R - WIDE-Netzwerk

Thinking economics in a
different way
Economic Literacy
Eva Klawatsch-Treitl
Englische Übersetzung: Heike Wach
Oktober 2014
Background to the approach
Empowerment & positioning in the
International Women‘s Movement
Paulo Freire – Pedagogics of the oppressed
„The International Gender and Trade Network
defines economic literacy as the ability to
understand and think critically about how trade
and economic policies impact our daily lives.
By developing this kind of literacy, we become better
equipped to engage with those who make and
implement trade and economic policies. It also
strengthens our ability to advocate for policies
that are socially sustainable, pro-development,
and gender equal.”
“The international women´s movement approach,
informed by a human rights approach, is creating
stronger networks to consolidate and strengthen
alternatives to neo-liberalism built on such
principles as inclusivity, participation and economic
justice. However, it is crucial that women have the
tools, skills and confidence to engage with policy
makers in order to effect change at local, national or
global levels.“ (Banúlacht 2004, 22)
Central elements(1):
The everyday knowledge of people, and
specifically women is considered important
and highly relevant;
The realities of the participants are taken as a
starting point to work from;
Common knowledge will be combined with
Options for action may be developed.
Central elements (2):
Being used as a feminist tool, Economic
Literacy primarily addresses women.
Moreover it is also applicable in the context of
other situations of emancipatory educational
work that is critical of society.
Central elements (3):
Economic Literacy is thus an empowerment
tool to work towards feminist goals. This
widely exceeds ordinary educational
EL is about a collective generation of
economic knowledge with respect to both
feminist and political concerns.
Economic backgrounds
WIDE works with an extended feminist
notion of economy. In this, economy is
judged (rated) by the degree it contributes
to „a good life“ of all people in the South,
the North, the East and the West.
5-Sector Model of the Economy (Luise Gubitzer). This broad concept of Economy is includes the
economic activities of all sectors.
R: Rationality of profit
maximization (Gewinnmaximierung)
Public Sector
For Profit
R: Socio-economic
rationality, satisfying
needs, redistribution,
securing livelihoods
and ensuring equality
Gleichstellung &
R: value-based rationalities
(Werterationalitäten, politischethischen Rationalitäten)
Illegaler Sektor
Illegal Sector
R: Rationality of providing, rationality of nurturing care,
rationality of preservation (Fürsorge-, Versorgungs-,
& Krimineller Sektor
Criminal Sector
R: rationalities of survival and of
providing and ensuring one's livelihood, profit
maximization (Versorgungs- Umgehungs-, Gewalt,
und Gewinnmaximierungsrationalität)