Chemistry of Life Jeopardy

Chemistry of Life
Jeopardy Directions
• In Jeopardy, remember the answer is in the
form of a question.
• Select a question by clicking on it.
• After reading the question click on the word
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• After seeing the answer click on the picture of
Alex Trebec to return to the question board.
• Play the final Jeopardy question together
betting with the points you have each earned.
Click here to begin.
Chemistry of Life
The Basics
The Extras
Mixing It Up
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
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Q $300
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Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from
The positively charged
particle of an atom,
located in the nucleus
$100 Answer from
What is a proton?
$200 Question from
the negatively charged particle
that orbits the nucleus of an
$200 Answer from
What is an electron?
$300 Question from
the neutral particle of an atom
that is located in the nucleus.
Has a mass equal to a proton
$300 Answer from
What is a neutron?
$400 Question from
the number of protons in the
nucleus of an atom of an
element and its isotopes
$400 Answer from
What is the atomic number/mass?
$500 Question from
each of two or more forms of a
chemical element with the
same atomic number but
different numbers of neutrons
$500 Answer from
What is an isotope?
$100 Question from
Mixing It Up
any substance that cannot be
broken down into a simpler
one by a chemical reaction.
$100 Answer from
Mixing It Up
What is an element?
$200 Question from
Mixing It Up
a substance formed by the
chemical combination of
elements in fixed
$200 Answer from
Mixing It Up
What is a compound?
$300 Question from
Mixing It Up
a substance consisting of two or
more substances mixed
together and uniformly
dispersed, most commonly the
result of dissolving a solid,
fluid, or gas in a liquid
$300 Answer from
Mixing It Up
What is a solution?
$400 Question from
Mixing It Up
a substance that dissolves
another to form a solution
$400 Answer from
Mixing It Up
What is a solvent?
$500 Question from
Mixing It Up
the substance dissolved
in a given solution
$500 Answer from
Mixing It Up
What is a solute?
$100 Question from
A chemical bond in which a hydrogen
atom of one molecule is attracted to an
electronegative atom, especially a
nitrogen, oxygen, or flourine atom,
usually of another molecule
$100 Answer from
What is a hydrogen bond?
$200 Question from
A chemical bond formed by the
sharing of one or more electrons,
especially pairs of electrons,
between atoms
$200 Answer from
What is a covalent bond?
$300 Question from
A chemical bond between
two ions with opposite
$300 Answer from
What is an ionic bond?
$400 Question from
the molecular force between
particles within a body or
substance that acts to unite
$400 Answer from
What is cohesion?
$500 Question from
the molecular force of attraction in
the area of contact between
unlike bodies that acts to hold
them together
$500 Answer from
What are is adhesion?
$100 Question from
the Basics
a substance produced in
a chemical reaction
$100 Answer from
the Basics
What are products?
$200 Question from
the Basics
a substance that reacts with
another in a chemical reaction
$200 Answer from
the Basics
What are reactants?
$300 Question from
the Basics
a measure of acidity or alkalinity in
which the pH of pure water is 7,
with lower numbers indicating acidity
and higher numbers indicating alkalinity.
$300 Answer from
the Basics
What is pH?
$400 Question from
the Basics
the smallest physical unit of a
substance that can exist independently,
consisting of one or more atoms
held together by chemical forces
$400 Answer from
the Basics
What is a molecule?
$500 Question from
the Basics
the smallest portion into which an
element can be divided
and still retain its properties
$500 Answer from
the Basics
What is an atom?
$100 Question from
the Extras
a biological compound that is
not soluble in water, e.g. a fat
$100 Answer from
the Extras
What is a lipid?
$200 Question from
the Extras
an organic compound, either
RNA or DNA, whose
molecules are made up of one
or two chains of nucleotides
and carry genetic information
$200 Answer from
the Extras
What is a nucleic acid?
$300 Question from
the Extras
the state in which the particles
of a substance are mixed with
a fluid but are undissolved
$300 Answer from
the Extras
What is suspension?
$400 Question from
the Extras
a biological compound
containing carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen that is an important
source of food and energy
$400 Answer from
the Extras
What is a carbohydrate?
$500 Question from
the Extras
a group of atoms that reacts as a
single unit and determines the
properties and structure of a class of
$500 Answer from
the Extras
What is a functional group?
Final Jeopardy
What are the six main elements in
living things?
Final Jeopardy Answer
What are carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, oxygen,
phosphorus, and sulfur?