = pn∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ) = p ∞ This means that at equilibrium all agents must have exactly the same expectation of the value of the security and that this mus agree with the expectation of an uninformed observer. Is equilibrium enough for the purpose of information aggregation? No. We also want that p ∞ = f (x) Example: XOR with a uniform distribution. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Characterizing computable aggregates weighted threshold function A function f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} is a weighted threshold function iff there are w1 , w2 ...wn ∈ ℜ s.t f (x) = 1 iff n X wi xi ≥ 1 i =1 David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Characterizing computable aggregates weighted threshold function A function f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} is a weighted threshold function iff there are w1 , w2 ...wn ∈ ℜ s.t f (x) = 1 iff n X wi xi ≥ 1 i =1 Equilibrium of weighted threshold functions If f is a weighted threshold function, then for any prior probability distribution, the equilibrium price of F is equal to f (x). David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof: p ∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ) thus, if p ∞ = 0 or 1 then f (x) = p ∞ David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof: p ∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ) thus, if p ∞ = 0 or 1 then f (x) = p ∞ Assume towards contradiction that 0 < p ∞ < 1. from Nielsen et al. we get: P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S ∞ ) = p ∞ ∀i P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Si∞ ) =p ∞ Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets (1) (2) Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof: p ∞ = E (F |x ∈ Si∞ ) thus, if p ∞ = 0 or 1 then f (x) = p ∞ Assume towards contradiction that 0 < p ∞ < 1. from Nielsen et al. we get: P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S ∞ ) = p ∞ ∀i P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ Si∞ ) =p ∞ (1) (2) since Si∞ = {y ∈ S ∞ |yi = xi } Equation (2) can be written as: ∀i P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S ∞ , yi = xi ) = p ∞ David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets (3) Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof cont. Define: Ji+ =P(yi = 1|y ∈ S ∞ , f (y ) = 1) Ji− =P(yi = 1|y ∈ S ∞ , f (y ) = 0) n X wi Ji+ J+ = J− = i =1 n X wi Ji− i =1 Since p ∞ 6= 0, 1 both Ji+ , JI− are well defined for all i . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof cont. Define: Ji+ =P(yi = 1|y ∈ S ∞ , f (y ) = 1) Ji− =P(yi = 1|y ∈ S ∞ , f (y ) = 0) n X wi Ji+ J+ = J− = i =1 n X wi Ji− i =1 Since p ∞ 6= 0, 1 both Ji+ , JI− are well defined for all i . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof cont. Claim: Equations (1) and (3) imply that Ji+ = Ji− for all i David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof cont. Claim: Equations (1) and (3) imply that Ji+ = Ji− for all i Proof: Assume xi = 1, we then have: P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S ∞ ) · Ji+ P(f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S ∞ ) · Ji+ + P(f (y ) = 0|y ∈ S ∞ ) · Ji− = P(f (y ) = 1|yi = 1, y ∈ S ∞ ) (Bayes’ law) p ∞ · Ji+ = p ∞ by Eqs. (1) and (3) p ∞ · Ji+ + (1 − p ∞ )Ji− ⇒ Ji+ = p ∞ Ji+ + (1 − p ∞ )Ji− ⇒ Ji+ = Ji− The proof is symmetrical for xi = 0 David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof cont. Using linearity of expectation we can write: # ! " n X wi yi y ∈ S ∞ , f (y ) = 1 Ji+ = E i =1 # ! " n X ∞ − wi yi y ∈ S , f (y ) = 0 Ji = E i =1 David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof cont. Using linearity of expectation we can write: # ! " n X wi yi y ∈ S ∞ , f (y ) = 1 Ji+ = E i =1 # ! " n X ∞ − wi yi y ∈ S , f (y ) = 0 Ji = E i =1 Since f is a weighted threshold function, f (y ) = 1) iff and thus Ji+ ≥ 1, similarly Ji− < 1 which implies And so we have a contradiction. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami n P i =1 Ji+ 6= Ji− wi yi ≥ 1 Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Upper bound on the number of iterations In the worst case, at most n rounds of trading are required to reach an equilibrium. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Upper bound on the number of iterations In the worst case, at most n rounds of trading are required to reach an equilibrium. Each set S 0 , S 1 . . . S n has a strictly lower dimension than the previous on until the market reaches an equilibrium. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Upper bound on the number of iterations In the worst case, at most n rounds of trading are required to reach an equilibrium. Each set S 0 , S 1 . . . S n has a strictly lower dimension than the previous on until the market reaches an equilibrium. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Upper bound on the number of iterations In the worst case, at most n rounds of trading are required to reach an equilibrium. Each set S 0 , S 1 . . . S n has a strictly lower dimension than the previous on until the market reaches an equilibrium. Dimension The dimension of a set S ⊆ {0, 1}n is the dimension of the smallest affine subset of ℜn that contains all points in S Denoted dim(S). David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Upper bound on the number of iterations In the worst case, at most n rounds of trading are required to reach an equilibrium. Each set S 0 , S 1 . . . S n has a strictly lower dimension than the previous on until the market reaches an equilibrium. Dimension The dimension of a set S ⊆ {0, 1}n is the dimension of the smallest affine subset of ℜn that contains all points in S Denoted dim(S). Lemma If S r 6= S r −1 , then dim(S r ) < dim(S r −1 ). David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof Let k = dim(S r −1 ). Consider the bids in round r : bir = E (f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S r −1 , yi = xi ) David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof Let k = dim(S r −1 ). Consider the bids in round r : bir = E (f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S r −1 , yi = xi ) (0) (1) Depending on the value of xi , bir is either hi or hi . These depend only on S r −1 which is common knowledge. David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds Proof Let k = dim(S r −1 ). Consider the bids in round r : bir = E (f (y ) = 1|y ∈ S r −1 , yi = xi ) (0) (1) Depending on the value of xi , bir is either hi or hi . These depend only on S r −1 which is common knowledge. (1) (0) Denote di = hi − hi and we get: n 1 X (0) (hi + di xi ) p = n r i =1 David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets (4) Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds proof cont. Equation (4) defines a hyperplane the intersection of which with S r −1 is the resulting common knowledge S r . (0) This is because all agents already know all hi and di and so they use the linear equation (4) to rule out any possibility that would not have resulted the price p r . David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds proof cont. Equation (4) defines a hyperplane the intersection of which with S r −1 is the resulting common knowledge S r . (0) This is because all agents already know all hi and di and so they use the linear equation (4) to rule out any possibility that would not have resulted the price p r . If S r 6= S r −1 , this intersection defines a linear subspace of dimension (k-1) that contains S r and so S r has a dimension of at most (k − 1). David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets Prediction Markets Partition model of knowledge Distributed information markets Convergence time bounds proof cont. Upper bound on the number of iterations Let f be a weighted threshold function, and P an arbitrary distribution. Then after at most n rounds of trading, the price reaches its equilibrium value p ∞ = f (x) This follows directly from the Lemma as dim(S 0 ) = n and once we have a round r s.t S r = S r −1 then no trader has gained any new knowledge and thus p ∞ = f (x) David M. Pennock and Rahul Sami Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets
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