Unit 7 - Galen Wiki

Unit 5 Graphics
Unit 5
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Unit 5 Graphics
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Unit 5 Graphics
There are several different ways to add graphics to a report in Report Designer. This Unit
discusses Field, Region, Row, and Layout graphics that can help a report appear more
Field Graphics
Graphics that effect only an individual data element are called Field Graphics and are
defined on the Fields page. As detailed in Unit 2, fields can have various attributes added to
them, several of which can change the appearance of a field. These attributes are as
BarcodeWidthInInches Barcode
Allows the height of the
barcode to be defined. The
BarcodeType attribute must
be defined prior to
Height (Inches) BarcodeHeight.
Allows the orientation of the
barcode to be defined. The
BarcodeType attribute must
be defined prior to
Allows the barcode type to
be defined.
Allows the width of the
barcode to be defined. The
BarcodeType attribute must
be defined prior to
Width (Inches) BarcodeHeight.
Positive Decimal (2
Decimal places
Horizontal, Vertical
39, 128A, 128B,
Positive Decimal (2
Decimal places
Black, Blue,Dark,
Gray, Green, Light
Gray, Red, White,
Defined the Background
Font Background Color Color for a Field.
Determines if a Field should
Font Bold
print Bold.
Black, Blue,Dark,
Gray, Green, Light
Defines the Foreground
Gray, Red, White,
Font Foreground Color Color for a Field.
Defines the size of the field
as it will appear on a
report's output. Overrides
the size of the field from the
font size set for the whole
Font Size
report on the General Page. Numbers 0 thru 9
Defines the Font Style for a
Field. Overrides the style of
the field from the font type
set for the whole report on Fixed, VariableSerif,
Font Style
the General Page.
ImageHeightInInches Image Height (Inches) Defines the Height in inches Positive Decimal (2
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Unit 5 Graphics
Image Width (Inches)
Font Italic
Font Underline
for an image. ImageWidth is Decimal places
required before ImageHeight max)
can be defined. Only valid
for certain data types.
Defines the Width in inches Positive Decimal (2
for an image. Only valid for Decimal places
certain data types.
Determines if a Field should
print Italics.
Determines if a Field should
print Underlined.
To add a graphic to a field choose the attribute you would like and provide the appropriate
value for that attribute. For example, the field AccountNumber in this picture will print in
bold and italic:
In this example, the Name field will print in Red:
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Unit 5 Graphics
Region Graphics
On the Regions tab, there is only one graphic that can be set up:
Mnemonic Name
Stripe Color Start
Defines the color that alternating gray and
white stripping should begin with in this row.
Gray, White
This can be set up by highlighting the region you would like to add this graphic to and then
clicking on that regions attributes. Choose the Stripe color strip attribute and provide the
appropriate value.
Row Graphics
Graphics can be added to the layout as well. One way to change the layout is to add a
graphic to a row's attributes. To access the attributes of a row, you must first click on the
Show Rows button on the layout. Next, highlight the row you would like to add an
attribute to and click on the Edit button.
The following are the Row graphic attributes that can be added:
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Unit 5 Graphics
Begin Gray Box Identifies the starting row for a gray box.
End Gray Box Identifies the ending row for a gray box.
Determines if the Row should print with a Gray
Used to determine if the area to which it is
applied should print. A value indicates true and
the area will print, while no value indicates false
and the area will not print. Can set up a rule
Print Condition here.
Free Text, Rule
The following screen capture shows how a gray highlight can be added to a row.
Layout Graphics
Graphics can also be drawn on the layout as well. This is done using the Lines and Boxes
buttons at the bottom of the layout screen. Click on either the Lines button or the boxes
button depending on what you would like to draw. Then click and drag on the screen to
draw the line or box. To move the line or box you have drawn first unclick the Lines or
Boxes button. Then click on the line or box that is drawn. Then drag your mouse to move
the line or box where you want. Also, to delete the box you will need to make sure the
Lines and Boxes buttons are un-clicked. Click on the line or box that you want to delete and
then click on the delete button.
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Unit 5 Graphics
Lines and Boxes that have been drawn can also be edited to make them larger or smaller.
With the lines and boxes buttons un-clicked, click on the line or box that you would like to
edit. Then click on the Edit button to enter the attributes for that line or box.
Here are the attributes of a line:
Left Edge (Inches) - Number of inches the line will start from the left margin of the report.
Right Edge (Inches) - Number of inches the line will end from the left margin of the report.
Width in Inches - Right Edge (Inches) minus Left Edge (Inches)
Vertical Position in Row - What position the line will appear in the row, choices are Top,
Center, or Bottom.
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Unit 5 Graphics
Line Density - Thickness of the line, ranges from 1 (smallest) to 5 (largest). Defaults to 1.
Here are the attributes for a box:
Left Edge (Inches) - Number of inches the box will start from the left margin of the report.
Right Edge (Inches) - Number of inches the box will end from the left margin of the report.
Width in Inches - Right Edge (Inches) minus Left Edge (Inches)
Line Density - Thickness of the line, ranges from 1 (smallest) to 5 (largest). Defaults to 1.
Background Color - Define what color will fill the box, choices are Black, Blue, Dark Gray,
Green, Light Gray, Red, White, or Yellow.
Barcodes can be defined on the Fields screen of the report by setting up a couple of field
attributes on the field you would like to bar code. First, make sure the field you would like
to barcode has been added to the Fields section. (If you would like to print the value of a
field and barcode on it then make a copy of the field first).
Next, add the BarcodeType attribute to the field and choose what type of bar code you
would like. The choices are: 39, 128A, 128B, or 128C. The three different types of 128
barcodes differ slightly depending on the set type you wish to use.
Once the barcode type has been chosen, that field will now print as a bar code. The other
bar code attributes you may want to include are BarcodeHeightInches, BarcodeWidthInches,
or BarcodeOrientation. The height and width of the bar code can be set to the desired size
and the orientation of the barcode can be set to vertical or horizontal. These attributes are
all included in the Field attributes chart.
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Unit 5 Graphics
The barcode will now print as shown below. The literal value of the data field is inset at the
bottom of the barcode.
This inset can be removed by using the field attribute Barcode Suppress Label.
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Unit 5 Graphics
Unit Notes:
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