
Parent Duty Checklist
Cast Party
 Plan a party for all cast, crew and production staff. It is held in between the Saturday
shows on the second show weekend. (No parents attend.)
 Two parents plan and organize the party.
 Choose a theme to coincide with the show.
 Coordinate with the Production Manager about any allergies and food needs as well
as total numbers for cast and crew.
 Donations of $15 are collected from each cast and crew member to fund the party.
Before the Parent Meeting, coordinate with the Production Manager and the other parent on receipt
of checks/cash at the Parent Meeting.
Develop a list of cast and crew and ensure that all are paid. Let the Production Manager know who
has not paid - typically about 3-4 do not pay. Take this into account for your budget.
Work with the other parent to develop a theme in keeping with the play and budget.
Coordinate menu, decorations and distribution of duties. Typically, one parent has done it a few
more times and takes the lead.
Order food for typically 35- 60. (Always have food for 10 more for staff.)
The budget is enough that you do not need to "make" a lot on your own.
What parents have done in the past: We ordered most of the food and then made 3-4 theme oriented items
which were named with “goofy” names that fit the theme. For the Three Musketeers - chicken was Fried Parrot.
Food Options that have worked well in the past (all depends on your budget):
Kentucky Fried Chicken - chicken deal (pieces fried/grilled, mac and cheese, coleslaw,
Italian Store Subs
Others have been more creative with made to order grilled cheese or something that really fit
the theme. For Mary Poppins, they added Fish and Chips.
Add veggies, fruit, chips and dessert.
Parent Duty Checklist
Cast Party
Typically, you will need 3 long tables with centerpieces for kids to eat (9 little ones throughout the
table has worked well).
Have another table to side for drinks/desert/craft or games
Include table cloths (colored plastic rolls work well).
Add random decorations around and on the food table.
A craft or game is fun. Examples: decorate cookies or cupcakes with theme, bowling, but nothing
too elaborate.
Staff usually will eat at a table to the side.
Parents find that little waters work best. The kids never finish the larger bottles and it goes to waste.
Other types of drinks have been tried but most find that water is the best for the long day.
Do something to go with theme. You can make some of them yourself but don’t feel the need to go
Order or buy decorations from Oriental Trading, Michaels or Party City.
There should be some little chalk boards to write out the menu. Ask the Production Manager for
these and any leftover supplies.
Get paper plates, plastic utensils, and napkins at BJ's/Costco. No cups are needed if you have
bottled waters.
Items to bring from home: platters, serving utensils, paper towels, coolers (with ice).
Usually it's anywhere from $5-15 – most of the time using whatever money is left. It doesn't need to
be a lot of money - it's just a small nice thank you to somewhere like Starbucks. If it's a musical, then
the choreographer and the music director should get a small gift as well. You can check with the
Production Manager about who should get a gift for the specific show you are working on.
On the day typically arrive when drop off kids in AM for performance. Check to be sure there is not
a b-day party happening.
Set up and decorate first. Front of House crew might be able to help.
Then get food. Work out tasks and duties with the other parent.
Move tables around so the moveable tables can be in one long line for food and the tables with nonmoveable seats are for eating.
Ice: if you can find custodian he/she will fill up your cooler with ice - otherwise need to make run to
At times we just made it. Other times we got to see the second half of the show - depends on how organized and
elaborate your party is.
Be ready around 12:45 for kids to arrive (they have to change out of costumes first).
Then clean up. Have kids help clear tables.
Parent Duty Checklist
Cast Party
For a typical play - $600
$150.00 decorations
$250.00 - ordered food
$150.00 - BJ's (paper products - fruit - veggies)
$50.00 - misc - usually at grocery store
Total - $600
If there is anything left, then write a check for the remainder to Encore. Parents usually break even.
Just watch your budget closely.
Note: The cast party parents should never need to or feel obligated to chip in any of their own
money (or any more after the $15 for their own kid). The decorations and/or games do not need to
be elaborate, especially to the point where they are chipping in more of their own money.