The purpose of this letter is to welcome you to your child*s

Early Years Newsletter
28th September 2015
What are we learning about?
For the first few weeks in school we have obviously been spending
lots of time getting to know each other and doing lots of activities to
introduce the children to the different opportunities available in our
new unit. We will also be starting our first topic of ‘Earth’
Our Earth topic will begin next week. We will focus on our homes and
where we live and animal homes.
We are also looking very closely at wood and where it comes from
and how it is used the homes.
We are also learning more about people who don’t have
a home.
We will also be looking at harvest and
the its importance of farming.
We have begun PE this week. PE will be
on a Friday for all children. Please send
in PE bags –a small bag containing black
or blue shorts, a white t-shirt and
pumps (preferably Velcro fastening) as
soon as possible please. Please
remember to label all items of uniform
and PE kit clearly with your child’s name.
This makes life
so much easier for the staff
and also avoids children
becoming upset.
We aren’t having much luck with the weather at the moment and as you all know,
British weather can be very changeable! For this reason could you please ensure your
child attends each day with a waterproof coat which has a hood on it. As our outdoor
area can get quite muddy, we would also like your child to bring a pair of wellies (with their
name clearly written inside) to leave at school. We will be using our outdoor classroom everyday
whatever the weather.
Thank you very much for your cooperation with our picking up and dropping off arrangements during
the 1st few weeks. Could we also please ask for parents to be very patient with us when collecting their
child and to tell us who they have come to collect. We are trying very hard to learn the names of all
the children in our unit and have not yet managed to learn all the parents too. Together will have a
most enjoyable first half term, if however you have any concerns or
questions please do not hesitate to come in and discuss them with us. Thank you for your continued support!
We are looking at introducing a ‘Birthday Book Scheme’.
As we are a ‘Healthy School’ and have won many awards
for this, we actively discourage giving children sweet
treats and rewards and promote tooth friendly
alternatives. For this reason, if you wish to send
something into school as part of your birthday
celebrations, we ask if you would like to send a book.
This will be read on your child’s special day and can
either come back home or be donated to the class
library for the children to enjoy (please inform us of
your choice). We will place a special label inside the
book to say who it was from if the book is donated.
Dates for your Diary:
Parents Evening- 12th October
More information to follow as to when you can
please make appointments with your key worker.
Lantern Festival-22nd October
Harvest Festival: - 20th October
More information about how you can be involved in
these two events to follow.
Remember our school library is open every afternoon after school and we have a special
slot booked for Reception children on Monday and Tuesday’s at 2:45. (the doors will close at
2:50 so please ensure you are here promptly to avoid stress for your child).
Monday – Lions and Meerkats
Tuesday – Giraffes and Zebras