New to ZENworks? Ten Reasons to Try ZENworks Suite

Top Reasons
ZENworks Suite
New to ZENworks? Ten Reasons
to Try ZENworks Suite
Face it, you’ve probably got more endpoints, apps and users than you can realistically deal with. Something
is always falling between the cracks. It’s enough to make anyone crazy. You could manage every detail by
hand, but then you’re using up too much of your own time. You could raise security, but then users can’t
get to the resources they need. You need a tool that takes care of your protection and management needs,
but lets you stay out of the way of users.
Micro Focus® ZENworks® Suite can’t buy you new endpoints or keep your users from forgetting their passwords, but it can do the next best thing: give you all the tools you need to easily
maximize your IT environment and to keep it safe. Here are the top ten pains the ZENworks
Suite can make go away.
ou have too many different tools. First you log in to a management console, then
a patching tool, then you need to open another console and—now you’re already way
behind, and you still have to consider how you’ll cope with security issues. But with
ZENworks, you can do this from the same console. Control all of your policies for applications, configurations, patches and more from one place. Lots of capabilities, one tool.
ou have too many devices. Remember when users just had one computer? Who
knew those were good times? Now you’re lucky to get your head above water with all
the gadgets people have. If you have ZENworks, things are simpler. ZENworks provides user-based management. Changes in users’ profiles follow them to their devices.
I t’s all so expensive. Getting a management program here, a security application
there, and a virtualization program from somewhere else is confusing. It’s also expensive. Your investment should give you as much return as your people do. Buying the
comprehensive ZENworks Suite gives you all the bang for far fewer bucks.
ou’re either unmanaged or unprotected. Configure, protect, patch, deliver—you
may do some of these things now, but you know you should be doing all of them. You
can’t just manage or just protect devices. Buying a comprehensive solution like the
ZENworks Suite makes sense because you have to do all of these tasks. Why not do
them the easiest way possible?
our system has weak auditing. In highly-regulated industries, configuration and
protection solutions that don’t help you to audit changes aren’t helpful. ZENworks
allows you to track changes made in the management console, remote-management
operations and even files written to removable drives.
The ZENworks Suite includes
these ZENworks products:
Micro Focus Application
ZENworks Asset Management
ZENworks Configuration
ZENworks Endpoint Security
ZENworks Full Disk Encryption
ZENworks Patch Management
Micro Focus Service Desk Incident
Together, these products
help you manage and protect
your IT environment by ­controling
­configuration, tracking assets,
­virtualizing applications, ­managing
patches, encrypting drives and
­ensuring clients are secure,
all through a single console.
“No other vendor offers everything we get with Novell
(now part of Micro Focus) ZENworks in a single suite—
and one that works with all our systems.”
Infrastructure Manager.
Johnsonville Sausage
here’s nobody to back you up. When dealing with security and management isT
sues, it’s vital that you have someone watching out for you. Not only have ZENworks
security products been rated five stars by SC Magazine*, but they also come complete
with the support and service you expect from a company with the long experience
we have.
hen there’s that other thing you wanted to do. You’ve been meaning to encrypt
those drives. And you’ve been thinking about virtualizing those apps. But are you ever
going to get around to it? With the ZENworks Suite, you’ll have the tools right in front
of you. Whatever it is you’ve been meaning to do, now you can do it.
ou don’t want to buy new hardware. When looking to deploy a new system, you
have to ensure it works with what you already have—or pay even more money for additional hardware and platform software. ZENworks is different. Run it on a Windows
or Linux server, and use whatever database you like. Manage Windows, Linux and Mac
clients. All the tools work together and provide you with everything you need.
our management involves touching every endpoint. You don’t have the time
to visit every endpoint in your environment, but they all need attention. ZENworks
provides secure remote management so you can manage devices on the other side
of your environment, while policies dictate who can start remote sessions and under
what circumstances.
ou have poor patch visibility. Back in the day, all client patches were up-toY
date. That lasted how long? Five minutes? ZENworks offers automated patching
by policy. Tell ZENworks what you want clients to look like, and ZENworks deploys
the necessary patches. ZENworks also offers reports showing compliant devices.
You can fix problems, then prove to auditors that all is right.
* SC Magazine,
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Since 1976, Micro Focus has helped more than 20,000 customers unlock the value of their
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